The Busted Halo Show with Catholic priest Father Dave Dwyer, CSP, is an informative and entertaining take on the Catholic faith. Father Dave and team answer your questions of faith and tackle current issues in our world while having some laughs along the way! This podcast features excerpts from the show on The Catholic Channel -- SiriusXM, channel 129.
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A listener named Dan asks Father Dave for advice on current struggles in his spiritual life due to politics. Dan says, “I am at a point where my faith is barely hanging by a thread, because so many people I know support political policies that fly in the face of the teachings of Jesus and are based in hate and fear.”…
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March celebrates Women’s History Month, and Father Dave welcomes Taryn DeLong and Elise Crawford Gallagher to examine work-life balance from the viewpoint of Catholic women. Taryn and Elise are the co-presidents of the online community Catholic Women in Business and the authors of “Holy Ambition: Thriving as a Catholic Woman at Work and at Home.”…
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As division and polarization continue to plague our world, Father Dave welcomes Bob Bordone to discuss how conflict can be an opportunity to forge stronger relationships. Bob is Senior Fellow at Harvard Law School as well as the founder and former director of the Harvard Negotiation and Mediation Clinical Program. His latest book, co-authored with …
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A caller named Samuel asks Father Dave about the wording in the Our Father. “I don't know if maybe I'm overthinking this, but in the Lord's Prayer, there's that part we say, ‘lead us not into temptation.’ Why do we say that?” Samuel asks. “I just took it as a given that there's no circumstance in which God would deliberately tempt us to sin, and I …
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Team Busted Halo recently traveled across the country to broadcast from the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress, but one of our guests traveled all the way from Australia to speak at the event! Father Dave welcomes Father Richard Leonard, a Jesuit priest and pastor of Our Lady of the Way in North Sydney. He is the author of numerous books incl…
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Lent is almost here, and Father Dave welcomes Colleen Reiss Vermeulen to discuss her new book, “Simply Scripture for Lent and Easter: A Daily Guide to Reading the Bible.” Colleen is the co-founder of and a teacher and director with the Catholic Biblical School of Michigan.
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Exploring Faith, Science, and the Universe With Vatican Observatory Director Brother Guy Consolmagno
While broadcasting from the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress, Father Dave welcomes Vatican Observatory Director Brother Guy Consolmagno to discuss two of his latest books, “When Science Goes Wrong: The Desire and Search for Truth” and “A Jesuit's Guide to the Stars: Exploring Wonder, Beauty, and Science.”…
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As we approach Lent, Father Dave welcomes Josh Noem, editorial director of Ave Maria Press, to discuss his new devotional, “Lord Show Me the Way.”
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We are all called to share the Gospel with the world, and Father Dave welcomes Father David Michael Moses, who seeks to evangelize through social media. In addition to his service as a diocesan priest in Texas, Father David Michael has a popular presence online where he shares stories of his priestly life.…
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Pope Francis’ prayer intention for the month of February is for vocations to the priesthood and religious life, and Father Dave welcomes Rhonda Gruenewald to discuss how we can better foster those callings. Rhonda is the president and founder of Vocation Ministry, which works internationally with parishes and schools to establish or revive their ow…
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As we strive to be saints in the making, Father Dave welcomes Daryl Grigsby to highlight holy men and women from his new book, “Catholics for the Common Good: An Eternal Offering.”
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The Vatican released a new document on the relationship between artificial and human intelligence, and Father Dave highlights sections of the 30-page note. "Antiqua et Nova,” is a joint project between the Vatican's Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith and the Dicastery for Culture and Education.
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A listener named Ashley asks Father Dave, “Can you help me appreciate Ordinary Time? It just feels like downtime until the next important season.”
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You may have memorized the words to a favorite song or quote, but have you ever tried memorizing Scripture? Father Dave welcomes back friend of the show Jackie Angel to discuss her new book and accompanying podcast is called “Memorize Scripture: Simple Steps to Pray, Ponder, and Practice God's Word.”…
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Father Dave answers an anonymous question regarding a prayer often said at Mass. The listener asks, “What is meant by ‘Light from Light’ in the Nicene Creed?”
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2025 celebrates a Jubilee year in the Catholic Church, and Father Dave welcomes Scripture teacher and veteran tour guide Joan Watson to discuss. She is pilgrim formation manager for Verso Ministries and author of the new book, “Opening the Holy Door: Hope-Filled Scripture Reflections from St. Peter's Basilica.”…
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New Year’s Day is often viewed as a fresh start, but 2025 began in sorrow following an attack on Bourbon Street in New Orleans. Brett shares his emotions about the tragedy as a New Orleans resident, and team Busted Halo discusses finding hope in times of despair.
