「現代人該如何在高速變動的未來世界中找到自己的定位?」 在新創產業打工多年的 Manny 與 Angela 每天都在資訊爆炸當中面對種種不安,但同時也發現世界正往更好的方向前進。本節目中我們將透過輕鬆、明快的對談,分析當代重要且有趣的科技及商業趨勢,並提供獨到的觀點。 更多深度分析,歡迎至: https://manny-li.com/ 商業合作,請來信: [email protected] Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Unpacking all things tech, cyber security and AI in a way that we don’t have time to do in our monthly newsletter.
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Learn how to grow and monetize your newsletter! We interview the best newsletter operators, founders, and creators on how they grow their audiences and make money. Hosted by Matt McGarry and Ryan Carr.
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Foreign policy, American politics, and social science
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With AVI’s new podcast, you can access the latest facsheet reports and manager comments while you’re on the move.
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Surrey Coalition of Disabled People newsletter
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St Elwick's Neighbourhood Association Newsletter Podcast Editor-in-Chief Malcolm Durridge. By Mike Wozniak Produced by Joel Porter
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Escuchando Newsletters es el podcast de Chus Naharro donde charla con otros editores de newsletters. En cada entrevista descubrirás experiencias de otros newsletteros: cómo han creado su boletín, cuál es su flujo de trabajo, cómo consiguen suscriptores, cómo monetizan sus newsletters... En definitiva, el podcast que debes escuchar si quieres enviar mejores emails.
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Experience AI Bytes - where NotebookLM's AI hosts break down the latest artificial intelligence news and insights from our weekly newsletter. Through natural, engaging dialogue, our AI speakers discuss key developments, emerging trends, and practical applications in the AI landscape. Each episode turns complex AI topics into digestible conversations, perfect for tech enthusiasts, business professionals, and anyone curious about AI's evolution. Subscribe for weekly AI updates delivered in a u ...
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O podcast Newsletter Economy é uma série que mapeia a crescente economia das newsletter no Brasil, através de uma série de entrevistas com criadores e criadoras que não só produzem, mas pensam sobre o assunto. Uma produção da Cotonísio Podcasts Direção e roteiro: Paulo Emediato e Rodrigo James Apresentação: Rodrigo James
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The Alignment Newsletter is a weekly publication with recent content relevant to AI alignment. This podcast is an audio version, recorded by Robert Miles (http://robertskmiles.com) More information about the newsletter at: https://rohinshah.com/alignment-newsletter/
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El resumen de la newsletter.uc3m.es, que recoge la actividad semanal de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.
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El podcast de Mallorca Tech Newsletter, un programa sobre tecnología y startups.
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A Semanada é a newsletter em áudio do Nubank. Toda semana, a gente escolhe um tema sobre dinheiro ou finanças pessoais para explicar de um jeito simples e que ajude a descomplicar a sua vida. Para receber esse conteúdo por e-mail, se inscreva aqui: http://sou.nu/newsletter
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Listen to the latest science, trends, tips, and advice from Thrive25's newsletter in an audio format. If you prefer to listen rather than read, our podcast summaries are your go-to source to stay ahead of our weekly content about living a longer, healthier life.
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La maggioranza degli imprenditori devono fronteggiare lo stesso scoraggiante compito- come fidelizzare i clienti. Ascolta questo audio per saperne di piu'.
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Welcome to RedBlue Capital's Newsletter Audiocast where we dive into key themes in the market in a concise yet comprehensive manner. Visit us at red.blue and read more at news.red.blue redbluecapital.substack.com
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Newsletter of Blind Sports Australia - April 2014
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Collection of thank you notes from Team K's Newsletter
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From the same person who brought you Nick Brownlee's Newsletter, the written version, comes Nick Brownlee's Newsletter, the podcast version. Featuring hard-hitting and insightful commentary, leavened with wry observations, listeners' letters and robots, it is "essential listening in troubled times"*. For more go to: https://nickbrownlee.substack.com/ and https://www.facebook.com/NickBrownleePage * Keswick Reminder
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Master the Skills you need to CREATE YOUR DREAM ONLINE BUSINESS in 2020/21 and beyond! Subscribe for FREE: https://skillsforfreedom.com
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Tous les mercredis à 20 heures, l’équipe musique d’euradio raconte les nouveautés de sa programmation musicale. Trois mots d’ordre : curiosité (la nôtre et la vôtre), ouverture et parité.
