Rozmowy o dobrych praktykach branży HR, strategiach i kampaniach Employer Brandingowych oraz kluczowych kompetencjach przyszłości. Zapraszam, Paweł Zawadzki.
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NHS Employers is the employers’ organisation for the NHS in England. We help employers to develop a sustainable workforce, improve staff experience and be the best employers they can be.
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Our podcast series features AGG attorneys discussing challenges they’ve encountered when assisting clients on business and legal issues related to the employment relationship. HR professionals, in-house counsel, and business owners can stay updated on key employment law topics and trends affecting the workplace.
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Building a successful business means managing a constantly shifting target, especially when assembling a high-performance team that drives revenue, enhances the bottom line, and meets expectations. The Entrepreneur to Employer podcast is here to help. Tailored for entrepreneurs, this show delivers practical insights across three critical areas: time, money, and people operations. From developing sales systems to creating an operations manual or even preparing your business for sale, Entrepre ...
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Learn practical talent attraction & employer branding strategies from the best. The Employer Branding Podcast is hosted out of London by Jörgen Sundberg, CEO Link Humans. In this weekly show, international employer brand leaders, rebels, and innovators share their favorite tactics and strategies. From challenger brands with momentum – to leading companies such as Google, Microsoft, Salesforce, GE, Walmart, L'Oréal, and, Unilever. Episodes are around 20 minutes long and in an easy to follow Q ...
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Management meets Mindfulness – Wertvolle Inhalte aus Management, Marketing, Führung und Employer Branding mit etwas Achtsamkeit
Philipp Ketteler
Management meets Mindfulness – wertvolles Management-Wissen mit einer Prise Achtsamkeit Jetzt den Podcast abonnieren. Für Kurzimpulse folge uns bei Instagram: Der Podcast "Management meets Mindfulness" liefert wertvolle Management-Tipps & Tricks für Selbständige, Fach- und Führungskräfte. Hacks, Grundlagen, Best Practices, motivierende und inspirierende Inhalte aus den Bereichen Management, Marketing, Führung und Employer Branding treffen auf die wissens ...
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The DC Insider – Employer Update™ brings you insights and expertise from Washington, DC attorneys at FortneyScott. Each episode provides key updates and analyses employers need to know to stay on top of developments affecting the workplace. Your Hosts: David S. Fortney is a co-founder of Fortney & Scott, LLC, a Washington, D.C.-based law firm counseling and advising clients on the full spectrum of work-place related matters, including employment discrimination and labor matters, compliance p ...
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In The Employer Defense Podcast, attorney Clifton Smith shares his expertise in helping businesses navigate complex employment law issues. The podcast delves into various aspects of defending employers against claims and lawsuits, offering practical insights and strategies.
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Want to know what makes a Good Employer? Check out our fortnightly interviews with real employers who put their employees first and are among some of the best in their industry.
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Feeding you labor and employment law & HR compliance news, insights, and best practices.
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Blu Thread Conversations: The Ultimate Business Podcast for People, Culture, and Employer Brand Strategies
Blu Ivy Group
Are you a Chief Human Resource Officer (CHRO) or business leader passionate about transforming your organization's people experience and culture? Do you aim to be an effective change agent? Welcome to 'Blu Thread Conversations', the go-to podcast designed for HR leaders actively shaping and creating impact for their organizations. Crafted for passionate CHROs and HR leaders, ‘Blu Thread Conversations’ offers valuable insight on how your employer brand strategy and Employer Value Proposition ...
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We explore all things HR and Talent related. We go through the current news and build on specific in-depth topics employers and employees alike need to hear. Keep up to date being a modern employer and join the #wildcards.
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Welcome to the Employer Blueprint Podcast where we help business leaders build high-performing teams, amazing company cultures, and scale their business for success. Hosted by entrepreneur and leadership coach Kyle Gorman.
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Jeśli jesteś przedsiębiorcą lub pracownikiem, któremu zależy na tym, aby środowisko pracy było bardziej przyjaznym miejscem do rozwoju siebie i innych, to trafiłeś na odpowiedni kanał! Subskrybuj. Rekomenduj gości. Dziel się opinią i współtwórz tematy. Inspiracją dla twórczyni kanału EB-on była masa ludzi skupionych wokół EB oraz rodzina, przyjaciele, klienci i literatura. Razem możemy więcej, bo Employer Branding to sport zespołowy, więc zapraszam cię do tej gry.
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Trusted Legal and Strategic Advice to Employers Workplace issues are complex, involving real people and difficult decisions. Since its inception CCPartners has focused on providing exceptional service with a tailored approach to all areas of Labour and Employment Law. We take the time to ask the right questions, understand your business, and help you achieve the outcomes that support your business goals.
