The 94WIP Afternoon Show with Ike Reese, Spike Eskin, and Jack Fritz every weekday from 2-6pm.
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The official podcast of Greg Fritz.
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Auf meinem Podcast spreche ich mit spannenden Gästen über Training, Ernährung, Therapie, Mindset und alles aus der Welt. Mein Ziel ist es den spannendsten Persönlichkeiten dieser Bereiche aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum eine Plattform zu geben und dir die Möglichkeit aus jeder Episode etwas mitzunehmen.
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Kom med tilbage til musikkens storhedstid i tressernes og halvfjerdsernes England og USA. Musikekspert Kim Fritz udbyder seks foredrag om kunstnere/bands, der alle både afspejler og havde indflydelse på deres samtid.
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Pfarrer FritzsBox - christlich - katholisch - gut ! Predigten aus der katholischen Gemeinde Bruchsal-Michaelsberg
[email protected] (Thomas Kluss)
Lebendig – so soll unser Glaube sein. Unsere Kirche, unsere Gemeinschaft und unseren Glauben mit Leben füllen, das ist unser Ziel. Wir sind eine sehr lebendige christliche Gemeinde aus dem badischen Norden von Baden-Württemberg. Um noch mehr Menschen für das Wort Gottes erreichen zu können, haben wir uns zu diesem Podcast entschieden. Wir veröffentlichen hier regelmäßig die Predigten unseres Pfarrers Thomas Fritz (daher auch der Name "FritzsBox"). Zudem kommen auch Predigten weiterer Geistli ...
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Wir, die Gruppe Emma und Fritz, sind eine ideologiekritische Gruppe aus Stuttgart. Wir veranstalten regelmäßig Vorträge und Buchvorstellungen im Raum Stuttgart oder online und veröffentlichen die Audiomitschnitte anschließend im Netz. Gerne lassen wir uns auch selbst zu Vorträgen und Workshops einladen. Wir sind zu finden bei Spotify, iTunes, Instagram, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter und unter
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Kurz und knackig bekommst Du hier Impulse für Deine Persönlichkeitsentwicklung. Es geht darum, wie Du Deine Motivation steigern kannst, wie du schaffst, was Du Dir vorgenommen hast, anstatt dass dich deine Vorsätze schaffen. Du erfährst, wie Du mehr Mut entwickelst zum Loslassen und Anpacken. Wie es Dir gelingt aus deiner Komfortzone herauszutreten und wie Du Dir neue nützliche Routinen zulegen kannst. Es geht um dich - wie du bist und wie du werden kannst, was du bist. Zwischendurch lade ic ...
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Wöchentlicher Fussball-Podcast mit Max Fritzsching & Michael Strohmaier! Rückblick & Highlights vom Bundesliga-Spieltag und auch ein bisschen 2. Bundesliga - jeden Sonntag neu! Auch als YouTube-Show verfügbar: Clips, Memes und vieles mehr auf Social Media! Instagram: TikTok: X (Twitter): --------------- Managed by Scaling GmbH Business-Anfragen an: i ...
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Blog/Podcast/Videocast de um brasileiro em Munique, sobre a vida na Alemanha e na Europa em geral.
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Musik ohne Plattenvertrag im Radio. Immer Sonntags von 20-22 Uhr. Auf Fritz. Eure Songs einfach über einsenden.
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Welcome to the On The Fritz podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Fritz Kalkbrenner's album "Ways Over Water" will be released in october 2014, this is a little teaser of the third milestone of the Berlin born singer and producer.
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Falls nicht die akute Unlust zuschlägt, dann wird es mehrfach täglich einen beliebigen Witz zu hören geben, der zum schmunzeln, stirnrunzeln oder ähnliches einlädt.
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Family based variety podcast giving the listeners the Coatesville point of view, covering topics such as life, sports, street life, prison, death, entertainment, politics, religion and more hoping to give the listeners a home for all there current life planning and enjoyment.
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Fritz Kalkbrenner’s album "Grand Départ" will be released in October 2016, this is a little teaser of the 4th milestone of the Berlin born singer and producer.
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Adolf Eichmann war in den 50er Jahren einer der meist gesuchten NS-Verbrecher. Als Leiter des Reichssicherheitshauptamts war er verantwortlich für die Verfolgung, Deportation und Ermordung von schätzungsweise sechs Millionen europäischen Juden. Im Mai 1960 wurde Eichmann schließlich vom israelischen Geheimdienst in Argentinien gefasst und nach Israel gebracht, wo ihm 1961 der Prozess gemacht wurde. Welche Rolle Fritz Bauer beim Auffinden Eichmanns zukam, war lange unbekannt. Wäre es ohne das ...
