Podcast de tecnologia, series, aficiones y poco de mi
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The latest podcast feed searching 'Dr. Greg Mazak' on SermonAudio.
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Ni Makala yanayoangazia kwa jicho la tatu mazingira halisi ya dunia yalivyo bila kusahau kile ambacho kinachangia kuyaharibu. Utapata kufahamu namna ambavyo mazingira na rasilimali zinavyoharibiwa huku pia teknolojia ikijumuishwa. Hakika mazingira mazuri ya leo ni dunia yako kesho.
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Catch up on Paddy & Maz for Breakfast on Triple M107.7 weekdays from 5:30 to 9am!
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Full-length sermons on a variety of Bible topics complete with Scripture references, PowerPoint, student worksheets and transcripts.
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La psicologia spiegata in maniera semplice e pratica da Luca Mazzucchelli. Provare per credere ;-)
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Discussions relevant to the Muslim ummah on social issues, current events, and reminders.
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„Ir ļaunāki noziegumi par grāmatu dedzināšanu. Piemēram – to nelasīšana,” tā teicis Josifs Brodskis. Mēs aicināt lasīt un tikties „Radio mazajā lasītavā”, kad jaunāko grāmatu fragmentus priekšā lasa aktieris Gundars Āboliņš. Studijā žurnālistes Ingvildas Strautmanes un Gundara Āboliņa saruna ar grāmatu autoriem, tulkotājiem un redaktoriem, kuri neformālā gaisotnē atbild uz viņu jautājumiem. Mūs atbalsta Borisa un Ināras Teterevu fonds.
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تحليل هاى ماركسيستى در باره مسايل اجتماعى-سياسى توسط مازيار رازى. Marxist Analysis by Maziar Razi
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The Baseball Hour with Tony Mazz airs weeknights from 6pm-7pm ET during baseball season. Hosted by Tony Massarotti, he is also joined weekly by Jen McCaffrey of The Athletic and, and Matt McCarthy & Tyler Milliken from 98.5 The Sports Hub. Download full show podcasts every weeknight right here on 985thesportshub.com, bPod Studios, or wherever you get your podcasts. Don't forget to subscribe and leave us a review on your favorite podcast service.
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Trance Evolution, the house of trance and progressive since 2002 - previously aired nationwide in Italy over FM. Sundays show deliver the latest in trance and progressive music, hosted by Andrea Mazza. Discover more about tracks and artists, ON AIR every week at 22.00 CET. FOLLOW TRANCE EVOLUTION ON FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/trance.evolution http://www.youtube.com/c/TranceEvolution on facebook @AndreaMazzaOfficial on inststagram djandreamazza
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Marta Napoleone Mazzoni is host of the award winning podcast Marta on the Move. Created in 2015 the show shines light on her’s and other people’s journey through life, and what makes us human. Guests of Marta On The Move have included- Chelsea Handler, Alec Baldwin, David K Harbour, Patrick Page, Tom Savini, Paige Davis, Mayor Bill Peduto, Peter Max, and Patrick Wilson and more. You can find the show wherever you listen to podcasts. Twitter @icantfindmarta Instagram- @martasonthemove Inquiri ...
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Acompañame en este Espacio creado con amor y luz para ti🌟🌟🌟🌟 Este espacio es para motivarnos,empoderarnos, superar miedos, romper patrones, llenarnos de amor propio 💗 Un espacio de crecimiento personal , vibras positivas ,decretos diarios ,espiritualidad y más... Bienvenid@s un abrazo de luz 🤗✨🤗✨🤗✨🤗 Iraenny Maza Sigueme en instagram https://instagram.com/iraennymaza Puedes colaborar con la producción del programa a través de PayPal https://www.paypal.me/iraenny
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Informatieve podcast over ervaringsverhalen uit het dagelijkse leven!
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Content, conversations and communities that resonate with young Pakistanis
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A short insight on the meaning and importance of advocating for safe spaces for young people in our communities
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Love is pain
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Welcome to Andrés Torres Maza, where amazing things happen.
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Dissecting, discussing, and debating (sometimes destroying?) the IMDB Top 100 Rated Movies list one at a time. Counting down to #1 Got an opinion? Join in! It's a Movie Club.
