Learn how to get more clients (or your first client) as a freelancer with these 10-15 minute daily episodes. In each episode or interview, you'll learn systems and strategies that you can apply to your freelancing business to get more clients.
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MIND YOUR BUSINESS - Lead Generation | Work from Home | Virtual Assistant | Freelance | Business Systems | Marketing
Sabrina Knapp - Business Advisor | Marketing Strategist | Coach
Are you tired of feeling anxious about the lack of growth in your business? Are you sick of not knowing where to start in looking for your ideal client or even how to attract them? Do you wish that you could quit posting your every thought and moment to social media so that you are noticed? How do you create more time and get more productively done in your business? Should you hire a VA? In this podcast, you will find truth to who YOU really are as an entrepreneur. Welcome Home! I‘m glad you ...
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45. 6 Tools that I use in my business everyday to help with organization, feeling professional and time management.
We all like to feel organized right, with our time and home and lives. My business is one area that can get away from me if I'm not on top of information and documents and correspondence and all of the things thrown at me! Today, I talk about 6 very specific tools that I use daily to help me keep on top of all of my to-do lists. This goes for me AN…
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44. Attraction Marketing 101 - How to speak the language of your dream clients and make an emotional connection.
How do you sell - without feeling salesy? How do you help your potential clients know that you truly care about their problems? How do you connect with your audience so that they WANT to reach out to you? These are questions that I hear from YOU, all of the time. We struggle to ride that fine line of helping our audience and knowing their problems …
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43.Tips to making money with your network marketing business - creating multiple streams of income while you build.
Good Morning Friend! This week, we are going to dive head first into what it truly means to maximize your income with your network marketing business. I hear from some of you all of the time and your #1 issue is you just aren't making any money from it yet. Today, I'm going to help you think outside of the box, create streams of income that work fo…
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42. The importance of pivots and breaks in your business. 4 lessons to help you refocus on your priorities.
Oh. My. Gosh! I'm so glad to be back here with y'all! Its been SIX MONTHS since I've sat down in front of this mic, and I'm just so happy to be here chatting with you guys! Today, I want to tell you about my break, and why I felt I had to take it. I'm gunna tell you about some re-focusing I did, and why its been a GAME CHANGER in my business. We're…
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41. Are your goals ready for business in 2022? Tips on how to explode your biz in the new year!!
The New Year is right around the corner. Its sneaking up fast. New Years, New Months, Monday's...none of them scare me. I welcome them. I LOVE building goals, do you? Today, I particularly want to talk about a few things that I've learned over the years REALLY make a difference when building my business bigger from year to year. The definition of i…
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40. No money to hire a VA or marketing strategist? 9 tips to promoting yourself on a low budget!
We all want to grow in our businesses. We need help. We need to learn new techniques. We need to increase our income. We really need to hire help or call on the gifts of a marketing strategist, but we don't have the money. It takes investment of money to call on those people. But, what if there was a way to promote yourself without hiring it ALL ou…
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39. Sales to slow for you? No income? How to navigate the ”messy middle” and love the growth process.
We all want the same thing! Sales and Income! However, we have to slow down. Growth and sales doesn't happen overnight. There is testing. There are new techniques. There are mistakes. There are re-tries. The list goes on and on. We have to go through the highs and lows. We have to go through that "messy middle" in order to really understand the top…
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38. A Confession. I have anxiety, depression and am a class A introvert. My 10 tips on navigating life and business with these struggles.
Its never been a secret, I struggle on a major level with anxiety. Social and mental. I've had periods of my life where depression was a real and very scary thing. I'm a self proclaimed, class A introvert and...I'm okay with it. It part of who I am now. People look at me and talk to me and doubt everything about me, that I'm about to discuss with y…
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37. How to market like a social media influencer! 3 tips to using attraction marketing wisely!
For those of us who market our business on social media, we see the impact that social media influencers have on their audiences. They seem to be successful with whatever they touch! Its amazing. I've been watching them and have learned a few things from them over the years. They do three VERY specific things that all of us should do, no matter if …
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36.Your Network Marketing Business needs more engagement, right?? Four tips to social media engagement everyday!
HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Its hard to focus our businesses on anything other than our product or service. We need to sell in order to make money, so why wouldn't we try to sell, sell, sell to everyone we see or meet. People don't buy products from anyone, they buy from people they trust!! My network marketing friends seem to struggle a bit more with this…
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35. Ready to build a website? Tips and tricks for knowing exactly what your customers want to see.
