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Tomasz Olbratowski, człowiek legenda - jego cięty dowcip doprowadził do łez niejednego polityka, dwóch premierów po jego felietonie wyrwało sobie włosy z głowy, a podobno jeden prezydent zainterweniował osobiście - z prośbą, by Olbratowskiego zakneblować albo chociaż przerzucić do sekcji sportowej! A co na to sam Olbratowski?! Jak zwykle tylko się z tego śmieje od ponad ćwierć wieku - codziennie tuż przed ósmą w RMF FM.
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Felix & Sofie

Felix & Sofie

Felix & Sofie is het podium voor inhoudelijke filosofie in Amsterdam. Elke dinsdag een nieuwe aflevering en elke derde dinsdag van de maand een nieuw prikkelend en diepgaand programma in Perdu!
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Un podcast chistoso hecho por los comediantes Cojo Feliz y Tío Rober. Humor de todos los colores con temas que no sabías que eran chistosos. Conviértete en un seguidor de este podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/la-hora-feliz-con-cojo-feliz-y-tio-rober--2229494/support.
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In der "Felix Business Show" präsentiere Ich, Felix Thönnessen, Business Coach, Mentor und Buchautor , wertvolle Einblicke und praxisorientierte Strategien für Unternehmer und Selbstständige. Erfahre, wie du dein Marketing optimierst, das richtige Mindset entwickelst, Automatisierung effektiv einsetzt und nachhaltiges Wachstum erzielst. Tauche ein in die Welt des Unternehmertums und entdecke inspirierende Ratschläge für deinen Erfolg. Lass dich von mir auf deiner unternehmerischen Reise begl ...
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Europa Felix

Felix Ronkes Agerbeek

Europa Felix is an interview podcast for European law professionals and enthusiasts. Listen every once in a while to an inspiring conversation with a rising star, hidden genius or luminary in the field of European law. In English or in Dutch. Follow the show in your favourite podcast app and get new episodes as they become available. You can find transcripts on www.europafelix.eu.
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'En un mundo feliz' es un programa de participación y coloquio sobre solidaridad y medio ambiente, un espacio reservado a las informaciones de los desheredados que no suelen tener cabida en otros medios.
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Feliz Dia Novo

Irineu Toledo

Sacadas estoicas. Conteúdos coletados das postagens, áudios e vídeos de Irineu Toledo. Comunicador orientado pela “ filosofia do bem viver”, ética, propósitos, causas, missão, cultura de paz, diálogo, inspiração e motivação.
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Felipe Kieling

Grupo Bandeirantes

Felipe Kieling começou a carreira no Grupo Bandeirantes aos 18 anos, no departamento de esportes. Aos 21, virou repórter e, três anos mais tarde, se tornou correspondente em Londres. Já cobriu Olimpíada, Copa do Mundo, Eurocopa, mais de 10 ataques terroristas e o Brexit.
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Il 1° podcast di idee, novità e cazzeggio per elettricisti felici. A cura di Alessandro Bari https://www.elettricistafelice.it Diventa un supporter di questo podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/elettricista-felice--2157131/support.
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Der eine war mal 'ne große Nummer im Skisport, der andere im Quiz-Show-Business. Felix und Philipp treffen sich auf eine Pizza oder Pommes und diskutieren dabei Themen aus der Welt des Sports, aber auch aktuelle gesellschaftliche Aufreger. Dinge, die Euch und sie bewegen oder zum Schmunzeln bringen. Und wenn noch ein paar Pommes über sind, laden die beiden Kontakte aus Felix' Telefonbuch ein. Ihr könnt mitreden. Schreibt den beiden einfach: pizzaundpommes@br.de. Neue Folgen gibt es jeden zwe ...
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CPO PLAYBOOK with Felicia Shakiba

WRKdefined Podcast Network

Looking for one of the best business podcasts out there? Check out CPO PLAYBOOK with Korn-Ferry Executive Coach, Felicia Shakiba. We’ve featured incredible global guests from Harvard, Adidas, Reddit, Valentino, AKQA, Cirque de Soleil, Stanford, and more. 🎙️ In every episode, we solve a real business challenge, offering actionable insights on leadership, people strategy, scaling businesses, mergers & acquisitions, and entrepreneurship. Whether you’re after leadership wisdom or a motivational ...
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It’s Us Again! with Felicia and Jen! is a podcast with two friends giving their candid, unfiltered opinions on random topics they find entertaining. Sometimes friends and family join in the fun and share their interest and special hobbies. Get comfortable and listen in to It’s Us Again! with Felicia and Jen.
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Le show à Félix

