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Un podcast créé par Cathy Intro, coach de français, pour vous aider à mieux connaître les francophones et à améliorer votre français. Conçu pour les niveaux intermédiaires-supérieurs et avancés intéressés par la culture française et nord-américaine ou qui préparent un test (DELF, DALF, TCF, TEF).
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The Renaissance Polymath

Renaissance Polymath

This podcast is all about discussing ideas, lessons, and skills that your parents and high school didn’t teach you, helping you to become a more well-rounded individual, jack of all trades, or a modern-day renaissance man/woman. Learn more at therenpo.com
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Polygamia.de » Polycasts

Polygamia.de » Polycasts

Die Polycasts von Polygamia.de setzen sich – wie auch die Artikel des Blogs – mit Spielen, Filmen, TV-Serien und den Themen auseinander, die die Autoren aktuell beschäftigen. Das können gerne auch mal aktuelle Trends, technische Entwicklungen oder Metaebenen in Blockbustern sein.
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Polymer Science Podcast

Alicia Botes and Jacob Schekman

Two scientists from opposite ends of the Earth speak with researchers around the world to break down their fascinating work in polymer science, chemistry, material science, and engineering. Join Dr. Alicia Botes and Jacob Schekman as they break down exciting discoveries on the Polymer Science Podcast! Questions or comments? Contact us at [email protected]
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Pixel, Polygone & Plauderei

Nintendo-Online.de, PS-Now.de

Pixel, Polygone & Plauderei - Das ist der offizielle Videospiele-Podcast von Nintendo-Online.de und PS-NOW.de. Hier plaudern in loser und wechselnder Formation Jannes, Alex, Daniel & Marco über diverse Themen der Sony- und Nintendo-Front. Dabei reichen die Themen von aktuellen Titel-Besrepechungen, Berichten von Events bis hin zur Analyse der aktuellen Nintendo Direct-Ausgabe.
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Polygamy: What Love Is This

Polygamy: What Love Is This

Polygamy: What Love Is This is an Internet video program that discusses Mormon Fundamentalist polygamy, but from a biblical, Christian perspective. We discuss polygamy history, current events, and stories of people who have left the abuses of fundamentalist polygamy. Hosted by Doris Hanson, who was born and raised in the Kingston polygamy clan.
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Hur skulle du göra dina relationer om du valde helt fritt? Vill du möta en, flera, många? Kan du älska, åtrå, ha lust till fler personer än en? Är du nyfiken på hur polylivet kan se ut i praktiken? Välkommen till Polyprat- en podd om att göra relationer utanför normen. Minna och Karin pratar om kärlek och rädslor, sex och normbrytande. Att göra poly innebär att leta sig fram till sin egen relationskarta. Det finns inte lika många förebilder- men vi har förstås människor vi inspireras av på m ...
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Growing Up In Polygamy

Growing Up In Polygamy

Sam sharing what it was like growing up in the polygamous FLDS group, his experiences leaving the group when he was 18 and his journey to where he is now. His wife Melissa is his co-host, asking the questions that everyone from the outside is thinking.
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Polyteknisk Forening

Velkommen til #PolyPod: Polyteknisk Forenings podkast, med innsikt og inspirasjon der teknologi, samfunn og næringsliv møtes! Her får du faglig påfyll og ufiltrerte refleksjoner om dagens viktigste temaer, rett fra ekspertene, beslutningstakerne og de nye stemmene. La deg utfordre og inspirere til å ta praten videre! Vi takker våre partnere for ekstra støtte til å produsere #PolyPod! Gjør som 200000 andre, hold deg oppdatert via @polyteknisk. God fornøyelse! Jingle: Danny Young, Gong Product ...
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This podcast is for people who already have some basic knowledge of Catalan or speak some other Romance languages. Using the natural approach, I speak using comprehensible words and speed. Can’t wait for the next episode? You will find more than 50 videos to learn Catalan on my YouTube channel, including subtitles in English and Catalan: https://www.youtube.com/c/CouchPolyglot Aquest podcast és per a persones que ja tenen un nivell bàsic de català o que ja parlen altres llengües romàniques. ...
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Polyglot Software Development

