Recordings of the weekly Friday morning Torah study class at Kehillat Israel in Pacific Palisades, California as well as other events at K.I. including sermons, classes and public events. Kehillat Israel is an inclusive Jewish synagogue community, which honors diverse religious and spiritual backgrounds. Grounded in Jewish cultural and religious tradition, and guided by the core Reconstructionist principle to value both the wisdom of the past and the need for evolving belief and practice, KI ...
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Rabbi Amy Bernstein's weekly Torah study class at K.I. and via Zoom - Exodus/Shemot - 2:10 - January 17, 2025. Links: Shemot Torah Text And The Bush Was Not Consumed - by Aaron Razelتوسط Kehillat Israel
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Rabbi Amy Bernstein's weekly Torah study class via Zoom - Genesis/Bereshit 44:18-45:27 - December 30, 2022 Links: Vayigash Torah Text Vayigash Source Sheetتوسط Kehillat Israel
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Vayeshev: Family, Estrangement and Peoplehood
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Rabbi Amy Bernstein's weekly Torah study class at K.I. and via Zoom - Bereshit/Genesis 37:1 - December 20, 2024. Links: Vayeshev Torah Text When We Become Estranaged - Mijal Bittonتوسط Kehillat Israel
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Rabbi Amy Bernstein's weekly Torah study class at K.I. and via Zoom - Bereshit/Genesis 34:2 - December 13, 2024. Links: Vayishlach Torah Text Vayishlach Source Sheetتوسط Kehillat Israel
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Rabbi Amy Bernstein's weekly Torah study class at K.I. and via Zoom - Bereshit/Genesis 28:10 - December 6, 2024. Links: Vayetze Torah Text Vayetze Source Sheetتوسط Kehillat Israel
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Chaye Sarah: To Come Into Our Days
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Rabbi Amy Bernstein's weekly Torah study class at K.I. and via Zoom - Bereshit/Genesis 24:1 - November 22, 2024. Links: Chaye Sarah Torah Text Chaye Sarah Source Sheetتوسط Kehillat Israel
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Vaera: To Struggle In Faith - The Binding of Isaac
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Rabbi Amy Bernstein's weekly Torah study class at K.I. and via Zoom - Bereshit/Genesis 22:1 - November 15, 2024. Links: Vaera Torah Text Vaera Source Sheetتوسط Kehillat Israel
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Rabbi Amy Bernstein's weekly Torah study class at K.I. and via Zoom - Bereshit/Genesis 12:1 - November 8, 2024. Links: Lech Lecha Torah Text Lech Lecha Source Sheetتوسط Kehillat Israel
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Rabbi Amy Bernstein's weekly Torah study class at K.I. and via Zoom - Bereshit/Genesis 6:5 - November 1, 2024. Links: Noach Torah Text Noach Source Sheetتوسط Kehillat Israel
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Rabbi Amy Bernstein's weekly Torah study class at K.I. and via Zoom - Bereshit/Genesis 3 - October 25, 2024. Links: Bereshit Chapter 2 Torah Text Bereshit Chapter 3 Torah Text Bereshit Part 2 Source Sheet Sacred Trees In The Garden Of Edenتوسط Kehillat Israel
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Rabbi Amy Bernstein's weekly Torah study class at K.I. and via Zoom - Bereshit/Genesis 1:1 - October 18, 2024. This class includes sections from the PBS Nova Program: Big Bang which is available from PBS or Amazon Prime. Links: Bereshit Torah Text Bereshit Part 1 Source Sheet Post October 7 Poetryتوسط Kehillat Israel
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The Measures On The California Ballot November 2024
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This is a recording of a non-partisan discussion of the California measures on the November ballot that took place at Kehillat Israel on October 14, 2024. During the discussion, David Bocarsly explained the Propositions and led a discussion about each. David Bocarsly is the Executive Director of the Jewish Public Affairs Committee of California (JP…
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Kehaillat Israel High Holy Days 5785توسط Kehillat Israel
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Kehaillat Israel High Holy Days 5785توسط Kehillat Israel
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Kehaillat Israel High Holy Days 5785توسط Kehillat Israel
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Kehaillat Israel High Holy Days 5785توسط Kehillat Israel
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Kehaillat Israel High Holy Days 5785 Links: Rabbi Reuben Sermon Textتوسط Kehillat Israel
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Elul Learning: Forgive and Forget: For us, it's not so simple with Rabbi Sherتوسط Kehillat Israel
