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Väsby Pingst

Väsby Pingst

Vi vill vara en nutida och relationsbyggande församling som berör varje människa i Upplands Väsby med de goda nyheterna om Jesus Kristus och som sprider Guds kärlek i världen! För mer information om oss, besök vår hemsida
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Kumla Pingst Podcast

Pingstkyrkan i Kumla

Detta är Pingstkyrkan i Kumlas podcast, varje vecka laddar vi upp nya predikningar! Vi vill vara en öppen kyrka med en varm gemenskap som möter varje människas behov. Vårt uppdrag är att berätta om Gud och erbjuda evangeliet om Jesus Kristus genom vittnesbörd, tjänst och gemenskap.
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Pingst Boden

Pingstkyrkan Boden

Pingstkyrkan i Boden är en av Norrbottens största pingstförsamlingar med omfattande verksamhet för alla åldrar. Varje söndag firar vi gudstjänst tillsammans där bibelns budskap är i centrum. Välkommen att dela våran gemenskap och undervisning i kyrkan eller via denna podcast
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The PING Proving Grounds podcast dives into PING's celebrated history and immeasurable contributions to golf equipment, custom fitting and the game of golf in general. Broadcaster Shane Bacon and Marty Jertson, PING's Vice President of Fitting and Performance and professional golfer, discuss what happens behind the scenes at the PING Proving Grounds where data-driven research helps a team of scientists and engineers develop products and fitting tools to help golfers play their best. From the ...
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IT PingPong


SEQIS IT Pingpong - der Podcast zu aktuellen Fragen der Digitalisierung. In diesen Fachgesprächen unterhalten sich Expertinnen und Experten zur Themenvielfalt aus Business Analyse, Entwicklung, Test und Management von IT Projekten und geben Empfehlungen zu konkreten Umsetzungen ab.
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PING is a podcast for people who want to look behind the scenes into the workings of the Internet. Each fortnight we will chat with people who have built and are improving the health of the Internet. The views expressed by the featured speakers are their own and do not necessarily reflect the views of APNIC.
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„Follow the Rechtsstaat“, der Podcast der Zeitschrift PinG, Privacy in Germany mit Stefan Brink und Niko Härting. Wir kümmern uns um aktuelle Fragen des Rechts, des Rechtsstaats und unserer Verfassung und schauen dabei immer ganz besonders auf die Themen Datenschutz und Informationsfreiheit.
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Pingst Karlstad

Pingst Karlstad

Den vision vi har i Pingstkyrkan i Karlstad grundar sig på det kärleksbudskap som Jesus Kristus predikade, och det uppdrag han gav att ge glädjebudskapet vidare till hela världen. Därför har vi formulerat oss så här.alt ”Vi vill vara en församling som älskar Gud och älskar människor. En växande gemenskap där människor kommer till tro och blir efterföljare till Jesus.” Vi tror att vi alla människor djupast sett längtar efter att få leva det stora äventyret med Gud och därför har vi ett grundt ...
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Grégory Pouy

Le monde est en plein mouvement, la majorité des organisations ne sont plus en phase avec l'époque et elles le savent, elles doivent se transformer en profondeur. Mais pas de transformation d'organisation sans leadership. Dans ce podcast nous explorons avec des leaders éclairés mais également avec des chercheurs à quoi le leadership peut et doit ressembler. Ping, c'est de l'inspiration mais c'est aussi un outil pour les leaders de demain en montrant que d'autres modèles sont possibles que ce ...
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Chai with Ping | Immigrants | Cross-Cultures

Ping H, Taiwanese, Immigrant in U.S. and more

Welcome! Chai with Ping covers immigrant stories and minority issues like int'l students, life/work abroad, and identity issues with guests such as child sexual abuse advocate Eirliani Abdul Rahman, Adoptee Heritage Camp Coordinators Sarah & Emily Quinn, and Third Culture Kids Consultant Tanya Crossman. We hope to generate cross-cultural dialogues and understanding between communities. 👉🏼 Biweekly episodes release on Mondays (Hopefully) 🌐 👍 IG/FB @chaiwithping 📧 ...
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Podcast Pinggir Jalan

