Ajakirjanikud Anvar Samost ja Huko Aaspõllu kohtuvad Vikerraadio igapühapäevases populaarses vestlussaates, et arutleda poliitikaelus toimuva üle. Ajakirjanikud Anvar Samost ja Huko Aaspõllu kohtuvad Vikerraadio igapühapäevases populaarses vestlussaates, et arutleda poliitikaelus toimuva üle. Alates 2024. aastast on saade eetris pühapäeviti kell 12.05. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Juunis 2017 lahkus saatest välisministeeriumis strateegilis ...
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Maja Marić i Margarita Tomić stvaraju "Samo bez panike", subjektivni podcast o svemu od trudnoće do menopauze, od zaljubljenosti do razvoda, od depresije do euforije. Jedna živi i radi u Hrvatskoj, druga u Njemačkoj. Obje imaju prosječan broj djece, neparan broj muževa i previše društvenih mreža. A vjerojatno su i egzibicionistice kad se bave svim ovim čime se bave.
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Faatalofa atu ile 'au faafofoga, ole tautua lenei ale Fonofaufautua a Samoa i otago. O mea o tutupu i o tatou laufanua faapea o tatou nuu tuaoi i aso Gafua ta'itasi Faafetai
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Hey guys! Hope you enjoy. Cover art photo provided by Jeremy Thomas on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@jeremythomasphoto
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Well researched waffle on the cusp of things and feels.
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See the world through the eyes of society's greatest rule-breakers. The "Live Players" podcast charts the key individuals shaping our future from first principles across multiple domains: business, politics, philanthropy, and broadcasting from the digital town square Join host Samo Burja and Erik Torenberg as they analyze the mindsets of today's most intriguing business leaders, investors, and innovators through the lens of their bold actions and contrarian worldviews. You'll come away with ...
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Welcome to the Samoa where real talk become real talk
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Jak uczyć się samemu w świecie, gdzie nie można liczyć na publiczny system edukacji? Podpowiadamy, zachęcamy i podpowiadamy. Historie i wywiady, z praktyki i z doświadczenia. W każdy poniedziałek zaprasza Artur Rutkowski.
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Finding me & telling the story how I got here.💯
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Yeah I guess that’s good.
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A crispy brown show where Raghav (brwnchnl) and Salas (@salasks) discuss savory spiced world politics from a South Asian viewpoint
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Muuli ja Samost.
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Conversas e entrevistas sobre Música, Cultura e Arte
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Air Media Samoa is dedicated to celebrating Samoans with 24/7 live music, talk back, entertainment, advertising, and devotional services. Tune in for events and more at https://sam966fm.wordpress.com.
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Sukcesy Samouków to seria podcastów przeznaczona głównie dla przedsiębiorców – zarówno doświadczonych, jak i stawiających pierwsze kroki w biznesie, a także dla tych, którzy dopiero planują wejść na ścieżkę biznesu. Autor wyraźnie podkreśla, że bycie skutecznym przedsiębiorcą to efekt ciężkiej pracy, wielu wrodzonych predyspozycji oraz posiadanie tak zwanego DNA przedsiębiorcy. Niniejsza seria podcastów powstała na podstawie książki pt. „Sukcesy samouków – Królowie wielkiego biznesu” – autor ...
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To help educate and learn more about the transgender women of Samoa.
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"It's Samori" is a podcast that is focused on Creativepreneurs. These are entrepreneurs that run creative-based businesses. Music Entrepreneur, Producer and Audio Engineer, Samori Coles, engages in thoughtful and useful discussions with audio engineers, videographers, book store owners, singers, content creators, music producers, and more, to discuss their individual journeys, as well as the steps that they took to fully monetize their creative callings.
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Pricamo o svjezim temama svakog dana
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V stresnih razmerah pogosto slišimo nasvet "umirite se". Kako pa lahko to učinkovito naredimo? Skupaj s strokovnjaki se učimo tehnik in strategij umirjanja in sproščanja ter skrbi za duševno zdravje in ravnovesje.
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SamoMIŁOŚĆ to podcast o pozytywnym podejściu do cielesności i seksualności. Dużo w nim mowy o przyjemności, a przede wszystkim szeroko pojętej samomiłości. Z jednej strony jest to synonim masturbacji, która ma mnóstwo zalet i o której warto otwarcie rozmawiać. Z drugiej strony jest to podejście z czułością i uważnością do swojego życia w ogóle, dbanie o siebie, chodzenie na profilaktyczne badania, słuchanie swoich potrzeb i odpowiadanie na nie. Podcast prowadzony jest przez Paulinę Klepacz – ...