In my opinion, a website is necessary for your business. It should be the hub. You can only grow your business, if you're doing everything you can to reach the customers that are out there looking for you. What are they Googling? What are they looking up on their Pinterest? What are their needs? What are they looking for? If you're using those word…
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Branding and Marketing are both so important when it comes to showcasing your business and your hard work. We need both of them daily, when targeting our audiences. The two though, are very different. They should be treated differently and used differently in your techniques. You strategy and how you use them, says a lot about you and your knowledg…
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33. Does midlife have you questioning your business or life? A few things you need to hear as a middle aged woman.
As women, we struggle to feel needed. Especially in midlife. The kids are grown, the "mom responsibilities" are lifting, the house is quieter (and cleaner!) and we want to contribute to retirement and the life we want to live with our spouse. There are more and more people making the decision to start a business, rather than go back to work, or con…
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32. Let‘s talk about the fake advertising on Facebook! Discussion about realistic expectations in your business.
I'm not sure about you, but I'm SO tired of the fake, over-exaggerated advertising on Facebook. "I can show you how to make 6 figures in 6 months." "If you're not following me, you'll not be successful" "Join my free workshop and learn ALL my tips for success." Gag!!! We've seen them all....right??! The truth is, that is where our self doubt and im…
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We talk a lot about what we SHOULD be doing in our businesses, or what to add that might make them better...but, we rarely talk about what to quit doing or what might be HURTING the business that we are trying to maintain. Today, I want to talk about four VERY important, simple elements to STOP doing in your business right away! They are easy. This…
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We all want success. We all do what we know and are told to do. We all add in the appropriate techniques. But...none of it matters if we don't have these things in place. These are very easy, straight forward concepts that SHOULD come naturally, but often don't. What do you need to be successful in your business? And, are you using these things to …
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29. Are you afraid of failing? 4 tips to overcome your fears of failure and proceed with confidence!
Failure is so scary. Those "what if's" start creeping in from all over and they overtake our thoughts and make us quit trying. We put unrealistic time frames on ourselves and feel pressured to succeed. Today, I talk about 4 very real things to try, to switch over a mindset of negative thinking, to a mindset of positive, confident goal building. Kno…
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28. Food. Fitness. Fun. FACTS. Join Miranda Lee and myself for some serious business talk and girl chat!
Podcast guest: Miranda Lee! Miranda is young! On the brink of Millennial and Gen Z. She is highly driven and so stinkin' smart! She believes in hard work, second chances and that failures create your character! This interview is good from start to finish...and, she's so stinkin' funny...(a bit of a pun intended, you'll soon understand why!! ;) ) Mi…
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27. Are your Free offers effective? 6 Freebies that you should start using today to attract your target audience!
Freebies. Lead Magnets. Give-aways. We call them different things, but they all attract customers when we are promoting our services. Sometimes, its hard to know what works best when offering free info. Today, I talk about 6 of my very favorite freebies and I give examples as to how you can use them for your business, no matter what your business i…
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26. Need a confidence boost? 6 tips that will help you show up proud and confident in your own business.
Imposter syndrome is real and its ugly. It makes us question ourselves and our worth, to the point it makes us quit sometimes. Confidence is the remedy to any feeling that you have about yourself, your business or how you show up. What if you could post without thinking twice about what you were saying? What if you could post a picture without ques…
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25. Need a mindset makeover? 3 brain exercises that will help you flip your negative mindset daily!
I love talking about mindset and the effect that it has on our businesses. It is our most necessary, but most under-utilized tool. How your mindset effects your business has direct correlation with how success you are or want to be. Today, I go over 3 exercises that specifically help to turn a bad day, into just a SINGLE bad day. You don't have to …
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24. Free Content that converts! 5 tips on helping you give effective value and freebies that convert to customers.
We love to give free content to our clients and our audience base, but are we going about it the right way? Freebies are super effective to gain eyes and ears, but if you aren't getting them...maybe you better listen in! Today, I talk about 5 tips that have helped me get more eyes on my freebies and in turn, have become clients or part of my audien…
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23. Happy Birthday! Join me on a journey of discovery and reflection. 10 lessons in 40 years!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!! Let's talk about what's new. What's real. What hurts. What Matters. I had some time to think and reflect this week. (p.s. sorry about the audio in this episode, its not so easy to record on the run without my appropriate gear...but still, 1000% worth it!) This week I want to tear into 10 lessons that I've learned or understoo…
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22. The power of social media marketing! *Interview with Shelley Hoffman* Join us for social media, mindset and all things WAHM!
