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과학·환경 전문기자 YG 강양구와 의사 출신 저널리스트 JYP 박재영이 진행하는 고품격 북 토크 팟캐스트. 저자 혹은 관련 분야 전문가를 초청해 ‘책’에 관한 ‘걸’쭉하고 ‘상’큼한 이야기를 나눈다.
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Jynkel Smäck

Jynkel Smäck

En podd där Alexander och Christopher pratar om allt möjligt. Att sprida glädje är något vi gillar att göra, så varför inte dela med sig vad vi pratar om.Välkommen in i vår bisarra värld.
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Watchlist With Jyotika

Radio Nasha - HT Smartcast

In a time where everyone’s focused on the latest releases, we often forget the films that made us fall in love with cinema. Watchlist with Jyotika brings those hidden gems and forgotten classics back into the spotlight. Whether you’re a fan of Bollywood’s golden era or seeking underrated masterpieces, Jyotika has you covered with reviews, recommendations, and fresh insights into the films you may have missed. 'Watchlist with Jyotika' is a weekly podcast, produced by Radio Nasha and brought t ...
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Jyotish in Hindi

Astro Life Sutras

LEARN JYOTISH LIKE NEVER BEFORE! Join Nitin P.Kashyap in this official podcast of Astro Life Sutras Jyotish Academy and master the fundamentals of Astrology. We are going to discuss fundamentals of Astrology in hindi. Divine and occult knowledge of astrology can make you a good human being. This subject is not for knowing future. This subject will help you to know your inner self. This is astrology podcast for the learner of Jyotish. You can learn astrology here. Nitin P.Kashyap is going to ...
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Do you want your burning Google Ads questions answered by a trusted Google Ads Expert? Inside Google Ads is hosted by Jyll Saskin Gales, a seasoned Google Ads Coach with over a decade of Google Ads experience, including 6 years working at Google. Each weekly episode contains practical advice based on real-world experience with Google Ads accounts. You'll gain a deeper understanding of bidding strategies, keyword match types, conversion tracking, creative best practices, campaign efficiency a ...
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Welcome to GynaeTalk with Dr. Jyoti Bandi! This podcast series is mainly focused on gynecology and women's health by covering a range of various topics including Advanced Fertility & IVF, Cosmetic Gynaecology, and Aesthetic Cosmetology.
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JYM Supplement Science

Join Mike McErlane as he takes you on an inspirational journey through the world of fitness and beyond. From personal stories, current affairs, and business strategy at JYM Supplement Science, JYM LYFE will inspire your mind in more ways than one!
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High Jynx

High Jynx TV

Variety podcast posting weekly, for now! Follow, comment and leave us a review! We will dive into horror, comedy, gaming and everything in between!
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This is a space for all types of thinker to come and chill. Yes, there will be discussions and whatnot, but for the most part this is going to be a platform to generate and continue discussions. Hey, my name is Joe, aka Jyro, and this is my podcast. Welcome. Cover art photo provided by nibras al-riyami on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@nabsta
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Jyri Komulainen

Kirkko Suomessa

Jyri Komulainen on dogmatiikan dosentti, joka on perehtynyt uskontodialogiin ja kristinuskon erilaisiin tulkintoihin maailmalla. Podcasteissaan Jyri käy vuoropuhelua kirkkokuplan ulkopuolelta tulevien vieraiden kanssa - väittelyäkään karttamatta. Ekstrajaksoissa keskustelukumppanit tulevat tutummin kirkon sisäpiiristä, mikä ei tarkoita, etteikö katse suuntautuisi silloinkin ulospäin. Tuotanto: Marjo Kiljunen/Kirkon viestintä
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JYZZ (in my pants)

JenNyan und hc_diZee

Willkommen bei JYZZ ein Podcast von JenNyan und hc_diZee. Ein uralter Boomer und eine junge Wilde nehmen euch mit auf die Reise durch ihre Köpfe. Es werden Themen aus dem täglichen Leben, Influencerdasein als auch zwischenmenschliche Geschichten besprochen. Lehnt euch zurück und genießt das Gequassel von uns beiden.
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Jyotsna Yadav

NET qualified in English and a researcher is here to bust the boredom and hesitation which hinders you to take a positive step forward. This platform will give you confidence, boosting power, and knowledge of literature for the students who want to be academicians. I welcome you all on my channel with #positivity #victory #nomorefear #knowledgetograb.😊
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Jysk Guld


