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Documenter toutes les expériences de la vie, des cultures et des savoirs. Chaque semaine, un grand thème en quatre épisodes, autonomes et complémentaires. Du lundi au jeudi de 17h à 18h. Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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LSE IQ is a monthly podcast from the London School of Economics and Political Science in which we ask some of the smartest social scientists - and other experts - to answer intelligent questions about economics, politics or society. #LSEIQ
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The London School of Economics and Political Science public events podcast series is a platform for thought, ideas and lively debate where you can hear from some of the world's leading thinkers. Listen to more than 200 new episodes every year.
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LSU interviews, press conferences and more
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Une variation sur un thème célèbre, qu'il vienne du jazz, de la pop ou de la chanson. Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) is a world-leading university, specialising in social sciences, with a global community of people and ideas that transform the world. Our podcasts focus on the social sciences and the world today.
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Join the LSAT Demon team Tuesday through Sunday as they discuss a broad range of topics related to the LSAT and law school admissions. Listen on your way to work and kickstart your daily study routine. Questions? Email daily@lsatdemon.com. Learn more at lsatdemon.com
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A collection of videos highlighting current research at LSE.
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LSE IQ is a monthly podcast from the London School of Economics and Political Science in which we ask some of the smartest social scientists - and other experts - to answer intelligent questions about economics, politics or society. #LSEIQ
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Följ med in i ungdomsrörelsen! I LSU:s podcast lär du dig mer om barn och ungas organisering, om makt och representation och om alla de sakfrågor vi på LSU driver.
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LS Community Church is a church located in Lee’s Summit Missouri. We are dedicated to making disciple makers who saturate our community with the Gospel.
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Podcast by The 7Sage LSAT Podcast
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Welcome to the LSE Middle East Centre's podcast feed. The MEC builds on LSE's long engagement with the Middle East and North Africa and provides a central hub for the wide range of research on the region carried out at LSE. Follow us and keep up to date with our latest event podcasts and interviews!
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Geaux247: A LSU Tigers athletics podcast
247Sports, LSU, LSU football, LSU Tigers, LSU athletics, Football, College Football
News and analysis from the Geaux247 team featuring insight from Bryce Koon, Glen West, and Sonny Shipp.
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Ben Olson and Nathan Fox started the Thinking LSAT Podcast to become better LSAT teachers and have some fun. Please 1) subscribe, 2) rate and review, and 3) send us questions: help@thinkinglsat.com. Don't pay for law school! Learn more at lsatdemon.com
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Our church began in 2017 and is located just down the street from Lincoln Center, which is in the Lincoln Square neighborhood of Manhattan. This podcast will primarily feature sermons from our Sunday worship service and the occasional interview or ministry resource. We hope you’ll subscribe.
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All items | LSE Public lectures and events | Audio
London School of Economics and Political Science
Audio files from LSE's programme of public lectures and events, for pdf documents see the corresponding audio & pdf RSS feed, or Atom feed.
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LSU Daily is a Podcast hosted by 104.5 ESPN's Matt Musso breaking down all things LSU. Matt is the producer of the critically acclaimed "After Further Review" radio show in Baton Rouge. Musso is also the host of Musso at The Box, a daily LSU Baseball podcast that runs in season.
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Steve Schwartz of LSAT Unplugged created this podcast to help you with the LSAT and law school admission process. He started teaching the LSAT after scoring a 152 and gradually working his way up to a 175 (it took over a year!). Please (1) subscribe, (2) rate + review, and (3) email me your questions: podcast@lsatunplugged.com
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All items | LSE Public lectures and events | All media types
London School of Economics and Political Science
Audio, video and pdf files from LSE's programme of public lectures and events.
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Africa's LSP Podcast is a monthly podcast for the African language services industry, covering trends in translation, interpretation, localization, and language services in Africa. We speak with industry professionals such as translators, interpreters, language researchers, and scholars, as well as African language enthusiasts. Africa's LSP Podcast is presented by Bolingo Consult. Kindly send feedback and suggestions to info@bolingoconsult.com Visit our website at www.bolingoconsult.com Soun ...
