Podcast waar we ervaringsdeskundigen interviewen over de veilige en behapbare adoptie van Kunstmatige Intelligentie. Deze show is voor iedereen die wil weten wat de do's en don'ts zijn bij het benutten van AI toepassingen. Wij zorgen ervoor dat jouw organisatie de competitie voor kan blijven. We bespreken praktische tips, inspirerende successen en waardevolle lessen om je te helpen AI op een verantwoorde wijze te integreren.
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How to have full control of your Dreams. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/william-larkin6/support
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In this episode we talk to about the I Have A Dream speech what it means in today’s society and we talk about other racial problems. Cover art photo provided by Annie Spratt on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@anniespratt
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Welcome to the I Have A Dream podcast, where host, Rajan Navani, initiates candid conversations with industry leaders and experts to explore their aspirations for India as we enter a golden period. Rajan is the National Chairman of CII's Council on Future Businesses, India@75, and the Artificial Intelligence Task Force, and Chairman, Managing Director, and CEO of JetSynthesys. With a mission to bring the vision of India@100 to reality in the next quarter century, we will explore the challeng ...
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You are tuning into the Tamara Tamu Show; Where Dreams Have No Filter! I invite you to join me as we celebrate the messiness and curves of life discovered when we create and live life from possibilities. When we keep at the forefront of our minds that we are multi-dimensional masterpieces with unlimited potential, that is when we give ourselves permission to live and express ourselves out loud. We exude a particular essence and aura when we confidently live life outside those “practical and ...
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It's about who created, why it was created and how it was created with I have a dream and I know why the caged Bird sings
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Stuur mij een text message. In deze boeiende aflevering gaan we met John in gesprek over: - Ai als Job coach - Projecteren van menselijkheid op chatbots - Innovatie cultuur van start ups vs school - Eigen chatbot voor iedereen - Bring Your Own AI als oplossing voor bedrijven? - Ai schaamte omdat de computer jouw handeling ook kan - Fikken niet bran…
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Stuur mij een text message. Samenvatting podcast "AI Have a Dream" In deze aflevering bespreekt host Coen Brouwer met Taeko van Gelderen hoe woningcorporaties veilig en effectief AI kunnen toepassen. Taeko deelt hoe hij als manager bij Woonstichting Thuis AI inzet om zijn werk efficiënter te maken, van het schrijven van e-mails tot het voorbereiden…
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Stuur mij een text message. In deze korte en krachtige aflevering van 15 minuten duiken we in de meest prikkelende onderwerpen van dit moment rondom AI en werk. Van de gênante momenten van "AI-schaamte" tot de uitdagingen van nep AI en waarom de co-pilot soms tegenvalt. We bespreken Google's race naar de top, hoe virtual agents verrassend winst opl…
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Stuur mij een text message. In deze extra korte maar dynamisch aflevering van 15 minuten deelt Coen met Bart Brouwer zijn inzichten over continu verbetering en innovatie. We bespreken waarom bewustzijn altijd de sleutel is tot verandering en waarom Coen deze podcast is gestart. Hij gelooft dat de komende vijf jaar meer radicale verandering zal bren…
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#6 Otto Koppius van de Erasmus Universiteit over de AI-ACT en verantwoordelijke adoptie van Kunstmatige Intelligentie
Stuur mij een text message. 5 Belangrijke onderwerpen in het gesprek met Otto Koppius over de AI-wet en verantwoordelijke adoptie van Kunstmatige Intelligentie De EU AI Act komt eraan: bereid je voor Organisaties moeten hun AI-systemen registreren en aantonen dat ze risico’s, vooral bij hoogrisicotoepassingen, hebben beperkt. Verantwoordelijke AI g…
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Stuur mij een text message. In deze aflevering van de AI Have a Dream podcast duikt Coen Brouwer samen met Ioannis Zempakakis, AI-directeur bij Prosus, in de toekomst van kunstmatige intelligentie en de impact ervan op organisaties. Ioannis deelt zijn visie dat AI niet slechts een tool is, maar een fundamenteel onderdeel van de strategie: We Are AI…
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Stuur mij een text message. In deze aflevering deelt cybersecurity-expert Jan-Paul Arlar essentiële inzichten over hoe je AI veilig kunt integreren in je organisatie. Ontdek de grootste bedreigingen, slimme beveiligingsoplossingen en praktische tips om cybercriminelen een stap voor te blijven in het digitale tijdperk. Podcast Notes: Interview met J…
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Stuur mij een text message. In deze speciale aflevering van de "AI Have a Dream" podcast nemen we je mee op een inspirerende reis door de wereld van kunstmatige intelligentie en Lean. Coen Brouwer wordt geïnterviewd door André Nagel van Lean Snacks, waarbij we samen ontdekken hoe AI jouw organisatie slimmer, efficiënter én veiliger kan maken. We be…
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Stuur mij een text message. In deze fascinerende aflevering van onze podcast duiken we in de wereld van kunstmatige intelligentie (AI) in de gezondheidszorg. Onze gast, Omar el Khamlichi neemt ons mee op een boeiende reis door zijn carrière en deelt waardevolle inzichten over de transformatieve kracht van AI in de zorgsector. Een Reis door de Tijd:…