Help me welcome podcast host Shelley Hoffman, with Successful Networking Moms Podcast. She is a Social Media rockstar and a WAHM who loves her mom bun and NO make-up too! Shelley is passionate about empowering fellow mom-preneurs to create a personal brand and community around their social selling, network marketing, or direct sales business. She e…
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21. Is debt at home ruining relationships, your health and your business? How personal debt can emotionally effect your life.
Relationships. Health. Stress. Goals. Business. All of these things are effected when we have bad personal financial habits at home. Today, we talk about the emotional and mental effects of debt at home and how it can effect these part of our lives. We discuss road maps, outcomes and what it means to use debt responsibly in your personal life to ai…
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20. Create an organized life and schedule with strategy! How time blocking and priorities can bring back JOY to your life and business!
One thing I've learned over the years, being a business owner, is I'm the most overwhelmed when I feel like I'm spinning in all different directions. Life is so busy, and we can't possibly feel "on top of things" if we have no structure in our day or our week. I've created a system of time blocking that makes complete sense for a busy mom, wife and…
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19. Are you feeling unmotivated? Why your lack of clarity may be the cause for your lack in motivation in your small business..
Its so easy these days to feel unmotivated and bogged down with the heaviness going on in the world. We just want to hibernate. Life, business, family, friends, work, all of it, its too much to get through sometimes. We still have plans and dreams and wishes, but they become distant pipe dreams that we know we won't ever accomplish. But, what if we…
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18. Feeling overwhelmed? Juggling life, kids, business and YOU! How to set priority to your daily tasks and lose the overwhelm as a busy momma.
Life is crazy! Life, kids, business, you time, relationships, all of it. It can be stressful and hard to find time to fit good quality time in. Today, I talk about how you can create priority with your time and not over extend yourself or your relationships in the process. Life moves quickly and it can sneak up and create a lot of stress and unwant…
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17. Are you stuck in employee mindset? Thoughts on how to think like a CEO, rather than an employee.
As business owners we forget that we wear a lot of hats. We don't want to all of the time, but its imperative that we do! We need to know a little bit about every single avenue of our businesses and oftentimes we get in a routine of doing the bare minimum. I talk today about the differences in thinking like an employee versus thinking like a CEO an…
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16. Is your husband super negative? *An Interview with my husband* How simple conversations can help you see both points of view.
I hear from women (especially) all of the time about their support system being very negative. Whether its their spouse, or friends, or parents or whoever. Its a REAL, painful thing. We want everyone to see our vision and offer up hands of support and belief. But...the reality is, some just can see the big picture like we do. Maybe they have seen s…
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15. ADHD or Multipassionate? How to determine if your struggles can become your strengths as a busy entrepreneur.
Sometimes life can get crazy. We feel all jumbled inside and aren't sure where to turn or what to start next. So we don't. We freeze and quit taking action. We feel like we are all over the place, I even joke that I have "ADD brain today". I've been doing a lot of research into ADHA VS Multi-passionate people, as I've always thought of it negativel…
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14. *Social Media Detox* This is for my network marketing friends! How will it effect your life and your business?
I've been talking so much about the hold that social media has on us as business owners. Network marketers especially, are led to believe that they can ONLY thrive and survive on social media. But...I've come to realize I can run these platforms on my laptop, AS A TOOL. I don't need to have them on my phone 24/7 controlling my life and crossing my …
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13. Website or No Website?? How having a website for your business can open up marketing techniques and create momentum for your brand.
I've been trying to get my business off of social media for a while now. I've been exploring a lot of techniques outside of social media that make sense and I can still do while maintaining my freedom and home based business. Listen, I'm a work-from-home-mom too! I want to build my own schedule and pay myself. So, I try to work as hard as I can at …
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12.Finding joy in your frustrating online business. 5 fundamentals to making any business successful and stay in momentum.
Business is hard and can be very frustrating. If you don't have joy in your business, or build your business based on passion, its hard to get back into the growth mindset. We settle for failure and that's never good. Today, I talk about the 4 main fundamentals that business should be built on...however, I add my own spin, with a 5th that I coach a…
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11. How to create a profitable business plan. Is your business built on principals that will make you successful?