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The LSU Tigers Podcast - The Bengal Tiger is the most in-depth show on LSU Football. Hosted by Shea Dixon, Matthew Brune, and Billy Embody, it's a must-listen for any and every LSU Tigers fan.
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CTK Talks & Homilies! Give to support CTK's ministry efforts! www.ctklsu.org/give
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LSE IQ is a monthly podcast from the London School of Economics and Political Science. This is the podcast where we ask some of the leading social scientists - and other experts - to answer intelligent questions about economics, politics or society. To subscribe on Apple Podcasts please visit - https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/lse-iq-podcast/id1223817465 Or search for 'LSE IQ' in your favourite podcast app or add our RSS feed -http://www.lse.ac.uk/assets/richmedia/webFeeds/lseiqpodcast_iT ...
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Logic Games Bible author Dave Killoran (@davekilloran) and PowerScore Test Prep VP Jon Denning (@jonmdenning) are two of the world’s foremost experts on the LSAT and law school admissions, and they’ve created the PowerScore LSAT PodCast to share their knowledge and experience with you! Topics will range from specific LSAT concepts and strategies to test changes and updates to admissions advice and frequently-asked student questions, so be sure to (1) subscribe, (2) rate and review us, and (3 ...
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Interviews focus on key moments of discovery, and the songs/artists that have soundtracked the guest's life. Hosted by journalist and radio presenter Jenny Eliscu (@jennylsq), these are laid-back but in-depth discussions about the journey to find their creative voice and process, and how it has evolved over their career. Episodes also occasionally feature clips from Eliscu's extensive archive, which includes 25 years' worth of interview audio.
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La política en Chile y el mundo ya no es sólo izquierda vs. derecha. Cada vez más, es sobre democracia vs. sus amenazas: populismos, autoritarismos y el retorno del fascismo, las que crecen y tienen sus espacios y medios. La defensa, promoción y proyección de la democracia necesita los suyos. Ese es nuestro objetivo. Programa semanal por Ximena Jara y Davor Mimica
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The official podcast network of LSU Athletics. The Hey Fightin' Podcast Network takes you inside LSU Sports all year long. From Hey Fightin' Podcast – the official podcast of LSU Football – to Tigers Win, Hearing Voices, Play by Play, and more, the Hey Fightin' Podcast Network brings you episodes covering all things LSU Sports (almost) every week day.
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I love music and nature
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Latest 100 | LSE Public lectures and events | All media types
London School of Economics and Political Science
Latest 100 audio, video and pdf files from LSE's programme of public lectures and events.
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Short Attention Span Variety A mix of talk and punk rock radio And coming soon- live on location with friends, acquaintances and strangers. Home recordings discussing local bands and personal stuff. And an assortment of old recordings off reels of Chico State college radio shows from the late 80’s to today as well as cassette recordings from random times of weirdness. LSD Sux probably is a raw and candid variety of humor, music and weird stuff for those who get bored quickly Support this pod ...
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Latest 300 | LSE Public lectures and events | Video
London School of Economics and Political Science
Latest 300 video files from LSE's programme of public lectures and events, for more recordings and pdf documents see the corresponding audio & pdf collection.
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Latest 100 | LSE Public lectures and events | Video
London School of Economics and Political Science
Latest 100 video files from LSE's programme of public lectures and events, for more recordings and pdf documents see the corresponding audio & pdf RSS feed, or Atom feed.
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Law School Admissions Unplugged Podcast: Personal Statements, Application Essays, Scholarships, LSAT Prep, and More…
Steve Schwartz
Stressed about applying to law school? Looking for that *something* to provide an edge when your LSAT scores and GPA aren't enough to set you apart? Steve Schwartz of LSAT Unplugged shares insights on everything law school admissions – personal statements, diversity statements, LSAT prep, recommendation letters, and more. This show is for you if you’re looking to craft law school applications that will showcase your strengths and maximize chances of law school admission. Please (1) subscribe ...
