Awaken, discover and connect to the deeper meaning of the world around you with Oprah's Super Soul. Hear Oprah’s personal selection of her interviews with thought-leaders, best-selling authors, spiritual luminaries, as well as health and wellness experts. All designed to light you up, guide you through life’s big questions and help bring you one step closer to your best self.
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Tak trochu jiný podcast (nejen) o vztazích. Otvíráme tabuizovaná a nepopulární témata, sdílíme příběhy ze života, vyvoláváme provokativní otázky, odlehčujeme vážná témata. Náš podcast je našlapaný energií, kterou vysíláme. Objev s námi cestu sám/sama k sobě. Zkrátka lepší ty, lepší vztahy, lepší život. Získejte svůj výtisk knihy Opravdový život. (
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The Oprah Podcast is home to all-new conversations featuring Oprah Winfrey and today’s foremost thought leaders, global newsmakers, best-selling authors, visionaries and cultural changemakers. Exploring timely themes, including happiness, resilience, consciousness and connection, the weekly series aims to help listeners on their journey to lead their best life. Oprah talks to people about what matters most to them in this moment. Every month, she will feature interviews with authors called ‘ ...
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Jak můžeme coby profesionální kouči a další pomáhající profese pomáhat lépe? Jak vybudovat milovanou značku, zůstat v integritě a zvednout laťku svojí služby vysoko nad průměr trhu? Právě tímto se zabývá podcast narvaný praktickými zkušenostmi, humorem a inspirací.
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První český true crime podcast o zločinech, které možná znáte, ale určitě o nich nevíte všechno. Navrch přidáváme špetku černého humoru a zákulisních detailů. Zůstaňte naživu, zůstaňte na svobodě. Náš /Klub s prémiovým obsahem a veškeré informace najdeš na webu
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Podkast o življenju, vesolju in sploh vsem … v katerem po nekem čudnem naključju obdelujemo šesto knjigo iz trilogije v petih delih, Štoparski vodnik po Galaksiji, ki jo je, ko smo bili (mi) še majhni, napisal Douglas Adams. Še veš kje imaš brisačo?
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Nejzajímavější a nejneuvěřitelnější příběhy jsou ty, které se opravdu staly. Realita je totiž vždycky zábavnější než fikce. Audio referáty o tom, co jste ani netušili, že vás bude bavit. A taky spousta věcí, co vás v dějáku nenaučili. Vyprávím to já, Markéta Lukášková aka @pandikralovna, spisovatelka a Karel Čáslavský chudých. Bonusové epizody: Podcast na sítích: ...
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Oprah is opening the vault of The Oprah Winfrey Show with 25 years of hand-picked legendary interviews, a-ha moments, ugly cries and unforgettable surprises. A lot has changed since she ended the show, but many of our personal struggles have stayed the same. We’re all still looking to connect, to be seen and to know that we’re not alone. We’re also looking for some joy, some laughs and some much-needed inspiration. As we head into this new decade, what better time to look back and reflect, t ...
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Them chatting
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Oh Behave with Arden Moore - Harmony in the household with your pets - Recommended by Oprah - Pet Life Radio Original (
Arden Moore
These pet podcasts are all about achieving harmony in the household -- for everyone: people, cats and dogs. Bolstered by a lineup of top behavior experts as guests, host Arden Moore will unlock the perplexing, puzzling and downright frustrating aspects of feline and canine actions and attitudes... on Pet Life Radio.
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En podcast där du lär dig både det ena och nästan inte alls det andra.
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Test Cover art photo by
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A podcast dedicated to exploring open government and transparency issues in New Jersey. Featuring Gavin Rozzi and Jeff Epstein from the team behind
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Oprah Winfrey piensa postularse ?
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Hear the greatest life lessons of some of the most respected and renowned actors, musicians, public figures and athletes. Handpicked by Oprah, these luminaries reveal their lives with candor and insight — in their own words. Listen as Jay -Z, Justin Timberlake, Ellen Degeneres, Shaquille O’Neal, Reba McEntire, Dwayne Johnson and Jane Fonda, (just to name a few), share what they’ve learned about life and their own insights into their personal stories.
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Oprah Winfrey and author Isabel Wilkerson, take listeners through the 8 Pillars of Caste, featured in the Oprah’s Book Club selection "Caste: The Origins of our Discontents."
