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God's Resistance Press

God's Resistance Press

Welcome to God's Resistance Press podcast where we resist sin, self, the devil, and the world! We deal with issues of the heart, mind, body, and soul. Our first responsibility is to “take the beam” out of our own eyes to lead others into the kingdom of God! Believers are sons and daughters of the kingdom of God. We are fitting every soul for war against the counter-kingdom of satan. We are reclaiming ground in ourselves and in the world for King Jesus! Please subscribe for weekly sermons tha ...
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show series
Most people run from their struggles. Will you?Dragons are real. Not the fire-breathing kind—but the fears, doubts, and battles that stand between you and the life God has for you. Some dragons must be slain, others tamed—but all must be faced. Are you ready to step into the fight?In this video, we’ll break down:🔥 Why avoiding your dragons makes th…
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Have we buried Jesus under man-made religion? Dietrich Bonhoeffer warned about a Christianity that loses sight of Christ. Many follow religious traditions but miss the living Jesus. Are we truly walking in His power, or just going through the motions? Discover how to break free from dead religion and encounter Jesus in a real, life-changing way.🙏 I…
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Can you really do the impossible with just mustard seed faith?When God commands you to forgive those who have wronged you—no matter how many times—do you struggle to obey? Do you feel like your faith isn’t enough to meet His expectations? What if Jesus gave us a solution that makes walking in faith and obedience not only possible but powerful? In t…
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They told you gender is a social construct… but why do animals seem to understand their roles better than we do? Today, gender distinctions are under attack like never before. Professors claim biology is just an "assignment" at birth. Activists push radical ideas on children. But what does God say? Genesis 1:27 tells us the truth: Male and female, …
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Are you living in victory or just surviving? Many Christians today are like Israel on the borders of the Promised Land—close, but not possessing what God has already given them. Have you settled for a weak, powerless faith when the fullness of the Spirit is yours for the taking?The Bible makes it clear: spiritual immaturity and compromise keep us i…
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The devil doesn’t attack at random—he waits for the perfect moment. Are you ready when temptation strikes? Luke 4:13 reveals how the enemy waits for a more opportune time to target your weaknesses. But you don’t have to fall into his trap.In this video, learn how to stay vigilant, recognize the devil’s strategies, and overcome every temptation thro…
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Does God’s grace leave no room for resistance? Or is there more to the story than Calvinism teaches? In this introductory episode, we unravel the philosophical underpinnings of irresistible grace—a cornerstone of Calvinist theology.Explore the surprising contradictions behind this doctrine and discover why it matters for your understanding of salva…
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You’ve learned, you’ve gained wisdom—but nothing seems to change. Proverbs 4:7 reminds us, “Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.” But wisdom without action leaves you spiritually stuck and unfulfilled. Understanding is the key that makes wisdom come alive—it’s how you apply God’s truth to …
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What if you're missing the secret to a stronger, more fulfilling walk with God?Discover how to receive God’s grace through the biblical practices or spiritual disciplines outlined in Acts 2:42. Acts 2:42 reveals how the early church thrived: through steadfast devotion to the apostles' teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread, and prayer. But here's …
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The disciples walked with Jesus, healed the sick, and cast out demons—yet they still lacked something essential. Have you ever wondered if being “saved” is enough, or if there’s more to living a victorious Christian life? In Acts 2:1-4, everything changed for the disciples on the day of Pentecost. They were filled, empowered, and purified by the Ho…
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Why Calvinists Get Atonement Wrong What if the cross of Christ was meant for more than the “chosen few”, "Limited Atonement"? Explore the surprising truths behind universal atonement and how Calvinist theology limits the power of the cross. Does God’s love extend to all, or just the elect? Uncover biblical insights that challenge “limited atonement…
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What if justice required mercy? The story of King Zalencus, torn between his duty as ruler and his love for his son, reveals a profound truth: true justice doesn’t merely demand punishment—it seeks the highest good for all. This dramatic tale mirrors the heart of the Governmental Theory of Atonement, showing how the cross of Christ upheld God’s jus…
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Discover why the Penal Substitution Theory of Atonement might conflict with God's character of justice and love. Was Jesus truly punished in our place to satisfy divine wrath? Or does this theory misrepresent the biblical narrative? Explore a scripturally grounded alternative that upholds God’s justice and mercy without moral contradictions. Can si…
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Why does God require complete devotion from His people? Romans 12:1-2 calls us to be living sacrifices, fully aligned with His perfect will. But this isn’t just about personal transformation—it’s about our role in God’s Kingdom. For His government to be effective, He needs wholly sanctified people, willing to live with unwavering loyalty and purpos…
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God has opened a unique window of mercy for our nation, but will the church rise to the challenge or retreat in comfort? In this video, inspired by 2 Kings 13, we explore the pivotal choice the church faces today. Will we respond like King Joash, striking the ground half-heartedly, or will we rise in bold faith, striking six arrows into the ground,…