'Jysk Guld – Folkemusik i Danmark' er en podcastserie som handler om at dokumentere og formidle den jyske folkemusik og den scene, den er en del af. Serien skildrer folkemusikken i Jylland bredt set, og interesserer sig både for den jyske kulturarv og den jyske folkemusiks udvikling og fremtid. Seriens afsnit produceres for Mediehaven af forskellige leverandører. 'Jysk Guld – Folkemusik i Danmark' støttes af Den Jyske Kunstfond. Tak for det!
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Mitra Jyothi

Mitra Jyothi

Mitra Jyothi is a non-governmental organization that aims to enable the visually impaired to be independent and fully equipped with the skills required to live a comfortable life. It has a library of audio books that it wishes to make accessible for their education and general reference. These books are currently being distributed through an online library called Sugamya Pustakalaya and via CDs.
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Jyotindra Zaveri

Jyotindra Zaveri

Zaveri has made his mission to help small and medium business people, especially in India, to achieve their dreams, and create successful organizations. WhatsApp +91 95529 46949 As a Business Evangelist, YouTuber, he shares his valuable insight in a variety of ways forms, including personal coaching, speaking at events, and creating useful e-learning resources; including videos, blogs, posts, daily newspapers; and podcasts! He has also written several books! Here is a chance to listen to him ...
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某短大英文学科の学生有志による英語学習ページです。これまで音声によるPodcastを中心に配信していましたが、ここではSpecial Programとして、私たちの住む街・新潟を取り上げ、3回にわたってVideoPodcastを配信します。日本に来られる外国の方、ぜひ一度新潟に立ち寄ってみてください。コメント・ご意見・要望・感想 お待ちしております!This is the special page by JYNNAMMES, college students somewhere in Japan.Here we'll introduce our town, Niigata.If you have a chance to come to Japan or live in Japan, we do hope you'll visit Niigata!
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Overbooked with Jynx and Alisha

EaseDrop Podcast Network

Jynx and Alisha of comedy duo, Lady Bizness, have always wanted to be a part of a book-club, but with their busy schedules they just don’t have the time to read. On Overbooked, Jynx and Alisha are starting a book-club, where absolutely no reading is required.
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Mon territoire j'y crois

Midi Libre

Une émission qui encourage les initiatives RSE et met en lumière les femmes et les hommes qui entreprennent et rendent nos départements attractifs. Découvrez ces acteurs de la vie économique, culturelle ou sociale comme vous les avez rarement entendus. Une émission animée par Philippe DALGUES
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Tea Time with Jynx

Frances Jones

We talk everything from spirituality, to side hustles. Family, to changes. Not to serious and not to lean. Life isn't perfect and neither are we. I'm here to support you on your journey called life. And I'm hoping you'll help me on my journey too. Love and blessings.
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Un bar et j'y vais

Un bar et j'y vais

Le podcast de découverte des bars Lyonnais. Chaque mois, un nouveau bar de Lyon disponible à l'écoute ! Découvrez l'ambiance sonore du bar, l'interview du staff, nos impressions etc. Un podcast mensuel animé par le trio Raphaël HUNOLD, Xavier VIGILAND, Pierre LEMASSON 🍺🍷🍹
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Jyevonne Shanta

Jyevonne Shanta

Welcome to the Jyevonne Shanta podcast, where amazing things happen. I want to introduce you into my world while sharing my life with you honestly and unapologetically. Think of me as your new bestfriend who’s going to hold you down while clowning to the fullest lol. I got you bruh... I’m about talk about the stuff yo mama don’t want you to hear, but yo big sis wants you to know... enter my space, my place, my zone, and my living room. JyevonneShanta
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The Jyotish Podcast

