"Speaking of Psychology" is an audio podcast series highlighting some of the latest, most important and relevant psychological research being conducted today. Produced by the American Psychological Association, these podcasts will help listeners apply the science of psychology to their everyday lives.
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Psychologia. Terapia. Zdrowie psychiczne. Dbanie o siebie. Monika Kotlarek - psycholog, terapeutka, autorka książek. Dzielę się wiedzą i doświadczeniem. Psychoedukuję. Łamię tabu. Walczę ze stygmatyzacją.
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Vous vous posez des questions sur la psychologie et le bien-être ? Découvrez le podcast de Psychologue.net, le portail leader en psychologie qui vous permet de vous sentir mieux quand vous en avez besoin. Retrouvez Psychologue.net sur internet et les réseaux : 👍Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/psychologuenet/ 👍Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/psychologuenet 👍Notre site : https://www.psychologue.net/ 🔎Pour lire nos articles : https://www.psychologue.net/articles ❓Pour poser vos questio ...
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Ask Dr. Carlos Psychology tidbits is a 60-90 second discussion about psychological concepts and the latest research on human behavior
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Was ist da manchmal los in unserem Kopf? Verhaltenstherapeutin Maren Wiechers und Host Verena "Fiebi" Fiebiger gehen dieser Frage jede Woche auf den Grund. Mit Empathie und Sachverstand sprechen sie über die großen und kleinen Themen der Psychologie, die uns umtreiben: Was macht der Alltagsstress in der Rushhour des Lebens mit uns? Wie ist das mit unserer Persönlichkeit: Bleiben wir ein Leben lang gleich? Wie sehr prägen unsere Eltern uns – und wir damit wiederum unsere Kinder? Welche Werte ...
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In each episode, we talk with inspiring scientists, thinkers, and other self-actualized individuals who will give you a greater understanding of yourself, others, and the world we live in. Scott Barry Kaufman explores the depths of human potential and tries to get a glimpse into human possibility in every episode.
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A psychology podcast that is both educational and entertaining.
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Renée Zavislak, a licensed psychotherapist, counsels callers, teaches holistic wellness principles, and talks a lot of shit
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Wszystko, co chcesz wiedzieć o psychologii, rozwoju, radzeniu sobie z wypaleniem i spokoju w życiu.
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Dr. Carlos is an adjunct Professor in Forensic Psychology and Criminal psychopathology. He discusses concepts in the world of forensic psychology. He discusses legal issues pertaining to forensic psychology, psychology disorders, the criminal justice system and more
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Psychologen beim Frühstück belauschen, wie sie über die Themen reden, die sie gerade beschäftigen: Von der "Psychologie des Lügens", über "Energievampire" und das Streitthema "Ordnung" bis hin zur "Macht des Vergebens". Immer persönlich, immer menschlich aber mit psychologischen Erklärungsversuchen, warum wir uns wie verhalten. Unsere Zuhörer lieben es, mit uns auf den Ohren zusammen zu frühstücken: "Danke für die Sendung ! Ich habe ein neues Hobby am Sonntagmorgen: Bügeln und Eure Sendung h ...
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We are four experts in psychology, bringing you science-backed ideas that can help you flourish in your work, relationships, and health.
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Listen to full Psychostick concerts, podcasts and fart noises though the power of internet technology.
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Nazywam się Karolina Koziara, jestem doktorem psychologii, specjalistą seksuologii. Pracuję jako adiunkt w Collegium Medicum Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego oraz doradca okołotestowy HIV/AIDS. W tym podcaście staram się tłumaczyć zjawiska psychologiczne w przystępny i prosty sposób. Moją misją jest wyprowadzenie nauki poza mury uniwersytetu, a przy okazji rozbrojenie mitów jakie narosły wokół eksperymentów i zjawisk psychologicznych. Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/ ...
