Learn about the differences between Alzheimer's and dementia, and how Alzheimer's disease progresses. We talk about why catching the disease early can make a big difference. Dr. Sharon Cohen and Dr. Yaakov Stern walk us through the stages of Alzheimer's disease, from when there are no symptoms to when memory issues start to show. They explain the stages of Alzheimer’s and how it develops over time. We also hear from Kelly, who explains her personal experiences and concerns about developing Alzheimer’s, and what she does about it. For links to resources and information covered in this series, visit our website at HealthUnmuted.com/resources What did you think of this episode? We’d love to hear from you. Please visit healthunmuted.com/feedback to let us know! Rethinking Alzheimer’s Disease was made possible with support from Eisai Inc. [00:00:00] Introduction [00:03:10] What's the difference between Alzheimer's disease and dementia? [00:07:04] When does Alzheimer’s begin to develop? [00:09:08] What is Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI)? [00:10:36] What is subjective cognitive decline? [00:11:59] What is preclinical Alzheimer's disease? [00:13:13] Why is it important to detect Alzheimer’s disease early? Disclaimer: The content provided in this podcast is intended for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on this podcast. Reliance on any information provided by this podcast or its guests is solely at your own risk. ©2024 Mission Based Media Ltd • April 2024 • AD-M2059…
Hosted by mental endurance coach Vanessa Foerster, tune in to find out how to train your mind like you train your body. This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis: Spotify Ad Analytics - https://www.spotify.com/us/legal/ad-analytics-privacy-policy/
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5 Racing Lessons (Episode 25)
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16:58This week on the 25th and final episode of the Mental Endurance Podcast, Vanessa is sharing her juiciest top 5 lessons from racing Ironman 70.3 St. George. These 5 tips will help you translate the work you put into your training to racing at any distance. Listen in to learn how the application of Vanessa’s lessons could change your next race day.Si…
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Micro Quitting (Episode 24)
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19:12Do you feel like there is something holding you back from your big, bold goals, but you can’t quite put your finger on it? This week Vanessa explains that this could be because we are micro quitting. Micro quits are the tiny, subtle, almost invisible ways that we quit on our goals, that slowly chip away at our progress over time. Vanessa challenges…
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On this BONUS episode Vanessa gives us her top three race day tips that you can use to make the most of the day at your next start line. Tune in to get her quick tips that will get you excited and ready to tackle your races this season! Sign up here to get the 10 Truths — https://www.vanessafayefoerster.com/get-the-10-truthsIf you have questions fo…
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Dealing with Doubt (Episode 23)
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15:49Vanessa is back this week to talk about an important topic related to our performance: self doubt. If you know your doubts are limiting you, be sure to listen to this episode! Vanessa simplifies what doubt is and shares the 5 things that we can do to keep doubt from holding us back. Sign up here to get the 10 Truths — https://www.vanessafayefoerste…
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Human First. Athlete Second. (Episode 22)
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15:45If you listen to this podcast chances are you identify as an athlete. This week Vanessa reminds us that, while we are athletes - we are humans first and foremost. Humans with human brains that want to keep us safe and comfortable, and we take our whole selves with us wherever we go. Vanessa explains how we can tend to our humanness to improve our p…
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How Far You’ve Come vs How Far You Have Left To Go (Episode 21)
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13:28Goals are great! Big, bold, heart pounding goals motivate us to achieve amazing things in all areas of our lives. But what happens when our bold goals start to feel overwhelming? This week, Vanessa discusses two ways that she has seen this problem arising in athletes, and how we can shift from thinking our goal is the problem to realize that the re…
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Rewrite Your Story with Lilias Young (Episode 20)
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27:17This week on the show Vanessa is chatting with her athlete Lilias Young. Lilias has been working with Vanessa for four months now, and she speaks about her experience in mental training and what she is getting from her physical training as a result. She tells us about where she was mentally four months ago, and how she has put her mental training f…
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Belief Before Data (Episode 19
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14:45We are conditioned to believe that we have to earn what we have and who we are. This belief influences our actions and the choices we make. As endurance athletes this means many of us believe that we have to earn the right to call ourselves “athletes”, “runners”, “triathletes” or whichever title we might be striving for; that our target pace or wat…
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Taming Race Doubt (Episode 18)
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17:21Race season is about to (hopefully!) ramp up in the US, which for many of us triathletes is so exciting after a year of no official start lines. However, racing can also come with a lot of doubt or pressure in the form of the expectations that we put on ourselves as athletes. Vanessa offers us two types of expectations that she believes athletes su…
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Result Capacity (Episode 17)
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17:38Last week Vanessa taught us that it is on each of us to take responsibility for our own belief, but where is the best place to start? This week she gives us one belief that we can start to work on right now; our result capacity. A greater result capacity leads to a greater capacity to achieve. Vanessa gives us three questions to ask ourselves that …
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Belief Responsibility (Episode 16)
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16:32We all have responsibilities; paying bills, showing up at work… but have you ever considered your responsibility to believe in yourself? In this week’s episode, Vanessa explains that we all have the responsibility to believe in ourselves and our own goals first. As triathletes this could mean how much we believe that we will nail our next training …