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Get the most recent and juiciest data protection and privacy news and latest court and DPA decisions from across Europe in GDPR today: the GDPRhub newsletter - the audio version! Produced by NoTies.Consulting, read by Rie Aleksandra Walle - GDPRhub volunteer.
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Weekly audio newsletter with hints, tips and strategies to use your POWER (Productivity, Organisation, Wellbeing, Energy & Respect) to Live More. This is the audio version of my weekly newsletter and blog posts from the website
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The Gold Newsletter Podcast, hosted by Fergus Hodgson and Brien Lundin, is your home for investment, economics, and geopolitics. It is a project of Jefferson Companies, which publishes Gold Newsletter and hosts the New Orleans Investment Conference. For show notes, go to http://goldnewsletter.com/podcast/.
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* PROJETO ENCERRADO EM ABRIL DE 2024 * O podcast Udesc em Rede permite a alunos, servidores e comunidade em geral acompanharem o dia a dia da universidade de forma simples e resumida, em qualquer aplicativo de podcasts. É mais um canal para trazer, agora em áudio, as notícias produzidas pela Secretaria de Comunicação e pelas assessorias de comunicação dos centros de ensino da universidade. Assine nosso podcast no Spotify, ou no seu app favorito. Clique aqui, assine a newsletter e receba tamb ...
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Newsline - The Weekly Newsletter from the NSS
National Secular Society & Ladbroke Productions (Radio) Ltd
Newsline is the weekly newsletter from the National Secular Society of the UK. It rounds up the important news stories of the previous week, offering insight and opinion from the NSS and other sources.
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Leveraging your business by marketing to your top 100 clients.
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Newsletter and Sermon Archive | First Presbyterian Church of Pittsford
First Presbyterian Church of Pittsford, NY
Sunday church service
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Tyler Morin is the founder of The Water Coolest, a newsletter that offers irreverent takes on business and finance news. He shares insights on audience growth, monetization, Barstool Sports’ acquisition, reclaiming his newsletter, and the future of ad-driven and B2B content. Want more content like this? Join Newsletter Operator for more strategies …
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EP93|日本動畫產業的關鍵:製作委員會 ft. 智寶國際董事長鄧橋(Joe)
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1:10:13本集節目由【智寶國際集團】贊助 如果你是喜歡日本動漫的人,可能都聽過「製作委員會」這個神秘組織。智寶國際集團是目前台灣最具實力的業者之一,致力於連結國際市場與產業資源,並且在台、日兩地已有十家公司。其中,台灣的主要三家公司分別是: 🚀 智寶國際:以國際 IP 內容為核心的娛樂創意事業 🚀 翔英融創:橋接臺灣 ACG IP 躍上國際舞台 🚀 回歸線娛樂:ACG IP 代理、發行、授權 👀 加入智寶國際集團:https://reurl.cc/jQKkNp 👀 追免費的動畫新番:https://www.youtube.com/@tropicsanime 最後,我超期待的 JUMP 人氣連載漫畫《Witch Watch 魔女守護者》4/6 即將放送!主題曲還是 YOASOBI!跟上新消息:https…
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I just had a discussion with Razib Khan about some of the exciting recent developments in paleogenetics. In 2018, I read David Reich’s Who We Are and How We Got Here and was absolutely captivated by the idea that we could learn about cultures, population movements, and other aspects of our past through the analysis of prehistoric, ancient, and more…
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MIGO Dec 2024 - Amedeo Air Four Plus, Augmentum , Vietnam Opportunities, Biotech & Ecofin Renewables
MIGO’s NAV fell by 0.7% in December. View the December 2024 factsheet here //About us: Asset Value Investors (“AVI”) have been investing in Japan for three decades. AVI focuses on undervalued companies with resilient and growing earnings that investors overlook due to non-fundamental factors. MIGO Opportunity Trust p.l.c is referred to as ‘MIGO’ th…
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How Ted Williams Sold His Local Newsletter For $5M, Led Axios Local From 0 To 30 Cities and 1M+ Subscribers, and Played a Pivotal Role In The $525M Axios Acquisition