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Stuur mij een text message. Welkom bij deze aflevering van de AI have A Dream Podcast waarbij Mark Schoonderbeek, de CISO van Dustin, ons meeneemt en ons onder andere uitlegt: waarom je zou willen dat je medewerkers STAR zijn? Hoe helpt een AI-lab voor het snel boeken van succes? En wat is nodig is om je informatiestrategie in lijn te brengen met d…
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Episode 21 - Fireside Chat with Mr KV Kamath, Past President, CII & Former President, New Development Bank
Today's episode features KV Kamath, Past President of CII & Former President of the New Development Bank, where he shares the Roadmap to take India’s $3 Trillion Economy to $40 Trillion by India@100. To find out more, stay tuned!توسط Rajan Navani
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Episode 20 - Fireside Chat with with Mr Suhel Seth, Managing Partner, Counselage
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1:00:09Today's episode features Suhel Seth, Founder and Managing Director of Counselage, where he talks about India as a brand and what should be done over the next 25 years to elevate it. To find out more, stay tuned!توسط Rajan Navani
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Today's episode features Eric Falt, Director and UNESCO Representative to India, where he talks about India's soft power and the challenges & opportunities to look out for in the next 25 years. To find out more, stay tuned!توسط Rajan Navani
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Today's episode features Professor Rishikesha T Krishnan, Director of IIM, Bangalore, where he talks about India's R&D sector and sustainable global growth in the coming years. To find out more, stay tuned!توسط Rajan Navani
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Today's episode features Dr. RA Mashelkar, Former Director General of CSIR, where he talks about India becoming the R&D hub globally in the next 25 years. To find out more, stay tuned!توسط Rajan Navani
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Today's episode features Shaheen Mistri, CEO of Teach For India, where she talks about the future of education in India. To find out more, stay tuned!توسط Rajan Navani
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Today's episode features Karan Bajaj, Founder of WhiteHat Junior, where he talks about India's EdTech space in the next 25 years. To find out more, stay tuned!توسط Rajan Navani
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Today's episode features Ashutosh Gupta, Country Manager, LinkedIn India, where he talks about skill-based hiring, networking, and social media's role in business growth. To find out more, stay tuned!توسط Rajan Navani
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Today's episode features Shekhar Kapur, Chairman of FTII and an eminent filmmaker, where he talks about India rising as the greatest influence economy in the next 25 years. To find out more, stay tuned!توسط Rajan Navani
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Today's episode features Yashish Dahiya, the Founder & Group CEO of PolicyBazaar, where he talks about India as a leader in the digital tech space in the coming years. To find out more, stay tuned!توسط Rajan Navani
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Episode 11 - Fireside Chat with Ms. Rohini Nilekani, Chairperson, Rohini Nilekani Philanthropies
Today's episode features Rohini Nilekani, the Chairperson of Rohini Nilekani Philanthropies, where she shares her vision for philanthropy and a thriving community in India in the next 25 years. To find out more, stay tuned!توسط Rajan Navani
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Today's episode features Prof. V Kamakoti, Director of IIT Madras, where he shares his vision for India's innovation landscape in the next 25 years. To find out more, stay tuned!توسط Rajan Navani
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Today's episode features Padma Bhushan Dr. M.B. Athreya, where he talks about India's sustainable development goals, management challenges, and becoming a leader in the next 25 years. To find out more, stay tuned!توسط Rajan Navani
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Today's episode features Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, the globally revered spiritual and humanitarian leader, where he shares how India, as a superpower, has and will continue to shape the world's future. To find out more, stay tuned!توسط Rajan Navani
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Episode 7 - Fireside Chat with Dr. Devi Prasad Shetty, Chairman & Executive Director, Narayana Health
Today's episode features Dr. Devi Prasad Shetty, Chairman & Executive Director of Narayana Health, where he shares his vision for India's healthcare sector, the participation that is required, and the training of the future workforce in the next 25 years. To find out more, stay tuned!توسط Rajan Navani
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Episode 6 - Fireside Chat with Mr Tarun Das, Former Director General, CII
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1:02:48Today's episode features Tarun Das, Former Director General of CII, who talks about how India will be at the center of global affairs and will be a superpartner to the world in the next 25 years. To find out more, stay tuned!توسط Rajan Navani
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Today's episode features Ankur Warikoo, author and entrepreneur, where he talks about youth coming together to shape their future, in turn shaping the future of India@100. To find out more, stay tuned.توسط Rajan Navani
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Today's episode features Professor Abhay Karandikar, Director of IIT Kanpur, where he talks about his vision of a technologically advanced India at 100. To find out more, stay tuned.توسط Rajan Navani
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Episode 3 - Fireside Chat with Mr. Vinayak Chatterjee, Infrastructure Sector Specialist
