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Murder in 20 - True Crime Podcast

Murder in 20 Podcast

If you’re a serious fan of true crime and love listening to intriguing cases, but don’t want all that small talk you’ve come to the right place. We get right to the facts. Join Murder in 20 host Bobbie Stevens every Wednesday for a concise and complete episode in 20 minutes. LESS TALK. MORE TRUE CRIME.
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Bob worked on Hollywood movies but his wife Mary found him boring. Rather than divorce him she hired a hit man to collect on his insurance. But then she worried he might talk. So she hired another hit man to take him out. #marysamuels #robertsamuels #jamesbernstein #murderin20podcast #truecrimepodcast…
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Celeste fled Philadelphia and travelled west to California. But even with the promise of a new start, she couldn't outrun her past. Faced with the loss of her job, she made decisions that ended four lives including her own. #celestecarrington #victoresparza #carolyngleason #deathrowwomen #murderin20podcast #truecrimepodcast…
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Cynthia left her religious upbringing and went on the road with a felon. Fueled by drugs she and James set out to be the next Bonnie and Clyde, stealing cars, robbing, kidnapping and murder. #cynthiacoffman #jamesmarlow #corinnanovis #lynelmurray #murderin20podcast #truecrimepodcastتوسط Murder in 20 Podcast
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Kristen and Greg, both from prominent families had successful careers and the perfect marriage. That is until she had an affair and he turned up dead. One extra needle prick and a surprise lab test led to his murderer. #kristenrossum #gregdeville #murderbypoison #murderin20podcat #truecrimepodcast #truecrime…
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Helen was a successful realtor in Los Angeles worth millions. But it wasn't enough. In their 70's she and her friend Olga targeted two men they thought no one would miss, took out life insurance, then ended their lives. #helengolay #olgarutterschmidt #paulvados #kennethmcdavid #truecrimepodcast #murderin20podcast…
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Narcy married Ben, the son of a famous hotelier. After 17 years she wasn’t about to give up her plush life. She knew Ben provided for her in his will and his estate was worth 10 million. But there was a glitch, his mother. #narcynovack #bennovack #bernicenovack #truecrimepodcast #murderin20podcastتوسط Murder in 20 Podcast
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In high school Bernadette was popular but she brushed aside her high marks and dwelled on her failures. Her classmate Kirsten became a symbol for everything wrong in Bernadette's life. One night she lured Kirsten in to her car. #kirstencostas #bernadetteprotti #highschoolmurder #truecrimepodcast #murderin20podcast…
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Once a successful business woman Nancy and her husband were in a financial mess. She wrote romantic novels with a dash of murderous suspense. With retirement looming she turned fiction into reality. #danielbrophy #nancycrompton #truecrimepodcast #murderin20podcastتوسط Murder in 20 Podcast
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Stephanie, a police officer went on a jealous rage and murdered her ex-boyfriend’s wife. She thought she got away with it. But 19 years later when detectives reopened Sherri's case they discovered long-forgotten DNA. #stephanielazarus #sherrirasmussen #truecrimepodcast #murderin20podcastتوسط Murder in 20 Podcast
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Irene was crowned Miss South Texas in 1958 and was the first in her family to got to college. On Easter weekend she went to confession and met Father Feit, a priest with a slim build, dark hair, glasses and a sinister side. #irenegarza #johnfeit #coldcasesolved #truecrimepodcast #murderin20podcastتوسط Murder in 20 Podcast
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Paul saw beautiful 18-year-old Dorothy as his ticket to financial success and helped her become a centerfold. Then on the cusp of becoming a movie star, she was ready to move on without him. He couldn’t let that happen! #dorothystratten #paulsnider #truecrimepodcast #murderin20podcastتوسط Murder in 20 Podcast
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Jay and Tanya set out on a road trip from Victoria to Seattle. But once they crossed the border they came face to face with evil. It would take DNA and new technology 30 years to find their killer! #jaycook #tanyavancuylenborg #earltalbott #parabon #coldcase #truecrimepodcast #murderin20podcastتوسط Murder in 20 Podcast
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Tina was only 14 when she was bullied at school. That same day 16-year-old Steven was also bullied. On the way home the victims crossed paths. Then one of them lashed out in anger and rage. And the other one was left dead. #tinafaelz #stevencarlson #coldcase #truecrimepodcastتوسط Murder in 20 Podcast
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A violent criminal cruised the streets of a tiny town in Texas unleashing his anger and violence. Twenty-year-old Rachelle was home all alone with her baby when Moises snuck in the back door. #rachelleoneil #rachelletolleson #moisesmendoza #murderin20podcastتوسط Murder in 20 Podcast
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Angelina loved the thought of being in love, but never really loved the men she married. With three divorces behind her, she wasn’t about to divorce her fourth. Rather she planned to profit from his demise. #angelinarodriguez #frankrodriguez #murderin20podcast #truecrimepodcastتوسط Murder in 20 Podcast
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It had been 37 years since two women were murdered months apart. Using genetic genealogy the Toronto Cold Case Unit set out to find their killers. And were shocked when DNA linked their murders to one killer! #susantice #eringilmour #josephsutherland murderin20podcast #truecrimepodcastتوسط Murder in 20 Podcast
