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show episodes

Neon Liberalism

Liberal Currents

A podcast from Liberal Currents ( hosted by Samantha Hancox-Li, with commentary from a liberal perspective on politics, society, economics, media, culture, philosophy, academia, gender, identity, urbanism, books, education, and on and on.
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Liberalism in Question | CIS

Robert Forsyth | Centre for Independent Studies

Are you looking for sound, thought-provoking conversations on current affairs, politics, and culture from a Classical Liberal perspective? If yes, you are in the right place. Liberalism in Question engages some of our society’s most prominent researchers, political figures, and free speech advocates --finding out their views on the state of Classical Liberalism.
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The New Liberal Podcast

Center for New Liberalism

The New Liberal Podcast dives into the deep end of policy, politics and identity and hosts the economists, academics, industry leaders, thinkers and politicians whose ideas are shaping society.
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Liberaleren Podcast

Klaus Jakobsen

En podcast av og med Klaus Jakobsen. En nyhetspodcast helt fri for medienes sensurerende filter. Befriende liberale tanker slipper til, enten man tilhører høyre, venstre eller midten av norsk politikk. Her skal alle kunne slippe til. Les dine daglige nyheter på Følg oss her: Kontakt oss p ...
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Passion and Practicality: A Liberal Arts Podcast

Southern New Hampshire University Liberal Arts

Passion and Practicality is a podcast series produced by Southern New Hampshire University‘s online Liberal Arts department, which includes academic programs and courses in Communication, Composition, Creative Writing, English, Fine Arts, Graphic Design, History, Literature, and Philosophy. In this podcast series, faculty, staff, and guests discuss the career paths open to graduates of those programs, the research and creative work of practitioners in the field, and other interesting stuff.
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Liberala rummet

Albin Dahlén

Liberala rummet är en politisk podcast med ett liberalt synsätt och starka åsikter. I Liberala rummet diskuteras mängder med viktiga och intressanta frågor av alla dess slag. I podden får du möta intressanta gäster, ta del av intressanta samtal, debatter, intervjuer och diskussioner.
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Edumeasure is a new podcast for teachers, students, parents, and others concerned with transforming teaching and learning -- a podcast for exploring creative, unconventional responses to current issues in education. Hosted by Dr. Bernd Estabrook, a professor at a small liberal arts institution.
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Klassiskt Liberala Partiet

Klassiskt Liberala Partiet

Klassiskt liberala partiet skapades för att Sverige saknade ett liberalt parti. Vi jobbar för att begränsa staten, sänka skatterna och skydda människors grundläggande rättigheter. Vi säger nej till EU, morallagstiftning och slöseri. Vi tror att du vet vad som är bäst för dig, och vill därför att du ska ha makt över ditt eget liv. Myndigförklara människan - rösta på Klassiskt liberala partiet!
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Latinx Liberal

Jo'el Serrano

Latinx Liberal is a podcast about progressive ideals, from a brown perspective. Discussing all of the latest in political, social, and cultural news which affects the Latinx community and all liberals.
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Applying It Liberally

Applying It Liberally

Interracial married couple Keisha Zollar and Andrew Kimler share a fiery liberal bias. But that doesn't stop them from going toe-to-toe as they debate the news of the week. Complete with original sketches, top-notch guests, and a candid autopsy of a modern American marriage.
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Liberal Arts Endeavor