The Jyotish Podcast

Welcome to The Jyotish Podcast, where tradition meets innovation. My mission is to illuminate the true depth of Jyotish as a profound metaphysical system that transcends mainstream astrology's predictive focus. Through this podcast, I aim to guide listeners in exploring the psycho-structural, philosophical, and transformative aspects of Jyotish, connecting it with psychoanalysis, comparative religion, and metaphysics to foster a richer understanding of reality. Each episode is crafted using ...
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show series
On dit « monde paysan » mais quoi de commun entre le céréalier de la Beauce qui se dit « entrepreneur » et pas agriculteur, le maraîcher bio de Normandie opposé à l’industrialisation et la concentration et l’éleveur de bovins de la Nièvre, militant du bien-être animal ? Charlotte Perry est partie en campagne à leur rencontre. Voilà trois moments da…
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책에 관한 걸쭉하고 상큼한 이야기 "책.걸.상"동양 최대의 유리온실이었던 창경궁 대온실을 배경으로, 그 안에 숨어 있는 가슴 저릿한 비밀과 인간에 대한 믿음을 저버리지 않으려는 신념을 감동적으로 보여준다는데요. '대온실 수리 보고서' 지금 바로 만나보시죠~
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In this episode, I tell a story to illustrate why remedies are important in Vedic astrology. They are what helps you have the strength to "get up the hill" and become the best version of yourself As I mentioned in the podcast, I’m going to do a three-part series on remedies in the upcoming weeks. The next part will be about the mechanics of remedie…
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This Women’s Day, we spotlight Chameli – a film that challenges stereotypes and gives voice to a woman often overlooked by society. Set on a stormy night, this underrated gem follows an unlikely friendship between a wealthy banker and a street-smart sex worker, showing resilience, strength, and the power of human connection. Chameli isn’t just a ch…
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I avsnitt 5 får ni höra om en upplevelse Alexander hade i helgen som för honom var lite läskigt, vi pratar också om det som händer i Usa samtidigt som att vi skrattar til varandras skämt. Ingen tema idag, endast löst snack o trevlig atmosfär. Alexander har också en fascination, med vad kan det vara mon tro?…
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What makes a good Responsive Search Ad? In Episode 58 of Inside Google Ads, host Jyll Saskin Gales explains the nuances of crafting effective RSAs. We tackle a user's question about whether you need to include keywords in your ad copy, and explore the murky world of asset performance ratings. Plus, Google Ads specialist Boris Beceric shares practic…
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책에 관한 걸쭉하고 상큼한 이야기 "책.걸.상"《중앙일보》에 연재하고 있는 「박한슬의 숫자 읽기」를 바탕으로 만든 이 책,지금 바로 만나보시죠!
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책에 관한 걸쭉하고 상큼한 이야기 "책.걸.상"글 짓는 약사. 박한슬 작가의 「숫자 한국 : 오늘의 데이터에서 내일의 대한민국 읽기」지금 바로 만나보시죠~
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अतिचारी ग्रह के रहस्यों को जानें Astrologer Nitin Kashyap के साथ! इस वीडियो में हम अतिचारी ग्रह की परिभाषा, कुंडली में इसकी पहचान, पूर्व जन्म के साथ इसका संबंध, और इसके प्रभावों को समझेंगे।#अतिचारी ग्रह की सच्चाई: जानिए कैसे यह आपके जीवन को प्रभावित करता है - #astrologer #learnastrology Join our Whatsapp community - https://whatsapp.com/channel/002…
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Kya pyaar ek socha-samjha decision hota hai ya phir life ke unexpected twists hi asli kahani likhte hain? 🎙️ Iss podcast mein baat karenge Viren aur Aditi ki story—ek rishta jo shuru hone se pehle hi khatam ho gaya, ek Goa trip jo sirf ek test tha, aur ek pyaar jo sab kuch aur zyada complicate kar gaya! Family expectations, religion aur emotions ke…
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I dagens avsnitt tar vi en öl, det var på tiden tyckte vi. Vi pratar också om vårat kärleksliv. Vi går lite i djupet på vad vi söker efter och vad vi gillar. Det kommer också mycket skratt som vanlig. Så det är bara att slappna av och le när vi väl sätter igång.توسط Jynkel Smäck
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On dit « monde paysan » mais quoi de commun entre le céréalier de la Beauce qui se dit « entrepreneur » et pas agriculteur, le maraîcher bio de Normandie opposé à l’industrialisation et la concentration et l’éleveur de bovins de la Nièvre, militant du bien-être animal ? Charlotte Perry est partie en campagne à leur rencontre. Voilà trois moments da…
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On dit « monde paysan » mais quoi de commun entre le céréalier de la Beauce qui se dit « entrepreneur » et pas agriculteur, le maraîcher bio de Normandie opposé à l’industrialisation et la concentration et l’éleveur de bovins de la Nièvre, militant du bien-être animal ? Charlotte Perry est partie en campagne à leur rencontre. Voilà trois moments da…