Le show à Félix

Le show à Félix est un podcast québécois qui s’est hissé dans le palmarès canadien comptant plus de 600 000 écoutes. Le contenu proposé est un mélange d’opinion, d’entrevues et de sujets scientifiques sur l’entrainement, la nutrition et la santé mentale. C’est aussi des discussions étoffées sur des sujets d’actualités et des expériences vécues avec des invités surprises. L’animateur Félix Daigle est un kinésiologue, entrepreneur et créateur de contenu dégourdi.
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Hi Felicia Podcast

Felicia Romero

Hello and welcome to Hi Felicia! You are in the right place if you enjoy topics surrounding wellness, relationships, mindset, business, money, home and some real life stuff that you can apply to your very own life. I am so excited that you are along for the ride as I make this shift and hope you continue to listen because week after week I will be sharing so much more about my own life as well as bring you epic guests that will inspire and motivate you. Remember, it is ok to pivot and it is ...
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Kommt mit Felix Kröcher ins Backstage, hinter die Kulissen des Nachtlebens. In über 20 Jahren als international gefeierter Techno-DJ hat er von Razzien im Club bis hin zu wilden Aftershow-Partys so einiges erlebt. Zusammen mit DJ Kolleginnen, Veranstaltern, Managerinnen, Türstehern und vielen weiteren Gästen plaudert Felix in diesem Podcast unverblümt über seine Erlebnisse. Freut euch auf spannende Persönlichkeiten des Nachtlebens und auf jede Menge Anekdoten aus dem Backstage eurer Liebling ...
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A Vedd fel a versenyt egy hiánypótló podcast sorozat digitális kereskedelemről webáruházaknak, webshop üzemeltetőknek és az e-kereskedelmi piac szereplőinek. Ha érdekel a digitális kereskedelem világa, akkor neked szól műsorunk! Amit garantálunk: naprakész adatok, esettanulmányok, nemzetközi és hazai trendek, mellébeszélés nélkül – első kézből – valódi szakértőktől. A mikrofon mögött a műsor házigazdái Kolbert István és Madar Norbert. Szponzorációs lehetőségek, jelentkezés vendégként: https: ...
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Se agradece de antemano cualquier donación por: paypal.me/felitorr Geopolítica desde una visión Iberoamericana y del Caribe. Si usted busca un punto de vista independiente de las matrices de opinión que difunden las grandes medios de comunicación. Escuche www.abajocadenasradio.com
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Solo se ti rende felice

Solo se ti rende felice

Nato in pandemia su FB, continuato subito dopo su IG ora arriva Live grazie ad Underdogs Srl, la prima società benefit LGBTQIA+ generalista. Registriamo Live ad ogni data del Cabaret Queer "The Shade" a Firenze e in ogni posto in cui ci chiamano. "Impariamo insieme ad essere intersezionali" attraverso le storie, il racconto e il confronto con ospiti sempre diversi.
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Felicia Day