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Rabbi Amy Bernstein's weekly Torah study class at K.I. and via Zoom - Bamibar/Numbers 13 - June 28, 2024. Links: Shelach Lecha Torah Text Shelach Lecha Source Sheet Tzitizit Image 1 Tzitizit Image 2 Tzitizit Image 3 Mesopotamian Dressتوسط Kehillat Israel
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Beha'alotecha: Disintegration of Society Then and Now
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Rabbi Amy Bernstein's weekly Torah study class at K.I. and via Zoom - Bamibar/Numbers 9:15 - June 21, 2024. Links: Beha'alotecha Torah Text Beha'alotecha Source Sheetتوسط Kehillat Israel
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Rabbi Amy Bernstein's weekly Torah study class at K.I. and via Zoom - Bamibar/Numbers 6:1 - June 14, 2024. Links: Naso Torah Text Naso Source Sheetتوسط Kehillat Israel
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Rabbi Amy Bernstein's weekly Torah study class at K.I. and via Zoom - guest teacher Rabbi Daniel Sher - Bamidbar/Nembers 1:1 - June 7, 2024.توسط Kehillat Israel
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Rabbi Amy Bernstein's weekly Torah study class at K.I. and via Zoom - guest teacher Rabbi Daniel Sher - Leviticus/Vayikra 21:1-24:23 - May 17, 2024.توسط Kehillat Israel
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Rabbi Amy Bernstein's weekly Torah study class at K.I. and via Zoom - Leviticus/Vayikra 19:1 - May 10, 2024. Links: Kedoshim Torah Text Kedoshim Source Sheetتوسط Kehillat Israel
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Rabbi Amy Bernstein's weekly Torah study class at K.I. and via Zoom - guest teacher Rabbi Daniel Sher - Leviticus/Vayikra 16:1 - May 3, 2024.توسط Kehillat Israel
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Rabbi Amy Bernstein's weekly Torah study class at K.I. and via Zoom - Exodus/Shemot 13:1 - April 26, 2024. Links: Torah Text Who Really Left? - Source Sheet The Jews Who Didn't Leave Egypt - Alana Newhouseتوسط Kehillat Israel
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Rabbi Amy Bernstein's weekly Torah study class at K.I. and via Zoom - Leviticus/Vayikra 14:1 - April 19, 2024. Links: Metzora Torah Text Metzora Source Sheetتوسط Kehillat Israel
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Rabbi Amy Bernstein's weekly Torah study class at K.I. and via Zoom - Leviticus/Vayikra 13:1 - April 12, 2024. Links: Tazria Torah Text Tazria Source Sheetتوسط Kehillat Israel
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Foundations For A Successful Judaism: Environmental Ethics
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In the latest class in her series, Rabbi Amy Bernstein leads a study of texts dealing with the various, sometimes conflicting, ideas of Jewish identity . The curriculum for the series was developed by the Hartman Institute. This event took place in person at Kehillat Israel and via Zoom on April 10, 2024. Links: Foundations For A Thoughtful Judaism…
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Shemini: God Is Israel's Mikveh and Hope
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abbi Amy Bernstein's weekly Torah study class at K.I. and via Zoom - Leviticus/Vayikra 10:4 - April 5, 2024. Links: Shemini Torah Text Shemeni Source Sheeetتوسط Kehillat Israel
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Foundations For A Thoughtful Judaism - Coping With Limited Resources And Unlimited Needs
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In the latest class in her series, Rabbi Amy Bernstein leads a study of texts dealing with the various, sometimes conflicting, ideas of Jewish identity . The curriculum for the series was developed by the Hartman Institute. This event took place in person at Kehillat Israel and via Zoom on April 3, 2024. Links: Coping With Limited Resources And Unl…
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Rabbi Amy Bernstein's weekly Torah study class at K.I. and via Zoom - Leviticus/Vayikra 6:1 - March 29, 2024. Links: Tzav Torah Text Tzav Source Sheetتوسط Kehillat Israel
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Foundations For A Thoughtful Judaism - Torah For A Time Of War
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In the ninth class in her series, Rabbi Amy Bernstein leads a study of Yehuda Kurtzer's essay: "Torah For A Time Of War: A Moral Map For An Impossible Present". Yehuda Kurtzer is President of the Shalom Harman Institute. This event took place in person at Kehillat Israel and via Zoom on March 27, 2024. Links: Torah for a Time of War: A Moral Map fo…
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Vayikra: Receiving The Call
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Rabbi Amy Bernstein's weekly Torah study class at K.I. and via Zoom - Leviticus/Vayikra 1:1 - March 22, 2024. Links: Vayikra Torah Text Vayikra Source Sheetتوسط Kehillat Israel
