SPIRIT BOX A podcast exploring folklore, esoterica and the mysteries of spirit world. From the secrets of the Jinn to the whisperings of demons and everything in between.
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Rebel Spirit is a brand new podcast series from Akilah Hughes (Crooked Media’s “What a Day”) about her return to her small town of Florence, Kentucky with a mission to change her high school’s mascot from a Confederate General into a Biscuit. The show features moving interviews with everyone from the artist behind “Gritty,” The Philadelphia Flyers’ viral mascot, to principals at schools across the nation who have made this change. In speaking to people at every inflection point of the issue ...
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Willkommen bei Spiri Siri, dem Podcast für Selbstliebe, Achtsamkeit, das Leben und den Tod. Entdecke mit mir die vielen Facetten des Lebens und tauche dabei immer tiefer in deine eigene Persönlichkeit ein und entfalte dadurch mehr und mehr dein eigenes Potential auf der Reise zu dir selbst. Abonniere Spiri Siri, um keine Episode zu verpassen.
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Debbie Georgianni and Adam Blai tackle your questions on angels, demons and how the spiritual and physical worlds interact. Produced for EWTN by the Guadalupe Radio Network. www.GRNonline.com/spiritworld
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Wocheninspiration mit Eva-Marie Schmidt - Die Kenntnis der Lebensgesetze bringt dir die Freiheit, mit Hilfe deiner Schöpferkraft alle Schwierigkeiten zu meistern, alle Hürden zu überwinden und dir das Leben zu ermöglichen, was du dir wünschst.
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Duchovní Evropa. S Martinem C. Putnou procházíme spletitými duchovními dějinami Evropy napříč národy i náboženskými konfesemi. Všechny díly podcastu Spirituála můžete pohodlně poslouchat v mobilní aplikaci mujRozhlas pro Android a iOS nebo na webu mujRozhlas.cz.
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Erleuchtung garantiert - Wissenschaftliche Spotlights auf Religion und Spiritualität
Universität Zürich
Was unterscheidet Menschen von Cyborgs? Was passiert, wenn wir sterben? Was hat Rap mit Religion zu tun? Gibt es Schuld und einen freien Willen? Was steht wirklich in der Bibel und wie ernst nehmen Muslime den Koran? In der Theologie und Religionswissenschaft der Universität Zürich wird zu diesen Fragen, zu Spiritualität und verschiedenen Religionen geforscht. Jeden zweiten Freitagabend spricht Dorothea Lüddeckens mit Kolleg:innen und Gästen über ihre Forschung, ihre Perspektiven auf Spiritu ...
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Grow and learn in the Spirit!
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Reaching the world with The Gospel of Jesus Christ through blogging and now, a podcast!
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Sharing spiritual light and warmth!
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Spirit of the I.E. with Vicki Pepper
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Casey and Jenny Fain, leaders of The Fold Church in Gainesville, Texas, delve into topics not typically talked about from the pew.
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Professional Psychic Medium, Patty Davis explores the unseen and dives deep into the world of psychic phenomena, spirituality and metaphysics. Each episode brings thought-provoking conversations with experts, practitioners and enthusiasts in the realms of energy healing, intuitive development, altered states of consciousness and the mystical arts.
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Christian men talking about Christianity and life.
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Catholic Views and Apologetics
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Unity Spiritual Center in Westlake is a spiritual community offering powerful, practical spiritual ideas to support you in transforming your life!
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Guided meditations.
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A podcast that explores where the Holy Spirit is at work in the world today and why that matters in your life.
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Rebel Spirit Radio explores the frontiers of spirituality, consciousness, the esoteric, and humanity’s sacred relationship with a living earth.
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Spiritualista c'est l'espace que j'ai choisi pour t'exposer ma vision du développement personnel au travers d'une spiritualité badass. Spiritualista c'est deux épisodes par mois : une interview et un SoloTime dans lequel je partage mes réflexions, mes états d'âme et mes conseils bien concrets pour te permettre de vivre ton éveil de conscience le plus sereinement possible. Je te souhaite une belle exploration! Spiritualista.fr Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.
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Fiongal and Jamie discuss all things Spiritual, with a mix of talking heads between them, guest interviews and the odd meditation.