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OneDigital’s Employer Advisory Podcast features commentary on the latest happenings that impact health care, business and the workplace.
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Building a Modern Employer Brand podcast is a weekly podcast that brings you a modern breath of air into employer branding and other HR marketing! This podcast is for all modern-minded HR/Talent marketing practitioners who want to learn how to influence talents with messages and marketing in a world where attention is no longer a default. This podcast is brought to you by Employer Branding Agency Emine and hosted by Susanna Rantanen. Susanna is Finland's best-known employer branding expert a ...
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Becoming an employer does not come with a manual. Whether you're having a hard time keeping it together or need a little kick in the pants, this podcast will help. Get understandable and practical advice on how to deal with all aspects of the employment relationship from explaining labour laws, tackling dispute resolution and navigating compliance.
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Each episode Rick and Lori, who have nearly 50 years of experience in labor, will cover topics that could affect businesses and the way they operate. Rick and Lori will give insights on how to deal with the rules, laws and regulations governing the business community.
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The Tracy Talks Talent Podcast provides insights for employers from staffing industry leader Tracy Taylor Smith. For over 13 years Tracy Taylor Smith has helped companies large and small--emerging to Fortune 500, improve operational efficiency and increase customer satisfaction through talent acquisition and staffing.
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Join Will Ruch, employer branding expert, and other human resources and marketing pros as they share their stories, ideas and advice on building your workplace brand. Gain actionable tips from industry leaders on finding and retaining talent, your most valuable resource.
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The Proactive Employer is your source for the latest news and commentary on workplace issues, HR best practices, employment litgiation risk management and EEO compliance. Host Stephanie R. Thomas, Ph.D., simplifies the complexities of today's business environment and engages listeners in discussions on key workplace challenges. Featuring conversations with leading policymakers, thought leaders and subject matter experts, The Proactive Employer focuses on issues of interest to HR professional ...
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Elevating the status and influence of early careers specialists. This is why the team at NGTU Group have created Next Gen Employer. Helping the next generation of talent into organisations is a big responsibility and early careers attraction and engagement specialists must have the status they deserve to have influence. How do we do this? We build a true community of early career specialists who want to learn and share together. It's not just about turning up to a breakfast seminar or an ann ...
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Was tun, wenn sich keiner mehr bei Ihrem Unternehmen bewirbt? Auch Sie als mittelständischer Arbeitgeber haben es längst gemerkt: Der einstige Arbeitsmarkt ist zum Bewerbermarkt geworden. Um im Wettbewerb um die besten Köpfe auch künftig die Nase vorn zu haben, ist innovatives Recruiting gefragt. In unseren individuellen Recruiting-Workshops befähigen wir Sie, damit Sie auch in Zukunft erfolgreich sind. Wählen Sie aus unseren Angeboten! "Future Recruiting für den Mittelstand" Gemeinsam erarb ...
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Ehsan Kabir - Solicitor or Barrister Which One Should You Choose (Salary, Hours, Employers, Work)
Ehsan Kabir Solicitor
Ehsan Kabir takes pride in providing exceptional client care to all his clients. By being legally trained and a qualified professional Ehsan Kabir ensures client matters are dealt with swiftly and effectively as possible whilst protecting their individual interests.
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Reconstructing Healthcare: Innovative Solutions For Employers To Lower Their Healthcare Costs
Reconstructing Healthcare: Innovative Solutions For Employers To Lower Their Healthcare Costs
Our Healthcare and Health Insurance System is broken. Healthcare costs continue to rise at the expense of employers and employees who often end up paying more each year for reduced levels of benefit and service. If you’ve had enough, then you’ve come to the right place. In this show, we explore what is wrong with the current system and examine what drives higher healthcare costs. We interview companies that are providing innovative services and solutions designed to not only disrupt the heal ...