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The Legal Services Corporation's Talk Justice podcast features leaders from the legal community, business and government exploring aspects of access to justice.
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Latest 100 | LSE Public lectures and events | Audio
London School of Economics and Political Science
Latest 100 audio files from LSE's programme of public lectures and events, for more recordings and pdf documents see the corresponding audio & pdf RSS feed, or Atom feed.
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Podcast by lsfradio
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The LSEG Sustainable Growth Podcast tackles important issues which intersect sustainability and finance, hosted by Jane Goodland, LSEG’s Group Head of Sustainability. We talk about some of the biggest issues of our time – from climate transition and investment, green infrastructure to greenwashing, natural capital, carbon markets, financial inclusion, equality and inclusion and more! We hear from leading experts from Microsoft, ISSB, IIGCC, Blackrock, IFAD, Women's World Banking, Climate Imp ...
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All items | LSE Public lectures and events | Audio and pdf
London School of Economics and Political Science
Audio and pdf files from LSE's programme of public lectures and events.
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LS Community Church live Sunday gathering, January 5th; teaching by Stan Rodda. 2 Samuel 11:2-5, 2 Samuel 11:8, 9, 2 Samuel 11:14-17, 1 Samuel 13:14, 2 Samuel 12:1-4, 2 Samuel 12:7, 2 Samuel 12:13, 14, Psalm 32, Psalm 51:1-3, 10-12, Psalm 32:5, 1 John 1:9 David’s life is not all sunshine and rainbows. Like all of humanity he has flaws and sin. He s…
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Aicina uzlabot autobusu satiksmi starp Rīgu un Rēzekni; komercpārvadātājs gatavs pielāgoties vajadzībām
No rīta ar sabiedrisko transportu no Rīgas aizbraukt uz Rēzekni vai pēc koncerta koncertzālē Latgales vēstniecība "Gors" vakarā tikt no Rēzeknes uz Rīgu šobrīd iespējams nav. Dotētie autobusu reisi šobrīd ir vienīgi pa dienu, bet ne agri rītos vai vēlu vakaros, kas krietni apgrūtina kā kultūras pasākumu apmeklēšanu reģionā, tā darba iespējas, piemē…
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🚀 Achieve Your Best LSAT Score—Guaranteed Hi, I’m Steve Schwartz. I raised my LSAT score from 152 to 175, and since 2005, I’ve helped thousands of students achieve 170+ scores and secure full-ride scholarships. With our Higher Score Guarantee and 170+ LSAT Guarantee, LSAT Unplugged is your trusted partner for LSAT success. 🎯 Get Started Today 📘 Get…
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🚀 Achieve Your Best LSAT Score—Guaranteed Hi, I’m Steve Schwartz. I raised my LSAT score from 152 to 175, and since 2005, I’ve helped thousands of students achieve 170+ scores and secure full-ride scholarships. With our Higher Score Guarantee and 170+ LSAT Guarantee, LSAT Unplugged is your trusted partner for LSAT success. 🎯 Get Started Today 📘 Get…
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Ziņas vieglajā valodā 10. janvārī.
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The National Media Needs To Get Over Brian Kelly, LSU | Women's Hoops Wins Thriller At Tennessee
Matt Musso reacts to the continued narrative about Brian Kelly in the national media surrounding Notre Dame's playoff run. Why it's time to move on. We talk some LSU baseball as more accolades come down in the preseason for the 2025 Tigers. Finally, we recap LSU Women's hoops thrilling win at Tennessee.…
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Latvijas hokeja izlase pavasarī ierasti sāks gatavoties pasaules čempionātam, bet jau gada sākumā ir skaidrs, ka valstsvienībai šoreiz, visticamāk, būs jāiztiek bez pieredzējušā uzbrucēja Riharda Bukarta.
