Shubha, fondly addressed as Shubha Didi, is a practical torch bearer of happiness & holistic living. She is a life coach and the guiding force behind Internal Insight, a platform that inspires people to understand and know their own strength. With the Intention to spread invaluable knowledge and wisdom, Guru Maa Shubha Didi works tirelessly towards helping others to reach their mind's full potential, and to overcome obstacles of all kinds. Her words of wisdom are backed with years of practic ...
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In this episode, Shubha Didi says that if another person affects our own thought process, then we are not being fair to ourselves or to the human birth that we have. When we make mistakes, we need to learn to not judge someone else for their mistakes. Talk of the other is just draining. Don't drain yourself, but instead, choose to elevate yourself …
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In this episode, Shubha Didi says that each one of us have to introspect and experience the oneness that there is. Many a times, we know that we don't have to do a certain thing, but we still land up indulging in it. So the point is to not suppress, but to awaken within for better things ahead.
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Shubha Didi helps us to understand the cleansing of our minds and our karmas in order to experience the blissful state of being. She takes us on a journey towards self analysis which is the most beautiful and divine journey a human can embark on.
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Formula of happiness through Gyan | रोज़ाना जीवन में रोज़ाना ख़ुशी मिलती है रोज़ाना ज्ञान से
Shubha Didi helps us experience constant happiness by introducing us to the way of living in our truth.
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Shubha Didi helps us to differentiate between the physical body and the fundamental power source that runs it.
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Shubha Didi helps our mind to evolve by bringing it face to face with spiritual wisdom.
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Most of our emotions are based on an illusion created by the mind. Shubha Didi helps us to break through this loop of illusions, so that we awaken to our own internal treasure.
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Our chaos in our mind is because we are living on the physical level. This keeps us distanced from our own source. Shubha Didi helps fill our mind with the wisdom of our own truth, our real purpose.
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Shubha Didi shows the path to make your mind strong, yet humble at the same time.
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Shubha Didi helps us bring our the goodness of our soul in our day-to-day lives.
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Shubha Didi helps us experience the light, the oneness and all the abundance that the cosmic has to offer by purifying our mind.
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Misidentification of ourselves causes a lot of confusion and pain. Shubha Didi helps understand where we have come from and who we really are, helping us break past the rigid non-qualitative mental patterns.
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Shubha Didi explains the roadmap to Self realization. Unravel all the seven stages of the mind with true spiritual knowledge.
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One became many, and that's the secret of your spiritual awakening. Experience the oneness and there is nothing beyond.
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Win Over Your Mind And Senses Through Your Guru’s Wisdom | गुरु ज्ञान से इंद्रियों पे विजय पाना
Shubha Didi helps us to break free from the bondage of the mind and restrictions of the senses and their subjects.
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Shubha Didi reveals that to just BE is the key to experience all the freedom and abundance that there is and to unlock the treasures, outside and within.
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Shubha Didi helps us identify our true identity which is completely untouched and independent of our mind and body.
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Didi talks about how external challenges can direct your focus towards the internal cleansing of the mind.
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Didi guides us to carry out self analysis so we can witness our vast being, which will in turn lead to recovery from disturbing experiences of our mind.
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Shubha Didi shows the bigger and only reality to the mind to bring it to stillness, and how that works in our practical life.
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Shubha Didi guides us to expose the mind to the knowledge of it's own purpose and it's capacity to witness it's own reality, dissolving the worries of the future.
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Shubha Didi gives us the direction for self analysis and tells us about the reality that we would hit upon after this analysis.
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Shubha Didi exposes us to the truth, and makes us aware of our own self which in turn makes sure 100% of our mind gets utilised
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Shubha Didi helps you to break free from the mental trap by teaching you how to operate from your true identity.
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Shubha Didi helps us keep a check on what we store in our mind, based on the happening outside or the expectations of it.
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Shubha Didi shows us the path of keeping the mind always blissful by going within and uplifting ourselves.
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Shubha Didi helps us maintain a one arm distance within from anything that will end in pain.
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Shubha Didi helps us catch the all knower that there is by dissolving the illusory "me"
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Shubha Didi helps us to understand who a true spiritual master is, and how she works through our intellect to help us to rise above our daily life situations.
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Shubha Didi helps us to dissolve the lie and imagination by witnessing the truth, thereby eliminating expectations.
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Shubha Didi helps us to rise above the imagination of pain and pleasure, and experience true freedom.
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Shubha Didi addresses the aptitude in our mind which claims itself as an individual, by introducing it to the truth, hence ending the misidentification.
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Shubha Didi helps us to become a leader and to with ourselves to get what we deserve.
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Shubha Didi helps us to acknowledge the potential of the mind that can get you out of the illusion, giving you clarity of your true reality, hence, ending all confusions.
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Shubha Didi shows us the path to true internal freedom from the duality of attachment and detachment, by helping us experience the oneness.
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Shubha Didi explains how we can use external happenings to go within ourselves, and understand our source.
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Shubha Didi helps us carry out our daily actions with ease as there is already a divine plan in action.
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Shubha Didi helps us to observe the reality which inturn helps us to get rid of our regrets, expectations and dependence.
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Shubha Didi guides us to hold on to the wisdom and save ourselves from the results of our erratic actions.
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Shubha Didi helps us to ask questions to ourselves in order to grow spiritually.
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Shubha Didi helps us understand our truth by breaking through all the changeable notions we have in our head.
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Shubha Didi helps us pay more attention to our reality, our true self, rather than our problems that seem to be real but really aren't.
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Shubha Didi helps us to take an internal journey, so we can awaken to the treasure that lies within.
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Shubha Didi helps us live life to the fullest without any burden or worry.
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Shubha Didi talks about "Jagat" which is fabricated under various subtle concepts that we have understood to be true.
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Shubha Didi explains that true "sanyaas" is shifting of your focus inside yourself and not focusing on changing the world outside. True sanyaas is true peace inside, and it has nothing to do with the outside.
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Shubha Didi helps us to exit the mess of the mind by connecting to our higher selves.
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Shubha Didi help us to get rid of anxiety and impatience, while unlocking our path towards growth and evolution.
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We all make choices on daily basis but what exactly do we choose to focus on?Is the focus on experiencing our own deepest potential or experiencing the Magnificence that we are? Or are we way too busy being unhappy and peace-less with our daily lives. So make your choice to experience the peacefulness and stillness that there is, or stay in the str…
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Shubha Didi helps us align ourselves to the very purpose of our birth.
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