Génération عمومی
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show episodes
The Generation Why Podcast released its first episode in 2012 and pioneered the true crime genre in the podcasting world. Two friends, Aaron & Justin, break down theories and give their opinions on unsolved murders, controversies, mysteries and conspiracies. Listen to Generation Why on the Wondery App or wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen to all episodes ad-free on Wondery+. Join Wondery+ in the Wondery App, Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Start your free trial by visiting wondery.com ...
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Der Generationstalk


FRAUEN LEBEN HEUTE - Das sind die Themen, mit denen wir uns in unserem Podcast auseinandersetzen. Wer sind wir? Kathleen Friedrich, 46 Jahre alt & Mia Bosselmann, 20 Jahre alt. Zusammen möchten wir eine Community schaffen, in der sich Frauen aller Altersklassen austauschen können.
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Felix Behm

Im GenerationZ-Talk geht es um das Thema Generation Z und Arbeitswelt. Sie finden in diesem Kanal Interviews mit Unternehmern, Trainern, Coaches, Pädagogen und Schülern - alle sind sie in verschiedensten Themen Experten und teilen ihr Wissen in diesem Podcast
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Élodie Laflamme

SAISON 4! ✨ Bienvenue dans l'univers du podcast Générations YZ. Nous avons des conversations autour de la spiritualité, du développement personnel, du mindset et de l'entreprenariat. Ce podcast s'adresse à celles qui veulent apprendre à me connaître plus et découvrir des personnes méga spirituelles. C'est ici que je parle de sujets vulnérables dont je ne parle nulle part ailleurs. Si tu veux être invitée sur mon podcast, écris-moi avec plaisir. 💖 Bonne écoute! 🎙
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"Die Generation Z ist faul." Jede erdenkliche Schublade wird aufgemacht und die neue Generation darin hineingesteckt. In diesem Podcast gehen wir dem "Mythos" GenZ auf den Grund, indem wir mit der GenZ reden anstatt über die GenZ zu reden.
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Leader Generation


Mod Op’s Leader Generation podcast, hosted by Tessa Burg, inspires growth-minded marketers with ideas and insights from industry experts who use progressive strategies to win at marketing.
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Christina Fischer

Entdecke den GenerationPille-Podcast mit Christina Fischer: Dein Guide zu Zyklus, Hormonen und Frauengesundheit Tauche ein in die Welt der Frauengesundheit mit Christina Fischer, deiner Expertin für integrative Frauengesundheit und Coaching. Als Gastgeberin des GenerationPille-Podcasts teilt sie seit 2021 wertvolles Wissen zu den Themen Verhütung, Sexualität und wie du ein energiegeladenes Leben im Einklang mit deinen Hormonen führen kannst. Im Podcast geht Christina kritisch auf die Folgen ...
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Console Generation

Console Generation

Console Generation è una trasmissione settimanale dedicata ai videogiochi, dove trovi news, recensioni, anteprime, musica e i vostri commenti. Siamo in diretta tutti i venerdì alle 22:30 su Spreaker e in podcast subito dopo.
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The Greatest Generation

Adam Pranica and Benjamin Harrison review Star Trek

A Star Trek podcast by two guys who are a bit embarrassed to have a Star Trek podcast. After reviewing all of Star Trek: The Next Generation, DS9, and Voyager, we’re reviewing Star Trek: Enterprise from beginning to end. Check out Greatest Trek, our companion podcast about all the new Star Trek series!
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Welcome to the audio podcast of Generation Church led by Pastor Rich and Tina Romero. Our hope is that these messages give you hope, faith and encouragement throughout the week. To learn more about Generation Church please Visit us online - https://mygeneration.cc
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Generation Klima

BUNDjugend (Jugend im Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz e.V.)

Die Pole schmelzen, der Meeresspiegel steigt, Wetterextreme wie Dürren oder Überflutungen nehmen zu, und massenweise Tierarten sterben aus. Doch es gibt Hoffnung für unseren Planeten: Unsere Generation sieht nicht länger stillschweigend dabei zu, wie unsere Zukunft verbaut wird! In unserem Podcast vertiefen wir unser Wissen über den Klimawandel, finden heraus, wie die Stadt von morgen aussehen sollte und suchen nach Antworten, wie das gute Leben für alle Wirklichkeit werden kann.
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Génération Z