Krish Palaniappan and Varun Palaniappan

We’ve been doing Software Development and Architecture work for a while at Snowpal, and currently have several B2B and B2C products in production. In this podcast, we’ll share our experiences on a regular basis to help you & your teams build great software. The topics covered in this podcast will include Product Management, Project Management, Architecture, Development, Deployment, Security, Release Management, Sales, Marketing, Advertising, and just about everything else an ambitious, fast ...
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A new series for an older podcast feed than yours. Started as a way to talk to people making weird shit on the fringes of the underground, then splitting time with a series of interviews with Gawker commenters, then just weird Christmas music and audio experiments, then interviews with LGBTQIA and POC artists about their feelings about the Trump presidency, then the obscenely pointless series "We Are Podcasting in a Room", and now Platonic Polyamory cohosts Rob Marvin, Jennifer C. Martin, an ...
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The Polygon Seahorse Podcast is de 1ste én enige Nederlandstalige podcast over (scuba)duiken en neemt je mee in gesprekken met bekende namen in de duikwereld. Verschillende onderwerpen waaronder onderwaterfotografie en -videografie, technisch duiken, wrakduiken, materialen, duikreizen, opleidingen, enzovoort komen aan bod.
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Welcome to The Polymath PolyCast! I'm Dustin Miller PolyInnovator, your host, guiding you through a journey of polymathy, where we celebrate the intellectually curious, the creatively diverse, and the endlessly innovative. In Season 7, we continue exploring the limitless potential of polymaths, multipotentialites, and generalists. Join us as we delve into the minds of extraordinary individuals who embody the polymathic spirit. Our show offers two captivating series: Multidisciplinary Intervi ...
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Hi! We’re Emma and Fin! We’re a married couple in our thirties who have been exploring non-monogamy for over 15 years. Every week we interview people from across the spectrums of gender, sexuality, and relationship styles to hear their amazing stories. Many of our guests identify as swingers or polyamorous. However, quite a few have redefined non-monogamy in their own way by creating a unique dynamic that works for them. We hope that by giving a voice to the diverse community exploring non-m ...
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Poly-ish Movie Reviews

Joreth InnKeeper

Welcome to Poly-ish Movie Reviews, where I watch the crap so you don't have to! I watch a lot of movies. Some of those movies are great. But a lot of them are crap. I'm here to help you sort out which is which, so that you don't have to waste your time on bad cinema, unless that's your thing. No judgement - I like a lot of terrible movies. I'm just saying that, as we polys know, love may be infinite, but time is not. Let me help you manage that increasingly rare and precious time of yours by ...
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Creating Paths for Practical Polyamory with Kat & Doc Our podcast is dedicated to providing grounded guidance for anyone navigating polyamory. Here, you’ll find episodes focused on real-life polyamory topics like communication, scheduling, family dynamics, setting boundaries, and building resilience in relationships. Whether you’re new to polyamory or have been practicing for years, we hope to help you create fulfilling, balanced, and purposeful polyamorous relationships in everyday life.
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FAQ the Poly

Bb e Gì

Il primo podcast italiano dedicato a rispondere alle frequently asked questions su poliamore e non monogamie. Co-hosted by: Bb e Gì, le vostre sgangherate poly di quartiere!
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Geoff Amos - The life of a veritable polymath

Geoff Amos - The life of a veritable polymath

This Podcast explores growing up in a northern working town, where the expectations of what local people would achieve in life was based on local industry and business. Geoff stories provides the insight in starting life in local industry moving onto civil engineering, even light house painting!! Then Geoff became aware of performing arts. After which Geoff decided to follow the opportunities that came his way from the arts world 'always willing to have a go', this has led him into a wonderf ...
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Bienvenue sur Le leadership féminin avec Poly-L! Ensemble, on parle de féminisme, de leadership, d'ambition, et de pleins d'autres sujets interessants. Poly-L est un comité de Polytechnique Montréal œuvrant pour le leadership féminin dans la communauté étudiante et professionnelle.
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Polyality Podcast by Venyx

