Podcast showcasing Variety Arts talent from around the world. Juggling, Magic, Standup Comedy, Impressions, Ventriloquism, Dance, solo musicians, and More! Series of 3 short videos of talent and Hosted by a different Tag Team each week. Lots of Laughs and great way to see a variety of talents in a podcast.
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Hi, ich bin Susi! In diesem Podcast spreche ich mit Freund:innen und Expert:innen darüber, wie bewusste oder unbewusste Rollenmuster unsere Lebensmodelle prägen; wie unsere Vorstellung von Gender Anpassungsdruck erzeugt und wie Stereotype immer wieder kulturell reproduziert werden. Mit feministischem Blick schauen wir auf Genderthemen zwischen Identität und Kultur. „Das Patriarchat bleibt aufrechterhalten, weil wir alle an bestimmte Erzählungen glauben – und sie als Wahrheit betrachten.“ [Em ...
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You've been in the HR trenches for years. Now, are you ready to look toward the future? Join host, Meghan M Biro on the #WorkTrends podcast from TalentCulture as she talks about how work is changing. You'll get all the news you need to stay current, and hear from leading experts, HR tech vendors and HR practitioners about what inspires them. Join us on Twitter every Wednesday at 1:30 pm Eastern for a live chat using the hashtag #WorkTrends.
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Podcast by Talented Slackers
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How exactly do high-performing talent, HR, and recruiting teams operate on a day-to-day basis? We find out through conversations with talent leaders at some of the world's most influential businesses.
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Hunt Scanlon Media hosts a podcast with luminaries on the latest talent trends.
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McKinsey talent experts Bryan Hancock, Bill Schaninger, and others on how to make the most of talent as a competitive advantage, navigate today’s fast-changing talent landscape, and prepare now for the future of work.
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Talento Escondido resalta la creatividad de los artistas independientes, explorando la dedicación y el esfuerzo que ponen en una de sus obras. Entrevistamos a artistas para que nos cuenten el proceso creativo detrás de una canción o poema.
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Our intention is to interview inspirational and interesting people from the world of Technology and Business to uncover new ideas and innovations.We want to learn how business and technology can benefit humankind in the future.
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Starring recruiting leadership from everywhere under the talent acquisition sun, Talk Talent To Me is a fast-paced rough-and-tumble tour through the strategies, metrics, techniques, and trends shaping the recruitment industry. Brought to you by your pals at LHH.
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The Gartner Talent Angle podcast is a new and exciting approach to talent management. Every month, we’ll talk with those on the forefront of HR innovation — innovators, academics, HR professionals, economists, coaches — to explore the most interesting and cutting edge ideas in the world of HR and people development. Join us as we reimagine talent.
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With "Secondhand Talent", we want to devote a platform to taking moments to shine the spotlight on those that manage the spotlights. We want to use this platform to highlight some of our incredible colleagues in the industry whose names you might otherwise never hear. Thank you for joining us - come along, stay a while! LinkTree: https://linktr.ee/secondhandtalent Website: www.secondhandtalent.com
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Join Pinpoint CEO Tom Hacquoil for quick-fire questions with leading recruiters on Talent Talks. And catch up on previous episodes of The Talent Revolution—a podcast dedicated to talent acquisition specialists, people leaders, and CEOs who want to hire better humans, and build stronger teams. Know someone who'd be great on Talent Talks? Email us at podcast@pinpointhq.com
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Learning Tech Research + Consulting for LMS Buyers + Sellers
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Hosted by serial entrepreneur Rob Levin, The Great Talent, Great Business podcast dives into the strategies that drive business success through the power of exceptional talent. With over 30 years of experience and a reputation as a top speaker on business and entrepreneurship, Rob shares practical, impactful insights alongside industry experts, helping leaders navigate challenges and optimize their talent strategies. Whether you’re a business owner, manager, or talent professional, this show ...
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Recruitment | Learning | Apprenticeships | Tech Where amazing things happen.
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Podcast by Talented10thTV
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If you're looking to grow your podcast audience, radio and podcast veteran Erik K. Johnson helps you transform your podcast information into entertainment that keeps your audience coming back episode after episode.
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TalentHub Podcast on suunatud eelkõige neile, kelle igapäeva töö hõlmab inimestega tööd, ettevõtte ehitamist või selle juhtimist. Iga kahe nädala tagant kutsume enda saatesse külalise, et rääkida erinevatel praktilistel ja kaasaegsetel personalivaldkonna teemadel. Saate pikkus on umbes 45 minutit ja tavaliselt jaotub see kolme teemablokki - kõige pealt saame tuttavaks oma saatekülalisega, siis räägime konkreetsel HR teemal ning iga saade lõppeb kiire küsimus-vastus vooruga.