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En podd om mediumskap, andlighet och spiritualism med de andliga medierna Prallan Allsten och Mikael Ek. Podden handlar om allt mellan livet och andevärlden och kommunikationen däremellan. Vi kommer också tala om olika former av andlighet och våra vägar till det andliga och mediala. Och så kommer olika spännande gäster till podden. Prallan och Micke är styrelsemedlemmar i Stockholms Spiritualistiska Förening som finns på Wittstocksgatan 28. Se vårt program på: stockholmsspiritualistiskaforen ...
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Life is a journey. We help shape and guide the road ahead for individuals, leaders, teams, and organizations wanting to realize their full potential through emotional intelligence. https://spiritofeq.com/
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Don’t miss this thought-provoking podcast series with authors Monica and Michael Berg. Together, they’ll answer your most pressing questions, offering sage advice for the modern world. Self-proclaimed Change Junkie, Monica Berg is an author and teacher who lectures internationally. Michael Berg is a rabbi and Aramaic scholar who has published almost 20 books on the teachings of Kabbalah. This husband and wife team has been sharing kabbalistic wisdom and relationship expertise with students f ...
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This is Papa Hector Salva’s Spiritual & Mystical Show about Vodou, Sanse and Las 21 Divisiones
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Entdecke Dein Inneres Universum – Dein Podcast für Bewusstsein, Integration, Transformation & Persönlichkeitsentwicklung. Tauche ein in die faszinierende Welt der Psychologie, Spiritualität und psycho-energetischen Prozesse. Wir begleiten Dich auf Deiner Reise zu mehr Selbstverständnis und innerer Freiheit. Erlerne, wie Du hinderliche Muster auflöst und ein erfüllteres Leben führst. Perfekt für alle, die tief in ihr eigenes Innenleben eintauchen und es voll und ganz leben möchten. Abonniere ...
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This podcast is to help you mentally prepare yourself to get good at your finances.
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Weekly Podcast in Armenian about Spirituality
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שמי אריאל ויטמן. בחרתי ליצור סדרת פודקאסטים המציגה את אתגרי המערב במאה ה- 21 מתוך ראיית עולם ליברלית קלאסית, ולא רק. ניגע בכל הנושאים תוך מתן דגש לחיינו במדינת ישראל וננסה להביא את כל הזוויות האידיאולוגיות הקיימות בחברה הישראלית. בין היתר תוכלו לשמוע בסדרת הפודקאסטים שלי אנשי מקצוע רבים, פילוסופים, אנשי רוח ודעה מהארץ ומחו'"ל. אתם יותר ממוזמנים להצטרף אליי. My name is Ariel Whitman and I live in the heart of Israel. This podcast series will focus on the challenges the West faces, in the 21st ...
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Catholic Priest SWOSU Catholic (swosucatholic.org) St. Eugene and Sacred Heart (steugenewf.com)
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Fellowship with the Holy Spirit
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Kickstart your day with a new perspective, in Spiritual Discourses program. Get all the practical solutions to your problems in a spiritual way through Akram Vignan. For more information visit our website: https://www.dadabhagwan.org/
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Listen in to Jennifer LeClaire’s daily prophetic prayer broadcast where people are encouraged, inspired, healed and delivered. Prophetic words, spiritual warfare, visions and words of knowledge flow freely.
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Welcome to podcasts with Fr. Travis Myrheim, where faith comes alive! Title comes from 1 Cor 3:1-9
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Sharing life-affirming stories that restore a sense of wonder and awe to our lives, and remind us of the healing power of spiritual encounters.
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Spirit Guides is a transformative podcast dedicated to guiding business owners and executives through the nuances of spiritual and personal growth. It aims to serve as a vital resource for those looking to deepen their understanding of spirituality beyond traditional frameworks and integrate it into various aspects of daily life.