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1:01:50Today's episode features Vinayak Chatterjee, the Chairman of CII'S National Council on Infrastructure, where he talks about how the infrastructure space will evolve over the next 25 years. To find out more, stay tuned!توسط Rajan Navani
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Today's episode features Shradha Sharma, Founder, and CEO of YourStory, where she shares her journey of building YourStory from the ground up and her aspirations for India. To find out more, stay tuned!توسط Rajan Navani
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Episode 1 - Fireside Chat with BK Sister Shivani
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1:04:41Today's episode features BK Sister Shivani, the world-renowned spiritual speaker, practitioner and a teacher of Rajyoga Meditation that is at the heart of the teachings of Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Organization, since 1996. To find out more, stay tuned!توسط Rajan Navani
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Is what I'm doing bringing me Joy? Is the way I'm living my life bringing me Joy? Are the people I'm spending my time with bringing me Joy? Am I living in a way that brings me joy or am I just doing a list of things and spending time with people just because I should?! Joy, harmony,& wealth= we can have all 3! Listen in for more.…
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You Are Worthy Because You Exist
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Procrastination or hesitation at the root..is fear disguised as safety. Listen for more as I break this down, so that the next time, we make a decision to embrace the life we truly desire, we can move beyond the fear.
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The fear of failure is real, BUT don't judge yourself~ Listen to find out what to do instead!
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You are not helping anybody ignoring your true desires and how you want to live your life! Do not let the "un-good" happening in the world keep you from embracing your dreams and goals. Your total fulfillment and living from your true essence is still valid and very much needed!
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The synchronicities that follow after you take inspired action toward the life you desire can appear to be magical. When you move in the direction of joy, your natural mind cannot comprehend the expansion that is taking place in your body and ultimately in your physical existence. Listen in for more!…
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You don't need a sign to decide whether or not your visions, your dreams are for you to embrace or not! The fact that you have the desire is all the "sign" that you need.
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Dreams are for adults too!
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What's on the horizon, give yourself permission to press pause, and a parting note to expect greater~
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(Please notice the sarcasm in the title!) Nothing can kill a dream or a vision faster than people pleasing. People pleasing can show up in the sneakiest of ways. Listen to today's episode to learn how to recognize when you are engaging in the act of people pleasing.توسط Tamara Tamu
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Our words can plants seeds that will unleash: The mightiness in us and other people OR A generational strain of self-limiting beliefs We get to choose!توسط Tamara Tamu
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Have you ever asked yourself that question? Maybe not verbatim, but that's what you're asking when you over-analyze! We over analyze so much that we become used so to struggle and difficulty that when opportunities appear so easily our minds instantly go to "Ok..how can I make this more difficult?" Listen to this episode to get out of over-analyzin…
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Episode 11 Passion Equals Purpose Part 1 https://www.podbean.com/ew/pb-w9u5e-11ea2ae Get your hands on a signed copy of my novel Untapped https://iconicbytamu.com/ibt-publishing/توسط Tamara Tamu
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Free yourself! Do not self help keep you in a loop of always trying to fix something about yourself-Cars get fixed, because they are broken, computers get fixed because they are broken, phones get fixed because they somehow break, But YOU my friend, are not broken-You are powerful~ Listen to this episode! iconicbytamu.com…
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Your messaging is not supposed to look like anyone else’s. So what your delivery isn’t so-called polished? Have you ever considered your purpose is to be unpolished, unfiltered, unconventional and wild? Listen to today's episode as we uncover our true essence!توسط Tamara Tamu
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This watered-down life you are living is not serving you! Did this hit a nerve?! Good. I invite you to try on a new paradigm. Listen to this episode to learn more.توسط Tamara Tamu
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In this episode, I talk about how being unclear about what compassion is can block or delay your manifestations. You came here to be a powerful channel for divine compassion for yourself and others in perfect ways!توسط Tamara Tamu
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When events begin to unfold in your life it is important to understand that the unfolding, most likely, will not look like anything your logical mind or intellect will prescribe AND the actions that we get inspired to take will not look like anything our intellect or ego would prescribe or say that you should do! Why? Because Intuition provides gui…
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Whatever it is that you keep telling yourself you are not ready to do, is probably the thing that will make the difference between where you are now and where you see yourself. [email protected] iconicbytamu.com IG @iconicbytamuتوسط Tamara Tamu
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