Sorry Not Sorry tackles social, political and cultural issues from the perspective of unapologetic guests while highlighting activists doing amazing things throughout the country.
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Il nostro scopo è presentare la “Buona Notizia” del Vangelo dell’amore, del perdono, della pace, della guarigione e della vita eterna che Dio offre liberamente nel Suo Figlio Gesù. Annunciamo che Cristo risorto è l’unica via, non solo per la salvezza dell’anima, ma anche per vivere serenamente qui in terra.
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Audioguida NON UFFICIALE per la visita alla Galleria d'Arte Moderna di Milano
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(本播客平台由于服务器空间已满,要收听最新podcast请移步本台在iTunes上发布的其他订阅 搜索 米兰生活 即可订阅收听)La vita di milano,a studenti che vivono a Milano. 官方微信号:milanradio,QQ群:209749134 Twitter:lucianolth 公共主页 有任何问题和建议可以微博@lucianoliu
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Mia Milano, DJ Francaise, en production et diffusion internationale. Tout le son minimal underground du moment qui vous emmenera loin dans les recoins de votre conscience...Chaque mois, un nouveau Mix... Mia Milano is a French DJ, she will take you deep into the recesses of your conscience...
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Welcome! This is the Java User Group Milan Blog. Here you can find our media contents like pdfs, mp3s and video as created after a speech, presentation or monthly meeting. You can click the link here or have feedburner enclose everything for you in your favourite podcast reader (iTunes for example): simply point here: Happy reading, listening, watching!
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Welcome to Evolving Health, where we take some of the simpler topics of health and develop through to a higher more complex understanding.
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Radio Horeb Milano Radio Apostolica - Ascoltando la Parola di Dio
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Milano capitale economica e morale d’Italia, Milano la snob, Milano ammirata e invidiata, Milano amata e detestata, Milano brutta e inospitale, Milano bella ma timida e accogliente. Milano è tutte queste cose e mille altre ancora. Io sono Paolo Wilhelm e questo è “Tel chi, il podcast di Milano”, con cui provo a raccontare la città che amo e in cui vivo da 35 anni. Sì, sono un giargiana trasformato in milanese doc. Perché milanesi si diventa. Appuntamento ogni martedì. Pics by Marco Turchetto
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Come cambia una grande città. Un reportage di Francesco Costa, in sei episodi. Solo in audio.
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Natalia Milano é uma jovem mulher que não é cool e compartilha com você suas experiências e opiniões num diário podcast.
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I ThinkMI sono incontri dal vivo, aperti al nostro pubblico, senza preconcetti e senza un copione predefinito. Non sono la solita conferenza con speaker che parlano di un tema e la platea che può solo ascoltare, ma sono una sorta di forum, di agorà, in cui il nostro pubblico è chiamato ad intervenire per condividere le proprie esperienze, le proprie conoscenze, le proprie idee sul tema dell’incontro.
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Miei Carissimi Milanesi, due stagioni: la prima si distingue per un dialogo diretto con l'ascoltatore, una lettera indirizzata ai Carissimi Milanesi in ascolto. La seconda: vede i "Miei Carissimi Milanesi" apparire in studio (c'è anche la versione video) e raccontare al Direttore Fabio Ranfi il proprio rapporto con Milano, tra passato, presente e futuro. Il racconto dei protagonisti di questa città, seduti intorno ad un tavolo, dietro ad un microfono.
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Siamo quelli che hanno scelto col cuore ma anche con la testa, siamo quelli che amano le emozioni, ma quelle vere! Siamo quelli che non riescono a stare fermi perché la rivoluzione non si fa da seduti, siamo quelli amano correre perchè sanno che presto voleranno! Siamo dei soldati e in guerra non è concesso a nessuno di abbassare la guardia!
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“Milano ogni volta che mi tocca di venire mi prendi allo stomaco, mi fai morire”, cantava Lucio Dalla nella canzone del 1979, “Milano”. La capitale lombarda è frenesia, ma anche fascino, mistero e modernità. È la città della Madonnina, dei Navigli e del Bosco Verticale. Ma è anche tanto altro. Il giornalista Giorgio Terruzzi è la voce narrante della serie podcast "This is my Milano", e ci guida in una camminata sonora per conoscere più da vicino sei quartieri simbolo della città che hanno un ...
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Leonardo non solo è lo scienziato, il pittore e l'uomo di corte che ha meravigliato - e continua a farlo - il mondo; ma è anche l'uomo geniale che ha vissuto e respirato Milano e i suoi dintorni. E lo si può scoprire non solo attraverso le sue opere, i suoi scritti e i suoi studi, ma anche semplicemente passeggiando nei luoghi di quello che una volta era il Ducato di Milano e che oggi ritroviamo nei territori della Città Metropolitana. Insieme a Doris Zaccone e allo storico dell'arte Luca To ...