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Want to build talented teams that drive your company toward big goals and big growth? Need immediate staff for a pending project? Success starts with finding the right recruiting and staffing firm. Each week, we talk with top talent strategists, staffing experts, and industry leaders. Our guests share their insider tips for: -Identifying top talent at every level -Placing the right people in the right roles -Motivating and retaining your workforce -Enhancing workforce flexibility through tem ...
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The Talent Sync is a new podcast from Talent Board and JobSync. Your hosts are JobSync’s Leah Daniels and Talent Board’s Kevin Grossman, and each podcast episode will feature anything and everything about recruiting and hiring – literally the “kitchen” sink on The Talent Sync and how all things TA work together, should work together, and sometimes don’t. Kevin and Leah will include TA industry news, research, trends, market activity, interviews, recruiting technologies, and a little industry ...
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Talent Hub Talk is a podcast dedicated to giving you your Salesforce fix, featuring insights and real-life stories from Trailblazers, community leaders and those in the ecosystem with a valuable perspective to share. Talent Hub Talk is a podcast brought to you by Ben Duncombe, Founder of Talent Hub, the Salesforce Recruitment Experts.
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Tune In To Talent talks about the ever-evolving landscape of talent needs, exploring strategies and insights that drive innovation and growth. From hiring the brightest minds to nurturing exceptional teams, we're here to talk about how to unlock the full potential of your organization.
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A podcast about all aspects of Talent Intelligence, Talent Research, Talent Analytics, Labor Intelligence, Human Capital Intelligence, Competitor Labor Intelligence. This is a sister podcast to the main Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/talentintelligencecollective
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Mi chiamo Paolo Balestri e sono uno speaker e doppiatore pubblicitario. Da oltre vent'anni lavoro dal mio studio con tutto il mondo connesso a internet. In questo piccolo e modestissimo Show racconto del mio mestiere.
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Welcome to Talent Talks with Nawres, the podcast where professionals share their career journeys, personal stories, and the lessons they’ve learned along the way. Every episode, you’ll hear from experts across different industries as they discuss how they’ve built fulfilling careers that fuel both their happiness and success. Whether you’re job searching, feeling stuck in your current role, or ready to leave a company that takes more than it gives, this space is for you. Tune in every other ...
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The Talent Trade is all about finding the right person, for the right opportunity, at the right time. But how exactly do you do that the "right" way? Executive Search Partner and Top Biller Stephanie Maas shares more than 25 years of experience about what it takes to be a top recruiter in today's "talent trade" market, using ThinkingAhead’s four-prong system focused on recruiting, business development, planning, and managing your mindset. It’s real, honest information about how to build your ...
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Bienvenidos a Talent Pills. Un podcast liderado por Luis Carvajal, Socio de Egon Zehnder, que te llevará en un viaje de unos 30 minutos por episodio, para dialogar con algunos de las personas más relevantes en el mundo de los negocios, del arte, del deporte, de la educación y de la investigación, mientras exploramos juntos algo tan importante como el Talento y el Liderazgo. Cada episodio será un intercambio de ideas en el que descubriremos las claves para desarrollar y mantener el talento en ...
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The Arkansas Talent podcast showcases influential business professionals in Arkansas across a variety of industries including; Accounting, Finance, and Human Resources where they share their journey, knowledge, and thought leadership. With our Co-Hosts Chris Chunn & Stephanie Shine, and featured guests, you'll find information related to hiring trends, market updates, job search & career advice, and how to hire, train, and retain top talent in the state of Arkansas. This podcast was created ...
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科技職涯 Talent Connect 是由 Cake 製作的 Podcast 節目,專門邀請在科技、數位等不同領域的工作者來分享他們的職涯趣事。如果目前想找一份理想機會,不妨試試透過 Cake 做履歷找工作吧!https://www.cake.me
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The Breakthrough Hiring Show: Recruiting and Talent Acquisition Conversations
James Mackey: Recruiting, Talent Acquisition, Hiring, SaaS, Tech, Startups, growth-stage, RPO, James Mackey, Diversity and Inclusion, HR, Human Resources, business, Retention Strategies, Onboarding Process, Recruitment Metrics, Job Boards, Social Media Re
Welcome to The Breakthrough Hiring Show! We are on a mission to help leaders make hiring a competitive advantage. Join our host, James Mackey, and guests as they discuss various topics, with episodes ranging from high-level thought leadership to the tactical implementation of process and technology. You will learn how to: - Shift your team’s culture to a talent-first organization. - Develop a step-by-step guide to hiring and empowering top talent. - Leverage data, process, and technology to ...