Podcast Pinggir Jalan

Podcast dengan pembahasan kece dari @rezatou, @irchatm dan @anannuaci. moga moga bermanfaat. eh iya, kalau ada yang mau bertanya, sharing dan lainnya bisa email ke atau DM Instagram @podcastpinggirjalan
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show series
Shane and Marty welcome PING Brand Ambassador, Wayne 'Radar' Riley to the pod. They dive into how he got started in the game and his 20+ year career on the European Tour, his transition to on-course commentating, and the story behind his 'Radar' nickname. See for privacy information.…
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Schlussbilanz – Max Adamek und Niko Härting sprechen mit Ulrich Kelber Niko Härting und Max Adamek sprechen mit Prof. Ulrich Kelber, dem scheidenden Bundesbeauftragten für Datenschutz und Informationsfreiheit (BfDI). Kelber lobt die Juristen, die sich an das sehr technische Gebiet des Datenschutzes heranwagen. Dies unterscheide die Juristinnen und …
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In his regular monthly spot on PING, APNIC’s Chief Scientist Geoff Huston discusses DNSSEC and it's apparent failure to deploy at scale in the market after 30 years: Both as the state of signed zone uptake (the supply side) and the low levels of verification seen by DNS client users (the consumption side) there is a strong signal DNSSEC isn't makin…
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Pierre Fournier est entrepreneur et il est l’auteur d’un roman de leadership « la méthode Will » , une approche holistique du management axée sur la confiance, l’émotion, la mission d’entreprise et l’écologie. Depuis le début de sa carrière, il a occupé des postes clés dans plusieurs entreprises, notamment chez Manomano et Artéfact. Ces dix dernièr…
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...der erste Live-Podcast aus Erfurt Es ist soweit, der erste Live-Podcast der Ping, Pong & Prause - Ära hat in Erfurt im Rahmen der TT-Finals stattgefunden. Passt vielleicht nicht immer fürs reine Nachhören, aber ein paar spannende Info von Annett Kaufmann und Richard gab es natürlich trotzdem. Alle Infos zu den Finals auf und www.…
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This episode is all about food and nutrition, and how to use food for fuel, instead of turning it into fat. “You are what you eat” sounds cheesy, but it’s actually true. If you eat shit food, you will have a shit body and shit energy. In this episode I talk about the 3 most important principles for your food. 1) Eat non-processed foods. 2) Eat the …
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Ernesto and I had a great conversation about our relationships, marriages, and different perspectives on gender expectations. Please let us know what you think about the new format of content. :) The book mentioned "His Needs and Her Needs, ⁠⁠ If you enjoy this episode, I recommend... ➡️ …
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O programa Os Pingos nos Is dessa quarta-feira (26) debateu o Golpe de Estado na Bolívia. Veja todas as informações sobre a tentativa dos militares bolivarianos de tomarem o poder no país. Após o STF fixar 40 gramas de maconha para usuários, 66 mil presos podem ser beneficiados com a decisão. Conforme o IPEA, há 200 mil condenados por tráfico e 33%…
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O programa Os Pingos nos Is dessa terça-feira (25) debateu a crise entre STF e Congresso, após corte ter formado maioria e descriminalizado a maconha. Segundo o ministro do STF André Mendonça, combater fake News não pode ser motivo para censura. Em reação à crise de segurança pública, oposição quer reduzir maioridade penal. Cartilha do PCC com regr…
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O programa Os Pingos nos Is dessa segunda-feira (24) debateu o PT, que foi ao STF para proibir escolas militares. Sigla questiona lei sancionada por Tarcísio de Freitas em São Paulo. Senado quer aumentar pena para crimes durante saidinha. Crise na segurança pública: onda de violência deixa 18 mortos e 9 feridos. Crimes ocorreram no estado do Ceará …
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Naming – Blaming – Shaming durch Datenschutzbehörden? Neuer Podcast, alte Bekannte: Niko Härting und Stefan Brink pflügen zunächst (ab Minute 02:40) Querbeet: Die Datenschutzkonferenz hat einen Leitfaden zur Nutzung von KI in Behörden und Unternehmen veröffentlicht (Mai 2024). Die Orientierungshilfe richtet sich in erster Linie an die Verantwortlic…