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Discover how to boost motivation using insights from the Lagna Lord in astrology with Astrologer Nitin Kashyap. Learn where to find self-confidence through Jyotish principles in this informative video. Admission Queries Form - https://forms.gle/QCUaZdfNqLmxuejg9Join our Whatsapp community - https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029Va91... Astro Life Sutras…
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In Episode 57 of Inside Google Ads, host Jyll Saskin Gales tackles a question that might make some advertisers squirm: are some businesses simply too small to advertise? She explores the nuances of Google Ads for small businesses, low-budget campaigns, and niche industries, and discusses how to determine if your business (or your client's business)…
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Mathieu Bosque est président du petit parti de François Ruffin, Picardie debout !. Il est l’invité de Laurence De Cock dans ce nouvel épisode de « Si j’aurais su » pour son livre « À la recherche des profs perdus » qui sort aux éditions de l’Aube.
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In this episode, I talk about the upcoming new moon in Aquarius, the Saturn cycle, fear and a crisis in democracy. I go into this in more detail in the post I've published on my newsletter, which you can find here. This is a public episode. If you'd like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit goodstarsjyotish.…
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오은의 세번째 시집 『유에서 유』 오은의 시를 ‘오은의 시’답게 만드는 유쾌한 말놀이와 단어, 그 이면에 자리한 사회의 부조리를 향한 거침없는 폭로와 상처, 어둠, 쓸쓸함 등의 감정을 기록해내고자 하는 의지는 더욱 강해졌다고 하는데요 요새(?), 요즘(?), 쫌(?), 준 셀럽(?) 잘 나가는 오은 시인 지금 바로 만나보시죠~
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In this episode, we dive into the captivating world of Doli Sajake Rakhna, a film that blends family dynamics, love, and rebellion. Join us as we explore the story of Inder Bansal (Akshay Khanna), a young man from a wealthy family, whose life takes a dramatic turn after he falls for Pallavi (Jyotika), leading to clashes with her overprotective brot…
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Are the Google Ads certifications worth taking to get Google Partner status? In Episode 56 of Inside Google Ads, host Jyll Saskin Gales tackles your burning questions surrounding Google Ads certifications and Google Partner status. Jyll shares her recent experience of having to redo five certifications to maintain her Google Partner status. She exp…
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Une enquête pour prise illégale d’intérêts a été ouverte le 13 février au sujet du financement par ARTE des documentaires de Bernard-Henri LÉVY alors qu’il est président du conseil de surveillance de la chaîne ARTE depuis 1993. Une occasion de retrouver trois de nos émissions consacrées à notre pompeux cornichon, fanfaron adulé par les médias les p…
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Une enquête pour prise illégale d’intérêts a été ouverte le 13 février au sujet du financement par ARTE des documentaires de Bernard-Henri LÉVY alors qu’il est président du conseil de surveillance de la chaîne ARTE depuis 1993. Une occasion de retrouver trois de nos émissions consacrées à notre pompeux cornichon, fanfaron adulé par les médias les p…
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Une enquête pour prise illégale d’intérêts a été ouverte le 13 février au sujet du financement par ARTE des documentaires de Bernard-Henri LÉVY alors qu’il est président du conseil de surveillance de la chaîne ARTE depuis 1993. Une occasion de retrouver trois de nos émissions consacrées à notre pompeux cornichon, fanfaron adulé par les médias les p…
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책에 관한 걸쭉하고 상큼한 이야기 "책.걸.상" 유혹하는 YG 첫 번째 시간, 사회심리학자 조너선 하이트가 "인간 본성에 대한 탁월한 안내자"라 칭한 로버트 M.새폴스키의 저서! 지금 바로 유혹하는 책걸상에서 만나보시죠~
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Opetussarjassa ”Suhde vai systeemi?” pureudumme elävän kristillisyyden olemukseen. Monelle kristinusko merkitsee kristillisiä perinteitä. Vietetään kristillisiä juhlapyhiä, kuten joulua ja pääsiäistä. Useimmat suomalaiset ovat käyneet rippikoulun, useimmat haluvat kirkkohäät ja edelleen noin puolet lapsistakin kastetaan.Kaikki edellä mainittu voi k…
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This Valentine’s Day, The Watchlist is ditching the usual cheesy romances and celebrating love with a twist! We’re talking about two fun, offbeat rom-coms that bring a fresh take on relationships—Rules: Pyaar Ka Superhit Formula and Pyaar Ke Side Effects. From unconventional love stories to quirky characters and hilarious relationship struggles, th…