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1:04:04This episode is sponsored by Playbookz: Playbookz.co Ted co-founded Charlotte Agenda, which led to its remarkable $5 million acquisition by Axios. He currently writes Tiny Money—a local and personal finance newsletter. Want more content like this? Join our free newsletter for growth and monetization tactics: https://www.newsletteroperator.com/subsc…
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EP92|Amazon 的無人計程車大業:Zoox
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1:06:36本集節目由【克立淨】贊助 你是否正在尋找一款能同時淨化空氣與除濕的全能家電?克立淨推出的【CS101 Max 超能雷神除濕旗艦款】就是市面上最頂的選項之一,而且還提供獨家的終身售後服務,值得每一個追求好空氣的你。 ✨︎ 一機搞定:結合電漿空氣清淨與智能除濕功能,讓室內空氣潔淨乾爽。 ✨︎ 業界最高標準:機身密合+濾網密封技術+層層分工,出風口 PM0.3=0。 ✨︎ 超能電漿滅菌艙:滅絕病菌、分解甲醛等有害氣體。 ✨︎ 雙濾淨風道:清淨除濕強強合一,智慧對應各種環境問題,不妥協任何一邊。 ✨︎ 終身服務:完整的售前/售中/售後服務,且永久到府服務。 創下 4,100 萬集資紀錄後好評再登場,限時 65 折賣場:https://cleanstation.tw/dtlzq/ 結帳輸入專屬優惠碼「…
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Just did a livestream on the importance of “race posting” in right-wing culture. Things have gone well beyond being anti-woke. Young right-wingers have created a horrifying inverse of woke culture where race and attitudes towards racial issues, along with attitudes towards those who dislike racism, become the center of one’s worldview. I argue that…
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The "Newsletter Godfather" Who Wrote 4,000+ Newsletters For The Hustle, Axios, and Yahoo Sports
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1:00:48Save your seat at our event: newslettermarketingsummit.com Kendall Baker is the founder of Sports Internet (acquired by Axios), the first newsletter writer at The Hustle, and now a Senior Writer at Yahoo Sports. He's known as the "Newsletter Godfather" because he's pioneered newsletter content and has written and published more newsletters to more …
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I did a livestream today with Noah Smith, someone whose writing I have admired for a long time and who I was happy to finally get to meet. We start out by talking about what’s going on with the Trump administration, and all the recent craziness, including the president’s supposed plan for the US to take over Gaza. This blends into discussions about…
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EP91|深度導讀 225 頁產業報告,解析全球遊戲產業為何衰退
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1:23:03本集節目由【樂天 Kobo】贊助 每次被問我推薦哪家電子書,都只有一個答案:樂天 Kobo。如果你還不是樂天 Kobo 使用者,每年最適合加入的時候就是現在;如果你已經是使用者,但想換新機、買更多好書,那現在也是你最好的剁手時機!2025 台北國際書展 2/4 - 2/9 期間,用《曼報》專屬連結享優惠: 📍Kobo 官網結帳輸入「BLOOM」,電子書全站 75 折 單筆滿 $2000 再抽樂天點數 2000 點 *詳情見活動辦法 📍電子書閱讀器網路平台優惠 全系列閱讀器 76 折起 ,再送最高 $1200 購書金! *實際優惠價格及購書金登錄請參考各賣場 《曼報》專屬連結:https://lihistatus.com/NUtzr -- (00:00) 開春閒聊與本集由來 (18:15) 2…
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David Lynch recently passed away, so Rob and I decided to honor the legendary director by watching two of his movies, Mulholland Drive (2001) and Inland Empire (2008), and discussing them. We liked the first film, and debated various interpretations of it, including the standard one and other possible theories. I’m motivated to have a contrarian ta…
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The stock market was sent reeling today as a result of the release by the Chinese company DeepSeek of an open source AI model that comes close to or matches the performance of American models, but was created for a fraction of the cost. While traditional models have cost in the range of $100 million to $1 billion to produce, the latest application …
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Come on a journey with us to discover some of the new and interesting things realeased at CES 2025.توسط CCA Technology
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I just did a livestream with Bryan Caplan on Trump’s executive orders on DEI and my role in making them happen. For context, see my post from yesterday. We discuss the history of EO 11246 and Bryan talks about the pressure his dad got from the government to hire more minorities in the airline industry in the 1980s. One point to emphasize is that ev…
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Get Justin's new book: SponsorMagnet.com Justin Moore is a sponsorship coach and the author of Sponsor Magnet: How to Attract, Price, and Execute Your Dream Brand Partnerships Want more content like this? Join Newsletter Operator for more strategies on how to grow and monetize your newsletter here: NewsletterOperator.com Work with Matt's agency Gro…