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Skeletonisti Dārta Neimane un Dāvis Valdovskis piektdien Šveicē izcīnīja 15. vietu Pasaules kausa posmā, pirmoreiz pārstāvot Latviju jaukto komandu sacensībās. Starts Sanktmoricā latviešiem bija svarīgs gatavošanās posms pirms pasaules junioru čempionāta, kas notiks tajā pašā trasē.
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Igaunijas galvaspilsētā Tallinā piektdien sākusies divas dienas ilgā atvadīšanās no bijušā Igaunijas prezidenta Arnolda Rītela. Politiķis, kurš savulaik bija arī Igaunijas Augstākās Padomes priekšsēdētājs, devās mūžībā 96 gadu vecumā aizvadītā gada pēdējā dienā.
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Valsts prezidenta paziņotais par vajadzību aizsardzības izdevumus palielināt līdz 4% no iekšzemes kopprodukta (IKP) nozīmē, ka josta, iespējams, būs jāsavelk citām nozarēm, bet vienlaikus ir iespējams, ka aizsardzības industrijā ieguldītā nauda veicinās ekonomisko attīstību.
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Konferencē par militāro mantojumu Kara muzejā piektdien, 10. janvārī, pulcējās 120 dalībnieki no Baltijas valstīm. Dažādu militāro objektu īpašnieki, muzeji, kā arī vēstures skolotāji sprieda par šo objektu izmantošanu tūrismā un to integrēšanu arī izglītībā. Par pieredzi ar Aukstā kara laikā veidoto objektu izmantošanu dalījās arī pētnieki no Dāni…
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Uz Ventspils šosejas skolēnu busiņa un kravas auto sadursmē viens pieaugušais gājis bojā; 8 cilvēki – slimnīcā
Uz Ventspils šosejas Strazdes pagastā skolēnu mikroautobuss sadūrās ar kravas automašīnu – viens pieaugušais gājis bojā, bet astoņi cietušie nogādāti slimnīcā, tā ziņo Neatliekamās medicīniskās palīdzības dienestā (NMPD). Latvijas Televīzija (LTV) informē, ka mikroautobusā bija vokālā ansambļa audzēkņi un skolotājas, kuri devās uz dziesmu konkursu …
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Dienvidkalifornijas Latviešu Biedrības vadītājs: Losandželosa izskatās tā, it kā te būtu nomesta bumba
Otrpus okeānam izskatās tā, it kā bumba būtu nomesta. Nekad nav bijis, ka tik ļoti cietušas būtu apdzīvotas vietas, tā par postošajiem ugunsgrēkiem Losandželosā saka Dienvidkalifornijas Latviešu biedrības vadītājs Dāvis Reins.
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Erik and Stefan advise an anonymous listener not to read too much into a recent dip in their practice test scores. Read more on our website! Email daily@lsatdemon.com with questions or comments. Watch this episode on YouTube.
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Līdz ar jauno gadu stājušās spēkā izmaiņas Kriminālprocesa likumā, kas paredz iespēju elektroniski uzraudzīt varmākas un labāk aizsargāt vardarbībā cietušos. Līdz šim izmantotie pagaidu aizsardzības rīkojumi un policijas kontrole bieži vien nespēja novērst turpmākus uzbrukumus vai traģiskas sekas. Skaudrs piemērs tam ir 2023. gadā Jēkabpils novadā …
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Bryce Koon and Glen West break down the early transfer portal cycle for LSU and what the roster looks like For more video content and podcasts, subscribe to the channel and feed! For more written content head over to: https://247sports.com/college/lsu/ #lsu #lsutigers #lsufootball To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: h…
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Vieglatlētikas saime savus labākos sportistus un trenerus īpašā ceremonijā apbalvoja Spīķeros. Otro gadu pēc kārtas par Latvijas gada vieglatlētu kļuva kārstlēcējs Valters Kreišs, savukārt dāmu konkurencē balvu ieguva skrējēja Gunta Vaičule.