Romain L'Hostis, Thomas Rocher

euradio vous donne rendez vous une fois par mois pour Génération Z. Avec Euranet Plus, le réseau de radios européennes, nous tirons le portrait de jeunesse européenne qui s'engage et fait bouger les lignes.
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Generation Jihad

FDD's Long War Journal

The war against Islamic Jihadism is defining generations. It was our father’s war, it’s our war, and will most likely be our children’s war. The FDD' s Long War Journal team has been researching and reporting for over two decades on the jihadists fueling this terror. “Generation Jihad” features LWJ Editors Bill Roggio and Caleb Weiss as they diagnose the black and white motivations behind the world’s most notorious terrorists, report on their expanding malign activities, and offer their pres ...
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Silent Generation

Silent Generation

Silent generation is a Chicago based cultural analysis podcast that surveys the cultural consequences of urban renewal and car-oriented development in the mid-20th century. It explores what was lost between the silent generation and generation Z, pointing to negative outcomes (nihilism, regional homogeneity, and low trust societies) and potential antidotes (subcultures, secular social movements, and individual moral codes). Topics discussed include art, fashion, politics, history and urbanis ...
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Fit Generation

Fit Generation

La academia online donde puedes estudiar formación oficial para convertirte en entrenador y dietista de forma legal con algunos de tus referentes como docentes. 🏋️ Formación Entrenadores (AudioFit CPE): https://bit.ly/3zsyl3g 🍽️ Formación Dietistas (AudioFit CPD): https://bit.ly/3mtiSbk
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Welcome to the weekly podcast of Generation Church led by Pastors Ben and Melissa Pierce, located in Jupiter, FL. We exist to empower every generation to find purpose in the message and cause of Jesus so that, together, we change the world. Learn more and get connected by visiting generationchurch.com/visit today.
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Wir sind Generation Sound und wir reden über Musik. Was sind die großen Platten, wer sind die Artists, die man kennen muss, was ist der neueste Poptrend und wie klingt die Zukunft? Christoph Sepin präsentiert aktuelle Popnews, Interviews mit großen Bands, Wünsche, Vorhersagen und Analysen aus der Musikwelt. Denn wer hören will, muss fühlen.
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Generations Church

Generations Church

Generations Church, in Canton, GA, features live teaching from Pastor Jeremy Isaacs and others. Our desire is that as a result of these messages, you would be challenged and changed. You can find out more about our church and the ministries that we offer by visiting www.G.church or Facebook.com/myGchurch
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2 Generations 1 Mic


Explore the journey of an intergenerational and intercultural couple navigating life, love, and the unique challenges of a 25-year age gap. At 36 and 61, they bring together two different generations, cultures, perspectives, and life experiences, while making it work.
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In „Hungry Minds – eine Generation, die fordert“ trifft Journalistin und Gründerin Ronja Ebeling auf wechselnde Menschen, die aus der jungen Perspektive heraus auf Missstände in der Gesellschaft aufmerksam machen. Wir nehmen das Bildungssystem, die Wirtschaft und die Justiz auseinander, beleuchten persönliche Geschichten und stellen spannende Vorbilder vor, die sich mit der Zukunft beschäftigen - unsere Zukunft!
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Future Generations Podcast with Dr. Stanton Hom

Weekly discussions with incredible influencers in Health Freedom, Self-Heal

The Future Generations podcast is for practitioners, professionals, parents who are committed to natural living and health freedom and especially our future generations. Powerful weekly conversations with doctors, scientists, influencers and parents that have catalyzed the transformation of families, communities and the planet with their expertise, inspiration and leadership in natural living, brilliance, and self-healing.
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Today's family and social-economic systems are failing and will continue to do so unless the collective people regain a proper understanding of reality. Generations Radio, with Kevin Swanson, presents that proper understanding of reality by speaking to the issues people face in the modern day from the perspective of a biblical worldview. Broadcasting from our basement studio in Elizabeth, Colorado, we reach over 100 countries.
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Not My Generation

Possibilities, Inc.