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Playing a selection of new and old house and techno with heaps of guest Dj mixes to come
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Two adversarial journalists shooting the breeze, knitting scarfs, and using Asana.
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Mazingira yetu radio podcast operates under the slogan ‘’empower and inform’’ by bringing to it’s listeners educative, entertaining and informative environmental podcasts that are tailor made to suit the East African audience.
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Standup with error... a pure desi hindi style lingo, middle class story and struggle
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Welcome to the Mazi MouHamed Mounir podcast, where amazing things happen.
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I want to share my experiences as a mother in a fun, entertaining honest way. Sometimes you will laugh with me or at me and sometimes you may even cry, but most of the time you will probably cringe at the things that happen in my life. Motherhood is a crazy ride and I want to take you to my theme park. Raw & Crazy!!! Cover art photo provided by Markus Spiske on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@markusspiske
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This series will examine the different types of psalms as well as the various literary devices used by the authors of this book.
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Podcast de Predicas de Atilio Mazarri realizadas en La Iglesia La Comunidad de la Gracia, ubicada en Montalban, Caracas - Venezuela. Autor: La Comunidad de la Gracia/
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MAZZ AB - der Interview-Podcast mit den einzigartigen Fragen, der jeden 13. Tag des Monats erscheint. Hier stelle ich ungewöhnliche Fragen an faszinierende Persönlichkeiten aus verschiedenen Bereichen. Gemeinsam tauchen wir in inspirierende Gespräche ein, die euch unterhalten, zum Nachdenken anregen und motivieren sollen. Seid bereit für außergewöhnliche Einblicke in die Welt meiner Gäste und in die Tiefe ihrer Gedanken. Reinhören. Abonnieren. Staunen. Ich freue mich auf euch!
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From time to time attorneys from the law offices of Martin, Harding & Mazzotti LLP in Albany, NY will share their input and insight with local media outlets to help better shine a light on the issues we all face on a day to day basis. Visit: http://1800LAW1010.com for more information
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Come join our talks every Monday morning! Host- Madison Russell
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This series is a training session to help Christians understand their own religion and prepare them to answer common challenges and questions concerning the Bible and its teachings.
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This series provides an in-depth look at the most well-structured gospel record originally designed to address Jewish questions about Jesus but later used by the early church as a primer for new Christians.
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A 50 lesson series that covers all 50 chapters of Genesis. From creation to the flood and on to Abraham finishing with Joseph in Egypt. A complete study of the first book in the Bible.
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Bookings - [email protected] MAZZULA.NET "my favourite modern electro artist" - Dave Clarke The Mazzula project has been an incredible ride. It’s been great fun pushing the electro boundaries and bearing witness to reactions, good and bad over the last few years. I've always written for the love of the music and will continue to do so. I don't think you need to be making money to enjoy what you do, although it does help to concentrate the mind when people are prepared to buy your art. Keep ...
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This series explores the lives of both good and bad Jewish rulers in order to find timeless lessons that can be applied to Christian life today.
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Comentar algunos de los temas que me parecen interesantes, usamos nuestra libertad de expresión y además ayudamos a generar más opiniones... Entretenimiento y algo de crítica.
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The Mazin Shaikh Show gives you a backstage pass to the most fascinating conversations with solo founders, entrepreneurs and thought leaders around the world. Hear inspiring stories from them, learn how to become one yourself, and be a part of an amazing community that's changing the world together. Rate this podcast if you enjoy listening. Happy listening!
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Mark's gospel is a rapid-fire account of Jesus' ministry focusing primarily on His many miracles. This eyewitness account presents the boldest and clearest witness of Jesus' identity as the Son of God with power!
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Mazzula is an electro and techno artist from Stoke-on-Trent.
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José Maza con la apasionante historia de los genios que han abierto las puertas del Universo.
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This 12 part series is an easy to understand explanation of Paul's epistle to the Colossian church. In it, the Apostle describes the many facets of Christ's pre-eminence (superiority) in both the physical and spiritual worlds thus establishing the reasons for His Lordship over all.