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Interviews with Psychologists about their New Books Support our show by becoming a premium member! https://newbooksnetwork.supportingcast.fm/psychology
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Jeder Mensch ‚tickt‘ anders - doch warum? Psychologie hilft, unsere Wahrnehmung zu schärfen und sich und andere besser zu verstehen. Ihr wollt erfahren, weshalb Dankbarkeit befreiend wirken kann, Neid uns einengt, was unsere Partnerwahl über uns aussagt,
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Weekly discussions and perspectives on all aspects of psychology, neuropsychology, psychopharmacology, and mental health topics. Psychoeducation, information, misinformation, controversy, and passion about an incredibly relevant and misunderstood medical field.
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Un podcast dédié à la vulgarisation de la psychothérapie et la psychologie animée par une psychologue clinicienne cartésienne et un développeur web. Retrouvez nos ateliers en ligne, nos vidéos et notre Lettre Psy sur https://catherinelapsy.com
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Psycholog, Dietetyk, Psycholog odchudzania
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My Pocket Psych is all about the psychology of the workplace. Each episode, we'll examine the world of work and explore a topic through the lens of psychology. We'll aim to give listeners tips to help improve their experience of work - moving from surviving to thriving! My Pocket Psych is brought to you by WorkLifePsych Ltd and hosted by Dr. Richard MacKinnon and Pilar Orti.
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A pop culture podcast hosted by an attorney and a psychotherapist. Join sisters Brooke (the attorney) and Tess (the therapist) as they discuss the latest in pop culture. They'll break down your favorite stories, TV shows, and pop culture news. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Les psychologues canadiens Yves Dalpé et Johanne Côté, associés et mariés, offrent un podcast permettant aux auditeurs d'être à la fine pointe des connaissances en psychologie et en communication interpersonnelle.
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The Psychosemantic Podcast: Join host Daeron and a revolving door of guests in discussing politics, movies, and political movies.
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Waarom leerde niemand je ooit hoe je moet omgaan met stress, hoe je een vriend kunt troosten, of hoe je stopt met het continu checken van je Instagram? De Podcast Psycholoog bespreekt elke aflevering een belangrijk psychologisch thema en geeft tips die je meteen kunt toepassen in je dagelijks leven. In de serie Hoofdverhalen gaat Marissa in gesprek met mensen die een fikse tegenslag voor hun kiezen kregen die hun leven (tijdelijk) op z’n kop zette. In elke aflevering blikken zij terug op hun ...
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Zapraszam Cię w Mistrzowską Drogę. Nazywam się Mateusz Brela i jestem, psychologiem oraz sportowcem z ponad 20-letnim doświadczeniem gry w piłkę nożną. Jeśli jesteś sportowcem, trenerem, rodzicem lub chcesz zgłębiać tajniki ludzkiego umysłu, to zapraszam do słuchania mojego podcastu.
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Bold Unedited Discussions on Psychology, Philosophy, Therapy, and Change. Entertaining and informative talks explore psychology and philosophy with a variety of guests including authors, doctors, healers, professors, therapists, scientists and more. We delve into everything from modern therapeutic techniques to ancient wisdom practices, offering practical and unique approaches to living a vibrant life. Host Paul Krauss, MA LPC, draws on his unique background – from a rural motel childhood to ...
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Seeking a healthier emotional life? It’s time to bring a trained psychologist and mental health expert along for the ride. Dr. Monica Johnson explains the why behind complex emotions, helps you form better relationships, and guides you down the path of self-understanding.
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The Psychedelic Psychologist is a conversational-style podcast hosted by Dr. Ryan Westrum with clients and guests who use talk therapy to integrate Psychedelic experiences for healing and personal transformation. Tune in to hear people’s experiences, breakthroughs and stories of healing addiction, depression, and trauma through Psychedelics. Dr. Ryan Westrum gracefully and empathetically narrates real therapy sessions with people in their most vulnerable and transformational moments.
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This is a podcast about advices, each episode is dedicated to a specific topic. We cover everything we go through be it work, relationships, friendship and just life in general. Join the conversation and let's make magic
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Podcast o tym, jak wykorzystać odkrycia psychologii w swoim codziennym życiu, zarówno osobistym jak i zawodowym. Będziemy koncentrowali się przede wszystkim na praktycznych aspektach psychologii, ale nie zabraknie też ciekawostek oraz odpowiedzi na wasze pytania.