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Coasts Talent is an acting school with top agents visits. We prepare our graduates towards employment for to notch jobs on film, television, commercials and print. Talent agents come in, and sign up our children and adult graduates. We have had kids on numerous commercials and series regular work, because of the agents presence. Our graduates for the past 25 years have been on many commercials, such as all car commercials, Fresh off the Boat, Nickelodeon, Soap Opera, sitcoms etc.
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Welcome to the Talent Alchemy podcast (formerly the Actfirmation Talk) Each episode of this series is a vulnerable, motivational, soul affirming and entertaining journey for the artist assisting them with their emotional challenges behind their artistic career journey. Keeping artists grounded and aligned to their craft, trusting of their inner voice and helping them reclaim your artistic power back from external expectations, negative thoughts and emotional challenges. With host, Art Therap ...
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Welcome to Talent Acquired, a Chris Edward Consulting podcast hosted by its Founder, Chris Nakiso. Whether you are a company looking to hire, a professional looking to improve your career or a recruiter helping people connect, this podcast was designed to help us understand how we can improve talent acquisition in the modern era. Join us on this journey through the talent acquisition landscape! We’ll bring you stories, strategies and viewpoints of candidates, hiring managers and recruiters t ...
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Ciamsi Alkitab, pewartaan Firman, konsultasi monolog, analisis zaman, dsb
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Each month Jane Kennedy and Ewan Anderson chat to a member of Scotland's exciting and burgeoning startup scene to glean their insight and expertise into what makes their business tick. TalentSpark is powered by Eden Scott - the people business.
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Saraj is a thought leader, a motivational speaker, an author, and a global trainer. His purpose of life is Unleashing Talent for Optimal Performance!
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GainTalents - Expertenwissen zu Recruiting, Gewinnung und Entwicklung von Talenten und Führungskräften
Hans-Heinz Wisotzky
Der GainTalents Podcast bietet Dir jede Woche eine neue Folge mit Expertenwissen in den Bereichen Talente gewinnen und Talente entwickeln. Meine Podcast-Gäste liefern Dir Wissen und Best-Practices aus den Bereichen der Unternehmenswelt, der IT-/Softwareindustrie, der Training- und Coachingbranche sowie der Wissenschaft und Forschung. Und zusätzlich erhältst Du interessante Specials, die meine Gesprächspartner nur den GainTalents Podcast-Hörern exklusiv zur Verfügung stellen.
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Center for Talent Development at Northwestern University
Center for Talent Development at Northwestern
Center for Talent Development (CTD) at Northwestern University is dedicated to serving the gifted community and ensuring that gifted students receive the education, encouragement and support they need to learn and grow into confident and accomplished adults whose love for learning grows stronger each year. CTD provides research-based assessment, advanced programs and resources to enhance a child’s schooling.
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Step into the spotlight with Cody Patterson, Jay Bock, and the enigmatic AGT Commenter as they unleash their passion for the electrifying world of America's Got Talent! Dive deep into every sensational episode during the summer season, where they recap the latest jaw-dropping performances, invite special guests, and even chat with the incredible contestants themselves. But the fun doesn't stop when the lights dim; in the offseason, join them as they journey back through the show's most memor ...
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Welcome to The Talent Forge! Where we are shaping the future of training and development I am your host, Jay Johnson. Through my 20+ years as a coach, trainer, and leader, I have seen the best and the worst of talent development across the globe. That has inspired and compelled me to create a show that helps other professionals like me navigate the challenging waters of growing people. The Talent Forge isn't your typical tips and tricks podcast. We delve deeper, explore the future, and pione ...
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www.advantage-map.com We place great emphasis on individual strengths and talents. Everyone has unlimited potential, and we encourage people to explore their unique abilities, discovering their mission and purpose." 重視個人的優勢和才能。 每個人都擁有無限的潛力, 我們鼓勵人們探索自己獨特的能力, 發掘自己的使命和目的。
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🎙️ “The Talent Plug Podcast” lets you Dive deep into the world of talent, creativity, and innovation with industry experts. Whether you're looking for inspiration, harness your potential or elevate your own skills, this podcast is for you.
