„Aby ste sa mohli cítiť bezpečne, niekto musí mať poriadnu paranoju.“ Celé zle je vaša pravidelná dávka optimizmu a voľné pokračovanie podcastu Daj NATO!. Peter a Michal, sami dvaja, alebo s vyberanými hosťami, o bezpečnosti, dianí doma a vo svete a všetkom ostatnom. Pritrafí sa aj humor, ktorý občas končí smiechom. Naďalej platí: názory účinkujúcich sa nemusia zhodovať s názormi účinkujúcich. Podporte nás na www.patreon.com/celezle. Napíšte nám na [email protected]. Sledujte nás na IG cel ...
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A loose discussion of travel, adventure, diving, driving, gear, and most certainly watches! Hosts Jason Heaton and James Stacey break down their love for adventure, their addiction to watches, and the many forms both can take. Have a question? Let us know at [email protected].
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This I Believe
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NATO je jediná organizácia kolektívnej obrany na svete a Slovensko je jej súčasťou. Spoznajte akým spôsobom z členstva ťaží Slovensko a čím prispievame do kolektívnej obrany. Portál natoarmy.sk predstavuje podcasty v ktorých sa dozviete viac so zaujímavými hosťami.
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Design, política, abundância, atemporalidade.
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Why were there 12 founding NATO members? What is Article 5, and why was it only invoked once in all of NATO’s history? Why wasn’t NATO dissolved like the Warsaw Pact after the Cold War ended? The NATO Through Time podcast features diverse voices from NATO member countries – including former Presidents, Prime Ministers, Foreign and Defence Ministers, military officers, NATO officials, historians, journalists and young citizens – answering these questions and reflecting on NATO’s past, present ...
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Allied Command Transformation in Norfolk, Virginia, is NATO’s Warfare Development Command and a leading agent of Alliance innovation.
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Welcome to Rojae Hamilton, where amazing things happen.
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Welcome to The Nato Sessions with comedian Nato Green, a series of Conversating & Podcastery with Famous Smart People. (Guests are guaranteed famous, smart, and also people, without specification, limitation, or exclusion.) Produced by Dan Wolf for 3200 Stories - www.3200stories.org. Theme music by DJ Real.
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Recorded and managed by students from the College of Europe Natolin Campus, this podcast looks at the big questions facing modern European politics. Intro and exit music comes from Jukedeck - create your own at http://jukedeck.com
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so this podcast is about nato and united nation and all the question yuo will have about it Cover art photo provided by Matt Power on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@thisispower
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learn about NATO with shyanne and charlize and find out other discoverys Cover art photo provided by Matt Power on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@thisispower
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Build a Business That Grows Consistently, Attracts the Right Clients, and Gives You Freedom. Are you tired of hustling nonstop but still not seeing consistent business growth? Do you feel like no matter how many marketing strategies you try, you're stuck chasing clients and scrambling for results? Welcome to Marketing Your Truth. I’m Eli Natoli, your host. I’ve been where you are—working hard, following every marketing trend, and still feeling like success was always just out of reach. Every ...
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Hello and welcome to making UX work; I’m Joe Natoli. Our focus here is on folks like you doing the tough, often unglamorous UX work in the real world. My guests will share their struggles, their successes, and their journey to and through the trenches of product design, development, and of course, user experience. Before we get into it, I’d like to give a shout out to our sponsor, Stache Studio — a streetwear clothing brand focusing on quality products with a positive message, inspired by th ...
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In the #NATOjobs podcast, we speak to staff members of the world’s most successful military and political Alliance, hearing their personal stories and learning about the profound impact they’re making on NATO’s mission. In each episode, we dig deep into the unique NATO journeys of our guests, answering questions like: What drives someone to apply to a job at NATO? What is the interview process like, and what advice do they have for candidates? And how does their work contribute to global sec ...
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Hosted by Max Bergmann, director of the CSIS Europe, Russia, and Eurasia Program, “NATO’s Road to Madrid” explores how the United States’ most important alliance is approaching a critical process it has not undertaken since 2010: updating its Strategic Concept. The last time NATO endorsed a formal strategy, Russia had not invaded Ukraine, China was not yet thought to be a challenge meriting NATO attention, and defense planners were only beginning to look at the military implications of clima ...