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Maggie Lawson and Timothy Omundson (aka Lassiter and Jules) are back at it again hosting the official Psych re-watch podcast. Each week they'll talk about your favorite episodes, share behind-the-scene stories, incredible memories, and have drop-in visits from their best friends and fellow cast-mates.
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Through the DSM with a Licensed Professional Counselor, we will explore mental illness portrayals in film! Each episode will analyze one film and one mental illness, with some fun guests and funny moments along the way.
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Welcome to The Psychology World Podcast with me, Connor Whiteley GMBPsS, psychology graduate and bestselling author. What you'll get by subscribing to this podcast is access to engaging and free psychological knowledge covering a wide range of areas and psychology news to help you deepen your understanding of psychology beyond textbooks and the lecture theatre. Hosted by me... Connor Whiteley, a psychology graduate currently studying a Clinical Psychology MSc and the internationally bestsell ...
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This is NOT a professional therapy podcast. This is simply the view of the world through the lens of someone who happens to be a clinical psychologist. It is not polite, it is definitely not professional, but it IS real.
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Psychologia spekulatywna to podcast, który bada świat z nowej perspektywy, poszukując opowieści łączącej ludzką rzeczywistość ze światem więcej-niż-ludzkim. Razem odkrywamy najnowsze teorie ekopsychologii, fizyki kwantowej, nowego materializmu, biologii, psychoanalizy i psychologii osobowości. Wędrujemy przez zaskakujące krainy myśli, ćwiczymy wyobraźnię i spekulujemy na temat nowego świata, w którym współżyjemy z innymi istotami, odkrywając tajemnice kosmosu. Autor podcastu, Adam Łuczak, pr ...
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The Sex and Psychology Podcast is the sex ed you never got in school—and won’t find anywhere else. Kinsey Institute researcher Dr. Justin Lehmiller takes you on a journey through the psychology of sex and relationships, offering practical tips along the way that can help you take your intimate life to the next level. Learn more on Dr. Lehmiller’s blog at sexandpsychology.com
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This is a podcast about deciphering human behavior and understanding why people do the things they do. I, Zach Elwood, talk with people from a wide range of fields about how they make sense of human behavior and psychology. I've talked to jury consultants, interrogation professionals, behavior researchers, sports analysts, professional poker players, to name a few. There are more than 135 episodes, many of them quite good (although some say I'm biased). To learn more, go to PeopleWhoReadPeop ...
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In de PsychoseNet Original Podcasts gaat Jim van Os, hoogleraar psychiatrie en psychiater, in gesprek met ervaringsdeskundigen, naasten en en professionals. In de gesprekken komen onderwerpen als psychische kwetsbaarheid, spiritualiteit en herstel aan bod. PsychoseNet.nl is hét platform is het over psychosegevoeligheid, stemming, trauma en herstel. Weer weten? Check onze site: www.psychosenet.nl
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Verband Freier Psychotherapeuten, Heilpraktiker für Psychotherapie und Psychologischer Berater e.V.
PSYCHO, LOGISCH! Der Podcast des Verbandes Freier Psychotherapeuten, Heilpraktiker für Psychotherapie und Psychologischer Berater. In unseren Folgen erwarten Sie spannende Interviews, Fachgespräche und jede Menge Wissen rund um Psychologie und Psychotherapie. Mit dem 14-tägigen Rhythmus der Veröffentlichung neuer Ausgaben haben wir die Möglichkeit, auf brandaktuelle Themen einzugehen. Wir freuen uns auf zahlreiche VFP-Mitglieder und Gäste, die ihr Wissen mit uns teilen. Jetzt reinhören!
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Le podcast où tu rentres dans la tête d'un psychologue qui te révèle tous ses secrets pour prendre soin de ta santé mentale. Ici on parle émotions, relations, développement personnel, coaching, hypnose et bien plus encore de manière drôle et décomplexée! Je suis Julien Borloz, psychologue spécialisé en coaching et hypnose à Lausanne en Suisse et je me réjouis de t'accueillir sur ce podcast.