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Hosted by Tom Mazawey
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Vilniaus etninės kultūros centro tinklalaidės „daugiau mažiau“ idėja kilo norint geriau pažinti etninės kultūros lauke veikiančius žmones. Pokalbių temos aprėps įvairiausius kultūros barus, kuriuose naudojamos etninės kultūros detalės. Sieksime susipažinti su etninės kultūros įvairialypumu, atrasti netikėtas, mažai aptariamas, o gal kartais ir neteisingai interpretuojamas temas, ieškoti etninės kultūros visumos ir naujų panaudojimo galimybių.
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This week on Paddy and Maz they chat to Mick Malloy, Secret Scent is finally here and Paddy has a bathroom issue. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.توسط Triple M
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Se ti piacerebbe leggere altri articoli simili a questo, ti lascio qui il link al mio blog: https://www.lucamazzucchelli.com/blog/ 00:00:00 Qui sarete "liberi di scegliere" Qualche mese fa sono stato a New York con la mia famiglia, e ovviamente non poteva mancare il giro a Ellis Island, dove sorge imponente la famosa Statua della Libertà, simbolo d…
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Jared Carrabis joins Tony Massarotti for a special "Hot Stove" edition of The Baseball Hour. Mazz and Carrabis take a look at the roster, the rookies and break down the Alex Bregman signing.توسط Beasley Media Group
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This lesson looks at life not from the occasional mountain peak moments nor the dark valley days but from those long stretches of "in the meantime" periods where too often we tend to lose our worry.توسط Mike Mazzalongo
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Jaunzēlandes rakstniece Elizabete Katone par romānu "Spīdekļi" saņēma Bukera balvu, kad viņai bija tikai 28 gadi. Romānā ir 12 nodaļas, 12 spīdekļi, katram ir kaut kas slēpjams, 12 zodiaka zīmes. Alkatīgs un negausīgs 19. gadsimta otrās puses zelta drudzis Jaunzēlandē. Tas, kas notiek kosmosā, atspoguļojas arī uz zemes, bet romānu "Spīdekļi" ir aiz…
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Let's talk about alternative ways of self care and why it is important. Let's talk about being powerful and what that actually means. Let's talk about asking for what we need and want as the ultimate act of being powerful and taking self care. Plus you may learn some new tools to add to your toolbox ;) Write in and tell us your favorite self care p…
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This episode begins with me sharing my feelings I had during my first Wild Soul Sanctuary, like most times I speak, I receive downloads of what else is coming through. I speak on how interesting and important it is to have an energetic match in our teachers, coaches, mentors, and facilitators, of how when you feel close to someone you admire things…
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Oggi argomento tosto, veramente tosto... in questo episodio ti spiego perché secondo me dovresti scrivere una lettera d'addio. Buon ascolto :-) DISCLAIMER Data la delicatezza di questo processo, può essere prezioso il supporto di uno psicologo.Se ne hai uno di riferimento, parlane con lui: potrà aiutarti a trasformare questo momento di riflessione …
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Per scaricare il contratto del cellulare che abbiamo firmato come famiglia, clicca qui: https://www.lucamazzucchelli.com/primo-cellulare-figlio-contratto/ "Sei il primo ad aver resistito fino in fondo" (00:00:00) Questa è la frase che ho detto a mio figlio quando una sera mi disse con il cuore pesante: “Papà, sono l’ultimo della classe a non avere …
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Makala haya yanazungumzia jinsi Wakulima wengi nchini Kenya wanakumbatia mbinu mpya za kudhibiti wadudu waharibifu wa mimea kwa kutumia madawa ya kiasili badala ya kemikali za viwandani. Kutokana na madhara yanayotokana na matumizi ya dawa za kemikali,wakulima hawa sasa wanageukia madawa hayo asilia kuimarisha mazao na mazingira , Mimea kama vile ,…
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A new MP3 sermon from Trinity Bible Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details: Title: The God of Judgment and Grace Subtitle: Genesis Series Speaker: Dr. Greg Mazak Broadcaster: Trinity Bible Church Event: Sunday Service Date: 2/9/2025 Bible: Genesis 6:8-17 Length: 46 min.
