This podcast discusses Scripture, Jesus and the Rapture.
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In This episode, I talk about the answer I was led to when asking Yeshua to clarify for me how a Trump win in the elections fits into where we believe we are on the Biblical timeline, end times prophecy, and the rapture. I share my thoughts and insights as to the meaning behind Ezekiel 38:11 as the answer I was led to. I believe it's important to u…
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In this episode I talk about the tactics being used to silence opposition and oppress truth. Deception is in full swing, and many are falling for the lies intended to manipulate the masses into cheering on evil. Be very careful which side you are standing on.توسط Rapture Watcher
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IN this episode I talk about the understanding I was shown regarding July 13th and the biblical timeline.توسط Rapture Watcher
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In this episode, I talk about the attempt on July 13th and my thoughts on what happened. I also talk about my concerns regarding the lack of brotherly love and support from believers to those who are occupying while we are waiting for the rapture. It is on my heart to remind us that anyone who is standing against satan deserves our respect and supp…
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In this episode, I discuss a powerful dream I experienced that deepened my understanding of 2 Thessalonians 2;7, and who the restrainer is. The puzzle pieces of what's going on around us, why things are happening the way they are, and the anticipation of WW3 & the rapture; it's all falling into place for those who know Jesus.…
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Rapture Watcher Episode 28 - The Wheat, The Tares & The Barley In this episode I talk about the symbolism and differences of Wheat, Barley and Tares in scripture, and the impact its had on the rapture discussion.توسط Rapture Watcher
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Rapture Watcher Episode 27 - April 8th Convergence In this episode I discuss the events happening on April 8th, including the Alister Crowley piece....توسط Rapture Watcher
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In this episode I talk about the importance of translations specifically in Matthew 24:40-41 - "Then two shall be in the field; the one taken and the other left." Close studying of the original Greek and Hebrew reveal that the translation of the word "taken" and the word "left" are not completely accurate, and the slightly off translation has trick…
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In This Episode I discuss the warning from Matthew 24:12 that 'the love of many will grow cold in the last days', and how that is manifesting in believers and unbelievers alike.توسط Rapture Watcher
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Rapture Watcher Episode 24 - The Biblical Unfolding in 2024 In this episode I talk about how the border crisis in the USA and the middle east wars fit with the end times warnings in scripture; and also the importance of looking for the rapture as we near the end of the Age Of Grace.توسط Rapture Watcher
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Rapture Watcher Episode 23 - Why Now (The End From The Beginning) In this episode I talk about the divine time clock and the mathematical blueprint put forth in scripture regarding the rapture and the end times.توسط Rapture Watcher
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Rapture Watcher Episode 22 - A New Understanding (Peace & Safety, Israel and The Rapture...)
Rapture Watcher Episode 22 - A New Understanding (Peace & Safety, Israel and The Rapture...) In this episode I talk about the possibility that the current cease fire in Israel could very well lead to the "Peace & Safety/Sudden Destruction" spoken of in scripture; and how that could be directly connected to the rapture of the church.…
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In this episode I talk about the growing dividing line between God and Satan. The world is choosing sides, even those who don't know it. Scripture says you cannot serve two are either on the side of Jesus Christ, or you are on the side of Satan; there is no in-between. If you do not consciously choose Jesus Christ, you are by default…
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Rapture Watcher Episode 20 - Jacob's Trouble Has Begun In this episode I talk about the attack on Israel, it's prophetic significance and the fact that time is short. The Age Of Grace is closing fast; get on the arc. 1 Corinthians, 1-4توسط Rapture Watcher
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Rapture Watcher Episode 19 - WW3 Warning & Media Deception In this episode I talk about the warning signs in Scripture regarding mass deception in the last days, and compare that to the WW3 warning signs we are seeing that the media is not telling you about.توسط Rapture Watcher
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Faith In Jesus; Not Just Belief In Jesus In this episode, I talk about the vision I had that helped me understand the difference between believing in Jesus, and placing my faith in Him. Faith in Jesus Christ is what leads to our salvation; it is the gift of Grace through Faith. I also talk about the closing window on the Age of Grace...time is runn…
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Bible Prophecy Unfolding Before Our Eyes In this episode I talk about what is happening right before our eyes and how all of this was foretold to us in scripture. God warned us; and He is still warning us, even now as the clock is running out on the age of Grace.توسط Rapture Watcher
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Hold Fast and See What Is Happening In this episode I talk about the difficulty in holding faith in God's timing. I also talk about some interesting things that happened at the UN SDG summit and it's relevance to scripture.توسط Rapture Watcher
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The Burden Of Belief. In this episode I talk about the blessed burden placed on those who are believers of Jesus Christ. I also talk about the possible upcoming deceptions that may take place during the Tribulation and how to deal with the impact of seeing it coming.توسط Rapture Watcher
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The Tribulation (What the Scripture Says) In this episode I talk about the Tribulation; what scripture says about it and what we see being set up in real time that confirms the warnings God gave us.توسط Rapture Watcher
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What Do We Do Now (In The Last Days) In this episode I talk about what scripture calls for us to do in these last days before the rapture of the Church.توسط Rapture Watcher
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Why Salvation Is Important In this episode I talk about the reason why salvation is important based on what scripture teaches us regarding the eternity of our souls.توسط Rapture Watcher
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Belief vrs Faith In this episode I talk about the important difference between Believing in Jesus Christ and actually placing your Faith in Jesus.توسط Rapture Watcher
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Encouragement In These Hard Times In this episode I wanted to offer encouragement to my beautiful fellow believers in Christ. Also to offer my thanks to the family of believers and watchers who have been creating podcasts, posts and other uplifting messages to all of us. I am eternally grateful to those offering their voice to spread the'…
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Mystery Babylon In this episode I talk about some thoughts I've had about Mystery Babylon...what scripture says about it in Rev 18:21-23, and some interesting things in the news the last few days that have adjusted my thinking on what Mystery Babylon is possibly referring to.توسط Rapture Watcher
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In this episode I discuss more about the Revelation 12 sign; specifically the extraordinary movement of the comet Nishimuri, and the significance of Venus the bright morning star; both of which are active and present with the Revelation 12 sign in mid September. I also discuss the increase of rapture dreams as well as the striking similarities of t…
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In this episode I talk about the Revelation 12 sign, and signs in general. I discuss what scripture calls us to do regarding watching for signs in the heavens and on earth, looking for our Lord Jesus Christ's return and watching for the rapture.توسط Rapture Watcher
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Understanding Salvation. In this episode I discuss what scripture says about being saved. How to understand what salvation is and how to know you are saved. Salvation is the Gospel, which is the blood atonement of Jesus Christ. Hear the Gospel, understand the Gospel and believe the Gospel. It is trust and faith in the blood atonement of Jesus Chris…
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In this episode I talk about the number one sign of the end times given to us by Jesus, and it's impact globally as well as individually.توسط Rapture Watcher
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In this episode, I discuss the scriptural reasons (and evidence) for a pre-tribulation rapture.توسط Rapture Watcher
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My two Rapture Dreams...توسط Rapture Watcher
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Introduction to channel. In this episode I discuss the hostility surrounding the rapture debate, and how we can see past the bullying involved with some, and concentrate on what scripture actually says.توسط Rapture Watcher
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In this episode I discuss the possibility of the debate on the timing of the rapture being part of the false doctrine we were warned about in scripture.توسط Rapture Watcher
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