Felicia Day is an actor, writer, producer and author of the bestselling memoir "You're Never Weird on the Internet (Almost)". Her "Felicitations!" podcast feed has her monthly solo podcast, and her Felicitations Book Club with Bonnie Burton that is held live monthly at discord.gg/feliciaday! Felicia's podcasts cover such geeky topics as gaming, television, reading, but also often veer into her personal life as a creator and parent. Welcome!
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En este foro encontrarás herramientas y educacionales para impulsar tu vida, tu equipo, tus finanzas y mucho mas rumbo a una vida mejorada hasta posicionarte en tu próximo nivel óptimo. Si tienes razones suficientemente fuertes, podrás crear las circunstancias para lograr tus metas. Ofrecemos soluciones reales para lograr salud, prosperidad, y felicidad. El coach de vida Elias Hernández es tu mejor aliado. Su experiencia ayudando a personas en situaciones similares a la tuya, y más de una dé ...
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Bienvenidos a Felizonia, el planeta famoso por su alto contenido en felicidad. Y por su podcast de variedades dignas de un cabaret dirigido por monos.
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show series
Send us a text Cserjés-Kopándi Ildikóval értékeltük a magyar e-kereskedelem 2024-es évét és megvizsgáltuk a kilátásokat 2025-re. 00:00 Milyen volt a 2024-es év a magyar e-kereskedelemben? 07:38 A Temu hatása a magyar piacra 2024-ben 16:44 Online piacterek 25:19 Logisztikai szolgáltatók 35:23 A fizetési szolgáltatók szezonja 2024-ben 39:57 BNPL - ha…
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Doppel-Olympiasiegerin, siebenfache Weltmeisterin und Gesamtweltcupsiegerin - Laura Dahlmeier hat im Biathlon alles gewonnen. Mit gerade einmal 25 Jahren hat sie ihre Karriere abrupt beendet - und ist ihrer Liebe zu den Bergen gefolgt.Im Gespräch mit Felix & Philipp erklärt Laura, warum ihr die persönliche Freiheit so wichtig ist, was sie auf ihren…
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In this insightful episode, I sit down with Lisa Tahir, the brilliant author, licensed therapist, and creator behind The Chiron Effect: Healing Our Core Wounds through Astrology, Empathy, and Self-Forgiveness. Lisa is the host of the popular podcast All Things Therapy and an expert in blending psychology, astrology, and mindfulness to guide individ…
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El concepto del "Destino Manifiesto" de los Estados Unidos tiene sus raíces en una combinación de creencias culturales y religiosas que se desarrollaron en la sociedad estadounidense a principios del siglo XIX. Esta doctrina sostenía que Estados Unidos estaba destinado a expandir su territorio, llevando la democracia y sus valores a lo largo del co…
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New Year Still Petty Woke History...The Lies Racist Told to not vote MLK Day Into Law Holly Annoyed She is a millionaire and fights the urge to be the Maggot Karen of her mother's like in Stephen Kings Holly TikTok is not banned. I am "Confuscious" about why it was banned. Get it? Chinese influence and spying. Really? Watching my dad jokes and food…
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In the fast-paced world of social media, TikTok has emerged as a dominant platform for creators, businesses, and influencers alike. With its unique blend of creativity and entertainment, TikTok offers unparalleled opportunities to connect with audiences globally. However, building a substantial following organically can be a daunting task. This is …
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In the digital era, having a strong social media presence is essential for individuals and businesses alike. Whether you’re a content creator, entrepreneur, or a growing brand, effectively managing your social media can set you apart in a competitive online landscape. Since 2020, https://morethanpanel.com/ has been helping users achieve their socia…
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Chorwacja is a destination known for its stunning Adriatic coastline, rich history, and picturesque landscapes. For travelers seeking a unique and personalized experience, the best way to immerse yourself in the local culture is by staying in private accommodations directly hosted by property owners. A trusted platform with over 20 years of experie…
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Since its inception in 2016, RoadAccounts has been a go-to platform for Pokémon GO enthusiasts who want to level up their gaming experience. Specializing in the sale of premium Pokémon GO accounts, the site caters to players who lack the time or resources to develop their accounts but still wish to enjoy the full potential of the game. With a focus…
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Join Jessica Sterling (@thejesssterling) and Sara Fergenson (@sarafergenson) as they chat about Season 3 Episode 14 of Felicity, The Break-Up Kit. They break down the fall of Ben Fucking Covington, what they'd want in a break-up kit, and Sean and Meghan's latest tiff. You can WATCH this podcast on our brand new YouTube channel! Follow us on Twitter…