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Natural Crystal Singing Bowl Therapy with Crystal Sounds
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Episode 1 Midnight Horse Rescue
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在每個人的心靈深處,都有一個書架,上面擺放著各式各樣的書,可能是一本自己過去所讀過,並且對自己的生命帶來很大幫助或影響的書。 也可能是在過去的某一段人生經歷當中所經歷的開心喜樂或掙扎痛苦而刻在自己心靈深處的一本書。 主持人飛利浦喜歡閱讀, 喜歡從別人的經驗當中,找到解決問題的方法,每年閱讀的書經常超過100本,在台灣完成大學學業,然後到美國留學、在美國工作,後來決定回台灣,進到會計師事務所從最基層做起,通過美國跟台灣的會計師考試,之後進入證券承銷商,前前後後協助過五家公司完成股票上市櫃,也擔任過幾家上市櫃公司的財務長、發言人、人資長、採購主管、法務主管,並曾在一家科技公司擔任過九年的總經理。 在心靈書架這個Podcast上面,飛利浦想跟大家分享,在生命的成長、職涯工作的過程當中,所曾經面對的猶豫掙扎與困難挑戰,以及當時如何走出來的,或者是當時如果可以怎麼做會更好的一些經驗與心得,有時候也會分享一些對我幫助很多的好書,......希望也能夠帶給您一些些的幫助。
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Our goal is to help you become more empowered by the Spirit, rooted in the truth, mobilized for the mission! Every week join our Spirit & Truth team plus special guests as we discuss Spirit-filled living and local church ministry. (www.spiritandtruth.life)
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Otaku Spirit Animecast is a series of podcast episodes that focus on the Anime culture. Reviews, News, and tons of discussion. Stuff for all anime fans, from anime fans.
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Spirit Filled Media is focused on spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ through encouraging audio content on various Catholic, Christian Subjects. All are welcome to listen.
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Join Executive Coach, healer and teacher, Sohail Coelho in this podcast about spirituality, personal development and all things the self. How to live a life that is truly yours and how to do it in a way that only you can. Integrated spirituality for the modern age.
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Professor Peter Lineham talks all things spiritual and/or institutional religion.
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Spirit Sessions is your one-stop shop for all things sex, spirit and shakti-infused self-care (with a spoonful of Southern belle). Join me, Katie Silcox, New York Times Best-Selling author and Founder of Shakti School, for your weekly self-love soundbyte. This podcast is full of fun and deep real-talk from your fave Ayurveda gal-Friday on yoga, Ayurveda, Tantra and anything else we wanna’ dish about. This is about me having authentic conversation with YOU on everything I’m currently madly in ...
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Spirit Made is the audio podcast of Brian Turner Ministries. Our mission is to cultivate a ministry that embodies the power and love of the gospel of Jesus Christ, emphasizing the active work of the Holy Spirit and God’s grace in our lives today. We are Spirit-born, Spirit-filled, Spirit-formed, and Spirit-led.
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Like a seat at the table in a secret club but with mediums, mystics and the spiritual luminaries of our time. Come behind the velvet ropes with me and see inside my world as I chat ‘insider style’ with profoundly gifted souls. We go deep, share juicy stories, laugh a lot, and it wouldn’t be a Speakeasy without great insider secrets! Plus solo episodes, just you and me, with psychic insights, inspiring chats & even sit in on mediumship readings! Hosted by Joyful Medium, Joy Giovanni (learn mo ...
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Come spend some time worshiping Yehovah with me as I sing through the scriptures. I pray that you would connect with His heart and that His glory would fill you with perfect peace.
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Was bedeutet Loslassen wirklich – und warum fällt es uns so schwer? "Jeder will loslassen, aber keiner will sterben" erforscht die inneren Widerstände, die uns am Festhalten halten, und zeigt Wege, wie wir Veränderung annehmen und Frieden mit uns selbst finden können.توسط Sirima Miller
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Deacon Victor Valenzuela is assigned to St. Joseph Church in Placentia. He is married, with two adult children. He is a licensed social worker who is retired from 31 years of employment at Kaiser Permanente. He is a former seminarian who has worked in a variety of ministries. His wife is Diane. In this episode, he speaks with Fred LaPuzza about det…
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Deacon Steve Greco is a permanent deacon of the Diocese of Orange. He is founder of Spirit Filled Hearts Ministry, director of evangelization and formation for the Diocese of Orange and host of Empowered by the Spirit. MaryAnne Greco, Deacon Steve's wife, and Katie Hughes of Spirit Filled Hearts Ministry serve as his co-host in this episode. They t…
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Spiritual Debriefing #45 - Your New Family: Church and Community in God’s Kingdom
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🎙️ Episode #45 - Your New Family: Church and Community in God’s Kingdom 🎙️ In this episode, we discuss the challenges of navigating relationships with biological family while building strong bonds within the family of God. What does it mean to have a "new family" in Christ? How do we balance love and respect for our earthly family with the deeper c…