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In Niles, the train tracks run near Gray Lake. On a warm summer day, Rob took Becky for a walk. Each step taking them closer to the lake and a shallow hole he’d dug the day before. Soon, Becky was staring down at her grave. #beckystowe,#robertleamon,#murderin20podcast,,#truecrimepodcastتوسط Murder in 20 Podcast
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Sharing a glass of wine on the back deck, the sun warmed Beth and Alan’s faces. That night below deck, the gentle rocking of the boat lulled them to sleep. Mike and Rob broke in, then slipped below deck. #bethcarter #charlescarr #alancarr #michaelsmith #murderin20podcast #truecrimepodcastتوسط Murder in 20 Podcast
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Shannon had a heart of gold and would do anything for her friends. When her volatile relationship with Arturo exploded, she disappeared. Her body locked away in the freezing cold, until a friend discovered a terrible secret. #shannongraves #arturonovoa #katrinalayton #andrewhermann #truecrimepodcastتوسط Murder in 20 Podcast
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By 14 Gator went pro. But when skateboarding moved to the streets, his popularity dove. Ready to settle down, Brandi was the one but when he discovered she was seeing someone else it broke his heart. And he sought revenge. #markrogowski #jessicabergsten #brandimclain #truecrimepodcastتوسط Murder in 20 Podcast
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Scott lived a double life, by day a doting son and by night a predator. Pretty Marguerite was out for a jog when Scott shot and ran her over. Little did he know a lone blue pompom wedged under his truck would seal his fate. #truecrimepodcast margueritetelesford #scottmackayتوسط Murder in 20 Podcast
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On a small island in the Atlantic, the locals make their living fishing lobster. But when a petty thief went too far, those he stole from took matters into their own hands. And their actions forever divided a community. #phillipboudreau #jameslandry #craiglandry #dwaynesamson #truecrimepodcastتوسط Murder in 20 Podcast
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Tess was blowing off steam on a Friday night. Intoxicated and feeling good she left the bar and ran into Kalen. He waved off her cab and led her down the street to a dark stairwell. But when she spurned him, he turned evil. #tessrichey,#kalenschlatter,#truecrimepodcastتوسط Murder in 20 Podcast
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Karen, Laura and Missy were besties who shared Barbies, sleepovers and giggled about boys. But in high school Karen and Laura became jealous of Missy. They drove her up to the canyon high in the mountains and confronted her. #micheleavila #missyavila #karenseverson #lauradoyle #truecrimepodcastتوسط Murder in 20 Podcast
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Lindsay was a young realtor about to meet a new client. The possibility of earning a commission on a million dollar sale was exciting. But Lindsay's instincts made her question it. How did the woman get her unlisted number? #lindsaybuziak #truecrimepodcastتوسط Murder in 20 Podcast
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Cody and Jordan married young, then she got cold feet and wondered it she'd done the right thing. Eight days after their wedding they went for a short hike to watch the sunset. They argued and one of them fell to their death. #jordangraham #codyjohnson #newlywedmurder #truecrimepodcastتوسط Murder in 20 Podcast
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Eugene woke up to a shotgun banging on his car and John and Vincent yelling at him to open the door. They ordered him over to the edge of the cliff. Eugene glanced down and dove over the edge just as he heard a clicking sound. #johnlewis #vincenthubbard #puentehillsmallmurder #mallmurder #truecrimepodcast…
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Paul travelled the world. After he retired, he settled into a home on Muskrat Lake. He hired Darryl, a handyman down on his luck. But Darryl became consumed with envy and greed and Paul ended up buried four feet under. #paulgruber #darrylkuehl #truecrimepodcastتوسط Murder in 20 Podcast
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Leon harassed and stalked his exes. Newly divorced Valerie was quick to fall for him. Within weeks they hired a hitman to take out both their exes. But when police discovered their plan, they helped their exes fake their deaths. #mackmcdaniel #meghanverikas #leonjacob #valeriemcdaniel #truecrimepodcast…
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Donning her red cowboy hat, Crystal was having fun dancing at a local bar but when she accepted a ride home with Ken, he brutally murdered her. Out on parole after serving 21 years Ken went hunting for his next victim. #crystalpaskemin #kennethmackay #truecrimepodcastتوسط Murder in 20 Podcast
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Standing on the red carpet amongst Hollywood’s elite, Elliot felt invisible. Growing up he never fit in and saw himself as weak and worthless. No one knew the carnage he would enact on those he perceived had wronged him. #elliotrodger #dayofretribution #truecrimepodcastتوسط Murder in 20 Podcast
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In 1981 Sonia was brutally murdered at the age of 30. Her neighbour Michael went on trial for her murder but the jury was hung. Investigators waited almost 40 years to reopen her cold case. This time, DNA convicted Michael! #soniaherokstone #michaelglazebrook #truecrimepodcastتوسط Murder in 20 Podcast
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In 1981 Sonia was brutally murdered at the age of 30. Her neighbour Michael went on trial for her murder but the jury was hung. Investigators waited almost 40 years to reopen her cold case. This time, DNA convicted Michael! #soniaherokstone #michaelglazebrook #truecrimepodcastتوسط Murder in 20 Podcast