Polyality is about living a polyamorous lifestyle in a culture where monogamy is the majority. Our goal is to normalize the practice of ethical non monogamy and open up healthy conversations about it.
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Leanne and Greg Million

We are Greg and Leanne Million, EMPOWERED NOW Coaches who focus on Emotional Empowerment, Sexuality and Relationships, and we are driven to serve! EMPOWERED POLY is all about helping you move into a more authentic life, and feel more connected in your consensually non-monogamous relationships. Are you trying to control others? Struggling with jealousy or FOMO? Are you seeking out ways to self sabotage or get in the way of your partner's other relationships? Maybe your confused about issues r ...
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Les polyphonies de LALCA

Radio Anthropocène

Les polyphonies citadines sont des récits à plusieurs voix, réalisées à partir des expériences urbaines des personnes en temps précaire rencontrées aux bains-douches, au restaurant social, à la bibliothèque de la part-Dieu, à la cantina et dans d’autres lieux de vie ou de squat de la métropole de Lyon. Ces créations sonores portent une réflexion sur une thématique spécifique de la précarité et de la ville : l’habiter, la santé, les rêves, les possibilités d’aménager un espace à soi, le repos ...
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Меня зовут Полина Сергеева. Обо мне: 📕Красный диплом МГУ 🚀Программа развития лидеров в Coca-Cola ⭐️Помогаю профессионалам достигать карьерных и жизненных целей Здесь ты найдёшь практические советы, основанные на собственном опыте, интервью с успешными выпускниками МГУ и, конечно, обзор релевантных новостей. Подпишись, чтобы не пропустить новый эпизод!
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Poly What?


Poly what is weekly podcast depicting my real experience as a poly person. The podcast will also answer common questions and listener questions as well as hot topics in the poly world. This is for poly people everywhere.
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Professor Polyp