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Nez, ko par to Janis teiktu? Divi mākslinieki, kuriem katram sava mātes valoda, un trešā - savstarpējām sarunām, sastopas Rīgā, Grosvaldu namā. Somu dziedātāja Ellija Forsele apbur latviešu gleznotāju Jani Rozentālu, kļūst par viņa sievu, modeli un bērnu māti, kas Rīgā iekārto dzīvokli Alberta ielā, uzņem viesus un šeit veido 20. gadsimta sākuma ku…
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In a world where we continue to witness the oppression of Muslims in Gaza, it is impossible to ignore how our silence reflects a deeper neglect of our covenant with Allah (SWT). The speaker delivers a profound analysis and a powerful call to action against injustice and oppression, with a chilling reminder: On the Day of Judgment, when Allah asks, …
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Intellectual Leadership | Esa Hussain | ISLAMIC OASIS LIVE #184
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1:17:23Esa Hussain discusses the different kinds of political leadership in the world today & their strengths and weaknesses.توسط islampodcasts
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Have we truly grasped the dangers lurking behind our screens? The internet, while a powerful tool, has become a double-edged sword—shaping our hearts, our minds, and our communities in ways we often underestimate. This isn’t just about social media or fleeting distractions; it’s about a creeping fitna that infiltrates our lives, desensitizes our so…
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EXP0SED We’ll own it! - Trumps road to Gaza through Syria -US Struggle 4 Hegemony Pt 2 -Dr Jilani
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1:31:52Dr. Abu Talha Jilani unveils a chilling analysis: this isn't just about Syria. It's a broader strategy where the U.S. manipulates conflicts to reshape geopolitical landscapes. From the strategic use of the Gaza war to plans for a Middle East Security Council involving Iran, Turkey, Israel, and Saudi Arabia, the podcast reveals how American foreign …
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🪷 Ti piacerebbe ricevere ogni settimana le mie riflessioni e spunti per la tua crescita personale direttamente nella tua casella di posta? Se ti va, ti lascio qui il link: https://www.psicologo-milano.it/newsletter/ La mia routine di programmazione (00:00:00) Ripensando alle cose accadute negli ultimi 12 mesi, mi ha colpito una cosa successa a genn…
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This week on the podcast Paddy and Maz chat with Monopoly partnership manager Dale Hackett, Henry starts big school and Paddy's elbow gets it's own game. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.توسط Triple M
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A new MP3 sermon from Trinity Bible Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details: Title: A Prayer of Thanksgiving to God Subtitle: Prayer Series Speaker: Dr. Greg Mazak Broadcaster: Trinity Bible Church Event: Midweek Service Date: 2/5/2025 Bible: Deuteronomy 26:5-11 Length: 16 min.…
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I have a secret… and I am speaking to all the Caregivers, leaders, teachers, and facilitators out there. I used to be needing to control everything. I used to host things so that I myself didn’t have to be vulnerable. I used to judge others thinking I could do it better. All that shifted for me when I began to practice what I preach. To show up in …
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This is a podcast about me having my best day, and I offer tips on how to have your best day ever. It may not be what you think. Bring your journals for this one as we delve into some exercises to make you contemplate and shed some light on things. If you are craving going deeper into the work of living your best life after loss, check out one of m…
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Se vuoi migliorare nel tuo modo di comunicare, insieme a Marta Farina, brillante terapeuta del team MindCenter, abbiamo creato due workshop perfetti e un videocorso con esercizi per affinare questa skill. Hai tempo ancora qualche ora per riservare il tuo posto. Io ti aspetto qui: https://parlarealcuore.com/workshop-comunicazione (00:00:00) La mia g…
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WHEW! 200 episodes! I can't believe it. So this isn't going to be my major celebration of 200 episodes because as I type this I realize that I wanted to do this in a different way. I will probably record an episode of my favorite moments from Marta on the Move. For my 100th episode I invented an entire game show and invited 300 people to be a part …
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Utunzaji wa bustani ya nyumbani, ni mbinu mpya ya kilimo inayolenga kutimiza malengo matatu kwa wakati mmoja: kuongeza mapato ya kilimo, kukabiliana na mabadiliko ya hali ya hewa na kuimarisha ustahimilivu, halkadhalika kupunguza uzalishaji wa gesi chafuzi. Bustani ya Nyumbani, kwa kawaida huwa karibu na jikoni au pia kwenye roshani. Bustani hii am…
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A new MP3 sermon from Trinity Bible Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details: Title: A World of Wickedness Subtitle: Genesis Series Speaker: Dr. Greg Mazak Broadcaster: Trinity Bible Church Event: Sunday Service Date: 2/2/2025 Bible: Genesis 6:1-8 Length: 58 min.
