Norman & Bjoern ueber New Work und Technologie. Björn Darko ( und Norman Nielsen ( sprechen alle 2 Wochen ueber die Veraenderungen durch New Work im Leadership und technologischen Fortschritt sowie Effizienz auch durch AI.
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Podcast by Nick Schiermeyer
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The New School Podcast explores journeys of strength, transformation, and perseverance. Join us to unravel the human experience with inspiring stories as we tap into the wisdom of some of the world's most brilliant and extraordinary people. Visit The New School of Transformational Arts and Coaching at Join us on Instagram, Youtube, Facebook and other social media @jointhenewschool @johannanichola
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The “ALF” Show Alex&Leroy Frederick “Podcast” Where the Ol’ School meets the New School...
Leroy Frederick
Here’s where you can get an Ol’ school perspective as well as a new school prospective on everything from Sports to politics too real life...Society/Culture/Politics/Sports rolled up all into one super fun Podcast...!!! Very open and transparent, with interaction from those who stop by to check us out... OL’ school views are always better, but he’s set out to give “New” school views in hopes of changing minds and gaining points for the millennials...Not going to
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Welcome to a new kind of school. We talk about career paths you don’t normally get to hear about in the classroom. Every episode, I talk to someone with an interesting life path and learn about how they got to where they are today. Join us as you learn from others what it’s like to make a living as a comedian, become a culinary director, start your own non-profit, become a CMO, become a foreign war correspondent, and much more! Support us: Advertis ...
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Dans La Nouvelle École des Surdoués, 3 amis de la Rive-Sud de Montréal discutent du monde de super héros. Fanatiques depuis tous.tes petits.tes, Alfredson Jr, The Voice & Strangefruit abordent tout ce qui est bandes dessinées, films et émissions de télévision avec un œil critique. À l’intérieur de ce podcast, les animateurs.trices découvrent également les artistes locaux de Montréal dans le cosplay, le dessin, l’écriture et, etc.
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Empowered Parents, Innovative Educators, Happy Learners!
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This series of podcasts, in association with ASSIST FM and kindly supported by Green Gourmet and Quorn Foods, builds on the publication of the Footprint Intelligence report Sustainable Success in the New Normal: Conquering Challenges in Education Catering in a Covid-19 World. The objective with this series of podcasts is to maintain the sustainability momentum created in public sector catering, specifically in educational catering.
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Exchange Place: How A Small Struggling School Transformed Civil Rights in New Orleans and the Nation
The 431 Exchange
Exchange Place is the story of a school whose mission was to train mostly African American women the skills they needed to integrate the secretarial offices of the Deep South between 1965 and ‘72. Those offices were not just segregated, for the most part they were completely off limits to women of color, and many were fighting to insure the workplace would stay that way for years or decades to come. Over the course of the school’s history, it was shut down multiple times and constantly under ...
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In der Folge 18 des Leaderz of the New School Podcast (LOTNZ) sprechen Björn und Norman über das Thema Mitarbeiterstabilität. Sie diskutieren die steigende Nachfrage nach Stabilität seitens der Arbeitnehmer und wie sich dies nicht nur auf finanzielle Sicherheit, sondern auch auf ein konsistentes Arbeitsumfeld, klare Karrierewege und eine unterstütz…
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Krisensituation: Was tun? Marketing und Produkt spezifisches Krisenmanagement. Die Arbeitsbedingungen haben sich geaendert, Flexibilitaet und Kommunikation haben zugenommen. Leichte Kommunikationsprobleme zwischen Bjoern und Norman, quasi eine Podcast-Aufnahme-Krise wird souveraen gemanaged :) 5 lustige Fragen an Bjoern: Wer waere nicht gerne ein A…
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Summary In dieser Episode des Leaderz of the New School Podcast diskutieren Björn und Norman das Risiko des Homeoffice. Sie beleuchten die Herausforderungen und Nachteile, die mit der Arbeit von zu Hause aus verbunden sind, wie z.B. geringere Aufstiegschancen und fehlende Sichtbarkeit für Führungskräfte. Sie diskutieren auch die Vorteile des Büros,…
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SummaryIn dieser Podcast-Episode werden verschiedene HR-Trends und deren Auswirkungen auf die Arbeitswelt diskutiert. Es wird über die Zukunft der Frontline-Arbeit, die Bedeutung von Tools im Personalwesen und die Rolle von künstlicher Intelligenz und Chatbots gesprochen. Weitere Themen sind das Onboarding in der Remote-Arbeit, die Bedeutung der ps…
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Summary In dieser Folge des Leaderz of the New School Podcasts diskutieren Björn und Norman die Produktivität im Homeoffice. Sie teilen ihre Hacks und Tipps, um im Homeoffice effektiv zu arbeiten. Dazu gehört die Einrichtung eines dedizierten Arbeitsraums, die Nutzung von guter Hardware und die Schaffung von Bewegung und frischer Luft. Sie betonen …