College of Arts & Letters - Michigan State University

The Liberal Arts Endeavor is a podcast by the College of Arts & Letters (CAL). Each episode throughout the academic year will feature a different Liberal Arts story within the College. Learn more at
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A podcast series compiled from oral histories and produced as part of a digital exhibition exploring how Liberal Judaism has evolved since it was co-founded by British visionary Lily Montagu in 1902. This podcast series of oral histories is part of the exhibition: “Lily's Legacy - Voices and Visions of Liberal Judaism”, a project supported by The National Lottery Heritage Fund. It was produced by Miri Lawrence and Lucia Scazzocchio, narrated by Harry Hurst, sound editing and design by Lucia ...
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show series
Kan vi fremdeles få billig og nok strøm? Er 40 øre i fastpris egentlig billig? Hvorfor er det dumt å elektrifisere sokkelen? Har Norge fortsatt et konkurransefortrinn for kraftkrevende industri? Gjest: Sivilingeniør i elkraft ved NTNU, Knut Darre Christiansen. See for privacy information.…
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In which Wireside Chat hosts Melissa Hart and Paul Witcover welcome instructor and author Frank Sennett, who talks about the pacing and structure of thrillers, his surprising favorite novel, how to develop your unique voice as a writer, and much more!توسط Southern New Hampshire University Liberal Arts
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Danmarks Radio er en træt, utidssvarende og alt for dyr mediegigant, der politiserer og skævvrider markedet. Derfor vil LA gøre DR abonnementsfinansieret og sende stationens public-service-indhold i udbud. Det fortæller medieordfører Katrine Daugaard og Alex Vanopslagh i dagens Alliancen, hvor Alex også uddyber sit syn på ugens begivenheder involve…
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How do we balance the need to de-carbonize our energy grid with the need to lower energy costs for working class people? Elan Sykes is the Director of Energy and Climate Policy at PPI, and he joins the podcast to discuss how we can build out the grid, lower people's bills, and ultimately end up with clean and abundant energy. To get bonus episodes,…
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Hvordan er forholdet mellom offentlig og privat sektor? Finnes det offentlige tjenester som private kan gjøre bedre? Hør en ny episode av Økonomisk halvtime med Civitas to samfunnsøkonomer, Steinar Juel og Øystein Olsen. See for privacy information.توسط Civita og Moderne Media
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This week on Laughing Liberally Milwaukee, host Matthew Filipowicz is joined by comedian Josh Fred to discuss Wisconsin Supreme Court candidate Brad Schimel's claim that the female liberal justices are being "driven by their emotions." Laughing Liberally Milwaukee's next live show is Saturday March 8th, 2025 at 8:00 pm at CSZ Milwaukee – 420 South …
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Liberale venner! Noen ganger må man si tydelig i fra om ting. Donald Trump er en totalt katastrofe for hele verden for tiden. Tolltariffer er økonomisk imbesilisme! Ja Norge har og tolltariffer, jeg støtter heller ikke de. Jeg støtter frihandel! Når Donald Trump nå også har bestemt seg for å kutte militærstøtten til Ukraina, er han en total katastr…
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Watch here: In this episode of Liberalism in Question, we welcome Andrew Norton, who has worked in higher education policy since 1997. We talk about the cycles of liberalism and also tackle a crucial debate: Are universities champions of liberal ideals, or have they become anti-liberal institutions? #LiberalismInQuestio…
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Hva gjør Europa og Norge nå? Høyrebølgen går sin gang, men Høyre gjør det dårligere på meningsmålingene. Hvordan kan vi tolke dette? Hør ny episode av Liberal halvtime med Unge Høyre-leder Ola Svenneby, i samtale med Skjalg Stokke Hougen. See for privacy information.توسط Civita og Moderne Media
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Liberale venner! Tolltariffene Donald Trump innfører er en katastrofe for hele verden. Handelskrig er aldri bra for noen, og det går ut over sluttbrukere, både i Europa og USA. Sluttbrukere som har slitt seg gjennom elendige økonomiske tider i flere år nå. Hvilke økonomiske rådgivere President Trump omgir seg med er ikke godt å si, men økonomi kan …
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Ethics in Action is an event series hosted each year by the Liberal Arts team that focuses on student discussion, ethical reflection, and collaboration around current issues. The Fall 2024 Ethics in Action event was a student conference that took place on December 11, 2024, and focused on leadership in the 21st century. In this panel, a group of co…
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Ethics in Action is an event series hosted each year by the Liberal Arts team that focuses on student discussion, ethical reflection, and collaboration around current issues. The Fall 2024 Ethics in Action event was a student conference that took place on December 11, 2024, and focused on leadership in the 21st century. The keynote for Ethics in Ac…
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Ethics in Action is an event series hosted each year by the Liberal Arts team that focuses on student discussion, ethical reflection, and collaboration around current issues. The Fall 2024 Ethics in Action event was a student conference that took place on December 11, 2024, and focused on leadership in the 21st century. In Conference Session 2, Edi…
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Ethics in Action is an event series hosted each year by the SNHU Liberal Arts team that focuses on student discussion, ethical reflection, and collaboration around current issues. The Fall 2024 Ethics in Action event was a student conference that took place on December 11, 2024, and focused on leadership in the 21st century. In Conference Session 1…