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Nurture the relationships in your life. Oprah and leading relationship experts discuss how to make the connections in your life more meaningful.
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Pay it down, start saving and take control of your financial future! Oprah and leading financial experts like Suze Orman discuss what you need to do to live your best financial life.
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Hallo zusammen, in meinem Podcast Kanal spreche ich offen über Beziehungen, Freundschaften, Serien, etc. Teilweise erhaltet ihr einen Einblick in meine privaten Gedanken und Gespräche mit meinen Gästen. Ich wünsche euch ganz viel Spaß und freue mich auf euch😊😉😎 Feedback könnt ihr auf Instagram unter Benutzernamen: Lady Honest schicken.
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Podcast by Plenty Goodwood Podcast
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Take control of your health, your weight and your life with advice from fitness expert Bob Greene, Dr. Mehmet Oz and Dr. Christiane Northrup.
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We weren't afraid to explore how Oprah could beat Donald Trump and we shared how Trump used Science & Energy, and how we all could too. Since it's about US and the momentum of a different kind of world, the conversation continues BEYOND! (Buy our ebooks & books on Amazon & Google Play.) ©2018-2024 (Disclaimer: For entertainment & conversation only; not political, or medical advice or prescription. No responsibility is assumed, as t ...
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The juxtaposition between being a spiritual and sexually liberated woman is that at some point you’re gonna end up on both knees. Join TT, GG & DD as they discuss sex, Drake, religion, and everything in between on The Oprah Rose Podcast. Questions, comments, feedback, and make sure to rate to show! Email - Instagram - @theoprahroseshow Twitter - @oprahroseshow
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5 minute summaries of Super Soul's podcast episodes. Get the best insights and ideas in much less time, more at Written summaries: Other podcast summaries in Apple Podcasts: Other podcast summaries In other apps, search 'podcast summaries'. Awaken, discover and connect to the deeper meaning of the world around you with Super Soul. Hear Oprah’s personal selection of her interviews ...
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289. Strávila týdny na Discordu, kde si Češi sdílí a prodávají ukradené intimní fotky a dětské p*rno. Apolena Rychlíková podává svědectví, které s vámi totálně otřese
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Novinářka Apolena Rychlíková strávila šest týdnů ve skupinách na platformě Discord, kde tisíce mužů i mladých chlapců sdílí a prodávají ukradené intimní fotografie a videa žen, které tyto materiály buďto posílaly někomu soukromě anebo o jejich pořízení vůbec neví. Mezi stovkami terabajtů souborů se objevuje i dětské p*rno a katalogizované seznamy ž…
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Original Air Date: August 22, 2017 Grammy award-winning singer/songwriter Alanis Morissette reflects on passion, art and the spiritual lessons that helped her become grounded. Alanis is candid about the toll that fame took on her life. After admitting she didn’t laugh for two years, Alanis shares what she has come to realize about happiness: “I thi…
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In this episode of The Oprah Podcast, Oprah continues her conversation with Dr. Ania Jastreboff, an endocrinologist and associate professor at the Yale School of Medicine, about the anti-obesity GLP-1 medications that are changing the world of weight loss. Oprah and Dr. Ania talk about what happens to a person’s mental health, body image and how th…
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From September 26, 2007: New York Times best-selling author, rabbi, psychotherapist and Sandcastle Program founder M. Gary Neuman talks to families about how to help their children cope with divorce. He explains how divorce affects boys and girls differently, how to discuss divorce with children and the three rules in telling your children you’re g…
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Zdravo! V tokratni epizodi se najprej z nostalgijo ozremo na različne načine shranjevanja podatkov – od disket in papirja do sodobnih trdih diskov. Kmalu pa se spomnimo, da je prav danes »najbolj depresiven ponedeljek v letu« in upamo, da ga ob poslušanju naših (rahlo zmedenih) razglabljanj o življenju, vesolju in sploh vsem preživljate vsaj malce …
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#354 - Gregory Green & Nobuyuki Satō
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Gregory je varováním pro všechny ženy, co chtějí napravovat muže. Nobuyukimu chyběla v dospívání pevná ruka. Více o epizodě na (00:00:00) znělka(00:00:07) ahoj Zločinožrouti(00:00:23) Jsme Zločinožrouti: O2 arena v kinech(00:03:19) mikropříběh(00:08:20) Gregory Green(00:28:13) Nobuyuki Satō(00:28:26) film tipy(01:07…
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Druhý díl seriálu vás vezme do tématu zvládání ženských emocí a krom Honzových blbých vtipů hrozí, že se i něco užitečného dozvíte. Tak bacha! Prémiové díly našeho podcastu najdeš na i #vztahy #muz #zena #emoce #emocnivyzralostتوسط Opravdový vztah
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To je docela bízár, ne? Máme v hlavě často nějakou utkvělou představu o tom, kdy se různé události odehrály, a když jsem narazila na tenhle fakt, zavařilo mi to mozek. A tak jsem se mrkla na to, jak to bylo s Aztéky a jak to bylo s Oxfordem.