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Standard HR Handbuch Feedback - Diese Zeiten sind vorbei. Eine grandiose Folge, musst hear! Lebhafte Diskussion, Bjoern kriegt Feedback von Norman u.v.m. 🔥Auf Feedback vorbereiten. 🔥Welche Arten von Feedback gibt es? Adhoc, weekly, monthly, yearly.... 🔥Adhoc Feedback: Positiv ja, negativ eher nicht? 🔥Jeder Mitarbeiter ist anders, positives Feedback…
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Product features und Marketing richtig bewerten! Die häufigsten Fehler & besten Methoden (#12)
Managerinnen und Mitarbeiterinnen muessen ihre Aufgaben analysieren, bewerten, priorisieren und eine Erfolgsschaetzung abgeben. Wir diskutieren die Pros und Cons. 🔥Was bringt Impact vs Effort? Wie gut ist RICE? Strategische Roadmaps? Klassisches Scoringmodell? Hardcore Sprints? MOSCOW? Kano? 🔥 Wie bewerte ich Produktfeatures, was kann Marketing dav…
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Episode 11 startet mit einem geliebt und gehasstem Thema: OKRs. 🏝️ Objectives und Key Results sind ein beliebtes Management-Tool, aber nicht fuer jede Firma sinnvoll. OKR Vorteile: Ausrichtung der einzelnen Projekte an uebergeordneten Fimrenzielen. Messbare Key results, KPIs werden definiert, eine Zielpyramide entsteht. Welche Nachteile haben OKRs?…
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#10 mit 10 Tipps von der OMR für mehr Effizienz, besseres Marketing und eine Session on Fire. Highlights von Lobo bis Pip, von AutoGPT bis Copilot, von 70 bis 1500 Euro Hotels und Kritik. Was waren die Top-Themen? Investiere in AI als Firma, als Land, als einzelne Person. AI Insights? AutoGPT, Copilot Github, Effizienz steigt insgesamt in DE um 30%…
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Eine aeltere Studie aus Japan zeigt: Produktivitaet steigt durch 4-Tage-Woche. Ist das auch auf Startups in DE anwendbar? Ist die UK Studie dazu aus dem letzten Jahr repraesentativ? 4 Tage Woche, die Pros: Familienleben, Erholung, Sport, Gesundheit, Ausgeglichenheit. Ist bei nur 4 Arbeitstagen der Aufbau von Expertentum moeglich, gerade auch bei st…
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AI veraendert die Jobwelt - schneller als wir denken! Welche Jobs sind zukuenftig gefragt, welche Skills und Tools brauche ich als Manager, als Experte, in HR? Scott Galloway zeigt, wie Innovationen erst die Anzahl der Jobs senken, dann aber stark ansteigen laesst. Growth bedeutet immer neue Jobs! Bspw das Aufkommen der PCs. Recherche und Produktiv…
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Im Battle der AI! Der Vergleich der AIs mit Überraschungen und Enttäuschungen. 2023 wird sich alles ändern. Aber werden sich die profitablen Geschäftsmodelle der Suchmaschinen dadurch auch stark ändern? Für Marketing und Projektteams wird sich was ändern mit den Updates von Bing, Google, Baidu. Neue Jobs entstehen durch die AI Entwicklungen, bereit…
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Hypothese: 2023 werden wir massive Produktivitaetssteigerungen durch AI sehen. 2023 wird das Jahr in dem sich AI Technologien in einigen Businessbereichen durchsetzen werden, insbesondere auch im Marketing. Wofuer kann man Large Language Models bereits jetzt benutzen? Was wird in einem Jahr moeglich sein? 2023: Voice und AI-Technologien verschmelze…
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New Work ist Mainstream geworden. Wie sieht die Zukunft digitaler Arbeit aus? Reinhoeren! Home Office ist eines der bekanntesten Bestandteile von New Work, Menschen arbeiten von ueberall auf der Welt - Work from anywhere... Aber Menschen sind unterschiedlich, manche benoetigen die Sicherheit eines Bueros. Nicht jeder hat ein Buero im HomeOffice, da…
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Führung in der Krise fordert, neue Methoden, mehr Einsatz ist noetig. Erst wurden Reisebranche und Veranstalter getroffen, jetzt ziehen am Ecommerce Himmel bis hin zu den GAFAs die Wolken auf. Wie manövriere ich meine Teams durch die aufkommende Krise? Was hilft? Gibt es Tools und Prozesse? Ein paar Gedankenanstöße von uns in einer lockeren Diskuss…
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توسط The 431 Exchange; Mya Carter (Host); Kevin Gullage (Music)
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Ep. 11 Ms. Pamela Cole: Working Life
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توسط The 431 Exchange; Mya Carter, Jeff Geoffray (Hosts); Pamela Cole (Guest); Kevin Gullage (Music)
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توسط The 431 Exchange; Mya Carter, Jeff Geoffray (Hosts); Pamela Cole (Guest); Kevin Gullage (Music)
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توسط The 431 Exchange; Mya Carter (Host); Kevin Gullage (Music)
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Ep. 8 Dr. Sandra O'Neal: After Death Communication
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توسط The 431 Exchange; Mya Carter (Host), Jeff Geoffray (Narrator); Dr. Sandra O'Neal (Guest); Kevin Gullage (Music)
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توسط The 431 Exchange; Mya Carter (Host); Kevin Gullage (Music)
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Ep. 6 Ms. Linda Phoenix Teamer: Overcoming Gravity
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توسط The 431 Exchange; Mya Carter (Host), Jeff Geoffray (Narrator); Linda Phoenix Teamer (Guest); Kevin Gullage (Music)