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The ChildPsych Podcast brings to you the top parenting & mental health experts in the world. Designed to educate and inspire you with current research & concrete strategies that foster resiliency & healing in children and teens. Most importantly we’re here because we need to raise a generation of children who don’t need to recover from their childhoods. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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A podcast with my three ways of life:Clinical PsychologyAyurvedaYoga
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J'ai écouté un podcast sur l'anti-fragilité qui m'a saoulé. Du coup nous avons eu une petite discussion sur ce qu'est la fragilité, ce qu'elle dit de nous et comment la voir autrement. Fabien partage aussi un exercice qui, on l'espère, vous fera du bien ! ☺️ Pour vous abonner à notre Lettre Psy : 👉 https://catherinelapsy.com…
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🎙 Dans cet épisode, je te parle de 4 astuces anti-stress qui ont fait leurs preuves scientifiquement et dans le retour des personnes qui me consultent au quotidien. 4 astuces pratiques et facilement applicables dans ta vie de tous les jours. 💊 Cet épisode est sponsorisé par Nutripure: commande tes compléments alimentaires sur https://www.nutripu…
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.... DREAMTiCA ....توسط ArtVA
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Dr Kirk Honda and Humberto explore the psychology of Sean “Diddy” Combs. This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at betterhelp.com/KIRK to get 10% off your first month. 00:00 Allegation from Cindy Rueda 10:36 Kim Porter's death 18:55 Gina Huynh's allegations Become a member: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOUZWV1DRtHtpP…
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What if I told you the left-right political spectrum was an illusion? What if I told you there is no “left” or “right”? My guest is Hyrum Lewis, co-author of The Myth of Left and Right: How the Political Spectrum Misleads and Harms America. They argue that we’ve embraced a simplistic, faulty idea of an essential “left/liberalism” and an essential “…
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Hélène Tessier, "Laplanche's Vocabulary" (PUF, 2024)
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In Vocabulaire de Laplanche (PUF, 2024), edited by the renowned scholar and analyst, Hélène Tessier, several of the key readers of Jean Laplanche's work propose what is nothing short of a revelation for Laplanche studies. Theirs is a vocabulary that provides a concise and accessible dictionary of key Laplanchian terms, inviting readers of Laplanche…
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What’s the difference between an inspiring boss and an infuriating one? What qualities do the best coaches, teachers and mentors share? Adam Galinsky, PhD, author of “Inspire: The Universal Path for Leading Yourself and Others,” discusses why leaders often have even more power than they realize, the universal qualities of good leadership, and how a…
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Dans cet épisode 219, la psychologue clinicienne Astrid Jullien explore une question profonde et universelle : comment le traumatisme s’inscrit-il dans le corps ? Entre mémoire corporelle, réactions physiologiques et résilience, nous interrogeons la manière dont le corps enregistre et exprime les blessures psychiques. Quelles empreintes le traumati…
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Research finds that up to 25% of men experience sexual performance anxiety, which is just one of many types of anxiety that affect men in the bedroom. In this episode, we’re diving into men’s anxiety around sex and relationships, and how to deal with it. I am joined once again by David Khalili, a licensed marriage and family therapist, board-certif…
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W 218. odcinku podcastu opowiadam o 10 zasadach, które pomagają osiągnąć szczęście.Odsłuchaj, aby dowiedzieć się: Jak znaleźć szczęście w codziennym życiu? Czy da się być szczęśliwym cały czas? Czym jest szczęście, a czym na pewno nie jest? Dlaczego szczęście możemy traktować jako odpowiedzialność? Czy szczęście to przyjemność? Czy istnieje recepta…
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Share your thoughts with me Get in touch : charlotte@yogicha.com Check out the NBT 8 week online program landing page : https://www.yogicha.com/nourish-balance-thrive-2/ Check out our upcoming retreat in 2025 : https://www.arttherapyandcreativity.com/projects-8 My Lifestyle and cook book Living Ayurveda is now available on Amazon : https://mybook.t…
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[Rerun] What’s the difference between psychopathy and sociopathy? This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at betterhelp.com/KIRK to get 10% off your first month. Become a member: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOUZWV1DRtHtpP2H48S7iiw/join Become a patron: https://www.patreon.com/PsychologyInSeattle Email: https://www.ps…
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S8 E1: Lock, Stock, Some Smoking Barrels and Burton Guster's Goblet of Fire w/ Steve Franks
