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Welcome to the Sunday Sermons podcast of First Presbyterian Church of Allentown We hope you'll join us each week by setting aside a few moments to take a prayerful breath and listen to God's Word. Check out First Presbyterian Church of Allentown online at and on Facebook at
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show series
When has a stranger seen you as a neighbor? How did that feel? This week Pastor Stephanie Anthony kicks off our Lenten sermon series, inspired by "Everything [in] Between" from A Sanctified Art. The first sermon in the series reflects on the story of the Good Samaritan from Luke 10. Check out the whole sermon, as well as this week's scripture readi…
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What will you do with the light (the divine presence of God) you have seen? --- Join us as Pastor Taylor Hall preaches a sermon entitled "Divine Encounters" from Sunday March 2, 2025. Today's scripture readings are Exodus 34:29-35, Luke 9:28-36 and 2 Corinthians 3:12-4:2 (Read by Kim Ceccatti) Join us Sunday morning's in person or online, visit fpc…
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Jesus commanded his followers to have agape love their enemies in Luke 6:27-38. This radical love isn’t passive; it disrupts cycles of hate and fear transforming the world rather than conforming to it. In this sermon, we explore what it means to embody a selfless love that refuses to mirror brokenness but instead works to heal and restore. --- Join…
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Join us as Pastor Kathryn Foster preaches a sermon entitled "Watered or Parched". Today's scripture readings are Jeremiah 17:5-10 & Luke 6:17-26 (Read by Finn Bull & Lola Whitehead) Join us Sunday morning's in person or online, visit for more details. For a text transcript of the sermon, please check it on the FPCA B…
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Join us as Pastor Carter Lester preaches his last sermon at FPC Allentown entitled "TODAY". Additionally, the band performs an original acapella song written by our own Phil Henderson called "God's Love Will Always Prevail" Today's scripture readings are Isaiah 61:1-4 & Luke 4:14-21 (Read by Bruce Gunn [English], Moufid Khoury [Arabic], and Abraham…
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Join us as Pastor Carter Lester preaches a Sermon entitled "Sermon Reactions" Today's scripture readings are Jeremiah 1:4-10 & Luke 4:21-30 (Read by Bob Martin) Join us Sunday morning's in person or online, visit for more details. For a text transcript of the sermon, please check it on the FPCA Blog: https://blog.fpc…
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Rev. Liz Heinzel-Nelson, Executive Director of our mission partner, Villages in Partnership (VIP), preached on a snowy January 19th service. VIP is a faith based nonprofit organization whose mission is to eliminate extreme poverty in rural Malawi. Liz co-founded VIP after she and her family stepped away from serving Allentown (New Jersey) Presbyter…
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The Rev. Stephanie Anthony joins us for a special combined Worship Service this Sunday as we prepare to welcome her as our new Lead Pastor starting in March. Today's scripture readings are Isaiah 43:1-7 & Luke 3:15-17, 21-22 (Read by Moufid Khoury in Arabic, Nelson Rabenold in English, and Abraham Pa Cawi in Chin) If you'd like your very own Star W…
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Life often unfolds in ways that surprise us, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. How have you felt God's presence when your life took an unexpected turn? This Epiphany Sunday, we conclude our Advent and Christmas journey with a sermon that looks forward. Join Pastor Taylor as we embark on the road of a new year, exploring the unexpected paths a…
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Join us this Christmastide as we look at the way Wisdom impacts us and our faith. The sermon, entitled "Wisdom's Ways" is the penultimate sermon in our series "Words for the Beginning" inspired by "A Sanctified Art". Today's scripture readings are 1 Corinthians 2:6-13, 16 & Luke 2:41-51 (Read by Nelson Rabenold) Join us Sunday morning's in person o…
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Merry Christmas! In a special Christmas Eve message Pastor Carter continues our Advent Season sermon series, inspired by "Words for the Beginning" from A Sanctified Art; reminding us this week that "Loves Knows Your Name". Checkout the sermon as well as the Christmas story read narratively by Pastors Taylor Hall, Kathryn Foster and Carter Lester. J…
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What dream of God might you have a part to play in during this season of your life? This week Pastor Carter continues our Advent Season sermon series, inspired by "Words for the Beginning" from A Sanctified Art; reminding us this week that "Hope is Worth the Risk". Check out the whole sermon, as well as this week's scripture readings: Luke 1:46-55 …