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Thanks so much for listening! For the complete show notes, links, and comments, please visit The Grey NATO Show Notes for this episode: https://thegreynato.substack.com/p/318-pangatalan-blancpain The Grey NATO is a listener-supported podcast. If you'd like to support the show, which includes a variety of possible benefits, including additional epis…
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Puč riadený z kníhkupectva
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1:09:28Ako by vyzeral ozajstný prevrat a ktoré dve veci potrebujete mať, ak by ste ho chceli organizovať? Čo je gruzínska légia a kto je Mamuka Mamulašvili? Čo by sa stalo ak by sme vystúpili z EÚ a prečo je nebezpečné, ak čelní predstavitelia štátu vôbec pripustia takú možnosť? Okrem toho dojmy z našich potuliek a verejných diskusií na Považí, vrátane ti…
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The Grey NATO – 317 – Slack Crew & A 2025 Part 1 [Bug out bags, great quartz options, sundaes, safety stops activities, watches vs. adventures, & more]
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1:13:01Thanks so much for listening! For the complete show notes, links, and comments, please visit The Grey NATO Show Notes for this episode: https://thegreynato.substack.com/p/317-slack-crew-and-a-2025-1 The Grey NATO is a listener-supported podcast. If you'd like to support the show, which includes a variety of possible benefits, including additional e…
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The Grey NATO – 316 – The "One Watch" Tournament Championship!
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1:02:14Thanks so much for listening! For the complete show notes, links, and comments, please visit The Grey NATO Show Notes for this episode: https://thegreynato.substack.com/p/316-one-watch-championship The Grey NATO is a listener-supported podcast. If you'd like to support the show, which includes a variety of possible benefits, including additional ep…
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2025 - rok šuštiacich kaftanov
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1:17:35Rok sa s rokom stretol a my sme opäť vytiahli vešteckú guľu. Ako zmení rok 2025 svet, Európu a Slovensko? Podarí sa Donaldovi Trumpovi kúpiť Grónsko? Aké dôležité rozhodnutia potrebuje v najbližšom čase spraviť EÚ? A čo sa podarilo vybaviť našim vládnym predstaviteľom v Moskve a čo bol skutočný dôvod ich zimnej cestovateľskej horúčky? Okrem toho as…
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The Grey NATO – 315 – Round 3 Of The "One Watch" Tournament – The Final Four
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1:00:17Thanks so much for listening! For the complete show notes, links, and comments, please visit The Grey NATO Show Notes for this episode: https://thegreynato.substack.com/p/315-round-3-of-the-one-watch-tournament The Grey NATO is a listener-supported podcast. If you'd like to support the show, which includes a variety of possible benefits, including …
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The Grey NATO – 314 – Round 2 Of The "One Watch" Tournament (+ New Fundraiser T-Shirt For LA Firefighters)
Thanks so much for listening! For the complete show notes, links, and comments, please visit The Grey NATO Show Notes for this episode: https://thegreynato.substack.com/p/314-onewatchtournament-r2 The Grey NATO is a listener-supported podcast. If you'd like to support the show, which includes a variety of possible benefits, including additional epi…
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The Grey NATO – 313 – The "One Watch" TGN Tournament (With Public Voting!)
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1:25:12Thanks so much for listening! For the complete show notes, links, and comments, please visit The Grey NATO Show Notes for this episode: https://thegreynato.substack.com/p/313-1watchtournament The Grey NATO is a listener-supported podcast. If you'd like to support the show, which includes a variety of possible benefits, including additional episodes…
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Send us a text Are you hiding the very things that could make you unforgettable to your ideal audience? In a world obsessed with perfection, showing up online can feel like a constant performance. But what if embracing your flaws could actually grow your business and attract the right clients? In this episode, host Eli Natoli explores how embracing…
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Slovensko je platným a plnohodnotným členom Aliancie. Spojencom poskytujeme nielen naše vojenské, ale aj výcvikové kapacity a práve stredisko v Lešti je dôležitou súčasťou vuchodného krídla NATOتوسط OZ SPOLOČNÝ ZÁUJEM
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Slovensko je platným a plnohodnotným členom Aliancie. Spojencom poskytujeme nielen naše vojenské, ale aj výcvikové kapacity a práve stredisko v Lešti je dôležitou súčasťou vuchodného krídla NATOتوسط OZ SPOLOČNÝ ZÁUJEM
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O ktoré krajiny sa môže NATO rozšíriť a ako spolupracuje s pacifickymi spojencami - NATOARMY S02E04(audio)
v dnešnom dieli hovoríme o téme rastu Aliancie a o spojenectvách nad rámec euroatlantického priestoru.توسط OZ SPOLOČNÝ ZÁUJEM