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Maggie and Tim kick off Season 8 with Psych’s very own, Steve Franks! Together, they revisit the making of the final season, share behind-the-scenes secrets, relive unforgettable memories, and reveal why Juliet doesn’t appear in this episode. Acorns.com/pineapple or download the Acorns app to start saving and investing on your future today! Learn m…
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Crip Camp - A Disability Revolution
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In this episode we discuss this inspiring and hopeful documentary on Netflix about a groundbreaking summer camp for teens with disabilities which proves to be so inspiring that a group of its alumni join the radical disability rights movement to advocate for historic legislation changes. We have a PATREON! click on link below to check out the extra…
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In another of our 'Thriving at Work' episodes, Richard is joined by fellow workplace psychologist Jane Stewart. They look at some of the challenges with addressing workplace wellbeing and the common traps organisations can fall into. While it's so easy to get caught up with new wellbeing fads and fashions, these are often disruptive and fail to del…
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Sie liegen im Bett, fühlen sich niedergeschlagen und antriebslos, sind erschöpft und dauermüde - so oder so ähnlich ist das weit verbreitete Bild von Menschen, die an Depressionen leiden. Aber nicht jeder und jede Betroffene erfüllt diese klassischen Symptome. Depression ist eine der häufigsten psychischen Erkrankungen und sie kann auch maskiert au…
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In this enlightening episode, Tanya Johnson is joined by Michael McLeod, a speech and language pathologist turned executive functioning specialist and founder of GrowNOW ADHD. Together, they delve into the complex world of ADHD and executive functioning, offering actionable advice and evidence-based insights for parents, educators, and caregivers. …
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Dr Kirk Honda and Humberto explore the psychology of Sean “Diddy” Combs. This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at betterhelp.com/KIRK to get 10% off your first month. 00:00 Get Him to the Greek & questionable movie scenes 25:17 Changing his name to Swag Become a member: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOUZWV1DRtHtpP2H4…
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What if the very thing keeping you from deep, meaningful friendships is the fear of being your true, imperfect self? This week Michael sits down with Jess Johnston for a chat about authenticity, friendship, and overcoming the fear of rejection. They dive into themes for her book, Perfect Is Boring (and It Tastes Like Kale): Finding Belonging and Pu…
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Consistency is the secret to lasting success, but sticking to habits can be a challenge. In this episode, Monica shares five practical, research-backed strategies to help you build habits that stick. Learn how to start small, stack habits, shift your identity, set clear intentions, and track your progress. Savvy Psychologist is hosted by Dr. Monica…
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Led by Dr. Karyne Messina, a psychologist, psychoanalyst, author and host of NBN’s “New Books in Psychology” and “Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Racism in America,” this podcast covers the effects of too much screen time. Dr. Messina talks about this topic with Dr. Harry Gill, a renown psychiatrist who also has a PhD. in neuroscience. They discuss …
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From Columbine to Sandy Hook to Uvalde, the list of schools and communities devastated by gun violence grows every year. Dewey Cornell, PhD, an expert in school violence prevention, discusses how schools can respond when faced with a potential threat, and how students, teachers, administrators and law enforcement can work together to keep schools s…
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Christy reached out to Renée in a Q&A with this question: "My skin gets red and blotchy whenever I'm around cis men. What's going on?" Since Renée needed a lot more information before she could formulate an answer, she and Christy and decided to sort it out on the show. They look at Christy's childhood, her marriage, her experience as a parent - al…
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Sich aufrecht hinzustellen und sich groß zu machen, verbessert unser Selbstbewusstsein - das Behaupten Studien in der Psychologie, die sich auf die Embodiment-Theorie stützen. Aber stimmt das überhaupt? Wie viel Einfluss hat der Körper wirklich auf Denken
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Jak planować miesiąc, aby mieć czas na wszystko, co ważne? | Workflow, rytm miesiąca i ogarnianie
W tym odcinku podcastu porozmawiamy o tym, jak wprowadzić rytm miesiąca do swojego życia i uporządkować codzienność. 🗓️ Dowiesz się, czym jest workflow, dlaczego warto o niego zadbać i jak może pomóc Ci w realizacji najważniejszych celów. 🌟 Poruszone tematy: Co to jest workflow i dlaczego nazywamy go "rytmem miesiąca"? Jak lista powtarzalnych zadań…