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Reflect on what it means to have a "with-us" God. If you have experienced a time of isolation, from God or others, what practices might help you break free from that isolation? How can you support others experiencing loneliness and isolation? This week Pastor Kathryn continues our Advent Season sermon series, inspired by "Words for the Beginning" f…
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You are a beloved child of God. When do you doubt this truth? What helps you remember that this is true? This week Pastor Taylor kicks off our Advent Season, inspired by "Words for the Beginning" from A Sanctified Art. The first sermon in the series reminds us that "You Are a Blessing" Check out the whole sermon, as well as this week's scripture re…
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For what do you want to thank God this morning? Join us as Pastor Carter wraps up our Autumn sermon series on "Fruits of the Spirit", focusing this week on Gratitude. Check out the whole sermon, as well as this week's scripture readings: Deuteronomy 8:7-18 and Philippians 4:4-7, 10-13 (Read by Kathy Matthews) Join us Sunday morning's in person or o…
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What are the gifts that God has given to you to share with others in this season of your life? What is one way you can use those gifts to bless someone in this church family or your community this week? This week we welcome guest preacher, and new Shared General Presbyter for Lackawanna and Lehigh Presbyteries Rev. Denise Pass, who joins us to deli…
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Think back on a difficult decision you made in the past with God's help: how did God give you the wisdom you needed? Join us as Pastor Carter continues our sermon series on "Fruits of the Spirit", focusing this week on Wisdom. Check out the whole sermon, as well as this week's scripture readings: 1 Kings 3:5-12, 16-28, Colossians 1:9-10 & Matthew 7…
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Consider Jesus' model of humanity? What adjectives would you use to describe his humility? Who has modeled some of those characteristics for you and how? Join us as Pastor Carter continues our sermon series on "Fruits of the Spirit", focusing this week on Humility. Check out the whole sermon, as well as this week's scripture readings: Mark 10:35-45…
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Where might you be called to create new spaces of welcome? Consider both within and beyond our community of faith. Join us as Pastor Taylor continues our sermon series on "Fruits of the Spirit", focusing this week on Hospitality. Check out the whole sermon, as well as this week's scripture readings: Genesis 18:1-10 & Hebrews 13:2 (Read by Jenny Luc…
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Join us as Pastor Carter continues his sermon series "Fruits of the Spirit", focusing this week on Generosity. Check out the whole sermon, as well as this week's scripture readings: 2 Chronicles 31:1-8 & Luke 12:13-21 (Read by Linda Boyle & Pastor Carter) Join us Sunday morning's in person or online, visit for more d…
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Join us as Pastor Carter continues his sermon series "Fruits of the Spirit", focusing this week on Justice. Check out the whole sermon, as well as this week's scripture readings: Amos 5:11-12, 21-24 & Luke 4:16-21 (Read by Trish Brown) Join us Sunday morning's in person or online, visit for more details. For a text t…
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Join us as Pastor Carter continues his sermon series "Fruits of the Spirit", focusing this week on Patience. Unfortunately due to technical issues, the Prayer for Illumination and Scripture readings were not able to be included in the recording. See below for text versions of each: Prayer for Illumination Almighty God, give us ears to hear your sto…
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Join us as Pastor Carter continues his sermon series "Fruits of the Spirit", focusing this week on Temperance and Self-Control. Check out the whole sermon, as well as this week's scripture readings: Proverbs 16:32, 25:28; 2 Timothy 1:6-7; Galatians 5:22-23 (Read by Bob Martin) Join us Sunday morning's in person or online, visit…
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Join us as Pastor Carter continues his sermon series "Fruits of the Spirit", focusing this week on Peace. Join us Sunday morning's in person or online, visit for more details. For a text transcript of the sermon, please check it on the FPCA Blog: blog.fpcallentown.orgتوسط FPC Allentown
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Who has been an example of courage in your life? What have you learned from their example? Reflect on this question as you go about your day, and join us as Pastor Carter Lester preaches a Sermon entitled "The Fruits of the Spirit: Courage". Due to some technical glitches on Sunday, we were unable to capture all of the Scripture readings. If you'd …