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Danmark bugner af nye talenter, der eksperimenterer med lyd. De fortæller historier, deler deres passion, viden, drømme og fantasier, og de sætter fokus på relevans i vores samfund. Radio4 giver de nye talenter en chance for at udkomme og få professionel sparring – og dig en chance for at opleve dem.
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Die Jagd auf einen Millionenbetrüger. Eine Geschichte über Vertrauen und Freundschaft, Lüge und Betrug. Wie brachte der Deutsche Felix Vossen - Filmproduzent, Daytrader, Textilunternehmer-Spross - engste Freunde und Angehörige um Millionen? Wie leben seine Opfer heute damit? In Staffel 2 der preisgekrönten Serie geht NDR Info Reporter Christoph Heinzle Spuren nach, die bis in die USA und nach Indien führen – zu einer betrogenen Betrügerin.
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A proposta de Miguel Formiga é explorar o tema da capacitação do ser humano com foco no ponto de vista da competência espiritual, conduzindo o indivíduo à reflexão acerca do desenvolvimento de sua espiritualidade. Um programa que une arte, conhecimento e espiritualidade.
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Talent acquisition is undergoing unprecedented disruption as AI, economic uncertainty, and the ever-shortening lifespan of skills radically reshape recruiting. On Recruiting Future, Matt Alder explores this evolving landscape, using insightful interviews with transformational TA practitioners and forward-thinking experts to spark your imagination and provide the insights you need to shape the future of talent acquisition in your organization. Each episode explores topics such as AI, recruiti ...
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Explore the dynamic world of inclusion with Delphia Howze in our latest episode! Delphia shares her surprising career journey from aspiring attorney to leading advocate for inclusive practices in the workplace. In a world that increasingly values diverse perspectives, she unpacks why inclusion should not solely be the responsibility of leadership. …
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Pat Paulsen, a comedy star of the 70's and 80's, regular on "The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour", and perennial candidate for President...was a good Friend and appeared often at my comedy clubs. On this Bonus Show he shares his Presidential speech...it is hilarious! Enjoy & Share!
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Season 10 Rewatch | Quarterfinals 2 | America's Got Talent
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1:36:42They all can't be winners. Cody & AGT Commenter recap the Season 10 Quarterfinals 2 live show with results. We get Sailor Nick as we venture outside to the Jersey Shore. We love playing Slap. A comedian bombs. Summary In this episode of AGT Time, the hosts review the sixth episode of the quarterfinals from Season 10 of America's Got Talent. They di…
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EP 166: The Future of recruitment technology and automation for the Staffing and Recruiting industry with Sean Mallapurkar, CEO of Recruit CRM
Sean Mallapurkar joins host James Mackey to discuss the pivotal role technology is playing in shaping the future of staffing. Sean shares his remarkable journey from launching Recruit CRM to growing it into a global organization. Sean and James explore how recruitment professionals can benefit from integrating various technological solutions to str…
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Find out how ThinkingAhead's unique approach to search seemingly has one client questioning reality itself. Discover what sets ThinkingAhead apart, hear stories from recruiters, and browse opportunities by clicking here.توسط Southwestern Family of Podcasts
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Ep 684: Are We Now Living In A Video First World? Using video is no longer optional in talent attraction. Candidates now expect to engage with short-form, authentic video content, and LinkedIn is now prioritizing vertical video to play catch up with TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram. Candidates are no longer just reading job descriptions—they're enga…
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Send us a text Welcome to Season 4, Episode 14, of "Secondhand Talent: The Podcast"!!! We're so happy we're here and so, so incredibly grateful for all of your love and support along the way. On behalf of all of us here at Secondhand Talent, Steiner & Steener - WE LOVE YOU, FRANDS!!! This week, we have the distinct pleasure of once-again interviewi…
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What does it take to build a company that runs itself? In this episode, Rob Levin and Chris Beer dive into the real challenges behind business growth—hint: it’s not just about hiring an integrator. Chris explains how leaders can create clarity, delegate effectively, and build a culture of ownership. They explore the roles of visionaries and integra…
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Season 2 - Episode 17 - Nicola Wadham – Dealing with technical debt & modernisation within tight budget constraints
Nicola’s career has been within organisations that build or make products; with IT as an enabler and a service. She has worked across multiple sectors including - Oil and Gas, FMCG, Engineering, Utilities and government regulatory bodies. Nicola has been a leader in many types of organisations from the very large enterprises to the very small and a…
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The “Decoder Ring” Method for Building High-Performing, Autonomous Teams with Steve O’Brien of Syneos Health