I think its great that there are so many new entrepreneurs in the world today. That means we are continually thinking and growing. Have you considered starting a business? Do you have a business and aren't seeing the success that you would like? That's okay, lets re-hash some of the things that REALLY make businesses successful. Sometimes, going ba…
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10. Covid 19 and its effects on your business. Tips for managing negative mindset and grow your business during the Corona Virus Outbreak.
Covid 19 and its aftermath have been so hard. Its heavy stuff we deal with everyday at home, at school, at work, in our own heads. But, what about those of us who are business owners? How are you handling this? Hanging in there? Need help? Excited about the changes? Today, I want to talk about a few things that I have found help with my mindset and…
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09. Feeling overwhelmed with Social Media? How to use SEO and Keywords to move your business to the next level and find REAL momentum!
YES!! You do see a new title and Art on this podcast. Same podcast, just some small changes. Our description and what we are going to do here has also changed! Why? Well...we are going to talk about it at length today. Simply put. SEO and keywords. Your audience...you know...the people that you are trying to talk to. The ones you can actually help.…
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08. Business Organization and DMO. 7 tips for overcoming overwhelm and creating and effective daily method of operations.
Do you ever feel like your brain is on overload? Do you just feel like you have too many ideas, and too many people to message, and too many things to post, and too many things to sift through? I did. Every. Single. Day. The power that overwhelm has on a business owner is so real. It just makes us want to give up and quit our dreams. But...what if …
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07. Work Ethic and investment. How will you know when its time to invest in yourself and scale up your relationships and your business?
Fresh Pineapple is AMAZING! I've always loved it, for as long as I can remember...but, I always thought the effort I had to put forth to cut it fresh maybe wasn't worth it, so I went for the canned option. But....I just didn't KNOW how easy it was to cut a fresh pineapple. I assumed it would be difficult and not worth it. I opted to take the short …
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Looking real and organic in conversations is sometimes difficult, especially on line. So many times, we don't want to put our lives and our "hot mess" on Facebook, but did you know that actually helps you look relatable? People want to know that you are like them and being open and honest can be the bridge between looking fake and being someone the…
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Imposter syndrome, doubt, negative self worth. Yuck! Ewww. Those are all super scary terms that we use to label our own worth. Why? Doing new things is hard enough, right? Its takes super human strength just to muster up the courage to approach a prospect or launch a new service or to leave our comfort zones...let alone actually believe that we are…
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04. Business Momentum. 5 steps to keeping your business consistently moving forward as a new entrepreneur.
Today's episode is for EVERY kind of business owner. You may think to yourself "I've been there, done that!" But, do you ever just go back to the basics? Today, we are going to dissect 5 things that you can consistently do to keep your business moving in the right track. I know that once in a while, my business get slow, or doesn't feel very positi…
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03. Positive Mindset as a network marketer. 5 ways to think like a business owner even in an MLM!
Wow! Today's episode is fun, believe it or not! Mindset is tough. As people in general, we talk badly to ourselves. We are our own worst critics most days. But....as business owners, it gets so much worse. We aren't worthy. We aren't good enough. We aren't smart enough. We don't have time. We don't want to do it alone. Today though, we are going to…
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02. Target Audience reach in an MLM. 3 tips for organic reach on Social Media as a business builder.
Today's podcast is all about Social Media and how to interact and look real and engaging at the same time. We are all on Social media for different reasons, but as business builders, we have to be very mindful of our place and how to attract the right prospects to us. We are going to discuss 3 ways that might encourage others to take a look at your…
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You've heard the saying, "Your Why should make you cry." Right?? Today, I'm going to talk about why I believe that statement is over-rated and pushing you in the wrong direction. We are going to dig into a few things to do or say instead, to move your business in the right direction and move ahead, rather than dwelling on mistakes and misfortunes i…
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In this episode, we review the concept of 'Dream 20' outreach and how you can use this outreach system to get in touch with more qualified prospects.توسط Kai Davis
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In this episode, we cover 4 ways that you can charge more (and make more money): raise your rates, switch from 'hourly' to 'daily' billing, include add-ons for your client, include 'options' or 'tiers' for your client.توسط Kai Davis
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In this episode, we tackle the 5 elements of writing great emails: 'You' focus, clear call to action, informative subject line, informal style, short.توسط Kai Davis
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Defining 'Productized Consulting': What is it? How can you get started with it?توسط Kai Davis
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Defining what 'Roadmapping Sessions' are and how you can use them in your freelancing or consulting businessتوسط Kai Davis
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