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I just did a stream on the inauguration and Trump’s potential executive orders, some of which might be signed by the time you watch this. I did this stream with screensharing, so you can follow along as I scroll X, the New York Times and the Washington Post, and read about the Biden pardons, what Trump is expected to do on his first day, and more. …
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AJOT’s NAV increased by +8.0% (in GBP) over the quarter and +10.8% in local currency terms (in JPY), outperforming the benchmark, which returned +0.7% (in GBP) and +3.3% (in JPY). Over the calendar year AJOT’s NAV increased by +20.9% (in GBP), outperforming the benchmark by +14.7%, which returned +6.2% (in GBP). View AJOT's Q4 2024 factsheet is her…
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AJOT’s NAV increased by +8.0% (in GBP) over the quarter and +10.8% in local currency terms (in JPY), outperforming the benchmark, which returned +0.7% (in GBP) and +3.3% (in JPY). Over the calendar year AJOT’s NAV increased by +20.9% (in GBP), outperforming the benchmark by +14.7%, which returned +6.2% (in GBP). View AJOT's Q4 2024 factsheet here V…
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AJOT’s NAV increased by +8.0% (in GBP) over the quarter and +10.8% in local currency terms (in JPY), outperforming the benchmark, which returned +0.7% (in GBP) and +3.3% (in JPY). Over the calendar year AJOT’s NAV increased by +20.9% (in GBP), outperforming the benchmark by +14.7%, which returned +6.2% (in GBP). View AJOT's Q4 2024 factsheet here V…
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AVI Global Trust’s (AGT) NAV increased +1.7% in December. View the Dec 2024 Factsheet here //About us: Asset Value Investors (“AVI”) have been investing in Japan for three decades. AVI focuses on undervalued companies with resilient and growing earnings that investors overlook due to non-fundamental factors. AVI Global Trust p.l.c is referred to as…
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AVI Global Trust’s (AGT) NAV increased +1.7% in December. View the Dec 2024 Factsheet here //About us: Asset Value Investors (“AVI”) have been investing in Japan for three decades. AVI focuses on undervalued companies with resilient and growing earnings that investors overlook due to non-fundamental factors. AVI Global Trust p.l.c is referred to as…
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MIGO’s NAV grew by 2.2% in November. View the November 2024 factsheet here //About us: Asset Value Investors (“AVI”) have been investing in Japan for three decades. AVI focuses on undervalued companies with resilient and growing earnings that investors overlook due to non-fundamental factors. MIGO Opportunity Trust p.l.c is referred to as ‘MIGO’ th…
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AJOT’s NAV increased by +8.5% (in GBP) and +5.7% (in JPY) over the month, while the benchmark returned +2.4% (in GBP) and -0.2% (in JPY). Calendar year to date, AJOT has outperformed its benchmark by +14.1% (in GBP), returning +20.4% vs the MSCI Japan Small Cap Index’s return of +6.2%. View AJOT's Nov 2024 factsheet here Visit the fund page here //…
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AJOT’s NAV increased by +8.5% (in GBP) and +5.7% (in JPY) over the month, while the benchmark returned +2.4% (in GBP) and -0.2% (in JPY). Calendar year to date, AJOT has outperformed its benchmark by +14.1% (in GBP), returning +20.4% vs the MSCI Japan Small Cap Index’s return of +6.2%. View AJOT's Nov 2024 factsheet here Visit the fund page here //…
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AJOT’s NAV increased by +8.5% (in GBP) and +5.7% (in JPY) over the month, while the benchmark returned +2.4% (in GBP) and -0.2% (in JPY). Calendar year to date, AJOT has outperformed its benchmark by +14.1% (in GBP), returning +20.4% vs the MSCI Japan Small Cap Index’s return of +6.2%. View AJOT's Nov 2024 factsheet here Visit the fund page here //…