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O ktoré krajiny sa môže NATO rozšíriť a ako spolupracuje s pacifickymi spojencami - NATOARMY S02E04(video)
v dnešnom dieli hovoríme o téme rastu Aliancie a o spojenectvách nad rámec euroatlantického priestoru.توسط OZ SPOLOČNÝ ZÁUJEM
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v dnešnom dieli hovoríme o tom, ako sa Aliancia vyrovnáva s hybridnými hrozbami a o tom, či aj hybridný útok môže aktivovať článok 5توسط OZ SPOLOČNÝ ZÁUJEM
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v dnešnom dieli hovoríme o tom, ako sa Aliancia vyrovnáva s hybridnými hrozbami a o tom, či aj hybridný útok môže aktivovať článok 5توسط OZ SPOLOČNÝ ZÁUJEM
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Vieme byť hrdí na svoju účasť v mnohonárodnej obrannej aliancii, alebo správny patriot vie byť hrdý iba na armádu, ktorá nemá spojencov? Ako vnímame potenciálne rozširovanie NATO? Zhovárali sme sa s politológom Jozefom Lenčom z Univerzity sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Trnave.توسط OZ SPOLOČNÝ ZÁUJEM
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Vieme byť hrdí na svoju účasť v mnohonárodnej obrannej aliancii, alebo správny patriot vie byť hrdý iba na armádu, ktorá nemá spojencov? Ako vnímame potenciálne rozširovanie NATO? Zhovárali sme sa s politológom Jozefom Lenčom z Univerzity sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Trnave.توسط OZ SPOLOČNÝ ZÁUJEM
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Koncoročný zhŕňačik
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1:09:11O tom čo nás v roku 2024 - a obzvlášť na jeho konci - najviac dvihlo zo stoličky. V dobrom aj v zlom. Najmä segment “prečo vyzeráme v zahraničí ako hlupáci” je bohatý. Ako bonus nezvyčajne bohatá kultúrna rubrika, na vyplnenie voľného času na prelome rokov. Ďakujeme, že ste boli s nami aj tento rok, sme nesmierne radi, že máme takých super posluchá…
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Diskutujeme s politológom Jozefom Lenčom o tom, ako Slováci vnímajú NATO a či politici robia dobrú prácu, aby sme pochopili, že sme integrálnou súčasťou Aliancie.توسط OZ SPOLOČNÝ ZÁUJEM
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Diskutujeme s politológom Jozefom Lenčom o tom, ako Slováci vnímajú NATO a či politici robia dobrú prácu, aby sme pochopili, že sme integrálnou súčasťou Aliancie.توسط OZ SPOLOČNÝ ZÁUJEM
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How can we accurately predict future events? How do we persuade political leaders to look beyond the next couple of years? What lies ahead for NATO, in the coming years and in the distant future? In this episode, researcher and futurist Dr Florence Gaub walks us through her work as a strategic foresight advisor. As Director of the Research Division…
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Thanks so much for listening! For the complete show notes, links, and comments, please visit The Grey NATO Show Notes for this episode: https://thegreynato.substack.com/p/312-final-notes-greatest-hits-2024 The Grey NATO is a listener-supported podcast. If you'd like to support the show, which includes a variety of possible benefits, including addit…
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Je Bratislava bezpečné mesto? Čo všetko robia mestskí policajti a čo treba na to aby budili rešpekt? Ako funguje 24-metrový trolejbus? A kúpanie v akej fontáne neodporúča Matúš Petrovi? S primátorom Bratislavy sme sa rozprávali aj o tom ako vedia mestá robiť zahraničnú politiku, prečo nie je regulácia automobilovej dopravy namierená proti šoférom, …
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The Grey NATO – 311 – Our Favorite Watches of 2024
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1:10:20Thanks so much for listening! For the complete show notes, links, and comments, please visit The Grey NATO Show Notes for this episode: https://thegreynato.substack.com/p/311-favorite-watches-2024 The Grey NATO is a listener-supported podcast. If you'd like to support the show, which includes a variety of possible benefits, including additional epi…
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What is the difference between NATO members and partners? Why did Finland and Sweden set aside decades of neutrality and apply for NATO membership in 2022? What can Finland’s experience living next-door to Russia, and its 900,000-strong reserve forces, teach the rest of the Alliance? In this episode, Sauli Niinistö, who served as President of Finla…
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Send us a text Social media is evolving, and with it comes the challenge of standing out while staying true to your unique voice. In this episode, we explore how entrepreneurs, coaches, and experts in service-based businesses can rethink their approach to social media. Instead of chasing likes and approval, you’ll discover how to create meaningful …
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The Grey NATO – 310 – The 2024 TGN Holiday Gift Guide
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1:05:37Thanks so much for listening! For the complete show notes, links, and comments, please visit The Grey NATO Show Notes for this episode: https://thegreynato.substack.com/p/310-the-2024-tgn-holiday-gift-guide The Grey NATO is a listener-supported podcast. If you'd like to support the show, which includes a variety of possible benefits, including addi…