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توسط The 431 Exchange; Mya Carter (Host); Kevin Gullage (Music)
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توسط The 431 Exchange; Mya Carter, Jeff Geoffray (Hosts); Kevin Gullage (Music)
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توسط The 431 Exchange; Mya Carter (Host), Jeff Geoffray (Narrator); Kevin Gullage (Music)
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Ep. 2 Hilda Jean Smith: From GED to PhD
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توسط The 431 Exchange; Mya Carter, Jeff Geoffray (Hosts); Hilda Jean Smith (Guest); Kevin Gullage (Music)
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Episode 1. School Is In Session. On a cold December day in 1965, an experimental school known as the Adult Education Center started its first day of classes. Little did they know that over the course of the next seven years, 431 graduates of mostly African American women would go on to make history by integrating the secretarial offices of the Deep…
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This series of podcasts, in association with ASSIST FM and kindly supported by Green Gourmet and Quorn Foods, builds on the publication of the Footprint Intelligence report Sustainable Success in the New Normal: Conquering Challenges in Education Catering in a Covid-19 World. The objective with this series of podcasts is to maintain the sustainabil…
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Matt Beaudreau Show Notes: Matt Beaudreau is the Founder of Acton Academy Placer Schools. He is also the co-founder at Apogee Strong Mentorship Program. He helps driven entrepreneurs open student-led campuses for real education and Freedom. Key Takeaways: 00:00:13 Favorite thing about working about young learners. 00:05:28:17 Examples where you sai…
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Show Notes: Joseph Connor is a startup founder, attorney, and teacher. He is the co-founder of SchoolHouse, a micro school company. Joseph is a teacher and lawyer who loves helping great educators start schools. Joseph founded SchoolHouse, an at home micro school company, and helped them scale to over 50 schools in 9 states. He started his career a…
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If you're looking to explore a world of new possibilities where you can impact other people's lives while building a thriving business, this episode is for you! The coaching industry is one of the fastest-growing sectors in the world. Organizations and individuals hire coaching, and there is an increased demand for specialized expertise. The estima…
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Swiss Olympic Swimmer David Karasek on Success, Mindset, Intuition and Ultimate Transformation.
Today I'm sharing a great conversation with David Karasek. David is a former Olympic swimmer for Switzerland. He competed in the 2012 Olympic Games in London. He's also a 10-time Swiss swimming champion, a multiple-time medley record holder and a former member of the swimming team for the Virginia Cavaliers in the USA. When his swimming career ende…
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Catherine Fraise - Confident Learners
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Catherine Fraise is the Founder and President of 100 Roads, the Founder of Workspace Education, and WorkspaceSKY Teens. She has worked in education for 30 years. WorkspaceSKY Teens is a brand new destination for learning just for teens. Teens choose academics from anywhere, join an advisory and enjoy incredible social networking opportunities. 100 …
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Show Notes: Victoria Ransom is the founder and CEO of world's first co-learning network that fully replaces regular school. Prisma is an educational startup providing its own live learning platform for 4th-8th graders (approx. age 9-14). It is Learner-centric, self-paced, outcomes-driven, interdisciplinary, and hands-on. Beyond the reading write an…
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Tiersa McQueen is a full time working mother of four and a proud unschooler. She is a graduate of Howard University and works full-time in corporate retail as a Location Planner. She’s an advocate of Unschooling and Conscious Parenting. Check out Tiersa’s Twitter and YouTube Channel for great content and more insight on unschooling and self-directe…
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Chrisman Frank is the co-founder and CEO of Synthesis, an enrichment club that teaches complex problem-solving and decision-making for kids 7 to 14 through online team games. His co-founder Josh Dahn developed the Synthesis concept while running Ad Astra, a small lab school he built for Elon Musk on the SpaceX campus. Before Synthesis, Chrisman was…
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Angela J. Hanscom is a pediatric occupational therapist and founder of TimberNook—an award-winning developmental and nature-based program that has gained international popularity. She is the author of Balanced and Barefoot: How Unrestricted Outdoor Play Makes for Strong, Confident, and Capable Children. Hanscom is also a frequent contributor to The…
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Peter Gray - Learning Through Play
