Come start your day with us. What better way to start your day then to here about the shenanigans on a middle school bus.
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Daily Christ-centered messages designed to inspire and grow your faith. Written by Dr. James Panford Arthur, a published author of several devotional books. Dr. Arthur is also a mentor, youth minister and motivational speaker.
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Wouldn’t it be great if you had a coach that empowered you with motivation, tools and resources to succeed every morning? Well, now you can plugin to the source. Introducing PowerStart Your Day! A Daily Motivation and Business Education Call that’s designed to help you achieve business success! Wake up to prayer, motivation, and education that will empower you each morning to stay focused, take charge and create your own success!
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In today's time, getting up early in the morning and preparing yourself for the day is a bit challenging. So I decided to share with you guys 6 TIPS ON HOW TO START YOUR DAY RIGHT.
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Teaching the body of Christ to walk and live In Kingdom authority. God has allowed this ministry to emerge globally to destroy the foundations of sin through revelations of truth. This ministry is committed to releasing the message of the kingdom, as we go throughout the world and train believers to walk in their covenant inheritance. Dr. Angela Williams stands in the five-fold ministry and carries an Apostolic and Prophetic mantle. God has given her a Ministry to move forward at any cost fo ...
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This podcast is about mindfulness. It is about being in the moment. It is about paying attention. It is about nonjudgmental attitude. It is about awareness. It is about making wiser decisions. I am talking about lessons I've learned on my Martial Arts and Yoga journey, and what I've learned practicing meditation. My episodes are inspired by lessons I got from World's greatest success and leadership teachers.
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Vida Doggie - Start you and your dog’s day with a little Latin Flavor. It’s one Spicy show - Pets & Animals on Pet Life Radio (
Ada Nieves
In these pet podcasts come pawty with host and pet guru, Ada Nieves. This podcast showcases everything from healthy cooking for your dog and fun do-it-yourself tips, to hosting the pawfect dog pawty! A leader in dog lifestyle, Ada offers her expert advice in dog: · Cuisine · Crafts- making projects easy · Pawty planning She provides a fresh approach and simple steps to create do-it-yourself projects for the listeners who will have an opportunity to share their own. Ada will choose her favori ...
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We have all sorts of devices that show us the way. Consider this. The Bible doesn't need a wi-fi connection. Doesn't ever run out of a charge. And can be right there in front of us at any moment. How about your Bible? Is it close by?توسط Dr. James Panford Arthur
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Have you ever been to church and found yourself singing a hymn from the morning service, well after that service? It happens and it's nothing more than God giving you a song to hang onto and take into your say. Sing it loud and reap the benefits. It's his little gift to you.توسط Dr. James Panford Arthur
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We've all had those moments in our life where that little voice inside of us, told us to re-consider a decision. That's not your mind talking to you. It's God reaching out on a very personal level. That little voice is bigger than you can imagine. Time to listen, isn't it?توسط Dr. James Panford Arthur
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Imagine feeling the power of God, working in your life, every day. The fact is, he does just that. Here is there right now. Look around and discover what He has done for you, today.توسط Dr. James Panford Arthur
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Imagine feeling the power of God, right there beside you, within you? Have you ever experienced that amazing power? It's possible, by just saying his name. Try it.توسط Dr. James Panford Arthur
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Does God only occupy a church building? No, God is everywhere and God is also always nearby. Especially when you call his name. Look beside you right now. God, is there.توسط Dr. James Panford Arthur
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Have you ever had trouble talking to someone who is bigger than life? The words don't always come easily. But with God, a conversation is as easy as saying his name. He is listening. Always listening.توسط Dr. James Panford Arthur
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Praise is an uplifting action that uplifts another person. Praise is necessary to tell God's story. Give him the glory and give him the praise.توسط Dr. James Panford Arthur
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The Boy Sounts motto, always be prepared makes a lot of sense. You can never prepare for every aspect of life, but with God's help you will discover that He has some answers and stuff you can do to live life the way you should.توسط Dr. James Panford Arthur
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It's okay, you're not asking for too much. Have that conversation and let God help you find the balance in life that makes your life better.توسط Dr. James Panford Arthur
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We need a reason to get out of bed every morning. That's purpose. Many have discovered their purpose, other's are still searching. Talk to God and see if he can help.توسط Dr. James Panford Arthur
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They call them Debbie Downer. But whatever you call them, avoiding the negative allows you to embrace the positive. That's a much better place to be.توسط Dr. James Panford Arthur
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You work to earn a living and support what you have been given in life. God's work should also be a part of what drives you each day. Have you discovered what He wants you to do?توسط Dr. James Panford Arthur
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Unresolved conflict leads to much deeper and darker outcomes. God will help you discover the best path to resolution.توسط Dr. James Panford Arthur
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You can't hid who you are. Your soul, is at the center of who you are and what you do. The say, the eyes are the windows of the soul, rings true.توسط Dr. James Panford Arthur
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Those rainy days will come, guaranteed. Life has a habit of handing us the not so good news. Good thing that God can always turn that around. That's what he does.توسط Dr. James Panford Arthur
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Congratulations, you did something right. You're listening to this Podcast. That's a great start.توسط Dr. James Panford Arthur
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Nobody likes to be around someone who is nothing but drama and bad news. Are you feeling a bit lost? Try finding that friend who will turn pitty into praise.توسط Dr. James Panford Arthur