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Die beiden leidenschaftlichen Seebären Fischer & Fritz haben die Leinen los gemacht und steuern volle Fahrt voraus - in Richtung der nächsten Partynacht. Damit den beiden Wasserratten die Arbeit auf und unter Deck leichter von der Hand geht, hat sich das DJ-Team Achim Reichels Alltime-Party-Klassiker vorgeknöpft und in ein zeitgemäßes Soundgewand transportiert. Damit bleibt garantiert kein Tanzbein still stehen und gute Laune ist dabei ebenfalls vorprogrammiert – auf Wasser, an Land und auf ...
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Tokio Hotel kapern die Frühsendung. Nina Chuba spielt ihre Lieblingshits live im Radio. Und Splashbrudda und Abdi Rackzman drehen on air frei. Für zwei Wochen geben wir unsere Studioschlüssel an unsere Lieblings-Promis und lassen sie einfach mal machen. Ist das eine gute Idee? Keine Ahnung, aber hört doch einfach mal rein in die Sendungen von FritzTakover.
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Fritz inherits a ghoulish haunted house from his late uncle, Felix. There's only one catch: he's got to stay a night in the creepy old mansion to own it. Calling over some friends to help Fritz work up the nerves to overnight it doesn't go so well, as each of his guests tell campfire-like stories complete with sound effects. If you like horror stories, scary facts, and spooky radio plays, this is your podcast!
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Join me as I open with Biblical studies, speak the truth in love, tie in current events with a Biblical response, and present the Gospel, no holding back.
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A classic locked room mystery, in a not-so-classic setting. (Intro by Karen Savage)
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This is the Office Anywhere podcast - a show that inspires you to create meaningful change for yourself and others. My name is Peter Fritz, and I'm a 50+ creative entrepreneur in Australia who helps mid-career professionals find their unique talents so they can climb the right mountain and start living on purpose. To check out previous episodes, go to Welcome, and thanks for tuning in!
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Honest conversations that explore life with intention. We are all looking to live well, but what does that look like and how do we do it? With busy work schedules, screaming kids, bills, and responsibilities, it often feels like we are getting by, not living. Off the Fritz podcast is a collection of honest stories and conversations with people who have learned, and are continuing to learn, to live with direction and intention, even when life gets crazy. This podcast will inspire listeners an ...
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Als ARD Korrespondent berichtete Fritz Pleitgen in den 70er und 80er Jahren aus der Sowjetunion, der DDR und den USA. Er moderierte fast 300 Mal im Fernsehen den Presseclub. Als WDR Hörfunkdirektor war er maßgeblich an der Entstehung von 1LIVE und WDR 5 beteiligt. Das sind nur einige Stationen in einem langen Berufsleben - für einen Mann aus einfachen Verhältnissen, ohne Abitur oder Studium. Fritz Pleitgen erlebte als Journalist historische Momente der deutschen und internationalen Geschicht ...
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Fritz Haarmann – Der Kannibale von Hannover
Antenne Niedersachsen - Niels Kristoph und Jochim Redeker
Der Vampir, Menschenschlächter, der Kannibale - Die Öffentlichkeit hat ihm viele Namen verpasst: Fritz Haarmann. Mindestens 24 Junge Männer hat der Serienkiller von Hannover umgebracht - getötet im Liebesrausch! Die bestialischen Morde haben die Menschen in ganz Europa in den 1920er Jahren in Atem gehalten. Reporter Niels Kristoph spricht mit Historikern, Haarmann-Experten, Angehörigen von Opfern und Profilern von der Polizei. Wer war dieser Mann, wie konnte es zu diesen abscheulichen Verbre ...
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Financial Success for Entrepreneurs from The Money and Business Hero with Florian Fritz
Florian Fritz
The Money and Business Hero Podcast is here to provide financial education and money making or wealth building tips for entrepreneurs. To achieve that we will talk about the three pillars of financial success: Money Mindset, Money Management and Money Making talking with experts in business or finance about their stories, experiences and best tips. We will have investment and trading tips for stocks, cryptos, and other assets.We will talk about business success for entrepreneurs by hearing a ...
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Hour 3: Ike, Spike and Fritz compare the Phillies and Eagles chances to win a championship next season and if the Phils have the qualities to get it done in the postseason.