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Byran felt Johnny took something that was his, a part of him. That he stolen something precious that couldn't be returned. And he vowed he would get it back by taking something equally precious to Johnny. His life. #johnnyjackson #byranperotti #alaskamurder #truecrimepodcastتوسط Murder in 20 Podcast
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The Sunday before Christmas, elementary school teacher Christy wrapped forty presents for her students. The next morning she was brutally murdered. For twenty six years her killer roamed near. Then he was caught! #christymirack #raymondrowe #schoolteachermurder #truecrimepodcastتوسط Murder in 20 Podcast
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Little Maria was seven when a stranger showed up that dark snowy night. It took a deathbed confession and 53 years to convict John. But then an FBI report hidden from trial would change everything they thought they knew. #marieridulph #johnmccullough #coldcase #truecrimepodcastتوسط Murder in 20 Podcast
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Joanna and Greg moved into an apartment in Clifton. With Christmas approaching he left to visit family but when he returned Joanna was gone. Greg had no idea, that on the other side of the wall they shared was her killer. #joannayeates #vincenttabak #christmasmurder #truecrimepodcastتوسط Murder in 20 Podcast
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Louis crept into the woods, to where he could see the window and waited for his victim to walk into view, then pulled the trigger. Louis got away with murder. As Christmas was approaching Louis crept into the woods again. #louisgaskin #ninjakiller #robertsturmfels #georgettesturmfels #josephrector #maryrector #truecrimepodcast…
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Philip had just arrived at Danvers High School. At 14 he joined soccer and was making new friends. But Philip was hiding a dark and sinister secret. Colleen, a pretty young math teacher had no idea what he had planned. #colleenritzer #philipchism #teachermurder #truecrimepodcastتوسط Murder in 20 Podcast
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Thanksgiving morning was crisp, the leaves dampened by the rain. Perfect for hunting. Henry and Hubert set out with their rifles, but they weren’t hunting just deer. Their prey slept soundly as the rifle bolt slid forward. #henrylombard #huberthartley #morrismartin #paullindsey #truecrimepodcastتوسط Murder in 20 Podcast
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Dianna, a successful realtor borrowed $400,000 so that she and David could renovate a house. But when she spent the money on herself, David found out and threatened to expose her. But he didn’t live to see that happen. #davidking #diannasaunders #truecrimepodcastتوسط Murder in 20 Podcast
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Paul saw beautiful 18-year-old Dorothy as his ticket to financial success and helped her become a centerfold. Then on the cusp of becoming a movie star, she was ready to move on without him. He couldn’t let that happen! #dorothystratten #paulsnider #truecrimepodcastتوسط Murder in 20 Podcast
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Joel Sr. and Lisa financially supported their son Joel Jr. for 10 years while he was in university. But when he dropped out, they had plans to retire and it was time for Joel Jr. to support himself. But Joel Jr. had other plans. #joelguy #lisaguy #thanksgivingmurder #truecrimepodcastتوسط Murder in 20 Podcast
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Chelsea grew up in a small town, loved parties and spent weeks making her Halloween costume. Among the thousand party goers Chelsea and her friends got separated. Without a ride she started walking. Chelsea never made it home. #chelseabruck #danielclay #halloweenmurder #truecrimepodcastتوسط Murder in 20 Podcast
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When convicted of murder, Allan vowed to terrorize The Miramachi. Two years later he used a makeshift key to slip out of his cuffs. On the run for seven months he killed four more. An off-duty officer and a spare set of keys finally ended his reign of terror. #allanleger #monsterofmiramichi #serialkiller #truecrimepodcast…
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For seven years a serial killer hid in plain site preying on the vulnerable. No one suspected the gardener. The number of missing men climbed, until a photo of a van led to his arrest and the details shocked a country. #brucemcarthur #gardenermurders #serialkiller #truecrimepodcastتوسط Murder in 20 Podcast
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Jeremy the werewolf was in love, he'd found his soul mate and gave twelve year-old JR a vial of his blood. Her parents noticed the change in their daughter and grounded her. She was furious and set out to get revenge. #jeremysteinke #jacksonmay #jasminerichardson #richardsonfamilymurder #truecrimepodcast…
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Some are born into royalty with a silver spoon. Others take a tarnished spoon and polish it, with a side order of murder. Chris's fantasy landed him in a world amongst the elite where he pretended to be a Rockefeller. #christiangerhartsreiter #johnsohus #lindasohus #truecrimepodcastتوسط Murder in 20 Podcast
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Brett robbed banks to support his lifestyle. After prison he was welcomed home. With weeks to their wedding, his lies were about to be exposed. The family that had stood behind him, now stood in his way. #brettryan #beardedbandit #crossbowmurder #truecrimepodcastتوسط Murder in 20 Podcast
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Byron retired from his job as a top level security engineer for the government and put down roots in Little Falls. Little did he know his neighbours children would rob him of his possessions and one day his freedom. #byronsmith #nickbrady #hailekifer #truecrimepodcastتوسط Murder in 20 Podcast
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