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توسط Circle Of Insight Productions
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توسط Circle Of Insight Productions
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Things that stand in the way of us moving forward.توسط Impolite Psychologist
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Victim Blaming (2019 Rerun)
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[Rerun] Our legal system and society are broken and rape victims continue to be disbelieved, mistreated, and stigmatized. We review the new Netflix show Unbelievable. We also talk with Christy Forrester about her rape experience, her struggle with the legal system, and her path to advocacy and becoming a therapist. This episode is sponsored by Bett…
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Mój najnowszy kurs: https://tiny.pl/rw56-m41
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Danielle Bayard Jackson, "Fighting for Our Friendships: The Science and Art of Conflict and Connection in Women's Relationships" (Hachette, 2024)
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Why are women's friendships so deep yet so fragile? Friendship coach and educator Danielle Bayard Jackson unpacks the latest research about women's cooperation and communication, while sharing practical strategies to preserve and strengthen these relationships. Fighting for Our Friendships: The Science and Art of Conflict and Connection in Women's …
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Jan Abram, "The Surviving Object: Psychoanalytic Clinical Essays on Psychic Survival-Of-The-Object" (Routledge, 2021)
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Clinician and psychoanalyst Jan Abram proposes and elaborates the dual concept of an intrapsychic surviving and non surviving object. She extends Winnicottian technique by highlighting the centrality of the analysand playing with the object. Across eight chapters she develops this theory of survival, while also exploring the terror of non-survival,…
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A growing number of men are experiencing mental health struggles. However, surveys from all around the world find that men are very reluctant to talk about their mental health. As a result, their mental health issues often go undiagnosed and untreated, and many turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms. In today’s show, we’re going to open up a conversat…
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Tym razem zastanowimy się, dlaczego tak wiele osób ma problem z odkładaniem aktywności fizycznej na później. Jak to jest, że choć wiemy, że "sport to zdrowie", że aktywność fizyczna nam sprzyja, to jednak nie zawsze znajduje to odzwierciedlenie w naszej codzienności? Ponadto WF oraz ciekawostka. Partnerem odcinka jest MultiSport, który przeprowadzi…
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توسط Circle Of Insight Productions
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Dans cet épisode 218, le thérapeute Grégory Boucheron vous guide sur un sujet essentiel : comment savoir choisir son thérapeute ? Entre différentes approches, spécialisations et personnalités, il n’est pas toujours facile de trouver le professionnel qui correspond à vos besoins. Quels critères privilégier ? Comment reconnaître si une thérapie vous …
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Dr Kirk Honda and Humberto explore the psychology of Sean “Diddy” Combs. This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at betterhelp.com/KIRK to get 10% off your first month. 00:00 Dating Jennifer Lopez & court history 03:12 1999 Nightclub shooting 22:14 Why did Mase retire in 1999? Become a member: https://www.youtube.com/chan…
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Sister Wives Season 19 Episode 18: Money Is The Root Of All Evil
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Christine and Janelle each reveal big new chapters in their lives. Kody meets with a realtor at Coyote Pass. Meri has a new companion in her life. Meri and Janelle finally lawyer up. We have a PATREON! click on link below to check out the extra content: Patreon Please SUBSCRIBE to the podcast and give us a 5-star rating and review. We are on Instag…
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Normally as an aspiring clinical psychologist, I don't really focus too much on how our biological processes and the nervous system impacts our mental health. I should focus on this area a lot more than I do because our physical reactions to trauma, anxiety and depression are very important. Instead I tend to focus on the psychological processes th…
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Every time I go in Trader Joe's, the checkout person asks me a question of some sort. I used to think everyone there was just happy and friendly, but then I heard reports that it was more of a rule or strong encouragement that employees talk to customers. I read conflicting reports about this online and wanted to talk to someone who'd worked at Tra…
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