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Hva var Friedrich Hayeks største bidrag til den liberale idétradisjonen? Og hva gjør ideene til denne østerriksk-britiske økonomen, filosofen, politiske tenkeren og nobelprisvinneren stadig aktuelle? Hør på et halvannen times dypdykk i Hayeks tenkning med to av Norges fremste eksperter på Friedrich Hayek, forfatter Hans Chr. Garmann Johnsen og Lars…
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Da Sihaam var ni år gammel, blev hun sendt på en islamisk genopdragelsesrejse til Somalia, uden at nogen danske myndigheder greb ind. Nu er Sihaam 21 år gammel og er brudt ud af et muslimsk parallelsamfund præget af vold og social kontrol. Men det har været en hård rejse, hvor hun fortæller, at alt for mange danske myndigheder ignorerede oplagt…
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Da Sihaam var ni år gammel, blev hun sendt på en islamisk genopdragelsesrejse til Somalia, uden at nogen danske myndigheder greb ind. Nu er Sihaam 21 år gammel og er brudt ud af et muslimsk parallelsamfund præget af vold og social kontrol. Men det har været en hård rejse, hvor hun fortæller, at alt for mange danske myndigheder ignorerede oplagt…
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Gościem dzisiejszego podkastu Kultury Liberalnej jest pisarz i publicysta Szczepan Twardoch. Rozmowa dotyczy najnowszej książki pisarza, zatytułowanej "Null" (Wydawnictwo Marginesy). Jak wygląda obecna sytuacja na froncie ukraińskim? Jakie nastroje towarzyszą żołnierzom? Jak wojna postrzegana jest przez pisarza? Dlaczego Szczepan Twardoch tak mocno…
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Hvorfor var det umulig å forutsi at Assad-regimet falt? Vil syriske flyktninger dra tilbake nå? Hvordan påvirker endringene i Syria det større konfliktbildet i Midtøsten? Hvordan kan Donald Trump foreslå at USA skal overta Gaza? Gjest: Historiker og forfatter Marte Heian-Engdal. See for privacy information.…
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Liberale venner! Den geopolitiske utviklingen er for tiden illevarslende for Ukraina, og Europa i grunn. Ukraina kan ikke ofres ut fra andres behov, spesielt behovet til den som har invadert landet. Norge, og resten av Europa må bare øke støtten til Ukraina dramatisk, frem til en eventuell fredsavtale er på plass. En avtale som også Ukraina er forn…
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Gościem dzisiejszego odcinka podkastu Kultury Liberalnej jest Marek Menkiszak, szef działu rosyjskiego Ośrodka Studiów Wschodnich, autor raportu "(Nadal można) wygrać wojnę z Rosją". Ostatnie działania administracji Donalda Trumpa w sprawie pokoju w Ukrainie budzą wiele kontrowersji. Rozmowy zaczęły się bowiem od rozmowy prezydenta USA z Władimirem…
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The Civil Rights Movement, which stretched across decades, caused big changes in society that persist today. As some of the gains it brought about are now threatened by racists in the White House, what can we learn from the tactics and, more importantly, the strategy pursued by the movement's leaders and activists? Samantha and Jason are joined by …
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In which Wireside Chat is joined by Online MFA instructor Jan Elizabeth Watson, author of the contemporary fiction novels "Asta in the Wings" and "What Has Become of You"! We discuss the appeal of pseudonyms, ambition as a creative goad, red flags writers should know before querying agents and editors, and more!…
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På hvilken måte har erfaringene fra næringsliv og politikk formet Knut Arild Hareides politiske synspunkter? Og hva tenker han om utfordringene fremover? Gjest: Knut Arild Hareide, administrerende direktør i Norges Rederiforbund og tidligere leder av KrF. See for privacy information.…
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Udenlandske familieklaner hærger i de store byer, og borgmestrene råber nu op og beder om hjælp. Hvad skal vi stille op? Det er emnet for dagens program, hvor udlændinge- og retsordfører Steffen Larsen er i studiet. Derudover taler Rasmus Ulstrup og Anton Krogh om, hvordan det egentligt står til med ytringsfriheden i Danmark og Europa. I studiet: S…
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Taiwan is a free country, a powerhouse in technology, and it has about one-twentieth the population of Europe less Russia. JD Vance talks about the U.S. possibly disengaging with Europe, but is such disengagement necessary for, and does it really herald, increased engagement with Asia, and particularly with China and Taiwan? Liberal Currents contri…
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This week on Laughing Liberally Milwaukee, host Matthew Filipowicz is joined by comedian Syed to discuss how there are not enough desks or workstations to accommodate the federal remote workers being forced back into the office by Donald Trump and Elon Musk. Laughing Liberally Milwaukee's next live show is Saturday March 8th, 2025 at 8:00 pm at CSZ…
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Liberale venner! I følge Christer Dalsbøe, mannen bak sangen "Don't come to Norway" skriver han i en meningsartikkel i Nettavisen at to SSB-forskere benytter skitne uredelige triks for å ta faktagrunnlaget for Martin Bech Holtes bok "Landet som ble for rik". Må støtte Dalsbøe her, denne debatten er for viktig for fremtiden. Selv med evt. småfeil i …
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Why doesn't anything work? Why does it take so long to build housing, or green energy, or infrastructure? Why is the government so often inefficient and uncapable? Marc Dunkelman joins the podcast to discuss his new book Why Nothing Works. We talk about the history of the progressive movement and how two separate impulses - the centralization of po…
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