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I deres storhedstid op gennem 70’erne, var der mange udskiftninger, nye sangskrivere og forsangere kom til, uden det svækkede salgstallene. De skiftede stil, fra rock til blueeyed soul, og fik et monster hit med albummet Minut by Minut det sælger mere end 5 millioner. Lyt med til: China Grove , Listen To The Music, Black Water, Talking It To The St…
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Jonna Klick: Alles für Alle. Revolution als Commonisierung
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1:09:50Jonna Klick am 19.06.2024
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🎙216 - Futsal Nationalmannschaft, Icon League & mehr – Stammgast Episode Fabi X Fritz
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1:23:10🥤 Spare bei MYPROTEIN: Code: FRITZ 🥤 👟Spare 20% bei VIVO BAREFOOT mit dem Code: FRITZCAST20 : 🥘 Spare bei LOEWENANTEIL mit Code: fritzreincke10 🥘 🔥 Neue Stamgastepisode mit Fabi & Fritz – Von Futsal über Icon League bis hin zu Handball und Marathon! 🔥 Willkommen zu einer neuen Episode vom Fri…
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Episode 788: Life's Final Exam - There will only be one question on life's final exam: Who do you say Jesus is? It is the most important question in the world. Learn more on this episode of Good News with Greg Fritz. Download or request your FREE Study Notes for this series at Greg Fritz is on a mission to get th…
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Entlassung am Rose Montag | 24. Spieltag | Bundesliga | Saison 2024/2025 | Highlights | Rückblick
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1:36:31Tätääää tätääää tätääääää! Karneval in der Bundesliga! Beim FC Bayern verkleidet man sich schon als Meister. Die Leverkusener suchen bereits das Narrenkostüm für Boniface. Der BVB setzt die fröhliche Maske auf und macht Boden gut im Kampf um Europa. Außerdem ein Kind, das einem Schiri auf den Sack geht, Abseitsfahnen in der Parfümerie und die unser…
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Ike, Spike and Fritz debate on what is more likely, an Eagles Super Bowl repeat next season or a Phillies World Series title.
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Ike, Spike and Fritz replay the Morning Show's conversation with Phillies president of baseball operations Dave Dombrowski from Clearwater.
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Ike, Spike and Fritz are examining the Eagles offseason on Tell the Truth Thursday and ask callers how they'd grade the team's offseason.
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With the Cincinnati Bengals allowing Trey Hendrickson to pursue a trade, could the Eagles be a fit for the NFL's sack leader from last season?
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Ike, Spike and Fritz play audio from Rob Thomson on the morning show who discusses what the top of the Phillies lineup may look like.
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Hour 1: Ike, Spike and Fritz are discussing the Eagles offseason including a busy 24 hours on Eagles Twitter with Darius Slay, CJGJ and AJ Brown commenting on the team's leadership and the fans.
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Ike, Spike and Fritz share audio from Darius Slay who has made headlines all over Twitter today including his elite QB list which left off Jalen Hurts.
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From 'Baseball Isn't Boring' (subscribe here): Free agency can be a wild and unpredictable exercise, which is exactly what reliever Jeff Hoffman discovered over the past few months. The former Phillie and 2024 National League All-Star was thought to be one of the most coveted relievers in the free agent market, but then hit some road blocks when tw…
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For Tell the Truth Thursday, Ike, Spike and Fritz discuss the Eagles offseason so far and what they would grade the moves from Howie Roseman and the front office.
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From 'Baseball Isn't Boring' (subscribe here): Bradfo catches up with Phillies Closer Jordan Romano to discuss his journey from Toronto to Philadelphia, his maturation into a closer, his nickname due to his entrance, and much more! To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more…
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Full Show: Trea Turner, Bryce Harper join live in Clearwater!
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3:02:57Full Show: Ike, Spike and Fritz are live from Clearwater once again and sitdown with Phillies stars Bryce Harper and Trea Turner as well as GM Preston Mattingly. Plus, reaction to Zack Baun re-signing with the Eagles and the latest rumors from the NFL offseason.
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Hour 4: Ike, Spike and Fritz wrap up the show by playing audio from Darius Slay who doesn't rule out a return to the Eagles following his release earlier this week.
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Ike, Spike and Fritz wrap up the show by discussing what the Eagles next move should be after bringing back Zack Baun.
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For his Top 5 at 5, Jack Fritz shares the five funniest moments from the day from WIP personnel.
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Aschermittwoch Untergrombach Wortgottesdienst 05.03.2025توسط Thomas Kluß
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Hour 3: Ike, Spike and Fritz sit down with Phillies general manager Preston Mattingly and give an update power ranking for Eagles Insider of the Year.
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Ike, Spike and Fritz sit down with newly appointed Phillies General Manager Preston Mattingly from Clearwater.
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Jack Fritz shares his latest Jackie Baseball Phillies report from Spring Training which includes Bryce Harper potentially moving off first base in the future.