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What if repentance isn’t just a “nice to have” but a non-negotiable for true forgiveness? Today’s video uncovers why God’s own justice demands repentance, and what that means for us. If sin is brushed aside without repentance, God’s character and His rule are called into question—could it even mean He’s willing to overlook sin without consequence? …
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Does God really act with reason in everything? Or are there times when it seems like His actions are random? What if I told you that every event, every detail of your life, has a purpose far beyond what you can see? In this video, we dive deep into the powerful words of Isaiah 9:6-7, uncovering how God’s government, placed on the shoulders of Chris…
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What does it really mean to "be alert" and "stand firm in your faith"? In this video, we dive deep into 2 Peter 5:8-9, exploring the powerful call to vigilance against spiritual dangers. Discover how to protect yourself from the subtle enemy tactics that can lead you astray. Why should you care? Because your spiritual growth and safety depend on it…
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What if you could completely transform the way you think and live? This video dives into the powerful message of rejecting your old self and seeking Christ above, as outlined in Colossians 3:1-11. Are you still trapped by sinful habits, worldly desires, or a mindset that leaves you empty? The Bible teaches us to put those things to death and align …
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Are you being told that faith alone is enough? What if the Bible says something different? Revelation 22:14 reveals a truth that many overlook: obeying Christ's commandments is the key to eternal life. Could your salvation really be conditional? This video uncovers how faith without works could leave you outside the gates of heaven.🙏 If you enjoyed…
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You’ve been told your salvation is secure… but what if that’s a lie?In Revelation 3:3-5, Jesus warns that names can be blotted out of the Book of Life. That’s right—your salvation is not guaranteed. This video exposes the false promise of eternal security and reveals the real biblical truth: salvation is conditional. What does that mean for you? Ar…
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In this thought-provoking video, we explore a crucial question: Was the Church at Ephesus in danger of losing their salvation? Delve into the complexities of eternal security as we examine the biblical context surrounding the early church's struggles. Did the believers in Ephesus risk backsliding into spiritual apostasy, or does the doctrine of "on…
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Is salvation truly secure, or can it be lost? Can you lose your salvation? In this video, we explore the critical insights from the Book of Jude that challenge the popular notion of 'once saved, always saved.' Jude’s warnings about falling away, false teachers, and the need to persevere in faith raise important questions for every believer.Join us …
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Is salvation conditional according to 1 John? In this video, we dive deep into the Apostle John's teachings to explore whether our salvation is based on meeting certain conditions or if it's a gift of grace through faith alone. We'll examine key verses and unpack the context behind John's words to bring clarity to this important theological questio…
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Explore the meaning of 'Make Your Calling and Election Sure' in 2 Peter. Is salvation truly conditional on our continued faith and obedience? Dive deep into the biblical perspective on conditional salvation and understand the implications of this powerful scripture. Perfect for those studying 2 Peter and seeking clarity on salvation's requirements.…
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Can we be a Christian if we are a hearer only of God's word but not a doer. James 1:22-27 implies conditional salvation in that if we are turly saved our lives will show obedience to God. James said faith without works is dead. Are you in the faith?🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and up…
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If I have "accepted" Jesus, do works matter for salvation? Do we have to persevere to the end in order to be finally saved? Let's see what Jesus says in John 8:31-51 in this episode!🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community.🔗 Connect with us …
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In this thought-provoking video, we delve into the concept of conditional salvation and explore the profound question: Can you be salt that has lost its flavor? Drawing from the teachings in Luke 14:25-35, we examine the implications of spiritual drift and what it truly means to be a disciple of Christ. Are you living a life marked by faithful obed…
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Learn about the danger of rejecting your rewards for sin. Some christians teach and believe you can live a sinful "christian" life, losing your rewards in heaven but still be saved in the end. Is this what 1 Corinthians 3:15 really teaches? Join us in this episode to see if this passages teaches a "once saved always saved" experience or is conditio…
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Discover the profound teachings from John 15 on the importance of abiding in the Vine for a fruitful and abundant life and how that relates tp our salvation. This video explores the concept of biblical abiding, the relationship between the branches and the Vine, and the significance of spiritual growth in Christian living. Learn about the grace tha…
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In this thought-provoking episode, we explore the crucial topic of denying oneself and picking up the cross in order to be saved. The debate between Lordship Salvation and eternal security is explored, shedding light on the significance of grace and faith in the journey towards true faith. Join us as we navigate through the controversies surroundin…
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Can Christians live with one foot in the world and one foot in the Church of Christ? Can a Christian be half-hearted? Find out in this episode as we look at Elijah, the prophets of Baal and 1 Kings 18.🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community…