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Latvijā veiktais pētījums atklāj veterinārārstu trūkumu, īpaši reģionos, kur viens speciālists nereti apkalpo vairāk nekā 10 000 cilvēku. Tiesa, tā nav tikai Latvijas problēma – visā Eiropā veterinārārstu trūkums kļūst arvien satraucošāks. Lai gan pieprasījums studēt veterinārmedicīnu Latvijā ir, tomēr ne visi studijas pabeidz vai turpina strādāt š…
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Piektdienas vakarā Alūksnē ziemīgos laikapstakļos startēs Latvijas rallija čempionāta (LRČ) jaunā sezona, kurā gaidāmi pieci posmi. Alūksnes rallijā uz starta izies arī vadošais pašmāju pilots Mārtiņš Sesks. 2025. gadā gaidāmi arī sen neredzētas autosporta sacensības citās kausu izcīņās.
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Mark Etheridge, an SEC writer for D1Baseball.com, joined Steve and Charlie. Etheridge projected an excellent 2025 campaign for Jay Johnson's Tigers. Etheridge shared his thoughts on P Chase Shores, OF Derek Curiel, P Anthony Eyanson, and IF Daniel Dickinson. He also shared a full breakdown of the loaded SEC for the 2025 season.…
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🚀 Achieve Your Best LSAT Score—Guaranteed Hi, I’m Steve Schwartz. I raised my LSAT score from 152 to 175, and since 2005, I’ve helped thousands of students achieve 170 scores and secure full-ride scholarships. With our Higher Score Guarantee and 170 LSAT Guarantee, LSAT Unplugged is your trusted partner for LSAT success. 🎯 Get Started Today 📘 Get Y…
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🚀 Achieve Your Best LSAT Score—Guaranteed Hi, I’m Steve Schwartz. I raised my LSAT score from 152 to 175, and since 2005, I’ve helped thousands of students achieve 170 scores and secure full-ride scholarships. With our Higher Score Guarantee and 170 LSAT Guarantee, LSAT Unplugged is your trusted partner for LSAT success. 🎯 Get Started Today 📘 Get Y…
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🚀 Achieve Your Best LSAT Score—Guaranteed Hi, I’m Steve Schwartz. I raised my LSAT score from 152 to 175, and since 2005, I’ve helped thousands of students achieve 170 scores and secure full-ride scholarships. With our Higher Score Guarantee and 170 LSAT Guarantee, LSAT Unplugged is your trusted partner for LSAT success. 🎯 Get Started Today 📘 Get Y…
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Mailbag: Will LSU land a safety in the portal? Which side of the ball will improve more in 2025?
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Brune and Shea are back to answer all of the questions sent in by LSU fans on today's mailbag, ranging from the latest on the Tigers' portal pursuit, to the improvements on both sides, to the transfer class as a whole.Are you… Ready to leave the corporate Rat Race for the American Dream? Looking for a side hustle while working your current job? Wan…
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«Liepāja» aktīvi bruņojas, «Valmierai» joprojām 200 000 eiro parāds – pie apvāršņa jaunā futbola Virslīgas sezona
Lai gan ir tikai janvāris, Latvijas futbola klubi jau tagad intensīvi gatavojas jaunajai Virslīgas sezonai, regulāri ziņojot par sastāvu pastiprinājumiem. Sezonas sākums tradicionāli paredzēts marta pirmajā pusē un turpināsies līdz novembrim.
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Matt Musso reacts to the latest commentary from national college football analysts regarding LSU football in 2025. Are Tigers the CFP favorites? Next, Musso updates the latest roster moves for LSU Baseball as Jay Johnson trims down to 40 ahead of the spring semester. Finally, Musso gives a brief preview of LSU Women's Basketball's trip up to No. 16…
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Nathan and Erik tackle a Logical Reasoning question from PrepTest 135, and they discuss why you can’t rely on indicator words alone to determine an argument’s main conclusion. Try the question for yourself here. Read more on our website! Email daily@lsatdemon.com with questions or comments. Watch this episode on YouTube.…
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توسط Grace Community Church LSMO
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Zack Nagy, an LSU reporter for Sports Illustrated, joined Mike and Charlie. Nagy recapped the Tigers' victory in the Texas Bowl, highlighting the strong performance of their young offensive line. He projected LSU's next moves in the transfer portal at tight end and safety.
