Let us journey together using the Word of God as a resource to build and develop our relationship with God by living for humanity.
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A reflection on Matthew 18:1-5,10
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A reflection on Job 3:1-3,11-17,2-23 Kindly follow this podcast for more short reflections to begin your day.
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A look at the Papacy of Pope Francis on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of being the head of the Catholic Church
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God does not give up on us, we rather runaway from God on account of our sinfulness
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A Charge to look beyond your present situation with a determination to focus on Jesus
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The messenger maybe abused but the truth of the message will always prevail.
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Life is about patience while we wait knowing that with God we will be victorious in the end
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In spite of the challenges your life must ensure that the Word of God that is planted grows
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Don’t limit your understanding of family to your blood relatives?
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Can the one who closes the eyes see? Similarly also the one who deny the hand of God at work cannot be forgiven
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You cannot claim to worship God while neglecting the welfare of your neighbor
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Jesus confronts the Pharisees with the true meaning of the Sabbath.
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Jesus demands a total overhaul and a not the few parchment as proposed by the Pharisees
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Homily for the 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C
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God always calls us not because of our past but for our future, we are thus obliged to say yes to him
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In this life the winners will always be those who persevere to the end
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The presence of Jesus made a deep impression on the people and they listened to him.
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If Jesus can relate to the leper then we are obliged to do same...loving and caring for the sick
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An exclusive interview with the Archbishop elect of the Archdiocese of Accra, Bishop Kwofie, CSSp
Divine Providence
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Christmas is time to work on genuine human relationships, ours is a charge to go beyond the gifts we give to one another.
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In appreciation for all that God has done, Mary sung reminding us of the God's fidelity and Goodness .
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God has everything under control therefore let us learn to share in his blessings to others.
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How often do we forsake our friends in their hour of need. Our charge is to journey with them like Joseph.
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Never be ashamed of your family because of the skeletons in the family cupboard, for no family is perfect.
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Who is the genuine source of human happiness: material possession or God?
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A charge to go beyond physical preparation to the level of spiritual preparation.
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Make the glory of God the goal of your faith journey and not the praise of man
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Treasure your Uniqueness by Padre Dolphyne
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Mary had the power to say No because the message was one that disrupted her personal agenda. But she said Yes, for everything happens according to the plan of God.
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You might consider the Shepherd as on who lacks judgement but God's love is beyond your economic and mathematical thinking
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Catholic Diocese of Sekondi Takoradi will launch her Golden Jubilee celebration on Sunday 2nd Dec, 2018 at the St. Paul's Pro-Cathedral, Sekondi
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What matters is not the beautiful Church building but rather what the people who gather in this beautiful Church building do.
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Don't give the surplus from your abundance but rather give the little from your poverty and God will bless you.
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Never allow the people who do not understand what you believe ridicule your faith.
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When in the name of religion men are robbed of their earnings and God of his glory
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Don't ignore today's opportunity, for it will not come again.
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God has endowed us all with gifts, ours is to use it for the glory of his name.
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Look beyong the obstacles by holding on to why you need Jesus
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Read the signs of the time but don't be misled, only be watchful and alert.
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Are you ready to trust Jesus to the end with your life , no matter it's challenges.?
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Think of the kingdom in terms of God's reign to which you have to decide either to part or not.
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May we never take the blessings of God for granted.
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God does not owe us, rather we are the ones who owe Him.
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Be careful how we influence each other?
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We called to give not the surplus or what we don't need but what we rely on...hence the challenge.
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God loves you just the way you are because your repentance bring Him more joy.
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Discipleship is a journey with challenges .
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No excuse can justify your staying away from the Kingdom banquet.
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It is a blessing to give than to receive therefore never practice generosity for Repayment
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