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Why do you call First Presbyterian Church of Allentown home? Reflect on this question as you go about your day, and join us as Pastor Taylor Hall preaches a Sermon for our "Fall Kick-off" worship service held on September 8, 2024, entitled "Welcome Home!" Join us Sunday morning's in person or online, visit for more d…
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How have you seen God at work through your "work?" Reflect on this question as you go about your day, and join us as 6 of our members shared stories of "How have they have saught to serve God in their work?", and "How have they seen God at work in their work?". So come along as Kim Ceccatti, Andy Baranek, Dr. Laura Furge, Dr. Treasure Walker, Joel …
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What in God's creation leaves you with wonder and awe? What does that teach you about God? Reflect on this question as you go about your day, and join us as Pastor Carter Lester preaches a Sermon entitled "Wonder and Awe". Check out the whole sermon, as well as this week's scripture readings: Psalm 104: 1, 14-24; Matthew 6:25-34 (Read by Erica Simm…
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Join us as Pastor Carter Lester preaches a Sermon entitled "Putting on the Clothes of Kindness", during our Imago Dei worship service on August 18, 2024. Check out the whole sermon, as well as this week's scripture readings: Colossians 3:12-17 & Matthew 11:28-30 (Read by Kim Ceccatti) and ending with a Litany of Affirmation following the sermon. (l…
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Join us as Pastor Taylor Hall preaches a Sermon entitled "Bread for the Journey". As you go about your day, think on this: Think of someone who could use a word of encouragement or a small act of kindness. Intentionally reach out to that person this week and offer them "bread" for the journey. Check out the whole sermon, as well as this week's scri…
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Join us as Pastor Carter Lester preaches a Sermon entitled "What Is It?". As you go about your day, think on this: How have you received "manna," or daily bread, when you were struggling in a wilderness? Check out the whole sermon, as well as this week's scripture readings: Exodus 16:2-4, 9-15 and John 6:24-35 (Read by Margaret Metzgar) Join us Sun…
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Join us as guest preacher and church member Janine Carambot Santoro preaches a Sermon entitled "Divine Wisdom for a Hungry World". As well as a our Children's Sermon from Pastor Taylor featuring "Jesus Feeds the 5000" from the Spark Story Bible. And, as you go about your day, think on this: In what ways has the idea of scarcity prevented us from sh…
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Join us as Pastor Taylor Hall preaches a Sermon entitled "No More Walls". As you go about your day, think on this: What dividing walls can you focus on tearing down in this season of your life? Check out the whole sermon, as well as this week's scripture readings: Ephesians 2:11-22 and Mark 6:30-34, 53-56 (Read by Bob Martin) Join us Sunday morning…
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Join us as Pastor Carter Lester preaches a Sermon entitled "A Prayer for All of Us". As you go about your day, think on this: What words in Paul's prayer for us are words we especially need to hear and hold on to? What gets in the way of us recognizing the length, breadth, and depth of God's love for us - or for others? Check out the whole sermon, …
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Join us as Pastor Carter Lester preaches a Sermon entitled "A Thorn in the Flesh". Some key takeaways from this sermon include: Whatever Paul’s thorn in the flesh might have been, most of us have had a thorn in the flesh in our lives. Fear and loneliness, confusion and doubt, physical pain, emotional heartache, or some form of disability – they are…
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Join us as guest preacher and friend of the church Rev Susan Gilbert Zencka preaches a Sermon entitled "On the Edge of Despair and Hope". Some key takeaways from this sermon include: “Hope is a verb with its sleeves rolled up.” -- David W. Orr God doesn’t expect us to do what we can’t do, but God does expect us to do what we can—and that makes a di…
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Join us as Pastor Carters preaches a Sermon entitled "Let Us Go Across to the Other Side". As you go about your day, think on this: Think about a time of change when you had to "go to the other side." How did you experience God's presence in the midst of that transition? Were you able to recognize that Jesus was in the boat with you? Check out the …