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We follow the rules, most of the time. God wants us to follow his rules all the time. So, how do we do that?توسط Dr. James Panford Arthur
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I'm always right. Well, guess what. You aren't!توسط Dr. James Panford Arthur
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God is patient, even when we don't truly trust Him. It's easy not to trust God sometimes. But remember, He will always give us another chance to re-consider our decision. Nice, huh?توسط Dr. James Panford Arthur
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A turtle is slowly walking across the road. Do you stop and move it, or keep going and avoid it? Compassion is when you stop what you are doing and do something for someone else.توسط Dr. James Panford Arthur
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A smile changes the way you are heard when you speak. Laughter changes you the same way, on the inside. We all need to laugh a little more.توسط Dr. James Panford Arthur
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When you think of study, you also think of a test, right? Good news is that Bible study doesn't have any reviews or grades. Just the answers. You always get an A+.توسط Dr. James Panford Arthur
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No cell service required. His number is listed and he is always standing by. Pretty cool, huh?توسط Dr. James Panford Arthur
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You've heard the saying, "God is my Co-pilot", right? Let's put God in the pilot's seat, because you can always count on him to be the captain of your life.توسط Dr. James Panford Arthur
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That little voice that speaks to you is saying, re-consider what you are about to do. Because that act is out of God's bounds. That's what values are. Are you listening?توسط Dr. James Panford Arthur
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Worship is necessary to craft a relationship with God. But those who preach His word are not always the ones you can count on for hearing the truth. Listen carefully, then confirm those words are spoken in His name.توسط Dr. James Panford Arthur
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Flattery feels good because it gives us affirmation. But sometimes flattery is a vehicle of deception. That's never good.توسط Dr. James Panford Arthur
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God uses us to bring his word to the world. God also bestows favor on those who carry that message. So, what is divine favor?توسط Dr. James Panford Arthur
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Anger is a release of energy and sometimes that release is necessary for healing and resolution. But, not every time.توسط Dr. James Panford Arthur
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Sure, the birth of baby Jesus. But isn't there more to the story? Yes, there is.توسط Dr. James Panford Arthur
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Have you ever wondered how you can do better at faith? You've got it, but you want more. Let's find out.توسط Dr. James Panford Arthur
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Tomorrow is scary, because we most times don't know what tomorrow will bring. Other times, tomorrow is the day we are waiting for, because today isn't working out so good. So, how do you see, tomorrow?توسط Dr. James Panford Arthur
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We all want to please someone else. So, how about God? What does God see in us that pleases him?توسط Dr. James Panford Arthur
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Simply, it's a level of peace and calm where you'd love to exist all the time. Do you sometimes search for happiness, and don't find it?توسط Dr. James Panford Arthur
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Here's the thing. What would your mother say? Yeah, your behavior is an important connection to your faith. So, behave yourself.توسط Dr. James Panford Arthur
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You wake up. Now What?! So, what is your mission in life?توسط Dr. James Panford Arthur
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To be able to sing, you don't have to know how to carry a tune. Your words, when you're praising God are the most beautiful melody's of all time. No wrong notes, only powerful thoughts that can change your life. Time to start singing.توسط Dr. James Panford Arthur
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Like the lion, it was courage. He had it all along but he didn't know it was there. Bravery or courage is within all of us. Before you test it out, have a conversation with God to put it into action.توسط Dr. James Panford Arthur
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God talks to us and gives us the tools to make it through life. This is the fruit of the Holy Spirit. Before deciding that you have a solution, ask God to help. And you will discover that tool shed is well stocked.توسط Dr. James Panford Arthur
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Have you ever met someone famous and later said, they'll never remember my name. Okay that's true, but there is one person who will always know your name. He's pretty famous too.توسط Dr. James Panford Arthur
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That seems to be the buzz phrase these days. So many books have been written about it. To find your why, open the Bible. Your name is written in there, with a job description to boot. Pretty cool, huh?توسط Dr. James Panford Arthur
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God keeps an eye on each of us. He also gives us a nudge when we start to stray from his direction. Staying in God's favor means you need to listen when that little voice inside says, hold on, let's think about this.توسط Dr. James Panford Arthur
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Simply, it's affirmation that belief in God is understood. And that even little old you are included in that circle. That's a powerful connection.توسط Dr. James Panford Arthur
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This is kind of cool. You don't need a phone line or a password to have a conversation with God. You are never out of cell range or out of battery. Simply, connect.توسط Dr. James Panford Arthur
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I'm right, you're wrong. I'm perfect, you're not. Time to wake up. We are ALL imperfect. Consider that before judging someone else.توسط Dr. James Panford Arthur
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God is a friend who is always by our side. The good times, the bad times. Good news is that he never leaves our side. It's not too hard. Just reach out and take his hand.توسط Dr. James Panford Arthur
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Do you have a favorite place where you instantly feel safe? Maybe it's a person, or a spot in your home. With God, a safe place is a spot where you feel comfortable talking to God. Have you discovered that safe place?توسط Dr. James Panford Arthur
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Everyone, everything, every second of our lives. That includes you. Have you spoken to God about how much he loves you?توسط Dr. James Panford Arthur
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