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🚀 Achieve Your Best LSAT Score—Guaranteed Hi, I’m Steve Schwartz. I raised my LSAT score from 152 to 175, and since 2005, I’ve helped thousands of students achieve 170+ scores and secure full-ride scholarships. With our Higher Score Guarantee and 170+ LSAT Guarantee, LSAT Unplugged is your trusted partner for LSAT success. 🎯 Get Started Today 📘 Get…
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🚀 Achieve Your Best LSAT Score—Guaranteed Hi, I’m Steve Schwartz. I raised my LSAT score from 152 to 175, and since 2005, I’ve helped thousands of students achieve 170+ scores and secure full-ride scholarships. With our Higher Score Guarantee and 170+ LSAT Guarantee, LSAT Unplugged is your trusted partner for LSAT success. 🎯 Get Started Today 📘 Get…
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🚀 Achieve Your Best LSAT Score—Guaranteed Hi, I’m Steve Schwartz. I raised my LSAT score from 152 to 175, and since 2005, I’ve helped thousands of students achieve 170 scores and secure full-ride scholarships. With our Higher Score Guarantee and 170 LSAT Guarantee, LSAT Unplugged is your trusted partner for LSAT success. 🎯 Get Started Today 📘 Get Y…
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🚀 Achieve Your Best LSAT Score—Guaranteed Hi, I’m Steve Schwartz. I raised my LSAT score from 152 to 175, and since 2005, I’ve helped thousands of students achieve 170 scores and secure full-ride scholarships. With our Higher Score Guarantee and 170 LSAT Guarantee, LSAT Unplugged is your trusted partner for LSAT success. 🎯 Get Started Today 📘 Get Y…
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Matt Musso looks at two new potential targets for LSU in the transfer portal both at offensive tackle. Montana State's Conner Moore and Louisville's Monroe Mills. Next, we give a brief recap of the Tigers loss at Missouri in hoops.توسط Guaranty Broadcasting
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Otrdien Latvijas basketbolā noticis pamatīgs pavērsiens – izlases galvenais treneris Luka Banki kļuvis par turku supergranda Stambulas "Anadolu Efes" stūrmani, kurā ikdienā spēlē arī Rolands Šmits. Iespējams, pašam trenerim šis piedāvājums nācis kā pārsteigums, taču potenciāli jaunā darbavieta izlases stūrēšanu netraucēs.…
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Nathan and Ben discuss the biggest adjustment that LSAT students must make to unlock their highest score. Read more on our website! Email daily@lsatdemon.com with questions or comments. Watch this episode on YouTube.
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Analizamos la breve idea de comprar casas de expresidentes y sus nada breves consecuencias. Luego, revisamos en qué anda "La Ultra"™️ -- Programa grabado en vivo a las 15:30 del martes 7 de enero del 2025, cada uno desde su lugar de trabajo, por Ximena Jara y Davor Mimica. Si deseas hacer un aporte mensual (lo que quieras, desde $1.000) a Democraci…
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Jaudu atguvušais Kristaps Porziņģis otrdien guva 25 punktus Nacionālās basketbola asociācijas (NBA) mačā, kurā viņa pārstāvētā Bostonas "Celtics" viesos ar 118:106 uzveica Denveras "Nuggets" vienību, liepājniekam aizvadot sezonā otro rezultatīvāko spēli.