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Why Healthcare’s Best Employers Keep Winning | Employer Brand Strategy for Healthcare & Clinics The Healthcare Industry is facing its biggest hiring and retention crisis in history. The demand for Nurses, Doctors, Oncologies, physiotherapists, outpatient care specialists, is skyrocketing, yet Physiotherapy Outpatient clinics, Dental Clinics, Hospit…
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W Intellias Polska różnorodność, równość i inkluzywność (DEI) to nie tylko korporacyjne hasła – to fundament kultury i siła napędowa organizacji. Wierzą, że prawdziwie inkluzywne środowisko pracy sprzyja innowacyjności, kreatywności i współpracy. Za swoje programy w tym obszarze firma właśnie otrzymała tytuł Dream Employer 2025. Rozmawiamy z Anną K…
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In this episode, Brian Montes interviews Todd Zive, a business consultant and author of 'The Mensch Method.' Todd shares his journey from the medical technology industry to becoming a strategic advisor and author. He discusses the inspiration behind his book, the importance of resilience in leadership, and the core principles that guide his approac…
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President Trump continues the unprecedented expansion of his authority over the Executive Branch through Executive Orders by bringing independent agencies under the direct control of OMB – from personnel to substance of regulations, to budgets, even to being in DC. Join David, Nita, and Burt as they unravel a series of EOs and Memos detailing how t…
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Fokus, Pausen und Krisen - Patrick Löffler über den Lauf seines Unternehmens und nachhaltigen Erfolg im Business (Teil 2)
Wie bleibt man im hektischen Geschäftsalltag konzentriert und fokussiert? In diesem zweiten Teil des Gesprächs mit Fintech-Gründer Patrick Löffler tauchen wir tiefer in das Thema Achtsamkeit ein. Patrick erzählt außerdem von Krisenzeiten und den Umgang mit Herausforderungen. In dieser Episode erfährst du: Wie Patrick mit Pausen umgeht und warum sie…
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In this episode, AGG Employment partners Ashley Kelly and Theresa Kananen and AGG Government Contracts partner Tenley Carp discuss the significant changes to DEI programs under the Trump administration. Together, they explore recent executive orders affecting federal contractors and grant recipients, potential enforcement actions, and how private c…
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Workplace investigations are high-stakes for business owners, CEOs, and HR leaders. If they are mishandled, you risk legal action, employee distrust, and damage to company culture. In this episode of the Entrepreneur to Employer podcast, we discuss how to structure and conduct a fair, unbiased workplace investigation, ensuring compliance, protectin…
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Von der Piste ins Fintech – Patrick Löffler über Leistung, Benefits für Mitarbeitende und Achtsamkeit (Teil 1)
Was haben Snowboarding, Fintech und Achtsamkeit gemeinsam? In dieser Folge von „Management meets Mindfulness“ sprechen wir mit Patrick Löffler, ehemaligem Snowboardprofi und Mitgründer von givve®, einem Fintech-Unternehmen für Prepaid-Kreditkarten als Benefit für Mitarbeitende. In dieser Episode erfährst du: Welche Learnings Patrick aus dem Profisp…
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Scaling your business sounds exciting, but if you don’t have the proper foundation, growth can break your business instead of building it. In this episode, Montes walks you through five foundational principles every business owner must establish before attempting to scale. If you want to grow your business sustainably—without chaos, burnout, or fin…
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The Administration’s efforts to eliminate DEI practices from both the public and private sectors have expanded to include memos and guidance from the Attorney General and the OPM. Join David, Nita, and Burt as they detail the breadth of the efforts to eliminate DEI and explain how criminal liability is in the offing for private businesses. Contact …
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Interview mit Prof. Dr. Lena Evertz Teil 2 - über Mindwandering, wie sich Achtsamkeit auf Effizienz und Zufriedenheit auswirkt und die Parallelen zur Trimm-Dich-Bewegung der 70er Jahre
Welche Rolle spielen Führungskräfte bei der Einführung von Achtsamkeitsmaßnahmen? Im zweiten Teil unseres Gesprächs mit Prof. Dr. Lena Evertz tauchen wir noch tiefer in die Bedeutung von Achtsamkeit im Management ein. Sie erklärt die Konzepte interaktioneller und struktureller Führung und liefert wissenschaftlich fundierte Erkenntnisse über die pos…
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Interview mit Prof. Dr. Lena Evertz Teil 1 - über Human Resource Management, mobiles Arbeiten und digitale Achtsamkeit
Was bedeutet Human Resource Management in der heutigen Arbeitswelt, und wie beeinflussen Trends wie mobiles Arbeiten und digitale Achtsamkeit unsere tägliche Arbeit? In dieser Folge von Management meets Mindfulness sprechen wir mit Prof. Dr. Lena Evertz, Professorin für Human Resource Management, über die Chancen und Herausforderungen moderner Arbe…
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Another hectic week for labor and employment lawyers as the Trump Administration puts the NLRB and EEOC in its sights. Join David Fortney and Nita Beecher as they discuss the practical implications of President Trump firing a Democratic NLRB Board Member and two Democratic EEOC Commissioners, leaving both agencies without a quorum. Additionally, as…