Can you break traditional management structures and still drive exceptional results? Steve O'Brien, SVP of People Solutions at Syneos Health, proves it's possible with his innovative "decoder ring" approach to talent leadership—managing 25 direct reports without a single scheduled one-on-one meeting. In this episode, Steve explains how he balances …
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Communication is a critical skill for leaders and managers, who run into problems when their teams feel unsupported or unheard. Charles Duhigg, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and author of “Supercommunicators: How to Unlock the Secret Language of Connection,” joins the Talent Angle Podcast to share his findings on communication. Charles identifi…
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In this episode of Talent Talks with Nawres, I speak with Denise Males, founder of Candlewood Career Advisors and a Global Talent Acquisition leader with experience across Fortune 500 companies and high-growth startups in media, sports, and tech. Denise shares her career journey working with high-profile companies and how those experiences shaped h…
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You spend so much time creating your content every week, maximize your time by repurposing your content. One powerful way to repurpose is by converting your podcast into a book. Each week you create great show notes. Those show notes can be organized into a book. THE POWER OF CONVERTING A PODCAST INTO A BOOK There are a variety of benefits of turni…
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How is AI shaping the candidate experience, from the application to the interview to signing on the dotted line? Here to brief us on the current state of AI in human resources is People AI Evangelist, Global HR Futurist, and HR Director at Avalanche Gaming Studios, Johannes Sundlo. Johannes is passionate about driving HR strategies such as workforc…
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As workplaces become more diverse, leaders must move beyond cultural competence and embrace cultural humility—a mindset that fosters inclusion, trust, and stronger teams. In this episode of Talent Talks, host Rob Adams speaks with Dr. Sarah Prince, PhD, Curriculum Developer for Training and Development at TI Verbatim Consulting (TIVC), about why cu…
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S01E10 - The shift towards apprenticeships and vocational training | Joe Campbell on Talent Talks
In this episode, Josh Tumbridge speaks with Joe Campbell, Early Careers Talent Acquisition Manager at BJSS, about the evolving landscape of talent acquisition and creating opportunities for the next generation of tech talent. Key topics include: 🎓 The evolution of the BJSS Academy program and non-traditional career pathways 🌍 Promoting diversity in…
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The current economy has been good to the construction industry, but the entire field is still fighting a major battle on two fronts. The lack of both qualified labor and talented project management personnel continues to be a challenge, and it might get worse before it gets better. With recent political changes, construction companies are going to …
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Il cambiamento - comprenderlo per tentare di non restare arenati sulle sponde. Una storia di voiceover? Può essere. Questo è solo un punto di vista. La verità non so nemmeno dove sta di casa.No, è per dire che si tratta di un cogito tra me e te. Anche se tu lo puoi solo subire. Agirai post podcast, con le tue considerazioni, magari inveendo verso i…
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Now it’s time to sync up with your hosts Leah Daniels and Kevin Grossman on The Talent Sync. Leah and Kevin talk about Flooding the Zone: Federal Layoffs, RTO, and AI Agents. The Talent Sync is a collaborative podcast production about anything and everything recruiting and hiring – literally the kitchen sink on how all things in Talent Acquisition …
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Send us a text ¿Qué pasa cuando una empresa no solo transforma un sector, sino que también impulsa el crecimiento de nuevos emprendedores? En este episodio de Talent Pills, hablamos con Juan de Antonio, fundador y CEO de Cabify, sobre cómo la cultura de una empresa puede ser un verdadero motor de cambio, no solo dentro de su organización, sino en t…
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Send us a text Join Stephanie and Chris, Co-Founders/Owners of Arkansas Talent Group and the Arkansas Talent Podcast as they celebrate their one-year anniversary! The two founded Arkansas Talent Group on February 14, 2024, and take you on their journey as entrepreneurs in Arkansas. They talk about their favorite memories, successes, lessons learned…
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Reflecting on the first year of business with Salesforce product company owner, Matt Robison
Welcome to the 250th episode of the podcast! In this week’s episode of Talent Hub Talk, we catch up with Matt Robison, who reflects on his journey over the past year with Lightbox Logic. We discuss the milestones achieved, the challenges faced in the first year of business, and the importance of working on the business rather than just in it. Matt …
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Join Pinpoint CEO Tom Hacquoil for quick-fire questions with leading recruiters. In this episode, get to know Sophie Brown, Talent Acquisition Manager at thyssenkrupp Materials UK. To stay up to date with Sophie, follow her on LinkedIn at: / sophie-brown-273a44157 And follow thyssenkrupp at: / thyssenkrupp-materials-uk-ltd Know someone who'd be gre…
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