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There seems to be no end to the violent conflict around the world. This violence seems to produce no end of human suffering, but as Stalin said, “The death of one man is a tragedy. The death of millions is a statistic." OUr guest this week is a master of telling the story of the one person. Arwa Damon is an award-winning journalist, president and f…
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-توسط Davide Laurora
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-توسط Elio Varricchione
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Friends, it's a hard week. We lost, badly, and we learned more than we wanted to know about our neighbors. History gives us a lesson or two on what befalls those who govern with hate and abuses of power, and the resilience of the people who suffer under them. They are lessons Trump would do well to remember, if only he was capable of learning them.…
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.توسط Elio Varricchione
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-توسط Elio Varricchione
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The election is this week. The choice is yours: do we elect a convicted felon who has been adjudicated responsible for rape, who tried to overthrow the government, who pushed the Supreme Court to a never-before-seen level of extremism, who has threatened journalists, Democrats, his opponent, and others with violence, who promises economic and immig…
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-توسط Davide Laurora
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.توسط Davide Laurora
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For most of the past 200 years, the United States has held itself in a nearly mythical esteem–and sometimes, used that esteem to justify doing terrible things in the name of the greater good. In their new book The Myth of American Idealism: How U.S. Foreign Policy Endangers the World, Noam Chomsky and Nathan Robinson confront that ideology and its …
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-توسط Elio Varricchione
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Since the fall of Roe v Wade, the Republican extremists in Congress and in the states have been giddy at taking away the right to bodily autonomy–especially aimed at women and pregnant people. Jessica Valenti takes a clear look at what is happening and how to stop it in her New York Times bestselling book “Abortion: Our Bodies, Their Lies, and the …
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-توسط Davide Laurora
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.توسط Davide Laurora
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The American right is weaponizing state-sponsored and endorsed vigilantism in an effort to impose Christian Nationalism in the United States. That’s the argument Jon Michaels and David Noll make in their new book “Vigilante Nation: How State Sponsored Terror Threatens Our Democracy.” Noll, a professor of law at Rutgers University, joins us to discu…
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-توسط Elio Varricchione
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You’ve seen his videos–the hilarious sendups of Trump and his cronies almost always with a particular musical flare. Well, Randy Rainbow has a new book out–Low-Hanging Fruit: Sparkling Whines, Champagne Problems, and Pressing Issues from My Gay Agenda. We’re delighted to have him here this week to chat about it.…
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-توسط Davide Laurora
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.توسط Davide Laurora
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JD Vance made some news recently when he decried “childless cat ladies” as the downfall of America. And while that is a clearly ridiculous statement on its face, it does cut to something true in our culture: women are expected to have kids, whether they want them or not. Our guest this week, Therese Shechter is a leading voice in the childfree move…
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-توسط Elio Varricchione
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-توسط Elio Varricchione
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The saying goes that laughter is the best medicine. But it can be a powerful driver for social change. Our guest this week is Steve Hofstetter. Steve’s a comedian, a Nobel Prize nominee, and a philanthropist who’s been making people laugh and think for a long time.
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-توسط Davide Laurora
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.توسط Elio Varricchione
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There is perhaps no industry which intersects more completely with immigration, labor, and health and safety than meat packing. In her new book “The Life and Death of the American Worker” Alice Driver takes the industry head on through the stories of Tyson Food employees in Arkansas, and she’s joined us to discuss.…
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-توسط Elio Varricchione
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-توسط Elio Varricchione
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Erasing History: Bestselling Author Jason Stanley on How Fascists Rewrite the Past to Control the Future.
As the American right becomes more and more authoritarian, it is attempting to rewrite history. From its claims that the United States isn’t a democracy to its attempts to remove books from libraries and rewrite curricula, the reshaping of the past risks our future. In light of this evolving reality, bestselling author Jason Stanley joins us to dis…
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-توسط Davide Laurora
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-توسط Davide Laurora
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For the Labor Day holiday, we're revisiting a critical bit of ongoing organizing happening in the United States. One of the interesting side effects of the post-Covid economy has been a surge in the power and influence employees hold. Wages in service industry jobs have risen dramatically as employers struggle to find workers. However, there have a…
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.توسط Elio Varricchione
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.توسط Davide Laurora
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The traditional way of influencing a foreign nation’s policy is through diplomacy. But, as recent headlines have shown us, that’s certainly not the only way. Foreign lobbyists are working to shape our policies globally, sometimes with disastrous consequences. Casey Michel’s new book Foreign Agents: How American Lobbyists and Lawmakers Threaten Demo…
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.توسط Davide Laurora
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.توسط Stefano Scavitto
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