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A listener named Beth asks Father Dave how she can best support her son who is discerning his vocation. “At the age of 12, my son told me that he thinks he wants to be a priest when he grows up. That thought hasn’t changed in the past year,” she says. “Just looking for some extra input, because I’m worried about being a bad mom. Don’t get me wrong,…
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As the new year approaches, Father Dave welcomes Father Mark-Mary Ames to discuss a new resource to help you grow closer to Christ through the Blessed Mother in 2025. Father Mark-Mary is the Director of Communications and the Director of Priestly Studies of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal and the host of the upcoming “The Rosary in a Year” pod…
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The holiday season is often a time of joy, but it can also highlight grief in our lives. To help families who are facing loss, Father Dave welcomes back Anthony DeStefano to discuss his new children’s book, “Christmas in Heaven.”
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Advent is a time to reflect on the incarnation, and Father Dave welcomes Catholic director D.J. Caruso to discuss his new Netflix film “Mary” all about the Blessed Mother. The film stars young Israeli actors as Mary and Joseph, as well as two-time Academy Award Winner Anthony Hopkins as King Herod.
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A listener named Matt asks Father Dave about an upcoming Marian solemnity. He says, “Why is the Feast of the Immaculate Conception moved from December 8 to December 9 [this year]?”
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There is a lot to celebrate during the holiday season, and Father Dave welcomes Steffani Aquila to help us better honor Catholic feasts in our homes all year. Steffani is founder of Liturgy Culture and Kitchen by His Girl Sunday, an online space inspiring Catholic culture and liturgical living in the home and parish. Her new book is called “Festive…
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Since its Broadway debut 21 years ago, the musical “Wicked” has transported audiences to Oz for a nuanced story about good, evil, and human nature. As part one of the movie adaptation arrives in theaters, Father Dave welcomes acclaimed Hollywood director Jon M. Chu. In addition to “Wicked,” he is known for directing visually ambitious blockbuster e…
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A listener named Kay asks Fr. Dave, “How does the Church want one to complete an advanced directive?”
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As we look forward to Advent and Christmas, Father Dave welcomes Rebecca and Stephen Grabill to talk about how to live out these seasons in your home. They share ideas for liturgical living in their new book, “The Joy of Advent: Family Celebrations for Advent & the Twelve Days of Christmas.”
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An anonymous listener asks Father Dave, “What does the Bible say about reincarnation?
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While discussing Father Dave’s duties as First Consultor for the Paulist Fathers, Father Dave, Brett, and Krista talk about handling the more mundane moments of one’s vocation.
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As the United States approaches the 2024 presidential election, Father Dave welcomes back Father Bryan Massingale to discuss voting as a Catholic and overcoming division as we move forward. Father Bryan is professor of theological and social ethics at Fordham University in New York.
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Father Dave and Brett joined Lino Rulli and Tyler Veghte of “The Catholic Guy Show” on SiriusXM’s Catholic Channel for the “Spanish Saints, Sacramentals, and Sangria Pilgrimage.” They traveled with 95 listeners to famous Catholic churches and cities across Spain, including Madrid, Ávila, Toledo, Barcelona and more.…
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As the United States approaches the 2024 presidential election, Father Dave welcomes back friend of the show and ethicist Dr. Charlie Camosy to discuss forming one’s conscience ahead of voting. His latest article for “The Atlantic” is called, “Pro-life Voters Are Politically Homeless.”
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Father Dave and Brett joined Lino Rulli and Tyler Veghte of “The Catholic Guy Show” on SiriusXM’s Catholic Channel for the “Spanish Saints, Sacramentals, and Sangria Pilgrimage.” They traveled with 95 listeners to famous Catholic churches and cities across Spain, including Madrid, Avila, Toledo, Barcelona and more.…
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Our faith helps us believe in miracles, but do science and technology disprove them? To discuss, Father Dave welcomes back friend of the show Jesuit priest and president of the Magis Center, Father Robert Spitzer. His latest book is called, “Christ, Science, and Reason: What We Can Know About Jesus, Mary, and Miracles.”…
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A listener named Ginger asks Father Dave about baptizing older children. She asks, “When a child is between the ages of 8 to 9, how do they get a baptism?”