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Eskalátor napätia
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1:01:01Prečo nám dnes nehrozí III. svetová vojna a prečo nás ňou nezodpovední politici strašia? Aký význam má rozhodnutie povoliť Ukrajine používať západné rakety na ruskom území? No najmä - čo sme sa dozvedeli v gelnickej krčme? Po dlhšej dobe diel venovaný Ukrajine. Aj o tom čo je eskalačný manažment, ako sa končia vojny a ako sa môže skončiť tá u našic…
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The Grey NATO – 309 – Ingrained With Callum Robinson
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1:10:50Thanks so much for listening! For the complete show notes, links, and comments, please visit The Grey NATO Show Notes for this episode: https://thegreynato.substack.com/p/309-ingrained-with-callum-robinson The Grey NATO is a listener-supported podcast. If you'd like to support the show, which includes a variety of possible benefits, including addit…
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Strategické partnerstvo šiestich čižiem
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1:05:55Prečo by boli biometrické kamery na školách najzásadnejším zásahom do súkromia, aký sme kedy na Slovensku mali? Aký ohlas mala návšteva nášho premiéra v ruskej propagandistickej televízii a aký vládna návšteva v Číne? A prečo nemusí byť zvolenie D. Trumpa nakoniec pre Ukrajinu zlá správa? Sledujte nás aj na Instagrame a …
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The Grey NATO – 308 – Slack Crew & A 2024 // Part 6
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1:10:07Thanks so much for listening! For the complete show notes, links, and comments, please visit The Grey NATO Show Notes for this episode: https://thegreynato.substack.com/p/308-slack-crew-and-a-6 The Grey NATO is a listener-supported podcast. If you'd like to support the show, which includes a variety of possible benefits, including additional episod…
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Send us a text Are you finding that all the work you’ve put into your course or program just isn’t paying off with the enrollments you expected? If you’re frustrated by low sign-ups after pouring so much time and heart into creating an offer, this episode is for you. Many experts get stuck trying to fix low enrollments by adding bonuses or slashing…
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Why does NATO conduct missions outside of its territory? What were the different aims and lessons learned of NATO’s missions in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Afghanistan and Iraq? What is Canada’s role in a transatlantic alliance that is often framed as a balancing act between the United States and European Allies? In this episode, General Jennie Carigna…
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Druhý diel rozhovoru s Ivanom Korčokom o súčasnom stave slovenskej zahraničnej politiky. Aj o tom čo strácame, keď sa odcudzujeme Českej Republike, ako na nás dnes pozerajú v EÚ a NATO a o svetovom unikáte, keď sa Slovensko ocitlo na medzinárodnej scéne úplne osamotené. Sledujte nás aj na Instagrame a YouTube…
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Thanks so much for listening! For the complete show notes, links, and comments, please visit The Grey NATO Show Notes for this episode: https://thegreynato.substack.com/p/307-tudor-pelagos-fxd-gmt The Grey NATO is a listener-supported podcast. If you'd like to support the show, which includes a variety of possible benefits, including additional epi…
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Aké sú výsledky suverénnej zahraničnej politiky vlády po roku pri moci? Prečo je zlý imidž Slovenska problém nielen v zahraničí, ale predovšetkým u nás doma? A čo odkazuje Ivan Korčok slovenským diplomatom a diplomatkám? Prvý diel rozhovoru s bývalým ministrom zahraničných vecí a prezidentským kandidátom aj o tom, čo sú ozajstné národné záujmy Slov…
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The Grey NATO – 306 – How To Gift A Watch
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1:10:59Thanks so much for listening! For the complete show notes, links, and comments, please visit The Grey NATO Show Notes for this episode: https://thegreynato.substack.com/p/306-how-to-gift-watches The Grey NATO is a listener-supported podcast. If you'd like to support the show, which includes a variety of possible benefits, including additional episo…
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Thanks so much for listening! For the complete show notes, links, and comments, please visit The Grey NATO Show Notes for this episode: https://thegreynato.substack.com/p/305-drafting-our-favorite-watches-in-movies The Grey NATO is a listener-supported podcast. If you'd like to support the show, which includes a variety of possible benefits, includ…
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Send us a text In this episode of Marketing Your Truth™, I take you on a personal journey that I believe many of you will relate to. My husband and I chased the dream of entrepreneurial freedom, but quickly found ourselves exhausted by the constant hustle, struggling to build meaningful connections with clients. Sound familiar? This episode dives d…