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Peter Gray is the author of Psychology, an introductory textbook now in its sixth edition, and, most recently, Free to Learn: Why Unleashing the Instinct to Play Will Make Our Children Happier, More Self-Reliant, and Better Students for Life. It discusses how to bring more play into kids’ lives, the catalyst that led him to explore play’s benefits,…
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Lenore Skenazy - Raising Free-Range Kids
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Lenore is the Founder of Free-Range Kids and President at Let Grow, the national nonprofit promoting childhood independence. After her newspaper column “Why I Let My 9-Year-Old Ride the Subway Alone” created a media firestorm, Lenore got the nickname “America’s Worst Mom.” She went on to write Free-Range Kids, the book-turned-movement. Second Editi…
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Jeff Sandefer lives a dual life as an entrepreneur and a Socratic Guide. As an entrepreneur, he founded his first company at age 16 and went on to found or co-found seven successful businesses. As a Socratic teacher at the University of Texas, Jeff’s students five times voted him the school’s Outstanding Teacher and Businessweek named him one of th…
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Garrett Smiley is the Co-Founder of Sora Schools, an education startup based in Atlanta. Sora is a virtual, project-based high school where students explore their interests, learn however is best for them, and gain exposure to future careers and fields of work Prior to Sora, Garrett co-founded a charity which built wells in developing nations calle…
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Charles Wheelan is the Founder and Co-Chair of Unite America. He is a senior lecturer and policy fellow at the Rockefeller Center at Dartmouth College, a former correspondent for The Economist. He has been selected as one of Dartmouth’s ten best professors by three different graduating classes. He teaches courses on education policy, health care, t…
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Matt Barnes - The Education Game
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Matt Barnes is the Co-Founder and Parent Coach at The Education Game. Over 25 years, he has led hospital departments, distributed $500m in philanthropy, run an education reform nonprofit, served on nine educational boards from university to pre-K, and now coaches parents on navigating the education system. His aim is to help every parent grow kids …
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Travis Adams is the Chief Executive Officer of MyFirstSale and lives in Tyler, Texas. Travis has a passion for igniting the creativity and uniqueness inside of kids. He owns a summer camp called Camp Huawni and has started and grown multiple companies, including Apex Fun Run (with Scott Donell), Affair Recovery, and Grow My Camp. Travis and his bes…
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Jesse McCarthy, founder of and host of The Montessori Education Podcast, has worked with thousands of children, parents, and teachers over the past 15+ years — as a principal for infants to 8th graders, an executive with a nationwide group of private schools, an elementary & junior-high teacher, and a parent-and-teacher ment…
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Clark Aldrich - Educational Simulations
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Clark Aldrich has been called a 'guru' by Fortune Magazine and a 'maverick' by CNN. He and his work in educational media have been featured in hundreds of sources, including CBS, ABC, The New York Times, USA Today, ESPN, AP, Wall Street Journal, NPR, CNET, Business 2.0, BusinessWeek, and U.S. News and World Report. He has been quoted by President O…
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Jessica Lahey - The Gift of Failure
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Jessica Lahey is a teacher, writer, and mom. Over twenty years, she’s taught every grade from sixth to twelfth in both public and private schools. She writes about education, parenting, and child welfare for The Atlantic, Vermont Public Radio, The Washington Post and the New York Times and is the author of the New York Times bestselling book, The G…
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Strategize, Launch and Complete your Next Business Project with Erika and Elizabeth of 5Hundreds
Today I'm having a conversation with 5HUNDREDS co-founders Erika Hanchar & Elizabeth Johnston. These two incredibly talented women independently ran creative businesses whose careers frequently crossed throughout the last 15 years. They have collaborated on numerous creative projects from full-scale events to business consulting, media production, …
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Amir Nathoo is the CEO and Co-founder at Outschool. Outschool is a marketplace for live online classes for K-12 learners. He led the development of Square Payroll and also served as CEO and co-founder of He holds an MEng in Electrical and Information Sciences from The University of Cambridge and he has a young son. Key Takeaways: 00:17 …
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Vijay is currently the co-founder, director, and a Socratic Guide at The Humanist Academy. Has two Master's degrees, one in from The University of Chicago (Divinity School), and another in School Leadership and Administration from National Louis University. His professional experience includes teaching high school history and math teacher in inner-…
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