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Salala Central Just put us the background
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Welcome to Pocket Samosa - Tamil Podcast! Here we discuss and converse anything and everything under the sky, sometimes above it as well. Weekly episodes presented with fun and facts in Tamil + English (Tanglish) - Vaanga oru tea and pocket samosa saaptae pesuvom Check out our youtube channel - https://youtube.com/channel/UC5hpnoBpya7MxswTDbgvSAg
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W samo południe przychodzą demony. Jak je zwyciężać? Seria o codziennej walce duchowej. o. Tomsz Nowak OP
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Ve Sevan Nişanyan ile ufuk turları da başlıyor. ‘Samos Sürgünü’ podcast dizisi her pazar sizlerle olacak. Her hafta pazar günleri Sevan Nişanyan ile Yavuz Baydar AhvalPod'da din-siyaset ilişkileri, Türkiye İslamcılığının içine sürüklendiği çıkmaz, inanç tartışmaları ve daha başka birçok konuyla sizlerin karşınızda olacaklar.. Kaçırmayın!
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Welcome to the art radio show, Art in Paris. This episode focuses on the art, Nike of Samothrace.
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Desde Costa Rica, el podcast de Samoa Libros, donde tres amigos conversan, huyendo de la solemnidad, sobre sus lecturas más recientes.
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Former WWE tag team champion and original member of the Samoan Swat Team, Headshrinker Samu tells all. From how he started out, to his recent resigning with the WWE, get the behind-the-scenes of the wrestling career of Samu Anoa'i.
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I am a punjabi male from Vancouver B.C.Canada .That loves to spread, love, joy , This is a comedy, motivational, inspirational type of solo talk show. I talk about anything and everything. You never know I might brings some friends to join me. Who knows what I might talk about . While I enjoy a samosa hmm. Anything besides religion and politics.
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A financial education space for our Samoan/Polynesian people and to all who can relate. We hope you takeaway valuable information from each podcast. Growing my knowledge about finances and sharing it with you.. Follow us on our journey as we talk about all things life & finance along with a host of special guests. (Financial Education/Personal Finance/Health/FIRE movement/Financial independence). Monthly episodes for Season 2 " Fear and Self-Doubt are the greatest killers of personal genius" ...
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Bojana, Tamara i dva Dušana. Četiri teme, četiri debate za 60 minuta
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The Samoan Addict is a podcast started by a recovering drug addict and alcoholic named Zach Mauga. The podcast is geared towards helping and educating other addicts and their friends and family. The podcasts will have people sharing their stories and also experts in multiple fields educating and talking about addiction in general. We hope you enjoy! Cover art photo provided by freestocks.org on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@freestocks
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Venez faire de belles rencontres avec les principaux acteurs de Samourai MMA! On y discute des jeux de coulisse, des difficultés qui peuvent se présenter, mais surtout de notre passion pour les arts martiaux mixtes. Suivez-nous vers notre premier gala!
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Sau, Mulimuli Mai ia te Au—Punaoa e Aoao Ai mo le Autalavou | SD | SAMOAN
Le Ekalesia a Iesu Keriso o le Au Paia o Aso e Gata Ai
This podcast is a simple and convenient way to share the videos from Come, Follow Me on your iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch. It features the videos for the monthly gospel topic youth are studying in Aaronic Priesthood, Young Women, and Sunday School.
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The Technology That Can Reshape Nations
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This week on Live Players, Samo Burja and Erik Torenberg discuss the significance of desalination technology, its advancements, costs, and potential to transform scarcity in regions with water shortages, highlighting how countries like Israel, Singapore, and the Gulf monarchies have employed these technologies and speculating on the geopolitical an…
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Blagdani stižu - ne da nam se baš
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Blagdani su tu i sve oko nas je divno, blistavo i okićeno. Kuhano vino koje grije ruke, miris fritula u zraku i radost na dječjim licima. Istina, u glavi svejedno razmišljamo o poklonima za najdražu dječicu i planovima za ferije. Dan je kraći, ali nema veze, malo su i ljepši. Je li i kod vas tako? NIJE NI KOD NAS! Divno i blistavo?! Možda ako račun…
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توسط (Vikerraadio)
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Samost ja Aaspõllu. Tagasivaade aastale 2024
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Stuudios on Anvar Samost ja Huko Aaspõllu.توسط (Vikerraadio)
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Ajakirjanikud Anvar Samost ja Huko Aaspõllu kohtuvad Vikerraadio igapühapäevases populaarses vestlussaates, et arutleda poliitikaelus toimuva üle. Alates 2024. aastast on saade eetris pühapäeviti kell 12.05.توسط (Vikerraadio)
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Elon Musk, Social Media Influence, & the Future of Political Discourse
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Samo Burja and Erik Torenberg discuss the impact of social media platforms like Twitter, now X, especially under Elon Musk's ownership. They explore the changing political landscape, the dynamics of media personalities, and the evolving role of social media in shaping public discourse and political behavior. — 📰 Be notified early when Turpentine's …
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Fono Faufautua a Samoa i Otago Leitio - 16-12-2024 - 130
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This show was broadcast on OAR 105.4FM Dunedin - oar.org.nz
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Syria After Assad