Professor Polyp

Welcome to the number one podcast on reef tanks and more!! We will convert product review, interview, tutorials, and even more! If you are areef keeper than this is the podcast for you! Please make your self at home have a seat in front of your reef tank and relax and enjoy these podcast.
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show series
In dieser Folge spreche ich mit Dirk über Neurodivergenz und deren Einfluss auf Beziehungen. Wir definieren, was Neurodivergenz bedeutet, und diskutieren, welche Herausforderungen und Chancen sich daraus in Partnerschaften ergeben. Dirk teilt wertvolle Einsichten aus seiner eigenen Erfahrung als neurodivergente Person und gibt praxisnahe Tipps, wie…
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In this lively episode of the Poly Pathways Podcast, Kat and Doc explore the fascinating world of polyamorous dating, offering real-life examples, practical tips, and plenty of good-humored banter. They dig into popular apps like OKCupid, Bumble, Tinder, Field, #Open, and PolyFinder to help you compare user bases, filtering options, and the pros an…
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Aufgrund des immer stärker werdenden Rechtsrucks der letzten Jahre und der aktuellen politischen Situation ist ein künstlerische Auseinandersetzung mit rechten Inhalten und Strukturen sowie faschistischer Ideologie wichtig. Das schließt Videogames mit ein. Aber gibt es ... The post Polysnack #11: Antifaschistische Games first appeared on Polygamia.…
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In deze aflevering praten we met Patrick van Brienen, de drijvende kracht achter Duikvaker, over meer dan +30 jaar Duikvaker. Samen met zijn trouwe teamleden Jeroen en Vincent, die hem ondersteunen tijdens beurzen en evenementen, deelt Patrick zijn ervaringen en anekdotes. Ze vertellen over de uitdagingen en hoogtepunten van het organiseren van een…
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In deze aflevering gaan we in gesprek met Florian Symoens en Yorick Van Alphen tijdens hun bezoek aan de Duikvaker beurs in Utrecht. Florian, die gespecialiseerd is in het technische en recreatieve duiken. Hij vertelt over zijn reis als duikinstructeur bij de Innerspace Explorers, een agency die zich richt op technisch duiken. Florian legt uit hoe …
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In deze speciale live-uitzending van op de Duikvaker in Houten, Utrecht, verwelkomen we onze gast, Vic Verlinden. Vic, een ervaren duiker en auteur, deelt fascinerende verhalen over zijn vijftig jaar durende carrière in het duiken. We gaan de geschiedenis in van zijn eerste ervaringen met het duiken, zijn avonturen als wrakduiker en zijn passie voo…
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Geert Nies van Marine Expedition Services neemt ons mee in de wereld van onderwaterfotografie, met een specifieke focus op de uitdagingen en technieken van flitsfotografie onder water. Van menglichtopnames in groothoekfotografie tot de nuances van macrofotografie, met Geert bespreken we hoe je de perfecte belichting bereikt. Of je nu een ervaren on…
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In deze speciale aflevering nemen we je mee naar de wereld van onderwater cinematografie. Onze gasten zijn Tommy Vuylsteke en Pieter Germeys, experts in het creëren van adembenemende onderwaterscènes voor grote Netflix-series, films en documentaires. Ze delen hun ervaringen en inzichten over het plannen en uitvoeren van complexe opnames in uitdagen…
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Sam Ooms en Lesley Houben zijn een pioniers in de onderwater urban exploration, een avontuurlijke en uitdagende tak van verkenning. En samen zijn ze "Bros of Decay". Ze houden zich bezig met het ontdekken en documenteren van verzonken locaties die ooit bloeiende dorpen en steden waren. Sam en Lesley hebben inmiddels verschillende 'Atlantissen' ontd…
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Välkommen in till Alla hjärtans dag! Vi firar med ett kärleksfullt avsnitt med underbara Linda. Hon berättar om resan från swingersliv till tantra, till polylivet. Vi skrattar och vi berörs- in och lyssna på sprudlande kärlek och stort allvar. Sex, njutning, tantra, relationsarbete- allt finns med!
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Hva er de vanligste årsakene til at folk blir avhengige av nesespray? Hvilke helsekonsekvenser kan langvarig bruk av nesespray føre til? Hvordan kan man effektivt slutte med nesespray dersom man har utviklet en avhengighet? Lytt til samtalen mellom Kjetil Høye, allmennlege, forsker og medisinsk sjef, Pharma Nordic Mette Vågnes Eriksen, generalsekre…
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Notre cerveau aime la nouveauté et varier les activités mais on dit aussi "On ne change pas une équipe qui gagne". Alors, comment savoir quand est le bon moment pour amener de la nouveauté dans ta routine pour apprendre le français? Quelques pistes de réflexion dans ce podcast en français intermédiaire. LIENS: Transcription disponible: https://fran…