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Hour 2: Ike, Spike and Fritz are joined by Bryce Harper who says that the Phillies goal of winning a title remains the same despite some calling it a quiet offseason.
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Ike, Spike and Fritz are joined by Phillies first baseman Bryce Harper who talks about the upcoming season for him and the Phils.
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Zack Baun is set to return to Philadelphia after re-signing with the Eagles, Eliot-Shorr Parks joins the show to break the deal down.
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Hour 1: Ike, Spike and Fritz sit down with Trea Turner and react to Zack Baun re-signing with the Eagles.
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Ike, Spike and Fritz are joined by Phillies shortstop Trea Turner in Clearwater as he gears up for his third season with the club.
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Ike, Spike and Fritz open up the show by discussing the AJ Brown-Patriots whispers and if there is any truth to that rumor.
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Full Show: Day 1 from Clearwater & Saquon Barkley extension!
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2:59:35Full Show: Ike, Spike and Fritz are live from BayCare Ballpark in Clearwater for Phillies Spring Training. The guys discuss the breaking news of Saquon Barkley's new extension for the Eagles, in addition to preseason Phils interviews with Jesus Luzardo, Larry Bowa and Tom McCarthy.
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Hour 4: Ike, Spike and Fritz wrap up the show by discussing if there is any potential downside to the Saquon Barkley contract. Plus, more Phillies talk, the Top 5 at 5 and the Text Line.
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Ike, Spike and Fritz wrap up the show by discussing expectations for Bryce Harper and share texts from the Text Line.
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For his Top 5 at 5, Jack Fritz shares the top five moments from the Afternoon Show's first day in Clearwater for Phillies Spring Training.
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Ike, Spike, and Fritz talk about the Phillies pitching, batting order, and a make-or-break player on the High Hopes Jackie Baseball Report before being joined by Jesus Luzardo. Luzardo talks about joining the Phillies, his injury history, Phillies fans, and much more!
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The guys are joined by new Phillies pitcher Jesus Luzardo and learn what his adjustment to his new team has been like, working with the Phillies pitching staff, his mindset on the mound, Phillies fans, and more.
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On today's High Hopes Jackie Baseball Report the guys look at performances from some Phillies starters, how the batting order is shaking out, and who is the make-or-break player for the Phillies this season?
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Ike, Spike, and Fritz get Eliot Shorr-Parks' view of the Saquon Barkley contract extension and what it means for the Eagles offseason plans. Then Tom McCarthy joins the guys in Clearwater to share his thoughts on the Phillies ahead of the start of the 2025 season.
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The guys talk to Tom McCarthy about how the Phillies matchup in the NL East, his sense of the team's attitude in Spring Training, the Phillies big storylines this season, and more.
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The guys turn to Eliot Shorr-Parks to learn more about the contract extension the Eagles gave Saquon Barkley and what it means for the salary cap and their offseason plans.
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Ike, Spike, and Fritz are in Clearwater for Phillies Spring Training but the Eagles gave Saquon Barkley a massive contract extension so the guys give their initial thoughts on the news. Plus, Larry Bowa joins them to talk all things Phillies after a disappointing end to last season.
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Phillies legend Larry Bowa joins the guys in Clearwater to talk about how the Phillies can recover from the disappointment from last season, the Phillies lineup, and more.
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The guys are in Clearwater and kick things off talking about the vibes and pressure on the Phillies before some Eagles breaking news interrupts them and they react to a massive contract extension for Saquon Barkley
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Full Show: Is this season World Series or bust for the Phillies?
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3:01:16Full Show: Ike, Spike and Fritz are discussing if this season should be considered World Series or bust for the Phillies as they return the same core from the past few years. Plus, Darius Slay is released by the Eagles and more information on the Joel Embiid knee situation.
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Hour 4: Ike, Spike and Fritz wrap up the show by discussing what needs to change with the Phillies this season including if the manager and leaders on the team need to change their approach.
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Ike, Spike and Fritz wrap up the show with 5:30 Creed and the Text Line.
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For his Top 5 at 5, Jack Fritz shares the five worst sides of Twitter following the reactions he saw from wrestling this past weekend.
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Hour 3: Ike, Spike and Fritz continue their Phillies conversation and discuss if Kyle Schwarber or JT Realmuto could receive extensions before the regular season begins.
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Ike, Spike and Fritz play audio from Eagles head coach Nick Sirianni and discuss his poise following the Super Bowl win.
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Jack Fritz gives his Jackie Baseball Spring Training report and shares the top headlines from Phils Grapefruit League play this past weekend.
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