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AVI Global Trust (AGT)’s NAV increased +2.8% in November. View the Nov 2024 Factsheet here //About us: Asset Value Investors (“AVI”) have been investing in Japan for three decades. AVI focuses on undervalued companies with resilient and growing earnings that investors overlook due to non-fundamental factors. AVI Global Trust p.l.c is referred to as…
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AVI Global Trust (AGT)’s NAV increased +2.8% in November. View the Nov 2024 Factsheet here //About us: Asset Value Investors (“AVI”) have been investing in Japan for three decades. AVI focuses on undervalued companies with resilient and growing earnings that investors overlook due to non-fundamental factors. AVI Global Trust p.l.c is referred to as…
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AVI Global Trust (AGT)’s NAV increased +2.8% in November. View the Nov 2024 Factsheet here //About us: Asset Value Investors (“AVI”) have been investing in Japan for three decades. AVI focuses on undervalued companies with resilient and growing earnings that investors overlook due to non-fundamental factors. AVI Global Trust p.l.c is referred to as…
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Ali Qureshi is the co-founder of Adcrate. He shares strategies on effective ads for platforms like Meta and TikTok. He also shares static and video formats, copywriting, leveraging AI, hook rates, video production and more. Want more content like this? Join Newsletter Operator for more strategies on how to grow and monetize your newsletter here: Ne…
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EP90|不誇張,一集讓你搞懂遊戲發行 ft. 飛鳥涼不涼
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1:06:44本集節目由【百億遊戲營運行銷全攻略|12個遊戲心理學應用X爆款思維全拆解】贊助 ✨早鳥限時低於 5 折 👉課程超過 8 小時、75 單元,越早買越划算! 👉結帳輸入專屬折扣碼「mannygame」可以再折 350 元 🔎課程介紹:https://hi.sat.cool/QCRbG 🔥全台第一門遊戲營運行銷解密課,20年實戰心法大公開! ✅爆款思維|剖析熱門遊戲設計與策略,掌握爆品邏輯 ✅深刻洞察|解密12大心理機制,精準洞察用戶需求與行為 ✅數據賦能|看懂關鍵數據,優化用戶留存與付費策略 ✅跨界應用|靈活運用遊戲思維,解決多產業需求,提升競爭力 ✅市場營運|掌握產品生命週期,拆解爆品口碑操作邏輯 ✅趨勢案例|超過20個實戰案例,涵蓋中美日韓領先市場趨勢 -- (00:00) 掌聲歡迎「飛鳥涼…
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Matt and Ryan discuss the Honey scandal, trends for 2025, focusing on YouTube, newsletters, and the shift from vanity metrics to revenue. They also explore AI workflows, B2B newsletters, the creator-in-residence model, and the future of platforms like Upwork and overseas recruiting and more. Want more content like this? Join Newsletter Operator for…
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本集節目由【實現 AI 自動化的第一步: 超高效 AI 實戰指南】贊助 ❮ 實現 AI 自動化的第一步: 超高效 AI 實戰指南 ❯ 🚀 0 基礎、0 程式也能輕鬆無痛應用,實現工作效率最大化! ♦ 工作整合與串連|帶你分析現有工作流程,精準改善關鍵繁冗環節 ♦ 打造高效工作模式|融合自動化+ AI 應用,真正達到省時增效 ♦ 7 大工作核心能力|真實情境拆解步驟示範,解放每日30%瑣事時間 即日起至 1/26 早鳥限時優惠低於 45 折,了解更多:https://hi.sat.cool/Lxga0 結帳輸入專屬優惠碼 「mannyai」 可以再折 $350 元! -- (00:00) 比 AI 工具更重要的事 (05:30) 重大宣布:2025 年全新訂閱計畫 (14:34) 幕後花絮:曼…
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Here are the links: - Join Write, Grow Sell here >> - Register for the free live training here >>
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Thanks for joining us again this month and hope you enjoy the topics for this month. Please comment and tell us some of your tech woes so we can cover them next month for you! Thanks!توسط CCA Technology
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An issue focussing on the support that The Coalition can offer over the Winter months.توسط Surrey Coalition
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AI Bytes Newsletter Issue #2 covers advancements in AI, including Google DeepMind's AlphaGeometry for solving complex geometry problems and ethical considerations of AI in insurance underwriting. The newsletter also discusses OpenAI's efforts to combat election misinformation and the use of AI tools like ChatGPT and Midjourney. Furthermore, it expl…
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AI Bytes Newsletter Issue #1 discusses the impact of artificial intelligence across various sectors. The newsletter features product reviews, such as the TimeKettle X1 translator and HeyGen AI video creator, alongside ethical considerations surrounding AI development and deployment, particularly concerning data privacy and bias in large language mo…