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Original Air Date: August 15, 2017 In Part 2 of Oprah’s conversation with India.Arie, a member of Oprah’s SuperSoul 100, the Grammy winner reveals how she returned to her spiritual roots, regained her energy and rediscovered her true identity. Oprah says, “India’s honesty and openness moves me deeply.”…
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In this episode of The Oprah Podcast, Oprah sits down with Dr. Ania Jastreboff, an endocrinologist and associate professor at the Yale School of Medicine, to talk about the new GLP-1 medications like Ozempic, Wegovy, Mounjaro and Zepbound. Dr. Ania, who has been on the forefront of GLP-1 medication research for the past 20 years, will talk through …
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From October 24, 1997: Oprah revisits five lessons she learned over the years about to how help families around the world learn to be happier. Some audience members say, “I love you” for the first time and Oprah shares ways to show love without having to say, “I love you.” She also reveals some of her favorite tips from family-focused books, 7 Habi…
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Mnoho lidí se pro něco rozhodne, ale pak toho nedosáhne. Jak využít emoce a prostředí k tomu, abyste byli vy i vaši klienti úspěšnější? Další užitečné odkazy: Podcast Opravdový vztah: Web projektu: Kniha opravdový život: Facebook:…
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Zdravo. V tokratni epizodi testiramo pristop "direkt na trak", obdelamo novoletne zaobljube in vam povemo, da se jih ta teden (nekateri) še držite. Zdržite, bravo! Za suhi mesec (ali mesec brez pijače) strokovnjaki predlagajo februar, ker ima 3 dni manj kot januar. Tudi o odvisnostih, dopaminu in intervjuju Anne Lembke v podkastu DOAC je govora. In…
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#353 - Beverly a Brian Mauck & Elizabeth Shoaf
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Po dnešním díle se začnete bát svých sousedů. Elizabeth nominujeme na Zločinožrouta měsíce! Více o epizodě na (00:00:00) znělka(00:00:07) ahoj Zločinožrouti(00:00:40) zprávy od vás(00:03:36) Beverly a Brian Mauck(00:41:22) Elizabeth Shoaf(01:10:05) knižní tipy(01:14:20) zůstaňte naživu, zůstaňte na svobodě…
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Oh Behave - Episode 539 Dr. Susan Miller Unleashes Benefits of Nonprofit Veterinary Hospitals
There is no such thing as a free kitten or puppy. Caring for our pets costs money. And, if there is an emergency, you could face a huge bill. Tune in to this special Oh Behave show episode as host Arden Moore talks with Dr. Susan Miller. She is the founder of Mission Animal Hospital, the first full-service nonprofit veterinary hospital located in M…
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Tomiko Itooka se narodila v době, kdy elektřina nebo tekoucí voda v domě byly výsadou bohatých. Na ulici bylo víc koní než aut a lidé umírali na angínu. Zemřela v době, kdy nám umělá inteligence vymýšlí nové druhy antibiotik, celý svět je na internetu a aut je tolik, že se politici snaží jejich výrobu omezit.…
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Vaše zážitky, zkušenosti, setkání se zločinem i nadpřirozenem, které nám posíláte. Epizoda XXXIII. z minisérie Vaše tajemné příběhy. Více o epizodě na
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Original Air Date: August 13, 2017 Do you ever feel spiritually exhausted but aren’t sure how to replenish or reconnect to your soul? Multiplatinum-selling singer India.Arie opens up about hitting rock bottom and ignoring the signs that her “soul was sick.” The Grammy winner tells Oprah about the spiritual crisis that caused her to walk away from t…
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BUY THE BOOK! “A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose” by Eckhart Tolle available here. “The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment” by Eckhart Tolle available here. "Stillness Speaks" by Eckhart Tolle available here. For more information you can visit Eckhart Tolle’s website. Subscribe: Oprah’s Book …