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In dieser Folge von Pixel, Polygone & Plauderei tauchen wir in die magische Welt von Avowed ein, dem neuen Action-Rollenspiel von Obsidian Entertainment. Nach rund 20 Stunden Spielzeit teilt euch Johannes seine Eindrücke zu Handlung, Gameplay und Setting mit. Erfahrt, warum die düstere und zugleich lebendige Welt von Avowed, das vielseitige Kampfsy…
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We've got more of Liam. A lot more. Mostly him. Jesus, mewithoutyou, Philly. It's all here. Also he leaves to pee at one point. Check out more of Liam at Cinepunx and Cinema Smorgasbord. Want more about mewithoutyou and lefty christianity? Check out Jennifer's companion blog,mewithoutYou might be the reason I'm still a Christian. Want something com…
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Is your relationship built on trust, or is there something hidden beneath the surface? Welcome to True Love? Test It!, this episode we dive deep into relationships, trust, and the highly debated role of polygraph testing in love and loyalty. Hosted by David Goldberg a seasoned polygraph examiner, we explore real stories of infidelity, deception, an…
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You've been asking for it, and it's finally here—our reaction to Big Love! 🚨 In just the first episode, we're already seeing shocking similarities between this fictional polygamous family and real-life groups like the AUB, FLDS, and even mainstream LDS culture.Join us as we break down the accuracy, the misconceptions, and the hidden parallels to re…
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Marie joins us today from Denmark! She has been with her husband for more than a decade and about two years into their partnership they slowly began opening their relationship. They started by going to swinging clubs and getting into the swinging scene for a few years before shifting to dating separately and exploring polyamory. Marie and her husba…
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Bon dia, com va tot? Jo he estat molt ocupada i per fi tinc temps de penjar un nou episodi! Avui et parlo d'un joc al qual jugo sovint, gairebé cada dia. Es tracta del paraulògic. En aquest episodi t'explico com funciona. El trobaràs aquí: https://www.vilaweb.cat/paraulogic/ Aquí et deixo algunes noves paraules i expressions (català - anglès): Pist…
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Thee Songs: O Fortuna – Carl Orff Carletta’s In Hats Again – Brigid Dawson and the Mothers Network Never Let You Go – Felt Affection – Jonathan Richman & the Modern Lovers Love the Knives – Young Knives Mescaline 6 – Calibro 35 The Children of Scorpio – Project Gemini Feel the Way – The Soundcarriers Sliver Dub – Prince Fatty Please Show Me Your Ph…
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Actually is the second studio album by the British synth-pop duo Pet Shop Boys, released on September 7, 1987. Building on the success of their debut album Please, Actually refined their signature blend of electronic dance-pop, witty lyricism, and social commentary. The album features some of their most iconic tracks, including "It's a Sin," a dram…
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This episode is long overdue and I really couldn't wait to share it, but there was some technical difficulties on my side. The audio is not the best so please forgive! However, I am sure you will enjoy this conversation that I had with Bongani, a technical service manager at MPACT paper R&D, Johannesburg, South Africa. We talk about electron micros…
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In dieser Folge aus der Praxis geht es um Eike und Luca, die eine eher klassische Beziehung führen, was zum Beispiel die Rollenaufteilung der beiden angeht. Jedoch ist die Lust nach Sexualität sehr unterschiedlich ausgeprägt: Während Eike wenig Lust hat, sich überhaupt mit Sexualität zu beschäftigen, ist Lucas Libido sehr groß. Zudem wünscht er sic…
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Netflix’s American Primeval dives into the brutal realities of the American frontier, including the complex and often violent relationships between Mormon settlers, the U.S. Army, and Native American tribes. While the show is historical fiction, it clearly portrays Brigham Young and early Mormon leaders as religious extremists willing to do anythin…
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Tänk er, från att vi skulle göra 10 avsnitt när allt började så har vi nu gjort 100 nyfikna, utvecklande och kärleksfulla avsnitt. Detta ville vi fira genom att samla polypratgäster, partners, vänner, kärlekar och nyfikna på mingel och livesändning i RFSU:s lokaler. Det blev ett härligt samtal om poddens dåtid, nutid och framtid där Mathias och Cal…