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Matt and Ryan discuss what happened in the newsletter industry and their businesses in 2024. Want more content like this? Join Newsletter Operator for more strategies on how to grow and monetize your newsletter here: NewsletterOperator.com Work with Ryan's agency Tailwind Work with Matt's agency GrowLetter Follow Matt McGarry @JMatthewMcGarry and R…
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AJOT’s NAV decreased by -0.8% (in GBP) over the month, although it increased +1.2% in local currency terms (in JPY), while the benchmark returned -1.6% (in GBP) and +0.4% (in JPY). To date, AJOT has outperformed its benchmark in 2024 by +7.3% (in GBP), returning +11.0% vs the MSCI Japan Small Cap Index’s return of +3.7%. View AJOT's Oct 2024 factsh…
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EP88|2024 年末特集:給你滿滿大閒聊
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1:03:45本集節目由【山霧-富士山雲海香氛機】贊助 曾經創下 1,400 萬群眾募資紀錄的「山霧」回來了,這次不只有升級版的機構,還有全新的山形意象:富士山。 ✔️ 超細緻霧氣 ➡️ 還原雲海之美 ✔️ 水氣零凝結技術 ➡️ 桌面不再潮濕 ✔️ 濕度自動感測 ➡️ 皮膚涼爽不粘膩 ✔️ 零件快拆設計 ➡️ 清潔超快速 ✔️ 客廳級擴香空間 ➡️ 香氛隨心所欲 ✔️ 富士夜燈御來光 ➡️ 帶給你滿滿好運 ✔️ 富士山複方香氛 ➡️ 3 款季節香氣 一起把富士山的最美風景帶回家🗻 《曼報》專屬賣場:https://r.zecz.ec/ANw3 結帳輸入「manny」,現折150元 -- (00:00) 終於想到關懷台灣土地 (08:48) 幹!在蝦皮買到盜版公仔 (12:45) Angela 的大阪遊記 …
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Tommy Clark, the CEO of Compound Social and the co-founder of Bluecast AI, shares strategies for growing an audience on LinkedIn, creating engaging content, personal branding, and focusing on value propositions. Want more content like this? Join Newsletter Operator for more strategies on how to grow and monetize your newsletter here: NewsletterOper…
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How Jason Woodruff Grew The Pour Over To 900,000+ Newsletter Subscribers and 7-Figures In Revenue Without a Social Following
Jason Woodruff, founder of The Pour Over, shares how to build a mission-driven newsletter, focusing on content quality, subscriber engagement, and sponsor-driven growth. He also offers insights on managing advertiser relationships and use referrals to build a loyal, sustainable audience. Want more content like this? Join Newsletter Operator for mor…
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本集節目由【AWS】贊助播出 這集是人生第一次在國外錄音,而且還是在全球最大的科技論壇之一、AWS 的主場 re:Invent 的現場錄音。另一個令人興奮的是本集還邀請到 AWS 解決方案架構師經理 Jayson Hsieh 與社群英雄 Ernest Chiang 一起暢談今年覺得最重要的發表資訊。 不論你是不是 AWS 的用戶,或甚至熟不熟悉 AWS 的產品服務,這集應該都能帶給你一些啟發,因為我們三人都專注在解釋各項新發表究竟帶來了哪些商業價值,而不只是單純的更新。 — 搶先報名 AWS 雲端科技發表會 - 台灣站 及 觀看AWS re:Invent 精彩重播:https://pages.awscloud.com/tw-reinvent_recap_202501.html -- (01:…
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Get super-early bird pricing and an extra $100 off Newsletter Marketing Summit: NewsletterMarketingSummit.com Use code BFCM24 for the extra $100 off any ticket. This code expires on 12/2 at midnight EST. In this podcast, Matt and Ahrif discuss GrowLetter's first-ever conference, Newsletter Marketing Summit. Speakers include: Alex Leiberman Sam Parr…
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AJOT’s NAV decreased by -0.8% (in GBP) over the month, although it increased +1.2% in local currency terms (in JPY), while the benchmark returned -1.6% (in GBP) and +0.4% (in JPY). To date, AJOT has outperformed its benchmark in 2024 by +7.3% (in GBP), returning +11.0% vs the MSCI Japan Small Cap Index’s return of +3.7%. View AJOT's Oct 2024 factsh…
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MIGO’s NAV fell by 0.6% in October As anticipated, October was a turbulent month, marked by a series of high-stakes political events. From the Georgian election to the UK budget and the decisive US presidential election, the global political landscape underwent significant change. Throughout this period, the trust adopted a cautious approach, makin…
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MIGO’s NAV fell by 0.6% in October As anticipated, October was a turbulent month, marked by a series of high-stakes political events. From the Georgian election to the UK budget and the decisive US presidential election, the global political landscape underwent significant change. Throughout this period, the trust adopted a cautious approach, makin…
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