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- "Fernando Furones", es un músico y artista verdaderamente polifacético; es director de orquesta, compositor, cantante, pianista y guitarrista. También es compositor de bandas sonoras para películas y ahora nos presenta su primer trabajo grande como banda de rock: "SONGS FOR GOOD TIMES". 12 canciones excelentes, con una cuidada producción y en las…
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Dr. Alex Thinius is als docent verbonden aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam en de Radboud Universiteit. Thinius werkt aan de theorie van sociaal-culturele verandering, vooral op het gebied van sekse en gender. Thinius promoveerde op de notie van gender als genre.توسط Felix & Sofie
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Join Jessica Sterling (@thejesssterling) and Sara Fergenson (@sarafergenson) as they discuss the 1999 film, Simply Irresistible. They discuss magical crabs, what the horniest food is, and give justice to the magical Mr. Crabs. You can WATCH this podcast on our brand new YouTube channel! Follow us on Twitter and Instagram at @shit90spod. Email us at…
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🚀 Sponsor e collaborazioni su info@alessandrobari.it Ne ho parlato col mio Amico ed Esperto Alessio Piamonti fondatore di https://www.elettricistafelice.it/circolo-elettricisti-illuminati Diventa un supporter di questo podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/elettricista-felice--2157131/support.توسط Alessandro Bari
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Scorch Felix Live #411 1Giacomo StalloneQuartzTransfiguration RecordingsBest Of 2024 2Bonzai All StarsCrave to Rave feat. Suki PollockBonzai Classics 3JLChaparroMental DistorsionEclipse Recordings 4luke&flexAwakenTransfiguration RecordingsBest Of 2024 5Meg-BegCamargueEclipse RecordingsDDC1 EP 6WitheckerFucking Hands UpAudiocodeAC Best of 2024 7Robe…
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In dieser Folge erfährst du alles über die wichtigsten Business-Trends für 2025 – sei vorne mit dabei und gestalte die Zukunft deines Unternehmens aktiv mit! 🚀 Erfahre, welche Trends die Geschäftswelt revolutionieren werden und wie du sie für dein Unternehmen nutzen kannst.➡️ Alle Infos zu Bitrix24: https://www.bitrix24.de/~22VMTBleib am Ball und n…
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Na najeżonej sukcesami drodze naszej reprezentacji piłki kopanej do dominacji w światowym futbolu stanął niespodziewany problem. Nie wiadomo gdzie grać. Narodowy jest drogi, ale za to ma kiepską akustykę. Śląski mniejszy, ale za to zadłużony... Doceńmy powagę sytuacji! To ważne, na jakim stadionie pokonamy reprezentację Hiszpanii czy Holandii!…
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Join Sara Fergenson (@sarafergenson) and Jess Sterling (@thejesssterling) as they chat about Season 3 Episode 17 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Enemies. They debate whether they want to see Angelus return, admit whether or not they were hoodwinked, and discuss who is a better daddy between Daddy Vamps and The Mayor. You can WATCH this podcast on our …
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The football gods blessed fans this year craving for the good old days. Nick Felice and Paul Russo recap Wild Card Weekend in the NFL that saw the Commanders win a playoff game for the first time in 20 years, the Bills roll the Broncos, and leave many people wondering if there will be any magic in the Divisional Round. The College Football Playoff …
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In this episode of CPO Playbook, Felicia Shakiba dives into one of today’s most pressing challenges: the critical shortage of cybersecurity talent in government agencies. With over 30,000 vacancies at the Department of Defense and a global gap of 4 million skilled cybersecurity professionals, the stakes are higher than ever. Felicia is joined by Ka…
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The real estate landscape has evolved dramatically in recent years, with traditional property listings no longer being the sole option for buyers, sellers, and investors. Alternative real estate listings are emerging as powerful tools to connect people with unique properties, innovative platforms, and creative methods of buying and selling homes. T…
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🎙️ Épisode 173 : Retour sur mes 19 ans de coachingDans cet épisode, je vous emmène dans les coulisses de mes 19 années d'expérience en tant que coach. 🚀 De mes débuts à aujourd'hui, je partage les hauts, les bas, et les leçons qui ont façonné ma carrière.Vous découvrirez :✔️ Les erreurs que j'aurais aimé éviter✔️ Les défis qui m'ont le plus appris✔…
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Join Jessica Sterling (@thejesssterling) and Sara Fergenson (@sarafergenson) as they chat about Season 3 Episode 13 of Felicity, Blackout, with special guest, Emily. They discuss Sean's disgusting behavior, Avery's bullshit, and Noel moving to Seattle. You can WATCH this podcast on our brand new YouTube channel! Follow us on Twitter and Instagram a…
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