Is the world ready for us? Pull up a chair and enjoy the show! -- Every week or so we get together for an evening of hanging out, drinking wine, and talking about just about anything that comes to mind.
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Ep 003 - Boston Market, Flat Earth, Simulations, and More!
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1:38:16Join us this episode for:Boston Market Food ReviewFemale UnclesDating AppsPuerto Rico and Why its not a StateWhy Flat Earth is Even a ThingAre We In A Simulation?توسط Justin and Kelsey Talk About Stuff
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Fart noises on 2 and 4Join us this episode for:The Boiling Water ChallengeThe Cost of the New iPhoneSoul FoodTopic GeneratorWeird NeighborsBushتوسط Justin and Kelsey Talk About Stuff
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Ep 001 - STD Vintage Posters & Other Fun Suff
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1:21:52Justin and Kelsey are big poo head garbage people A+ good job. Nailed itTopics include: Sled DogsSTD Vintage Posters Mad Men/Volkswagon Lemon AdBig Bang Theory/Adorkable MisogynyExploiting the HomelessAdultingPoliticians Are OldMeeting Strangers OnlineSoakingOnly Childrenتوسط Justin and Kelsey Talk About Stuff
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