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1 | Why Your Marketing Isn’t Working (and How to Fix It): The Truth About Building Trust in 2025
Send us a text In the debut episode of Marketing Your Truth™, host Eli Natoli dives deep into the marketing shifts we’ve all noticed in 2024. With more entrepreneurs feeling the pressure of marketing burnout, traditional marketing strategies no longer seem to work. Eli shares why many seasoned experts and business owners are struggling to connect w…
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Send us a text In this episode of Marketing Your Truth, host Eli Natoli shares a personal story that demonstrates the importance of building trust through purpose-driven marketing. Using a real-life example from her family vacation, Eli explains how familiarity and authenticity create meaningful connections with your audience, just like in life. We…
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Thanks so much for listening! For the complete show notes, links, and comments, please visit The Grey NATO Show Notes for this episode: https://thegreynato.substack.com/p/304-cw-c60-trident-lumiere The Grey NATO is a listener-supported podcast. If you'd like to support the show, which includes a variety of possible benefits, including additional ep…
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What was it like learning about NATO while growing up in the former Yugoslavia? Why did NATO launch “out-of-area” operations in the Western Balkans following the breakup of Yugoslavia in the 1990s? What was the road to NATO membership like for Albania and Croatia, and how did these countries help pave the way for other countries in the region to jo…
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Thanks so much for listening! For the complete show notes, links, and comments, please visit The Grey NATO Show Notes for this episode: https://thegreynato.substack.com/p/303-face-to-face-toronto The Grey NATO is a listener-supported podcast. If you'd like to support the show, which includes a variety of possible benefits, including additional epis…
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Hodvábne rúško tajomstva (čínsky špeciál)
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1:24:13Prečo je spolupráca s Čínou riziko - téma, ktorá si zaslúžila celú epizódu. Dozviete sa koľko jadrových hlavíc bude mať Čína v roku 2035 a prečo tají svoj jadrový program; čo sú Konfuciove inštitúty a čo diplomacia vlčieho bojovníka; a ako dopadla snaha Litvy kompletne sa od Číny odstrihnúť. Sledujte nás aj na Instagrame a …
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The Grey NATO – 302 – Live With Friends From The Toronto Timepiece Show
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1:03:51Thanks so much for listening! For the complete show notes, links, and comments, please visit The Grey NATO Show Notes for this episode: https://thegreynato.substack.com/p/302-live-with-friends-tts The Grey NATO is a listener-supported podcast. If you'd like to support the show, which includes a variety of possible benefits, including additional epi…
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The Grey NATO – 301 – Slack Crew & A 2024 // Part 5
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1:08:57Thanks so much for listening! For the complete show notes, links, and comments, please visit The Grey NATO Show Notes for this episode: https://thegreynato.substack.com/p/301-slack-crew-and-a-2024-part5 The Grey NATO is a listener-supported podcast. If you'd like to support the show, which includes a variety of possible benefits, including addition…
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The Grey NATO – 300!
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1:10:36Thanks so much for listening! For the complete show notes, links, and comments, please visit The Grey NATO Show Notes for this episode: https://thegreynato.substack.com/p/300 The Grey NATO is a listener-supported podcast. If you'd like to support the show, which includes a variety of possible benefits, including additional episodes, access to the T…
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Prečo sme sa vrátili na Slovensko
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1:15:31Kam sa dnes uberá naša zahraničná politika? Všímajú si v zahraničí, čo sa deje u nás doma? A aký to má dopad na postavenie Slovenska na medzinárodnej scéne? Keď sme si odpovedali na tieto otázky, rozhodli sme sa zmeniť prácu. Vďaka tomu však budeme môcť byť otvorenejší a venovať sa mnohým novým témam - v tejto epizóde napr. aj tomu, prečo kamery ne…
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The Grey NATO – 299 – Marathon Watch Co. With Mitchell Wein
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1:01:12Thanks so much for listening! For the complete show notes, links, and comments, please visit The Grey NATO Show Notes for this episode: https://thegreynato.substack.com/p/299-marathon-watch-co-mitchell-wein The Grey NATO is a listener-supported podcast. If you'd like to support the show, which includes a variety of possible benefits, including addi…
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