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I detta avsnitt pratar vi om vårat vänskap, 28 år som bästa vänner. Christopher frågor också några personliga frågor. Vi kollar på några roliga klipp och vi har det roligt som vi brukar ha. Christopher hade glömt att stänga av echo på sin mic, rookie-mistake :)توسط Jynkel Smäck
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If it ain't broke, don't fix it! In Episode 55 of Inside Google Ads, host Jyll Saskin Gales dives into how to choose the right bidding strategy for your Google Ads campaigns. She discusses the pros and cons of different bid strategies, such as manual CPC, target ROAS, and target impression share. Jyll also shares tips on how to determine which bid …
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책에 관한 걸쭉하고 상큼한 이야기 "책.걸.상"김준혁 교수의 책 《돌봄의 역설》은 누구나 돌봄을 원하지만 아무도 돌보려 하지 않는 이러한 역설적인 상황을 쓴 책인데요.오늘은 더 심도 있는 '돌봄이란 무엇인가'에 대해 이야기해 보았습니다. 지금 바로 만나보시죠!
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Antoine Chao rencontre Laurence Marandola, éleveuse de lamas en Ariège et porte-parole nationale de la Confédération paysanne, pour une analyse des résultats des élections des chambres d’agriculture.
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책에 관한 걸쭉하고 상큼한 이야기 "책.걸.상"저마다 생각이 다른 '돌봄'이라는 것에 대해서 쉽고 재미있게 쓰여진 「돌봄의 역설」김준혁 교수님과 함께한 책걸상지금 바로 만나보시죠!
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Opetuksessa ”Lupauksesta luottamukseen” pysähdymme tutkimaan Aabrahamin elämän eri vaiheita esimerkiksi Galatalaiskirjeen opetusten valossa. Mitä tarkoittavat meille esimerkiksi Aabrahamille annettu lupaus maasta ja jälkeläisestä, mikä on se liitto jonka Jumala Aabrahamin kanssa teki, ja olemmeko me sisällä samassa tai samankaltaisessa liitossa nyt…
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Stel jou voor dat 'n Boeing 747 op 'n vervoerband staan, so breed en lank soos 'n aanloopbaan. Die vervoerband is ontwerp om presies by die spoed van die wiele te pas en in die teenoorgestelde rigting te beweeg. Kan die vliegtuig opstyg? Is dit waar dat krokodille nader verwant is aan voëls as aan akkedisse en slange?…
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It’s a special day on The Watchlist! One year ago, this journey began with a simple mission—to bring you hidden cinematic gems that deserve way more love. Over the past year, we’ve explored some incredible films, shared recommendations, and discovered new favorites together.And to make this milestone even more special, we have two legendary guests …
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A Vedic astrology breakdown of Elon Musk’s chart—his strengths, his missteps, and the planetary influences shaping his image, business dealings, and future. What do the stars say about where he’s headed next? Read more at Good Stars Jyotish on Substack. Find out more about me or book a consultation at goodstarsjyotish.com This is a public episode. …
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6,8 और 12 भाव क्यों बुरे? भाव और उसके मालिक मे क्या अंतर है ? राहू - केतु मे क्या बुराई है? विदेश यात्रा और 12 भाव का स्वामी भाव पीड़ित कैसे होता है? Astrologer Nitin Kashyap Astrology Queries Sessionज्योतिष एक अथाह सागर है जिसमे कई ज्योतिष के नियम छिपे हुए है इस चैनल पर प्रसारित video कुंडली के अलग अलग रहस्यों को उजागर करती है चाहे वह #वक्रीग्रह हो…
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How to advertise on YouTube? Let's get into it. In Episode 54 of Inside Google Ads, host Jyll Saskin Gales discusses the ins and outs of YouTube as a powerful tool in Google Ads, addressing common questions about video campaigns, including how to effectively use in-feed ads and leverage your ecommerce product catalog. Key Takeaways include: YouTube…
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책에 관한 걸쭉하고 상큼한 이야기 "책.걸.상"“하나의 숫자 조합과 여섯 건의 사건이 드러내는 한 경찰관의 일생”정교한 추리와 홍콩이라는 특수한 시공간에 대한 치밀한 관찰이 빚어낸중국어권 경찰소설의 최고 걸작! 「13.67」지금 바로 만나보시죠!
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책에 관한 걸쭉하고 상큼한 이야기 "책.걸.상"저번주에 이어 이번주도 추리 소설 「13.67」타이베이 국제도서전 대상 수상작!! 출간과 동시에 영화화 확정!!중국어권 미스터리라는 신세계를 연 바로 그 책 지금 바로 만나보시죠~~p.s 이번주도 아주 화목하게 녹음했답니다 ^^*
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”Aivouskon erämaa” opetuskerralla pysähdymme sen tosiasian eteen että Kristuksen seuraamisessa ei ole kyse järkeisopista. Jos tuntee historiaa, on kiistämätöntä etteikö Jeesus niminen Nasaretin puuseppä olisi elänyt ja ristiinnaulittu. Omat järjenpäätelmät tai oikeaoppisuus ei pelasta ihmistä, vaan elävä suhde elämän antajaan. Aiheeseen kanssamme s…
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راهنمای مرجع سریع

در حین کاوش به این نمایش گوش دهید