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Hello everyone and welcome to Episode Ninety Eight! And while we’re at it, I hope you all remain safe and healthy out there. After traveling for the better part of a month, it’s good to be back home and back in the podcast studio. As always, I am grateful to all the show’s patrons who help to keep the show moving forward. And if you’re out there li…
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No episódio dessa semana Deivid, Diego e Renato discutem qual qual o sentido de ver trailers e batem um papo sobre A Maldição de Cinderela. Contato e Redes Sociais Twitter:@PinguimDanarin2 Instagram:pinguim.dancarino Participantes Twitter Deivid: @deividruan3p Diego: @diegoquaglia2 Renato:@zerenato28 Conheça o Canal do Diego: ⁠…
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O programa Os Pingos nos Is dessa sexta-feira (21) debateu o saldo da saidinha em São Paulo: 1.300 detentos não voltaram aos presídios. Coronel Mello Araújo é anunciado como vice de Ricardo Nunes. Ameaça do PCC: vereadores que apoiam a reeleição de Nunes temem que a presença de Mello Nunes na chapa cause retaliações nas comunidades. Em reação às cr…
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O programa Os Pingos nos Is dessa quinta-feira (20) debateu a tentativa de assalto no Rio Grande do Sul, onde criminosos usaram uniforme da PF para roubar carro-forte. Ministros do Supremo batem boca em julgamento sobre drogas. Em São Paulo, polícia faz operação contra organizadores de baile funk. No YouTube, justiça suspende vídeos de canais feito…
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PING Director of Golf Science, Dr. Erik Henrikson, joins Shane and Marty on the pod for a deep dive into the world of research, development and innovation. From motion capture lab insights to the conception of crown turbulators, they discuss what goes on behind the scenes to develop PING's industry leading products and technologies. See omnystudio.…
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O programa Os Pingos nos Is dessa quarta-feira (19) debateu a CPI do Arroz, que ganha força na Câmara com assinaturas de 150 deputados pedindo investigação. Entre países emergentes, o Real se torna a moeda mais desvalorizada. Após manutenção da Selic, pressão continua e PT realiza ofensiva contra Roberto Campos Neto. Javier Milei deve anunciar plan…
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O programa Os Pingos nos Is dessa terça-feira (18) debateu o pedido de revisão da ADPF 635, conhecida como ADPF das Favelas pelo Ministério Público do Rio de Janeiro. Deputada carioca é indiciada por envolvimento com milícias. Governo lança site contra ‘discurso de ódio’ nas redes. O Tennessee, desfiando um precedente da Suprema Corte dos EUA, apro…
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O programa Os Pingos nos Is dessa segunda-feira (17) debateu as reações ao PL do Aborto no Congresso Nacional e as manifestações da sociedade civil. Autor do PL diz que oposição sempre foi contra crime. OAB repudia projeto que equipara aborto a homicídio. Bancada evangélica admite adiar votação. Essas notícias e muito mais você confere nessa edição…
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Was ist eigentlich aus dem versprochenen „Transparenzgesetz“ geworden? Unzulänglichkeiten und Fallstricke des Informationsfreiheitsgesetzes Zu Gast in dieser Folge ist RA Dr. Christoph J. Partsch (LL.M.), Gründungspartner der Kanzlei Partsch & Partner Rechtsanwälte. Christoph Partsch hat zahlreiche große Verfahren im Bereich des Informationsfreihei…
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O programa Os Pingos nos Is dessa sexta-feira (14), debateu o projeto contra o aborto que também prevê pena maior para estupradores, aliados do governo divergem sobre ações a serem tomadas e expõe divisão, operação revela como o PCC agia para evitar ações da polícia, tudo isso e muito mais. See for privacy information.…
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Os Pingos nos Is dessa quinta-feira (13), debateu a Operação PCC, a imagem do Brasil perante investidores estrangeiros, a confirmação da pré- candidatura de Datena à prefeitura de São Paulo, entre outros assuntos. See for privacy information.توسط Jovem Pan
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This time on PING, Philip Paeps from the FreeBSD Cluster Administrators and Security teams discusses their approach to systems monitoring and measurement. Its eMail. “Short podcast” you say, but no, there’s a wealth of war-stories and “why” to explore in this episode. We caught up at the APNIC57/APRICOT meeting held in Bangkok in February of 2024. …
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