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Join us as long-time FPCA Member Pam Weiss preaches a Sermon entitled "Get Up and Walk the Talk". Some key takeaways from this sermon include: Stop thinking that you don’t matter. Get up and walk. You do matter, and it is through Jesus that you can now know the love and mercy of God that offers healing and wellness, and a new life. Stop thinking th…
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Join us as Pastor Taylor preaches a Sermon entitled "Naked in Shame / Clothed with Grace". Some key takeaways from this sermon include: But God asks the two, “Who told you that you were naked?” Not why! But “Who told you?” Because God knew the two were always naked. They were created naked. And God and humankind felt no shame in their nakedness bec…
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Join us as Pastor Kathryn preaches a Sermon entitled "An Amazing Inclusive Truth". Some key takeaways from this sermon include: "If I ever saw a title that summarized the bible in two words, I think LOVE WINS would be those two." "Peter, the Apostle, might have thought that God changed God's mind about the Jewish law; when in fact, God changed Pete…
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Join us for this last week's sermon, preached by Pastor Carter, entitled "The Geography of God". This sermon was preached on May 26, 2024 at First Presbyterian Church of Allentown at our 11:00am Worship Service in the Sanctuary. [0:20] - Scripture Readings: Isaiah 6:1-8, Romans 8:12-17; 26-27 (Linda Boyle) [3:35] - Sermon: "The Geography of God" (R…
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This Pentecost, we heard God's word in 3 languages, as well as a special treat from our youth. Join as we celebrate the birthday of the Church. [0:20] - Prayer for Illumination & Scripture Reading (Bob Martin, Afaf Khoury, and Abraham PaCawi) [4:15] - Faith Formation Class sings "Thanks God!" [6:20] - Sermon Join us Sunday morning's in person or on…
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Pastor Taylor and the youth of FPC Allentown led worship on May 12, 2024. Check out the sermons & children's sermon here, but we also encourage you to watch both services over on YouTube if you missed them: [0:20] - Prayer for Illumination & Scripture Reading (Lexie Simmons) [1:55] - Children's Sermon (Pastor Taylor) [11:22] - Tommy Gilchrist's Ser…
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Tune in to this last week's sermon as Pastor Carter preaches about "The Dreaded 'J' Word". What is the J-word? Listen to find out! Scripture Readings: Psalm 98, John 15:9-17 Liturgist: Bruce Gunn Preacher: Rev. Dr. Carter Lester The sermon was preached on Sunday, May 5, 2024 at First Presbyterian Church of Allentown during our 11:00am service in th…
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Listen this week as Pastor Carter and Pastor Taylor team up to preach on the story of Phillip and Ethiopian (Acts 8:26-40) Scripture Readings: Acts 8:26-40, Isaiah 53:7-9 Liturgist: Landon Kemp Children's Sermon: Rev. Taylor Hall Preacher: Rev. Dr. Carter Lester The Children's Sermon & Sermon were preached on Sunday, April 28, 2024 at First Presbyt…
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Join Pastor Carter as he preaches his sermon entitled "I Am the Good Shepherd" on the 23rd Psalm and a portion of John, chapter 10. This sermon was preached on April 21, 2024 at First Presbyterian Church of Allentown's 11:00am worship service. Liturgist: Bob Martin Scriptures: Psalm 23, John 10:11-18 Preacher: Rev. Dr. Carter Lester…
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Join us as Pastor Kathryn preaches her sermon entitled "Eastertide: Fear & Reality". Scripture Readings: Luke 24:36-43; Psalm 4:4-8; Acts 3:17-19 Liturgist: Bobbie McGarey Preacher: Rev. Kathryn Foster "Charlotte's Web" Audio clip used by permission under CVLI License.توسط FPC Allentown
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Join us as Pastor Taylor wraps up our Lenten & Easter sermon series "Wandering Heart" with the final sermon entitled "Here's My Heart". Scripture Reading: John 21:1-19 Preacher: Rev. Taylor Hall Please forgive the audio, there was some technical glitches during our Worship Service at both the 8:45 and 11am services, the audio has been pieced togeth…
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He is Risen, Alleluia! Join us for our Easter Sunday message, and part of our Sermon Series: "Wandering Heart: And I Hope". Scripture Readings: Luke 24:1-12 Liturgist: Kathy Matthews Children's' Sermon: Rev. Taylor Hall Preacher: Rev. Dr. Carter Lester Preached on: March 31, 2024 at First Presbyterian Church of Allentown (11:00am Service) Music cre…
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For Maundy Thursday, Pastor Carter continued our Lenten sermon series "Wandering Heart" with a special meditation entitled "Streams of Mercy". Scripture Reading: Mark 14:12-25 Preacher: Rev. Dr. Carter Lester Music credit: Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing - as performed by Shane Jensenتوسط FPC Allentown
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