Underwhelmed by American political media? Looking for a better source of news and information entertainingly delivered by two professors and political scientists who are complete nerds on opposite sides of the political spectrum? Not My Generation is the pod for you! Not My Generation explores social and political issues at a state, national, and international level from the viewpoints of the millennial generation (Dr. Stacey) and Gen X (Prof. Davenport). We analyze current events, advances ...
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Generations Church is an Assemblies of God church based out of Tallahassee, Florida. This podcast will provide you with sermons from Lead Pastor Brian Neugent and many other guest speakers. Our prayer is that this podcast would encourage, challenge, and strengthen you.
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Génération Do It Yourself

Matthieu Stefani | Orso Media

Nous sommes la moyenne des personnes que nous fréquentons : GDIY est le podcast qui décortique le succès des personnes qui ont fait le grand saut. Que ce soient des entrepreneurs, des sportifs ou encore des artistes, je vous propose, sous forme d'interviews sans filtre, de rentrer dans leur histoire, dans leur quotidien. Mon objectif est de comprendre leur mode de pensée, leur organisation ou encore leurs outils, et de vous proposer un véritable MBA des échecs et des succès de ces invités.
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Learn about how you are intricately designed by Creator God and all the aspects of life that make you unique! Listen to this link to learn how to Jumpstart Your Journey with Jesus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=liglAaxIO_s&list=PLCbVqylphSz-7dBxd7BmIGxDt8d-ym9Xz
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Healing Generations

Healing Generations Institute

Healing Generations is a podcast that addresses the question of how we transform and heal generations of trauma and inequity in our society today. As part of a larger effort of the Healing Generations Institute, co-created by the National Compadres Network and The Brotherhood of Elders, we will invite the insights of cultural wisdom keepers, healers, social advocates and visionaries as they offer the medicine that can guide us on our journey towards justice and interconnected sacredness for ...
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Generation Life Church

