Sermons preached at Redeeming Grace Church, Georgia VT. See the sermons and seminars podcast page on our website for outlines and additional downloads.
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Published work by the Robert Gordon's College podcasting club which has been running since August 2011.
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Redeeming Grace Church came to be out of a passion to see God glorified through the spreading of the gospel of Jesus Christ, across the Coachella Valley. Our vision is to see the reality of the gospel infiltrate every aspect of our community, as people are transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit. We exist to make disciples of Jesus Christ who grow, live, serve, and lead in the gospel.
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Until we understand our sin and God's righteous wrath, we'll never understand the gospel.
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The gospel that saves us also remakes us such that its proclamation becomes our passion.
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The righteousness of God is revealed in the gospel of Jesus Christ, which is the power of God for salvation for everyone who believes and leads to the obedience of faith.
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We should eternally praise God for who He is (His character) and what He has done (His work).
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We must celebrate God's salvation, His righteousness, and His faithfulness in delivering His people. We are called to praise the Lord with joy for His marvelous works, as He reigns as a just and righteous King.
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Our great creator God chooses to use the weakness of men to fulfill his purposes on the earth.
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Nothing could ever compare with the glory and beauty of King Jesus - let us forsake all for love of him.
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The blessed life is the forgiven life which comes through faith in Jesus Christ.
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1 John gives us a concise snapshot of the truths Christians believe and the life Christians live.
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Dear Christian, no matter what happens, be confident in this - that Jesus Christ and all His blessings are yours.
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If we want to live, we must believe God's compelling testimony concerning Jesus His Son, for the Son is the only one in whom is eternal life.
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Redeeming Grace, love one another, because God has loved you and love is the essence of His commandments.
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Don't be deceived by lies but be discerning by listening to those who speak the truth about Jesus.
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Love the brothers in deed and truth, and you will know that you are God's people.
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God's children fix their hope on Jesus' return, and so they purify themselves by remaining obedient and prepared.
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Beloved children, abide in Christ by practicing righteousness.
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Let us abide in Jesus by holding fast to the truth of the gospel we received, even though others abandon and deny it.
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Because of who you are, be careful what you love.
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It is God's pleasure for us to come to Jesus with our burdens. We have nothing to lose and everything to gain in Christ. May we let nothing hinder us from coming to Christ and finding rest in Him.
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Let us keep God's commands by loving our brothers and thus be assured that we know God.
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Believer, God intends for you to know with certainty that you have eternal life.
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We are commanded to walk in accordance with the Holy Spirit, not the desires of the sinful flesh, because we are necessarily changed from the inside out by the Spirit if we belong to Christ Jesus.
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See Jesus through the testimony of Scripture, believe, and be saved.
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Be zealous for good works for the gospel-good of the world.
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From conversion till Jesus returns, God's people live by the power of grace.
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Let us bring honor and credibility to the gospel message by how we live.
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God's intention is that the church should be protected by godly and able leaders, who teach and defend the gospel which is according to godliness.
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The message of the cross defines and shapes our life.
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Let’s live for what really matters: making disciples.
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Christian, God's good plan for you is to live out your faith in community with your brothers and sisters in Christ here at RGC.
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The Christian life is lived in total dependence upon God; practically speaking, this means being devoted to the Word of God and prayer.
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Those who have believed in Christ have been made holy, are being made holy and will be made holy. This is sanctification.
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We are great sinners, but we have a great Savior, through whom we are forgiven and counted righteous by faith alone.
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Christ invites you to eternal life. Come to Him today through repentance and faith and be saved.
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Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.
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In order to enter the Kingdom of God, you must be born again.
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Jesus is the lamb of God who can take away your sin.
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Why would you not receive God’s gift of his Son, seeing how precious this gift is, and how greatly you need it?
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Prepare for the coming of the Lord by turning from your sin and trusting in Jesus Christ.
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