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Foundations For A Thoughtful Judaism - Covenent Ethics
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In the eighth class in her series, Rabbi Amy Bernstein leads a study of texts dealing with the various, sometimes conflicting, ideas of Jewish identity . The curriculum for the series was developed by the Hartman Institute. This event took place in person at Kehillat Israel and via Zoom on March 20, 2024. Links: Foundations For A Thoughtful Judaism…
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Rabbi Amy Bernstein's weekly Torah study class at K.I. and via Zoom - Exodus/Shemot 38:21 - March 15, 2024. Links: Pekudei Torah Text Pekudei Source Sheetتوسط Kehillat Israel
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Foundations For A Thoughtful Judaism - Creation Ethics
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In the seventh class in her series, Rabbi Amy Bernstein leads a study of texts dealing with the various, sometimes conflicting, ideas of Jewish identity . The curriculum for the series was developed by the Hartman Institute. This event took place in person at Kehillat Israel and via Zoom on March 13, 2024. Links: Foundations For A Thoughtful Judais…
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Rabbi Amy Bernstein's weekly Torah study class at K.I. and via Zoom - Exodus/Shemot 35:1 - March 8, 2024. Links: Vayakhel Torah Text Vayakhel Source Sheetتوسط Kehillat Israel
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Ki Tisa: When To Hold On And When To Move On
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Rabbi Amy Bernstein's weekly Torah study class at K.I. and via Zoom - Exodus/Shemot 32:1 - March 1, 2024. Links: Ki Tisa Torah Text Ki Tisa Source Sheetتوسط Kehillat Israel
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Rabbi Amy Bernstein's weekly Torah study class at K.I. and via Zoom - guest teacher Rabbi Daniel Sher - Exodus/Shemot 28:1 - February 23, 2024. Links: Tetzaveh Torah Text Tetzaveh Source Sheetتوسط Kehillat Israel
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Rabbi Amy Bernstein's weekly Torah study class at K.I. and via Zoom - guest teacher Rabbi Daniel Sher - Exodus/Shemot 26:1 - February 16, 2024. Links: Terumah Torah Textتوسط Kehillat Israel
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Nearly four months after 10/7, uncertainty, loss, and pain continue unabated in Israel and antisemitism is on the rise in North America and around the world. As the war continues and hostages are still held in Gaza, the ICJ is hearing a case against Israel for Genocide, and calls for ceasefire are increasing. How has this war reshaped our Jewish id…
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Rabbi Amy Bernstein's weekly Torah study class at K.I. and via Zoom - Exodus/Shemot - 19:1 - February 2, 2024. Links: Yitro Torah Text Yitro Source Sheetتوسط Kehillat Israel
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Rabbi Amy Bernstein's weekly Torah study class at K.I. and via Zoom - Exodus/Shemot - 14:5 - January 26, 2024. Links: Beshallach Torah Text Beshallach Source Sheetتوسط Kehillat Israel
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Rabbi Amy Bernstein's weekly Torah study class at K.I. and via Zoom - Exodus/Shemot - 10:1 - January 19, 2024. Links: Bo Torah Text Bo Source Sheetتوسط Kehillat Israel
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Rabbi Amy Bernstein's weekly Torah study class at K.I. and via Zoom - Exodus/Shemot - 5:1 - January 12, 2024. Links: Vaera Text Study Link Vaera Source Sheetتوسط Kehillat Israel
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Shemot: Women And Their Conspiracy Of Compassion
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Rabbi Amy Bernstein's weekly Torah study class at K.I. and via Zoom - Exodus/Shemot - 1:1 - January 5, 2024. Links: Shemot Torah Text Shemot Source Sheetتوسط Kehillat Israel
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Rabbi Amy Bernstein's weekly Torah study class at K.I. and via Zoom - Genesis/Bereshit 44:1-44:17 - December 15, 2023. Links: Miketz Torah Text Miketz Handoutتوسط Kehillat Israel
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Vayeshev: The Tearing Apart of Joseph
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Rabbi Amy Bernstein's weekly Torah study class at K.I. and via Zoom - Genesis/Bereshit 37:1-40:23 - December 8, 2023. Links: Vayeshev Torah Text Vayeshev Source Sheet Hanukkah During a Dark Time: A New Ritual Feel - A Poem By The Velveteen Rabbiتوسط Kehillat Israel
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Jewish Attitudes About Death and Dying - Class 3
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This is the final class in a 3 part series. It took place in person at Kehillat Israel and via Zoom on December 4, 2023.توسط Kehillat Israel
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