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The Catholic Church designates October as the month of the Rosary, and Father Dave welcomes Grammy-nominated musician Laura Huval to discuss her latest project, “Sing the Rosary.” Laura’s new free album takes the prayers of the Rosary and sets them to music.
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In honor of the feast day of St. Thérèse of Lisieux, Father Dave welcomes Father Michael-Joseph Paris of St. Thérèse, OCD to break down her autobiography, “Story of a Soul.” Father Michael-Joseph is a Discalced Carmelite priest and co-host of the “Catholic Classics” podcast from Ascension Press. His podcast dives into timeless texts from beloved sa…
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Father Dave welcomes Church historian and friend of the show Mike Aquilina to discuss his latest book, “Rabbles, Riots, and Ruins: Twelve Ancient Cities and How They Were Evangelized.” Mike is Executive Vice President and trustee of the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology in Steubenville, Ohio.
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A listener named Chris asks Father Dave about forgiveness and death. Chris asks, “How do we ask for forgiveness from those who have passed away?”
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September is National Suicide Prevention Month, and Father Dave welcomes back Deacon Ed Shoener to discuss how the Church can best accompany those with mental health issues. Deacon Ed is the president of the Association of Catholic Mental Health Ministers, and the co-author of two books with Bishop John Dolan of the Diocese of Phoenix, called “When…
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A listener Will asks Father Dave about marriage and the diaconate. Will asks, “Why can married men older than 35 become deacons, but deacons cannot become married men?”
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Church teaching can sometimes feel overwhelming, but Father Dave welcomes Father Daniel Mahan to help make the Catechism more accessible. Father Daniel is the first director of the USCCB’s Institute on the Catechism and the author of “A Journey through the Catechism: Unveiling the Truth, Beauty, and Goodness of the Catholic Faith.”…
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A listener named Siobhan asks Father Dave about traveling to religious sites. She asks, “What's the difference between a pilgrimage and just going to visit a holy place or church?”
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We all long for deeper connections, and Father Dave welcomes Jason Simon to discuss cultivating friendship and faith in his new book, “Mission-Ready Friendship: A Blueprint for Deeper Relationships and Life-Changing Faith.” Jason is president of The Evangelical Catholic, a lay movement that seeks to build up the body of Christ through authentic rel…
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A listener named Brian asks Father Dave about a specific part of the Eucharistic Prayer. “The words of the consecration say that Jesus took the bread, said the blessing, gave it to his disciples, and it ends with ‘do this in memory of me,’” Brian begins. “My question is, if Jesus said the blessing, and I assume that blessing they referred to was so…
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God of the Universe: Examining Faith and Science With Astrophysicist and Priest, Father Adam Hincks, S.J.
Some might think faith and science are mutually exclusive, but Father Dave welcomes astrophysicist and Jesuit priest Father Adam Hincks to debunk that mindset. Father Adam is an assistant professor in Science, Christianity, and Cultures at the University of Toronto, as well as an associate scholar with the Vatican Observatory.…
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Our temporary producer “Maternity Leave Matt” asks Father Dave about an upcoming event for the global Church. “One of my first days on the job here, I saw a headline for the upcoming Jubilee,” Matt says. “My question is, what is the Jubilee?”
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As we encounter artificial intelligence in our daily lives, Father Dave welcomes professor and author Dr. Joseph Vukov to discuss his new book, “Staying Human in an Era of Artificial Intelligence.” Dr. Vukov serves as Associate Professor of Philosophy and the Associate Director of the Hank Center for the Catholic Intellectual Heritage at Loyola Uni…
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A listener named Matt asks a question of faith about the varying tones present in the Gospel. “The parables seem to span from God's Kingdom is awesome and kind; we’ll go out after that lamb that's lost and leave the 99 behind all the way to the other end of the spectrum of, if you don't have enough oil in your lamp, forget it. You're not coming int…
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A listener named Brad asks a question of faith: “Outside of Lent, if we choose the penance option, what are some examples of penance to choose from?” Father Dave begins by explaining what Brad means by the “penance option.” “Prior to the Second Vatican Council in the ‘60s, Catholics would have been very familiar with abstaining from eating meat eve…
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Our temporary producer “Maternity Leave Matt” has a few more days before Krista returns to work, so he’s squeezing in some last questions of faith for Father Dave: Matt asks a two-part question, “Are there ever times when you don’t feel like being Father Dave, when you don’t want to be recognized as a priest? And has there been a time when you didn…
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