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Are you tired of hitting invisible walls that seem to hold you back from your dreams? Learn more about dream and seer anointings at www.schoolofthespirit.tv. In this episode, we unpack the lids and limits that block us—whether they come from the enemy, the world, or even our own misconceptions about God. We discuss how these barriers restrict our t…
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In this episode, Kelle Sparta delves into the root causes of anger and the cycle of conflict avoidance, providing insights on how to break free from this pattern. Key Points: 1. Understanding the fear of rejection and abandonment that drives conflict avoidance, leading to a build-up of emotions and explosive reactions. 2. Exploring the importance o…
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Hallo zusammen, ich bin Phillip, und herzlich willkommen zum Spirituelles Bücherregal Podcast! Heute tauchen wir ein in die faszinierende Welt der Neuroplastizität und wie eine einfache Handlung – nämlich Dankbarkeit – dein Gehirn buchstäblich umprogrammieren kann. Ihr habt sicher schon das Sprichwort gehört: ‚Man kann einem alten Hund keine neuen …
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Deacon Steve Greco is a permanent deacon of the Diocese of Orange in California; he is the Director of Evangelization and Formation for the Diocese as well. He is also founder and president of Spirit Filled Heart Ministries, which engages in evangelization and support of the foreign missions. He and MaryAnne have been married for 50 years and have …
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Fr. Jacobo share more about the Epiphany the deeper meaning of this event in Jesus' life. How can we incorporate the beauty of this moment in history and be drawn in deeper into the mystery of God's incarnation of Christ Jesus. Thank you for listening! Listen live weekdays at 6am and 11am Pacific Time at spiritfilledradio.org or get the App for Spi…
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Deacon Steve Greco is a permanent deacon of the Diocese of Orange. He is founder of Spirit Filled Hearts Ministry, director of evangelization and formation for the Diocese of Orange and host of Empowered by the Spirit. Katie Hughes of Spirit Filled Hearts Ministry serves as his co-host in this episode. Their guest is Gary Gordon who speaks about pr…
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Beyond Damascus is the show where encounter meets mission. Your hosts Dan DeMatte, Aaron Richards and Brad Pierron will give you practical tips on how to live out your faith every day. We'll get into actionable steps of what it means to have an abundant Christian life and share things that we've learned through our personal journey's about overcomi…
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In this episode, Kelle Sparta and Katherine Loranger dive into the importance of holistic hiring and the onboarding process for new employees or contractors. Key Points: 1. The significance of a structured and thoughtful onboarding process to integrate new hires into the business, including setting up access, policies, and tracking systems. 2. Leve…
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Activating Supernatural Provision Check out the resources at School of the Spiritتوسط Awakening Podcast Network
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The Power of Sabbatical and Self-Discovery with Lyndall Farley
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What interests or passions would you pursue if you incorporated frequent sabbaticals into your lifestyle? We talk about the transformative power of sabbaticals and self-discovery with our special guest, Lyndall Farley, a sabbatical coach who has taken an impressive 11 sabbaticals herself. This episode explores strategic approaches to taking time of…
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皆さん、こんにちは!元気ですか? 前回のエピソードでは、習慣と性格が私たちの人生を大きく左右する、というお話をしました。 性格は、私たちが世界をどう見ているか、他人とどう関わっているか、そして困難にどう立ち向かうか、など、あらゆる面に影響を与えます。しかし、性格は簡単には変えられないと多くの人が思っているため、具体的な行動に移すのが難しいかもしれません。 でも、性格を変えて人生を変えた著名人もたくさんいます。 例えば、デール・カーネギーは若い頃とても内気で、クラスで発言することもできなかったそうです。しかし、自分の性格の欠点に気づき、積極的にスピーチの練習を始めました。そして、世界的に有名な演説家、作家となり、『人を動かす』は58カ国語に翻訳され、9000万部以上売れるベストセラーとなりまし…
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Sacramentals lead us to the Sacraments. How do Sacramentals work and what they do for us when we use them with faith and intention? Sacramentals run the gamut from blessings of consecrated virgins to articles such as relics and rosaries. Some, such as holy water, are used by almost every Catholic. Others are more personal, such as devotionals to a …
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Ranma, Re:Zero, Danmachi, and More! - Fall 2024 Anime Season Review Part 3
