For the uninitiated, we are Sos, Valvo and Lynchy: better known in Australia - and not in America - as 'The Shambles'. We do a fairly cheap little comedy show on Channel 31 across the nation, and we're glad to have you on board...
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Hitler - Adolf Hitler leader of the Nazis and Nazi Party - butts heads during a meeting with his PR Publicity team of Sos & Lynchy from The Shambles. Some celebrities just can't get enough, especially holocaust based celebrities or Jason Donavon... Taken From SERIES 3 of THE SHAMBLES WITH SOS, VALVO & LYNCHY Availible Now on DVD - Get It Exclusivel…
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The first ever sketch filmed for the show which went onto become something about water and stuff like that. it makes little sense - but valvo is fat and lynchy is skinny - how things change (Video Podcast)توسط The Shambles
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PART TWO of lynchys chat with legendary comedy director and producer JUDD APATOW. this time the boys talk about aziz ansari's RAAAAAAANDY character and discuss more about Aussie Eric Bana. Download the full audio interview - be sure to subscribe to get all the latest shambles updates, plus visit the website to grab shambles dvds and tees! (Video Po…
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This week, we sit down with Lynchy and comedy legend JUDD APATOW (the man behind such comedy classics as FREAKS & GEEKS, KNOCKED UP and SUPERBAD). The full audio interview, unedited, will be availible for download in a few weeks - part two of this video interview will be availible to download later in the week! (Video Podcast)…
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Taken from the 2009 MICF, Sos and Valvo take on THE VERONICAS - this is the YouTube sensation which was picked up and promoted by the Veronica girls themselves! (Video Podcast)توسط The Shambles
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This week, Lynchy gets his nerd-on by trekking over to Melbourne aceballs Stars Wars @ Scienceworks exhibition. Lets face it, if your stoned off your tits... this place could well take up an entire day! Remember, our new website is up and running with heaps of new vids... PLUS ITS THE ONLY PLACE TO GET LIMITED EDITION, OFFICIAL, SHAMBLES TSHIRTS AN…
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Lynchy catches up and sits down with the stunningly hot MALIN AKERMAN, the star of the uber hit WATCHMEN and soon to be seen in the upcoming comedy COUPLE RETREAT. They talk cameltoes... and then lynchy lost conciousness (Video Podcast)توسط The Shambles
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In this latest podcast, The Shambles boys investigate the streets of melbourne to find out just who exactly should be getting their own TV show. The question is... should anyone? (Video Podcast)توسط The Shambles
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Sos, Valvo & Lynchy say goodbye after the tragic loss of Sos' disgusting oily hair. It really looked terrible... just terrible. Hey - guess what... we have tshirts and dvds on sale... go to our website and purchase them with human money (Video Podcast)توسط The Shambles
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Lynchy and Valvo get their butts on a plane and head to Sydney to talk the talk with the biggest stars in Australia at the ARIA AWARDS. Among those stopping by for a chat are HAMISH BLAKE and ANDY LEE. (Video Podcast)توسط The Shambles
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38. The Shambles - Lynchy Visits... AVENUE Q This week, Lynchy checks out Behind The Scenes of the Tony Award winning musical AVENUE Q which hit Melbourne's shores. We do not promote this type of violence, but the shores asked for it and Avenue Q tends to have some serious anger issues. The two have since patched their differences and live together…
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The Shambles - JR with Stevie McGuggin Wicker Basket Weaving champion and legendary commentator JR (Sos) teams up with his idol Stevie McGuggin (Lynchy) in the original sketch which launched the characters. Haazah! (Video Podcast)توسط The Shambles
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Lynchy and Valvo chat with legendary comedian bill cosby... or do they? (Mp3 Podcast)توسط The Shambles
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Dear Shambles The Shambles boys respond to corressondence from fans and fictional idiots (Video Podcast)توسط The Shambles
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Sir Ian Melly & Claudio (Video Podcast)توسط The Shambles
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The Shambles interview actor Patrick Harvey (Part 2) (Video Podcast)توسط The Shambles
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The Shambles interview actor Patrick Harvey (Part 1) (Video Podcast)توسط The Shambles
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Some of the best bits of The Shambles on C31's 'The Breakfast Show' Part 2 (Video Podcast)توسط The Shambles
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The Shambles interview comedian Dave Thornton (Video Podcast)توسط The Shambles
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Some of the best bits of The Shambles on C31's The Breakfast Show Part 1 (Video Podcast)توسط The Shambles
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Another word from our sponsors (Mp3 Podcast)توسط The Shambles
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Antique Shambles Radio 1. Quest for Bert: John Farnham 2. Dare of the Week: Ruler (Mp3 Podcast)توسط The Shambles
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The second half of the interview... (Mp3 Podcast)توسط The Shambles
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Lynchy interviews Santo Cilauro (on a poor quality telephone line, probably 2 tins and some string) Pt1 (Mp3 Podcast)توسط The Shambles
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A word from our sponsors... (Mp3 Podcast)توسط The Shambles
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