Podcast by Secure America Now
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Listen to the most important news headlines from last week!توسط Secure America Now
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John McLaughlin, a strategic consultant and pollster comments on President Trump's first State of the Union speech and gives his insights on America's National security issues.توسط Secure America Now
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President Obama claimed that the Iran Deal was supposed to help the economy and the people of Iran. Instead, the money was used to fund terrorism throughout the Middle East.Christian Whiton, a former senior advisor in Trump's administration at the State Department, explains to us how the Iran Deal helped pave the way to Iran's social unrest. WATCH …
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Omri Ceren, a fellow of the Claremont Institute explains why the Senate bill fails to address and fix the fatal flaws of the BAD Iran Deal.Listen to understand why President Trump decided to waive Iran Nuclear sanctions for the last time!توسط Secure America Now
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Strategy Call with President Trump's Pollster, John McLaughlin by Secure America Nowتوسط Secure America Now
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Listen to Breitbart Senior Editor, Raheem Kassam, discuss his new book, No Go Zones: How Sharia Law is Coming to a Neighborhood Near You.توسط Secure America Now
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Congressman Will Hurd discusses the Iran Deal and the threat it poses to our national security! Congressman Hurd opposed the Iran Deal from day 1!توسط Secure America Now
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Critical Conversations With Secure America Now - New York Times Bestselling Author Heather MacDonald
Secure America Now President Allen Roth spoke with New York Times Bestselling author Heather MacDonald about her latest book The War on Cops. Roth and MacDonald discuss justice in America, law enforcement, and the myth of racial prejudice in policing.توسط Secure America Now
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