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Fall 2024 Anime Season Reviews Part 3 of 3! 0:00 Intro 2:48 Loner Life in Another World 13:38 Ranma 1/2 (2024) 23:15 2.5 Dimensional Seduction 48:47 Natsume's Book of Friends Season 7 54:09 Sengoku Youko 2 58:55 Demon Lord 2099 1:06:03 Magilumiere Magical Girls Inc 1:17:34 Orb 1:22:46 ReZERO Starting Life in Another World Season 3 2:04:57 Tying the…
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Walking Into Your Divine Turnaround Check out the special new year offerings at School of the Spirit!توسط Awakening Podcast Network
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In this episode, host Kelle Sparta guides listeners through a journaling exercise to explore their connection with nature and uncover insights about personal growth and self-discovery. Key Points: 1. Listeners are encouraged to grab their journals and reflect on the question "When was the last time I spent time with Nature?" 2. The journaling exerc…
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"Hey everyone, it's Phillip and welcome back to the Spiritual Bookshelf podcast! Today, we're diving deep into the fascinating world of neuroplasticity and how a simple act of gratitude can literally rewire your brain. We've all heard that old saying, "You can't teach an old dog new tricks." But what if I told you that your brain is actually quite …
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198. I See Dead People: Tools for Deeper Intuition with Laura Lynne Jackson
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Have you ever had a deep knowing or a sense of what was to come without any logical reason? In this episode of Spiritually Hungry Podcast, psychic medium, Laura Lynne Jackson, explains that we each have the ability to download truth from the Universe. Join us as Laura shares her profound insights on connecting with the Other Side, tapping into intu…
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Samantha Herrera, Curator of Exhibits for Ontario Museum of History and Art, and Exhibits Assistant Fernando Lopez discuss the Mission Grafica and Centered in Ink exhibits.
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In this episode, Casey delves into what scripture says about grace. Some believe it has to be earned through works. Others cheapen grace by living without repentance. Neither is a correct view. A true understanding of grace will lead to a transformed heart, mind, and life.توسط Jenny and Casey Fain
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On today's podcast the S&T team discuss Acts 1:8 and the calling on every follower of Jesus to be filled with the Holy Spirit and sent as his witnesses to the world. Register for one of the Spirit & Truth Conferences here: https://www.spiritandtruth.life/conferences In this episode: Matt Reynolds Emma Winchester Maggie Ulmer…
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Fr. Jacob Hsieh, host of The Beauty of Our Catholic Heritage enters into a sharing about the Epiphany this is a two-part series. First he talks about the circumcision of Jesus and the Wedding of Cana. As always, thank you for listening! Listen live weekdays at 6am and 11am Pacific Time at spiritfilledradio.org or get the App for Spirit Filled Radio…
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As we all stand on the precipice of the new, what are the new choices we feel inspired to make? I love that fresh starts can enable new choices. This episode is about how to understand the landscape and language of the heart in order to make new choices that are truly ours. I offer an approach of inner navigation to source deep wisdom in order to d…
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你好,你今天過得好嗎? 上一集我們討論到,習慣和性格是影響我們一生際遇的兩個主要內在因素。 雖然我們知道性格會影響我們如何看待世界、如何與他人互動,以及如何面對挑戰。但是我們似乎不容易找到著力點,因為大多數的人認為性格是不容易改變。 然而我們也看到不少名人,透過改變自己的性格,而改變自己人生。例如戴爾·卡耐基年輕時極度害羞,甚至不敢在課堂上發言。當他意識到自己性格的缺陷,便決心開始積極學習演講技巧,並不斷練習。最後,他成為了一名世界知名的演講家和作家,他的著作《人性的弱點》,自問世以來,已被翻譯成58種語言,全球總銷量超過9,000萬冊,擁有超過4億讀者,成為人類出版史上最暢銷的書籍之一。 而美國的林肯總統,年輕時脾氣暴躁,容易衝動。 在政治生涯中,他意識到情緒管理的重要性,開始學習控制自己…
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In this episode, Kelle Sparta and Joshua Radewan dive deep into the transformative process of ego death, exploring how shedding our limiting beliefs and assumptions can lead to personal growth and the discovery of our authentic selves. Key Points: 1. Understanding the concept of ego death and its role in spiritual and personal transformation. 2. Na…
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Not every dream you have comes from God, but every dream carries something for us to consider. In this episode, we dive into the world of dream interpretation, tackling questions like: “Is this dream from the Lord? Is it from the enemy? Or could it just be coming from our own soul?” We’ll look at some real dreams people have sent in—spiritual warfa…
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Step Into God's Promises for Your New Seasonتوسط Awakening Podcast Network
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🎙️In this episode, I spoke with Dr. Michael Oren, an Israeli diplomat renowned for his roles as a historian, novelist, and former Israeli Ambassador to the United States from 2009 to 2013. He also served as a member of the Knesset and Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office. Dr. Oren offers firsthand insights into his experiences dealing wit…