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🚀 Achieve Your Best LSAT Score—Guaranteed . Hi, I’m Steve Schwartz. I raised my LSAT score from 152 to 175, and since 2005, I’ve helped thousands of students achieve 170 scores and secure full-ride scholarships. With our Higher Score Guarantee and 170 LSAT Guarantee, LSAT Unplugged is your trusted partner for LSAT success. . 🎯 Get Started Today . 📘…
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🚀 Achieve Your Best LSAT Score—Guaranteed . Hi, I’m Steve Schwartz. I raised my LSAT score from 152 to 175, and since 2005, I’ve helped thousands of students achieve 170 scores and secure full-ride scholarships. With our Higher Score Guarantee and 170 LSAT Guarantee, LSAT Unplugged is your trusted partner for LSAT success. . 🎯 Get Started Today . 📘…
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🚀 Achieve Your Best LSAT Score—Guaranteed Hi, I’m Steve Schwartz. I raised my LSAT score from 152 to 175, and since 2005, I’ve helped thousands of students achieve 170 scores and secure full-ride scholarships. With our Higher Score Guarantee and 170 LSAT Guarantee, LSAT Unplugged is your trusted partner for LSAT success. 🎯 Get Started Today 📘 Get Y…
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🚀 Achieve Your Best LSAT Score—Guaranteed Hi, I’m Steve Schwartz. I raised my LSAT score from 152 to 175, and since 2005, I’ve helped thousands of students achieve 170 scores and secure full-ride scholarships. With our Higher Score Guarantee and 170 LSAT Guarantee, LSAT Unplugged is your trusted partner for LSAT success. 🎯 Get Started Today 📘 Get Y…
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Matt Musso reacts to LSU hosting Texas A&M tight end Donovan Green on a visit. Why he would be a perfect fit for the Tigers. Next, Musso gives his thoughts on LSU Baseball receiving Perfect Game's No. 2 preseason ranking. Are the TIgers set for another run to Omaha? Finally, we preview LSU Basketball's trip to Missouri.…
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LSAT Demon team member Stefan joins Erik to share his LSAT success story. Read more on our website! Email daily@lsatdemon.com with questions or comments. Watch this episode on YouTube.
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Mike and Bobby recapped LSU football's 44-31 victory over Baylor in the Texas Bowl. The guys highlighted the Tigers' young offensive line. Bobby called QB Garrett Nussmeier a "Heisman candidate" for 2025. They also praised the Tigers' skill position talent on next year's team.
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This episode of LSE iQ explores a national scandal: widespread illegal sewage dumping by our privatised water companies, and why they are all under criminal investigation.Speakers: Professor Gwyn Bevan, Dr Kate Bayliss, Jo BatemanHow Did Britain Come to This? A century of systemic failures of governance by Gwyn Bevan: https://press.lse.ac.uk/site/b…
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This episode of LSE iQ explores a national scandal: widespread illegal sewage dumping by our privatised water companies, and why they are all under criminal investigation.Speakers: Professor Gwyn Bevan, Dr Kate Bayliss, Jo BatemanHow Did Britain Come to This? A century of systemic failures of governance by Gwyn Bevan: https://press.lse.ac.uk/site/b…
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Contributor(s): Professor Gwyn Bevan, Dr Kate Bayliss, Jo Bateman | Research links: How Did Britain Come to This? A century of systemic failures of governance by Gwyn Bevan: https://press.lse.ac.uk/site/books/m/10.31389/lsepress.hdb/ Reports of my death are greatly exaggerated: The persistence of neoliberalism in Britain by Kate Bayliss et al, Euro…
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Contributor(s): Professor Gwyn Bevan, Dr Kate Bayliss, Jo Bateman | This episode of LSE iQ explores a national scandal: widespread illegal sewage dumping by our privatised water companies, and why they are all under criminal investigation.Speakers: Professor Gwyn Bevan, Dr Kate Bayliss, Jo BatemanResearch links:How Did Britain Come to This? A centu…
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🚀 Achieve Your Best LSAT Score—Guaranteed Hi, I’m Steve Schwartz. I raised my LSAT score from 152 to 175, and since 2005, I’ve helped thousands of students achieve 170 scores and secure full-ride scholarships. With our Higher Score Guarantee and 170 LSAT Guarantee, LSAT Unplugged is your trusted partner for LSAT success. 🎯 Get Started Today 📘 Get Y…
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