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Hvordan påvirker økte tollsatser Norge, og hvilke bransjer blir hardest rammet? Hva betyr det for norsk økonomi at Jens Stoltenberg blir finansminister nå? Hvordan ser norsk økonomi ut cirka syv måneder før Stortingsvalget, og hvilke utfordringer står vi overfor? Lytt til samtalen mellom: Sven Eide, Leder Politikk og sjeføkonom, Finansforbundet Ter…
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Janelle is officially leaving Flagstaff and starting her new life in North Carolina—with Christine and David right by her side to help her make the big move! In this episode of Sister Wives (Season 19, Episode 20), we break down Janelle’s journey to independence and what this means for her future. Meanwhile, Kody and Robyn have a deep discussion wi…
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We finally wrangled Liam back to talk to Jennifer about God, mewithoutyou, and other stuff she's interested in, instead of being stuck listening to people name a bunch of noise musicians she's never heard of. Liam, temporarily unburdened of his faustian bargain to have friends in his 40s but only be allowed to discuss movies, has a lot to say. Most…
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Thee Songs: Path Through the Forest – Project Gemini Open Roads – The Rose City Band Flashpoint – Roger Jackson Dissolution – The Young Knives Fluids – Asbestos Salesman Bodyshock – Warmduscher Wolf On Ice - Wolfoni Ooh Va Vay – The Abigails Cinco de Mayo – War Hier Ou Demain – Marianne Faithful Schizo Terrorist – The Bastards A Changing Letter – T…
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Orit is back! We first talked to Orit back on Episode 309 just as she was starting to go through some major relational shifts and transitions when her nesting partner began dating her recently former partner's other partner. Today, she takes us inside her healing and grieving journey over the last two years. It hasn't been easy (to say the least!) …
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Wheels of Fire is the third studio album by the British rock band Cream, released in 1968. It is a double album, with one disc featuring studio recordings and the other containing live performances. The album blends blues, psychedelic rock, and hard rock, showcasing the virtuosity of Eric Clapton (guitar, vocals), Jack Bruce (bass, vocals), and Gin…
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Email The Podcast Follow On Instagram Follow On Twitter Follow On YouTube On this episode I discuss the history of Valentine's Day, how it has evolved through the ages, and how it is celebrated around the world. Music by Colin Boutwellتوسط Renaissance Polymath
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In der neuesten Folge von Pixel Polygone und Plauderei tauchen Johannes und Marco tief in die Welt der Videospiele ein – von spannenden Fragen bis hin zu den neuesten Entwicklungen der Branche. Ob Gaming-TV-Adaptionen, strategische Wendungen bei Sony und Microsoft oder persönliche Spielerfahrungen: Diese Episode hat für jeden etwas zu bieten!Themen…
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Die politische Lage fühlt sich für viele beängstigend und überwältigend an. In dieser Sonderfolge von Mono, Poly & Co. spricht Sonja über Strategien, um handlungsfähig zu bleiben, sich nicht lähmen zu lassen und die eigene Selbstwirksamkeit zu stärken. Worum geht es in dieser Folge? Diese Episode widmet sich den Fragen: Wie bleibe ich handlungsfähi…
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In Episode 3 of Beast Games, Sam faced the toughest moment of his journey. He and two of his closest allies were forced to make an impossible choice—one of them had to self-sacrifice by cuffing themselves to a wall so the other two could move forward. With only 5 hours to decide, they played a game among themselves to determine who would take the f…
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►"Creative Careers in the Age of Technology" Today I'm welcoming onto the Round 2 PolyCast Eric Wallace who is The Polymathic Eric Wallace. Photographer, Big and Tall Model, Storyteller, Actor, Director, videographer, and founder of Verrocchio Studio. He was one of the first guests on the show, number 7 to be exact, and now he's number 141 capping …
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Hosts: Kat and Doc Website: polypathwayspodcast.transistor.fm YouTube: @polypathwayspodcast Instagram: @polypathwayspodcast TikTok: @polypathwayspodcast Kat and Doc explore the perception of polyamory as a cult, challenge the notion that polyamorous individuals are trying to "convert" others, and how to form friendships in a complex relationship sp…
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Hva synes toppledere vi burde snakke mer om – og hvorfor det? Hva driver dem og hva mener de må til for å lykkes på sine områder? Hva gjør de selv? Lytt til samtalen med: Bjørn Arve Ofstad, Group CEO, NG Group Mette Vågnes Eriksen, generalsekretær, Polyteknisk Forening I denne episoden lærer du om hvor viktig forvaltning og resirkulering av avfalls…
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