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🎙️In this episode, I speak with John Spencer, Chair of Urban Warfare Studies at the Modern War Institute, Co-Director of the Urban Warfare Project, and host of the Urban Warfare Project Podcast at West Point.Spencer discusses the double standards applied to Israel and why these judgments are, at best, misleading. He also exposes the misrepresented …
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Grief is a deeply personal and often messy journey—one that isn’t confined to the loss of a loved one. It can stem from the end of a relationship, career changes, health challenges, or even letting go of a version of ourselves. And with everything happening currently in the world, aren’t we all just living with grief at this point?? In this episode…
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My homily for January 5, 2025, at Sacred Heart Cathedral Prince Albert. The wise pilgrimage
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🎙️In this episode, I am honored to speak with Professor Benny Morris, one of Israel’s most distinguished historians and a leading authority on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. A founding figure of the “New Historians” movement, Morris has reexamined pivotal events in Israel’s early history, particularly the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, offering groundbr…
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Who were the wise men? And where did they come from? Why did God call them to travel such a long distance to offer Jesus gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh? How is our story with Jesus wrapped up in their story? On this episode, Lydia and Andrew explore the story of the magi in the Gospel of Matthew to better understand how and why the Epiphany…
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Katolíci v Oxfordu: Hopkins, básník ignaciánské spirituality, Tolkien a jeho přátelé. Všechny díly podcastu Spirituála můžete pohodlně poslouchat v mobilní aplikaci mujRozhlas pro Android a iOS nebo na webu mujRozhlas.cz.
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Debbie and Adam answer listener questions about suicide, lingering spirits, sage cleansing, whether we should pray for the dead in hell, which Epiphany blessing to use, Epiphany water, psychotic internet friends, whether demons have to expose themselves on Halloween, recommended books about angels, and more. Links: https://www.grnonline.com/listen/…
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Ist eine rein digitale Taufe im Metaverse «echt»? Sind Avatare identisch mit den Personen, die sie steuern? Wer bestimmt über solche Fragen und wie gehen die etablierten Kirchen mit digitalen Tauf- und Abendmahl-Praktiken um? Braucht der Heilige Geist eine Substanz um zu wirken? Der Theologe Thomas Schlag berichtet von unterschiedlichen Formen digi…
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In this episode, Kelle Sparta guides listeners through a sound healing session focused on cultivating the energy of gratitude. Key Points: 1. The session is designed to help listeners experience more peace, joy, and personal empowerment in their lives. 2. Kelle instructs listeners to find a quiet space, relax, and be present during the sound healin…
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Start Dreaming Prophetic Dreams | Dream Activation Prayer Check out Power Habits and transform your life at School of the Spirit.توسط Awakening Podcast Network
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Today’s episode is a sneak peek into the spiritual business training included in The Shakti School’s premier Ayurveda Wellness Coach certification course! So many of us, regardless of our economic background, experience shame and hang-ups around money that hold us back from financial abundance. Tune in to hear Katie share the inner work that helped…
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Herzlich willkommen im herausfordernden Neuner-Jahr. Wir sind aufgefordert, für nachhaltige Lösungen zu sorgen und unbedingt die Kunst der bewussten Lebensgestaltung zu erlernen. Dabei steht unser Körper mit dem Thema Gesundheit an oberster Stelle. Nur wenn wir gesund sind, können wir bestimmte Dinge erreichen und manifestieren. Gesundheit beginnt …
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23 The steps of a man are established by Yehovah, and He delights in his way. 24 When he falls, he will not be hurled headlong, because Yehovah is the One who holds his hand. 25 I have been young and now I am old, yet I have not seen the righteous begging bread. 26 All day long he is gracious and lends, and his descendants are a blessing.…
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CEO Magda Stewart discusses volunteer opportunities with Riverside County's Trauma Intervention Program.
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2024 recap and 2025 goals -Spiritual Table Talk
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