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Daiga Mazvērīte sarunā sevi nodēvē par "tīrītāju", "kārtotāju" un pētnieku, jo cenšas noskaidrot skaitļus un vārdus latviešu estrādes vēsturē. Tā tagad pierakstīta jau trešajā "Melnbalto dziesmu" grāmatā, bet atsevišķas grāmatas veltītas Elgai Igenbergai, Uldim Stabulniekam, Mārtiņam Freimanim un citiem mūziķiem. Šoreiz tiekamies Latvijas Radio stu…
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A Country in Contradiction | Mazin Abdul Adhim & Khalid Abu Musa
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1:45:52In this eye-opening discussion, Mazin Abdul Adhim and Khalid Abu Musa dive into the whirlwind of executive orders that marked the early days of Trump’s presidency. What do these decisions reveal about a nation grappling with its own identity? This is a journey into the heart of a country in contradiction—where promises of freedom clash with walls o…
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How did we get here? A time when we see a city reduced to rubble, yet we can’t even distinguish whether it’s Gaza, Syria, or Iraq. A time when mass displacement, genocide, and oppression have become so common that the lines blur between which atrocity belongs to which land. Where did this begin? The massacres, the bombings, the oppression—none of i…
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Have we truly prepared for the inevitable? Death is the one certainty in life, yet it remains a taboo subject, avoided from childhood to adulthood. But what happens when the trumpet is blown? When the mountains crumble, the sun is extinguished, and the seas burst into flames—will we be ready? Join the Sheik as he explores the answers to the questio…
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Have we truly grasped the weight of the mission that has been entrusted to us? Join the Sheik as he reviews and explains Surah Ash-Shu'ara as a call to action, warning, and a reminder that the struggle for truth is relentless, and our role in carrying the message of Islam is more urgent than ever. The world is shifting, the battle of ideas is inten…
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This week Paddy and Maz had a chat with country artist Lane Pittman, Simmo Bruan on his Bloody Good Tour and Dale Hackett Winning Moves Partnerships Manager See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.توسط Triple M
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A new MP3 sermon from Trinity Bible Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details: Title: Moses Complains to God Subtitle: Prayer Series Speaker: Dr. Greg Mazak Broadcaster: Trinity Bible Church Event: Midweek Service Date: 1/29/2025 Bible: Numbers 11:10-23 Length: 14 min.
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E tu li vedi i miracoli che sono attorno a te? In questo episodio ti racconto di come io mi sono reso conto delle fortune che ho avuto nella mia vita in una libreria di Chicago. Se preferisci leggere il mio articolo, ti lascio il link qui: https://www.lucamazzucchelli.com/mediocri-e-miracoli/ Nella freddissima Chicago (00:00:00) Gennaio e Chicago n…
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Hola hola, bienvenidos a este nuevo episodio donde te cuento lo que quieren decirte tus ancestros, escuchalos!!! Gracias por estar aquí, sígueme en Instagram @iraennymaza y si quieres colaborar con este programa te dejo mi link de PayPal https://www.paypal.me/iraenny
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Rais Donald Trump kwa mara nyingine alitangaza Marekani kujiondoa kwenye Mkataba wa Paris kuhusu mabadiliko ya tabia nchi, hatua ambayo imeibua mjadala wa kimataifa. Tangazo hilo lilikuja huku ulimwengu ukishuhudia viwango vya joto vinavyovunja rekodi na majanga yanayozidi kuwa makali yanayohusiana na hali ya hewa. Lakini wadadisi wa mambo na viong…
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Tell me a story... about something you once loved, lost, and then found again but that still actually aligned with who you are now. I speak today about being an old love of bartending and my love of bars as being places to meet and share our lives... a space to connect. I share about how I love that bars all around the world are adopting mindful dr…
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