Generation Life Church

Generation Life Church - We are a life giving Church for everyone! We are multigenerational, multicultural, and exist to multiply by reaching our community both locally and globally with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Hillsborough, NC. Pastor Keith Barreto.
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show series
“J’écris toujours la fin en premier, j'écris pour la claque de fin.” Amanda Sthers a envoyé ses premiers manuscrits dès l’âge de 15 ans. Elle rencontre rapidement l’éditeur Jean-Marc Robert qui discerne en elle un potentiel, à raison. Sa méthode est inconventionnelle. Elle n’écrit pas en suivant l’ordre chronologique mais par petites scènes isolées…
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Christmas is a time of giving and receiving gifts. Have you received the gift of new life? Listen today and share this with others. If you listened to this message and received Jesus for the first time, got healed, delivered, or filled with the Holy Spirit, we want to send you a free digital copy of our book, The Winning Ticket: Radically Change Yo…
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#LegoHorizonAdventures Puntata del 20/12/2024 - La prova di LEGO Horizon Adventures - Le news della settimana - Gli annunci improbabili - La Kojima Inutility - La Resident Evil curiosity Console Generation è la trasmissione radiofonica settimanale dedicata ai videogiochi, condotta da Andrea Facchinetti e Raffaele Cinquegrana. Andiamo in diretta dal…
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Welcome back to The Comments Section with your favourite chaos queens, Emma and Victoria! This week, we explore how money anxiety influences your spending habits, whether it’s splurging out of stress or holding back when you shouldn’t. We also unpack the importance of celebrating life’s non-traditional milestones and how viewing your life like a bu…
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¿Cuál es la mejor rutina de piernas para ganar masa muscular? Nuestro profesor y preparador de culturismo Ángel López (@gorilangel) te explica las claves para ganar músculo en tus cuádriceps, femorales y glúteos.Ver vídeo en YT: https://youtu.be/FRIYkXmaMkQ➡️ Calculadora de volumen de entrenamiento: https://fitgeneration.es/calculadora/volumen-entr…
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Was haben Berufsschulen eigentlich mit dem Klima zu tun? Eine ganze Menge, wie wir euch in dieser Folge der Reihe "Klimabildung" zeigen. Wir sprechen mit Laura von KlimaAUSbildung darüber, wie wir mit Berufsschüler*innen über das Klima sprechen können und Lust machen auf eine klimaverträgliche Zukunft. KlimaAUSbildung bietet als Projekt kostenlose,…
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On this week's show, the guys discuss the new trailer for DC Studios' Superman, Marvel reportedly targeting Stranger Things' Sadie Sink to play Jean Grey, and turmoil at Sony Pictures following the disappointing debut of Kraven the Hunterتوسط Nu Generation Podcast Network
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Thanks for checking out this week's message from Generation Church, led by Pastors Ben and Melissa Pierce, located in Jupiter, FL. We exist to empower every generation to find purpose in the message and cause of Jesus so that, together, we change the world. Live services weekly at 8:30AM / 10:00AM / 11:30AM. Follow us for more! Give: To support thi…
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On this episode of The Content Generation Podcast, we’re joined by Melissa Mertz, Product Manager at ParentSquare, whose journey from the classroom to the edtech space offers a fresh perspective on how schools can elevate their online presence with school websites. As the leader of ParentSquare’s Smart Sites tool, she helps schools create websites …
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Wir blicken noch ein bisschen zurück auf das Musikjahr 2024 und hören uns ein paar Lieblingsalben des Jahres an. Zum Beispiel "Submarine" von The Marías. Ist das ein Love-Song-Album? Oder ein Break-Up-Album? Was hat das mit Floating Tanks zu tun und was ist Unterwassermusik? Sendungshinweis: Generation Sound - der FM4 Musikpodcast, Montag, 16.12.20…
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In this episode, Cheryl Boehm and Tessa Burg discuss the potential of AI agents in marketing. Tessa Burg explains the concept of AI agents and how they differ from GPTs. They talk about how these tools go beyond traditional apps, automating complex tasks, providing predictive insights and enabling marketers to focus on strategic problem-solving. Te…
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In this episode, Emily and James analyze the 2024 presidential election with a couple of students. They discuss the gains Trump made with voters over his 2020 election, why non-college educated voters are trending away from Democrats, and the Republican majority in Congress. Along the way, James & Emily brag about a couple of predictions they got r…
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Glenn Flickinger welcomes three leading experts on the finest medium range bomber in history, the B-26 Marauder that fought in World War II and was adopted by Allied forces the world over. Josh Muri, Nick Cressy, and Ron Bolesta from the B-26 Marauder Historical Society join us to talk about the history of an aircraft renowned for its speed, versat…
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What drives a regular person to risk it all in the criminal underworld? On Wondery's Criminal Lives, host Danny Gold takes you inside the minds of some of America’s most successful black market entrepreneurs. From a larger-than-life steroids kingpin to the self described "Original Gay Gangster" who had a gift for numbers and an addiction to luxury,…
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When the Entrepreneur stops at a deuterium mining colony, the very stressed out miners don’t seem willing to sell. But when Trip offers to help with facility repairs, Archer insists on teaching a man how to murder his bullies. Which cartoon character definitely has bodies? What could these Klingons use more of? Why is T’Pol keeping her badass-ness …
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Welcome to the audio podcast of Generation Church, led by Pastor Rich and Tina Romero. Our hope is that these messages give you hope, faith and encouragement throughout the week. To learn more about Generation Church: Visit us online: https://mygeneration.cc Contact us: https://mygeneration.cc/contact Interact with us: If you made a decision to fol…
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Traumberuf Influencer? Ein ehrlicher Blick hinter die Kulissen „Papa, bist du wirklich ein Influencer?“ Diese Frage meines Sohnes hat den Startschuss für unsere neueste Folge von Generation XYZ gegeben. In dieser Episode tauschen wir die Rollen: Er stellt die Fragen, ich antworte – ehrlich, kritisch und mit einer guten Portion Selbstironie. Was bed…
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Einsamkeitsreport 2024 Trotz digitaler Vernetzung und ständiger Erreichbarkeit fühlen sich immer mehr Menschen einsam. Das gilt besonders für die jüngere Generation. In dieser Folge wollen wir wissen: Wie gehen Menschen mit Einsamkeit um und gibt es da einen Unterschied zwischen den Generationen? Flexen wir online manchmal mit unseren Freundschafte…
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Full episode available on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/SilentGeneration Futurism was an Italian art movement focused on speed, technology, and violence that began in 1909 after Filippo Tommaso Marinetti published the Manifesto of Futurism. Italian Futurists thought that their nascently-industrialized country was developing at a slow pace due to…
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There are over twice as many unemployed twenty-somethings as there were four years ago! That's a 200 percent increase in the unemployment ratio! Is there any reason to sit around and twiddle the thumbs? Opportunities are always everywhere. Kevin Swanson interviews Russ McGuire on his mentorship of young men through entrepreneurship. How does a youn…
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There are over twice as many unemployed twenty-somethings as there were four years ago! That's a 200 percent increase in the unemployment ratio! Is there any reason to sit around and twiddle the thumbs? Opportunities are always everywhere. Kevin Swanson interviews Russ McGuire on his mentorship of young men through entrepreneurship. How does a youn…
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