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Thank God for our freedoms in the united states but what about your personal freedom. Have you declared yourself independent from sin. Is Jesus now your master? 🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Aud…
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When we accept Jesus as our Savior, God forgives all our sins: past, present, and future. Forgiveness comes as a total package; God does not forgive us partially but wholly. (Got Questions) Is this really biblically true? Find out in this episode.🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and upda…
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In this video, we'll dive into Romans 7 to explore whether we are meant to live in sin forever. Watch to learn more about the Once Saved Always Saved debate and if Romans 7 is just an excuse to sin.🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community.🔗 …
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Doesn't John 10 teach us when we become sheep we have life eternal and that can never change? Find out the answer to this question in this episode. 🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Audio Podcast: […
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What does it mean to be sealed by the Holy Spirit. Does that mean we are eternally secure? Can the seal be broken?🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community.🔗 Connect with us on social media:Audio Podcast: [podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/gods…
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When you are saved your name is written in the Lamb's book of life! Is there any danger that you might have your name blotted out of that book? What would cause such an awful thing? Listen to this episode on Revelation 3:1-6 to find out! 🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We w…
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Is Salvation just a one-and-done past experience? Do I really have to war against sin and endure all the way to the end? What does it mean to endure? If I don't endure what happens? Find the answer to these questions in this episode on Matthew 24:13. 🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and …
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Can A believer wander away from salvation and be damned. Does their sould need to be saved from death? Watch this episode as we look into James 5:19-20 to find out.🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community.🔗 Connect with us on social media:Au…
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If I listen to someone tell me I can never lose my salvation once saved, can I be deceived and lost forever? Should I trust my eternal soul in the hands of a false prophet? If I turn back to my sin am I in danger. 2 Peter 2 sheds light on these very questions. Watch this episode and get these questions answered.🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remembe…
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Sin willfully no more sacrifice? "Will one little sin jeopardize my soul?", is the wrong question. The right question is, "Where does sin lead?" The Bible says the wages of sin is death. If the result of sin is death, could my willful sins, after salvation, cause me to turn my back on Christ? Is sinning after being saved dangerous? If I turn my bac…
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If you are saved and have tasted the heavenly gift of the Holy Spirit (hebrews 6:4-6) there is eternal security! You'll go to heaven no matter what! At least, that is what many think. But what do we do with Hebrews 6 stating its impossible if we have fallen away to be renewed again unto repentance? Can I lose my salvation? Is once saved always save…
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What if your beliefs could lead to being cut off? Explore Romans 11:13-23 and uncover the truth about faith, obedience, and the consequences and possibilities of disconnecting from God's covenant. Don't wait until it's too late—discover how to secure your spiritual future today. 🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and sub…
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Can you lose your salvation? Is Salvation Like a Race? Can you be Disqualified. We're looking into 1 for 9:24-27 and 10:1-12. 🙏 If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community. 🔗 Connect with us on social media: Audio Podcast: [podcasters.spotify.com…
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Discover the link between contentment and God's supply in this video exploring Phillipians 4. Find peace and fulfillment in trusting in God's provision.🙏 If you enjoy the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a part of the community.🔗 Connect with us on social media:Instagram: [http…
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In this video, we'll show you 5 steps for finding peace with God, others, and yourself. Learn how to pray, rejoice in the Lord, practice thanksgiving, and think on positive things to experience true peace in your life. ðŸ™� If you enjoyed the podcast, remember to like, share, comment and subscribe to stay connected and updated. We want you to be a …
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Did you know that 95% of people are unhappy with their lives because they are too selfish? Find out how you can break free from this trap and live a fulfilling life of love and sacrifice in this episode. Fight ..... For Your Rights ..... Or Show Some Grace! The Beastie Boys wrote a song about fighting for their rights to party against the protests …
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Do you ever feel frustrated or angry when you spend time with Christians who have different views or practices than you? Maybe you've never even met them in person but have read a book or listened to a sermon. Do you wonder what to do when it appears your conscience and another believers conscience clash over things like food, holidays, or entertai…
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Are you tired of living in fear of the law of the land or the judgment of God? You think you're going to get caught. You hate laws and the cops - they need to stay out of my personal business! God won't judge me! I don't hurt anybody. Do you want to learn how to live a life free from this fear and anxiety and be ready to meet the supreme law-giver …
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