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Samo Burja and Erik Torenberg the current situation in Syria, including the impact of President Assad's exile, the role of various factions and foreign powers, and the challenges of establishing a stable government amid ongoing conflict. — 📰 Be notified early when Turpentine's drops new publication: https://www.turpentine.co/exclusiveaccess 🙏 Help …
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Fono Faufautua a Samoa i Otago Leitio - 02-12-2024 - 129
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This show was broadcast on OAR 105.4FM Dunedin - oar.org.nz
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Dissecting Modern Society with Rudyard Lynch
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Samo Burja and Rudyard Lynch explore global power shifts and the psychological impacts of modernity, drawing parallels between current societal changes and historical patterns from medieval times through the 1600s to analyze contemporary challenges in technology, surveillance, and social control. For full show notes, visit: https://highlightai.com/…
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Ljudi kažu da je Beyonce precijenjena, da Severina nije relevantna i da Tito nije bio zgodan kad je bio mlad. Jesu li u pravu?! Ili je to samo jedno od - nepopularnih mišljenja? Ima li uopće svrhe raspravljati o tome i koja to nepopularna mišljenja imamo nas dvije? Treba li se ljubiti na cesti? Smijemo li djeci zabraniti mobitele? I da li je važno …
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Fono Faufautua a Samoa i Otago Leitio - 25-11-2024
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This show was broadcast on OAR 105.4FM Dunedin - oar.org.nz
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Ajakirjanikud Anvar Samost ja Huko Aaspõllu kohtuvad Vikerraadio igapühapäevases populaarses vestlussaates, et arutleda poliitikaelus toimuva üle.توسط (Vikerraadio)
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Fono Faufautua a Samoa i Otago Leitio - 18-11-2024 - 127
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127.This show was broadcast on OAR 105.4FM Dunedin - oar.org.nz
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In this episode of Live Players, Samo Burja and Erik Torenberg discuss the dynamics of populism in politics. They analyze its strengths, limitations, and impact on institutions, governments, and political strategies, with a deep dive into historical and contemporary examples, including Trump, Brexit, and Orban's Hungary. For full show notes, visit:…
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Postajemo li naši roditelji
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Znate onu scenu iz Prijatelja, kada Rachel uči Joeya jedriti? Da ne kompliciramo situaciju, ili ne daj bože, spoilamo nešto onima koji nisu gledali, scena završava tako da Rachel, šokirana i u nevjerici sjeda kraj Joeya uz epsku izjavu. "Toliko sam se trudila da ne postanem vlastita majka da nisam ni primijetila da sam postala kao vlastiti - otac."…
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Fono Faufautua a Samoa i Otago Leitio - 11-11-2024 - 126
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This show was broadcast on OAR 105.4FM Dunedin - oar.org.nz
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Stuudios on Anvar Samost ja Huko Aaspõllu.توسط (Vikerraadio)
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In this episode of Live Players, Samo Burja and Erik Torenberg discuss how Trump's victory signals a new alliance between right-wing politics and tech industry leaders like Elon Musk, while exploring the challenges and opportunities of reforming government institutions through technological innovation. For full show notes, visit: https://highlighta…
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Fono Faufautua a Samoa i Otago Leitio - 04-11-2024 - 125
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This show was broadcast on OAR 105.4FM Dunedin - oar.org.nz
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Stuudios on Huko Aaspõllu ja Anvar Samost.توسط (Vikerraadio)
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Nismo više prijatelji
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Što kada nam prijatelji više - nisu prijatelji? Što kada dođe do gašenja ženskih prijateljstava nakon dugo godina? Prijateljstva se ponekad ugase, naizgled, iz ničega. Ili dođe do raskola zbog nesrazmjera u odnosima, ljubomore ili različitih životnih faza. Možemo li prerasti svoje prijatelje? I koliko vrijedi ulagati u odnose za koje nismo sigurni …
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Fono Faufautua a Samoa i Otago Leitio - 21-10-2024 - 124
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This show was broadcast on OAR 105.4FM Dunedin - oar.org.nz
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Explore how Air Media Samoa emphasizes local relevance in its radio content strategy to connect with the community and enhance listener loyalty.توسط airmediasamoa
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Kako je Tinder ubio romantiku
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Kako izgleda dejtanje kada se izadje iz oceana ljudi koje srećemo kroz srednju školu, a onda i fax? Jer sada kad gledamo unatrag, to je metafora koja se nameće. U srednjoj školi, na faxu, na prvim poslovima koji se mijenjaju brzo i koji su puni novih i nepoznatih ljudi, kreće mirnija faza života. Kao iz oceana punog riba i jakih struja, otplivaš u …
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Urbanization, Technology, and Global Shifts
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Today on Live Players, we’re releasing an interview from Steve Hsu on the Manifold Podcast with Samo Burja. They unravel the complexities of our world, discussing China's rise, Europe's future, and industrial shifts. This episode delves into unique research methods, journalism challenges, and the dynamic ecosystem of Silicon Valley. They explored u…
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Air Media Samoa is a vibrant radio station dedicated to celebrating the rich culture and community of Samoa. Broadcasting live 24/7, this station offers a diverse range of events including music, talk back shows, entertainment, advertising opportunities, and devotional services.توسط airmediasamoa
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Fono Faufautua a Samoa i Otago Leitio - 07-10-2024 - 123
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This show was broadcast on OAR 105.4FM Dunedin - oar.org.nz
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