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The Power of Presence (Episode 15)
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13:25How often do you sit down and ask yourself “how do I feel”? This week, Vanessa explains why this question is important and how it can connect us with our inner environment. The simple, yet sometimes difficult practice of presence is an important aspect of training our brains to think, act, and train in a more intentional and purposeful way. The con…
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Self Limitation Out of Fear (Episode 14)
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17:00We’ve all been there; you pour that second glass of wine or hit “watch next episode” on Netflix even though you know it’s going to hurt your early morning training session tomorrow. Why do we sabotage ourselves in this way? Vanessa frames these behaviours as self limitations, and in this episode she tells us what that means, why we experience it, a…
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Athlete Self Concept (Episode 13)
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19:07This week on the Mental Endurance podcast Vanessa is reminding us to shift from an athletic identity to seeing our athletic nature. She explains that our nature is our inherent qualities that we bring to our sport. It is what we believe ourselves, and how we form our athlete self concept. What is our athletic self-concept? Listen to this episode to…
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Feelings as Fuel (Episode 12)
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12:25Welcome to our first episode! This week Vanessa is teaching us about feelings… oh feelings. If this sounds a little too mushy for you, think again. Our feelings drive our choices and behaviour, and Vanessa is here to teach us how we can use our feelings as fuel. We are never going to feel positive emotions all of the time, but even the not-so-good …
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Welcome listeners to the official launch of the Mental Endurance Podcast! This episode was recorded live, and Vanessa is joined by special guest Brittaney, one of her athletes. Together they talk about Brittaney’s journey through her mental endurance coaching, and how she has been able to reframe her athletic identity into her athletic nature. Vane…
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Goal Investments (Episode 11)
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14:04This week on the Train Your Mind Mini Series Vanessa is asking us what we are willing to invest to reach our goals. She explains that time is not the only investment that we need to achieve a goal; there are three other investments that are just as important, and the one that is most overlooked may not be what you think. Vanessa offers us questions…
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Are You Injured, Fatigued, or Just Bored? (Episode 10)
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14:09In episode 10 of the Train Your Mind Mini Series Vanessa is teaching us how to navigate the space between injury, fatigue and boredom. She explains that it is about having an awareness of what you are feeling physically and experiencing mentally, and gives us three steps to take when we are trying to decide if we need to pull back because of a pote…
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How To Fuel Motivation (Episode 9)
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12:41In episode nine of the Train Your Mind Mini Series, Vanessa covers the hot topic of motivation. Whether you’re feeling motivated these days or not, there is something for everyone in this episode. She reminds us that an ebb and flow of motivation is normal. Tune in because Vanessa explains the three things you must do to get motivated and stay moti…
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Mind Your Controllables(Episode 8)
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16:26Mind Your Controllables(Episode 8) by The Mental Endurance Podcast This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis: Spotify Ad Analytics - https://www.spotify.com/us/legal/ad-analytics-privacy-policy/توسط The Mental Endurance Podcast
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Don't Fear Fear (Episode 7)
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14:29We are back for another week of the Train Your Mind Mini Series with Vanessa Foerster. In episode 7 Vanessa reminds us not to fear fear. She uncovers what she has learned about why some people are more affected by fear than others, and gives us both the “dictionary” definition of fear as well as the mental endurance definition. Vanessa teaches us h…
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Train Your Mind Q&A (Episode 6)
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15:07Welcome to episode 6 of the Train Your Mind Mini Series! Vanessa starts us off this week with a recap of all of her mini series episodes, and then dives right in to answering all of our listener questions. She covers topics from dwelling on the past, training with others faster than you, handling negative thoughts, and falling short on goals. If yo…
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Reframe Belief (Episode 5)
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15:37In episode five of the Train Your Mind mini series Vanessa is teaching us how to reframe belief and how belief relates to mental endurance. She explains how belief plays into who we are, and why that matters. What we believe about ourselves will indicate how we show up and what we achieve. Vanessa teaches us to think about belief as a dimmer switch…
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Goal Setting to Goal Getting (Episode 4)
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15:37In episode four of our Train You Mind mini series Vanessa is teaching us her best tips on goal setting, and she talks us through the process of goal setting to goal getting. We learn what happens to our brain on goals, and why goal setting is so important. Vanessa also tells us why so many of us resist setting those big, scary, audacious goals, and…
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How to Fail the Right Way (Episode 3)
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15:37This week is episode three of our Train Your Mind mini series, and Vanessa is teaching how to fail the right way. She tells us that there are two types of failure: productive and unproductive. Listen in to learn the difference between the two. Vanessa shares some of her personal experiences with quitting and failing, and how she used productive fai…
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