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Original Air Date: October 9, 2007 Oprah Show correspondent Lisa Ling travels to India with a couple so desperate to have a baby that they've hired someone who lives more than 10,000 miles away to carry a baby for them. Oprah talks to this couple and later talks to Alexis Stewart, Martha Stewart's daughter, who says she spends $28,000 every month o…
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Zdravo. V prvi epizodi v letu 2025 smo z vami "sveti trije kralji", ki se tokrat pogovarjamo o vitezih, stripih in novoletnih zaobljubah. Povemo vam, da boste tudi letos preveč zapravali za zaobljube, ki se jih ne boste držali, zato predlagamo pol ure hoje dnevno in poslušanje podkastov vmes. Spet govorimo o domačih živalih, Zi pove, katere pasme k…
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Kdo přepadl manželský pár na jejich výročí? Kam zmizela Davidova žena Dawn? Více o epizodě na (00:00:00) znělka(00:00:07) ahoj Zločinožrouti(00:02:28) Jim Melgar(00:27:43) David Viens(00:57:33) zůstaňte naživu, zůstaňte na svobodě
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Original Air Date: August 10, 2017 Learn how to manifest the life you want with two simple words. Pastor Joel Osteen, one of America’s most influential religious leaders, discusses personal success, the power behind the words we speak and how each of us can make a difference. Oprah says Pastor Osteen changed the way she speaks power into her life.…
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Souhrn toho důležitýho i míň důležitýho, co se v roce 2024 stalo. Na konec taky pár pozitivních zpráv. Děkuju vám všem za přízeň a slyšíme se v roce 2025!
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In this episode of The Oprah Podcast, Dr. Vivek Murthy, the outgoing U.S. Surgeon General, offers his parting prescription for fighting loneliness and building lasting community. America’s top doctor shares what he’s learned from his patients, his years on the frontlines of public health, and from his father’s tiny village in India. Dr. Murthy also…
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Original Air Date: October 19, 2007 It's the side of the story we rarely get to hear, straight from the source. Former mistresses confess they've been the "other woman." Then, betrayed wives reveal the moment they found out and how their lives changed forever. Want more podcasts from OWN? Visit You can also watch Oprah’s Supe…
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Zdravo. Kot smo obljubili, je tu silvestrska epizoda. Za tiste, ki bi radi silvestrovali z nami, polnoč praznujemo točno na 31 minuti in 42 sekundi epizode, tako da, če začnete s predvajanjem ob 23:28:18, se boste točno ob polnoči veselili prihoda novega leta z nami. Tokrat smo se preselili v studio 42, največji, kar jih premore naš mali podkast, k…
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Colin byl vzorným manželem a otcem dvou dětí, než někdo zavraždil dvě studentky. Sameena si našla zadaného partnera, který neuměl opustit svoji přítelkyni. Více o epizodě na (00:00:00) znělka(00:00:07) ahoj Zločinožrouti(00:01:06) Colin Pitchfork(00:21:13) aktuality(00:25:42) Sameena Imam(00:55:39) šťastný nový rok(…
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Original Air Date: August 10, 2017 What is the best time of day to meditate? How much time should you meditate each day? What is a mantra? Listen as renowned spiritual pioneer Deepak Chopra demystifies meditation and answers the most frequently asked questions. Oprah has known Deepak for 25 years, and she says he has “inspired her to lead a more co…
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BUY THE BOOK! "Be Ready When the Luck Happens: A Memoir" by Ina Garten, published by CROWN PUBLISHING | PENGUIN RANDOM HOUSE, is available wherever books and audio books are sold: In this episode of The Oprah Podcast, culinary icon and bestselling author, Ina Garten, opens up about deeply personal stories from her number one New York Times best-sel…
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Original Air Date: September 25, 2007 It's the sex talk your parents never had. Open marriages, sex over 60, friends with benefits, erotica. What's really going on in America's bedrooms? Oprah explores America’s sex life and sheds light on the subject. Want more podcasts from OWN? Visit You can also watch Oprah’s Super Soul, …
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