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FortneyScott begins its series of webinars regarding Pres. Trump's Executive Orders. This first focuses on the revocation of EO 11246. Join David Fortney and Elizabeth Bradley as they review what employers need to know in navigating through these significant workforce changes. Contact Fortney & Scott: Tweet us at @fortneyscott Follow us on LinkedIn…
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IHG is a huge global hospitality brand with over 500,000 employees worldwide. In this episode we learn how they developed a TVP, or Targeted Value Proposition, in order to reach talent with niche skillsets.Eunice Z. Clements-Tweedie is the Vice President of Global Talent Acquisition at IHG.Eunice Z. Clements-Tweedie on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedi…
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Are you constantly saying, “I don’t have enough time to get everything done”? Are your employees maxed out, leaving you thinking about hiring someone new? Before deciding, listen to this episode and discover the 5-Hour Challenge. In this episode, we’ll break down a game-changing process designed to help business owners and their teams free up time,…
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Wir haben spannende Neuigkeiten für euch! In dieser kurzen Folge stellt Philipp seinen neuen Videokurs zum Thema Berufsorientierung und Berufsberatung vor, der jetzt auf Udemy verfügbar ist. Der Kurs bietet wertvolle Unterstützung für alle, die aktuell Orientierung in ihrer beruflichen Laufbahn suchen. Außerdem erfährst du: Für wen der Kurs besonde…
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Welcome to another insightful episode of the Entrepreneur to Employer podcast! In today’s episode, we explore how building effective business systems can empower your team, streamline operations, and set the stage for scalable growth. Whether you’re already running a thriving business or preparing to take your operations to the next level, this epi…
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As organizations shift their focus towards building more transformational and high-impact employer brands, 2025 marks a pivotal moment. Employer branding is no longer about recruitment marketing alone —it will now be embraced as a key driver of cultural alignment, employee engagement, and business growth as well. In this evolving landscape, success…
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In the wake of the election of Donald Trump to a second term, numerous private corporations are rapidly scaling back their DEI initiatives. Some “red” state legislatures have even begun passing laws to ban DEI in all public sector recruiting, hiring, and training efforts. Join David, Nita, and Burt as they review recent attacks on DEI and examine t…
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Management meets Mindfulness 2024 - Unser Jahresrückblick auf spannende Interviews, interessante Themen, Management und Achtsamkeit
In dieser Spezialfolge wagen wir einen kleinen Rückblick auf 2024. Aus jeder Folge haben wir einen kleinen Teil extrahiert, sodass jeder Interviewgast des vergangenen Jahres noch einmal zu Wort kommt und so in Erinnerung gerufen wird, was 2024 bei uns im Podcast Thema war. Noch einmal herzlichen Dank an alle Gäste, aber auch an euch Zuhörer*innen! …
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In this episode of the Entrepreneur to Employer podcast, we explore one of the most overlooked but essential steps in the hiring process: crafting a great job description. A well-crafted job description is more than just a list of duties—it sets the stage for attracting the right talent, aligning expectations, and ensuring hiring success. We’ll wal…
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Präkrastinieren oder Wenn man Dinge zu früh erledigt - über Unterschiede und Gemeinsamkeiten zur klassischen Aufschieberitis, richtiges Planen und Prioritäten setzen
In dieser Folge geht Philipp dem Präkrastinieren auf den Grund. Was genau ist das eigentlich und wo ist der Unterschied zum bekannteren Prokrastinieren? Dabei macht er deutlich, wann man besonders Gefahr läuft, sich in einem der beiden Modi zu verheddern und macht Vorschläge, wie man den Teufelskreisen entkommt. "Viel Spaß beim Hören! Folgt uns ger…
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Is your business hitting a growth plateau, and you’re unsure why? The answer might be YOU. In this episode of the Entrepreneur to Employer podcast, host Montes dives into the common challenge many business owners face: becoming the bottleneck in their operations. If you’ve built your business from the ground up, it’s easy to fall into the trap of n…
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In this episode of the Entrepreneur to Employer podcast, we dive into the five non-negotiable building blocks every small business owner and first-time CEO needs to create a scalable and effective People Operations system. Whether you’re just starting or looking to fine-tune your processes, these foundational elements will set your business up for …
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In this episode of the Entrepreneur to Employer podcast, Brian Montes discusses the importance of reflecting on the past year as a business owner. He shares ten key questions entrepreneurs should ask themselves to ensure they progress, learn, and make impactful decisions for the upcoming year. The conversation emphasizes the significance of mindset…
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As more of President Trump’s personnel and policies are revealed, David, Nita, and Burt survey the changes that face the workplace agencies. Don’t miss this incisive and probing interchange designed to explore the future of DEI, of the OFCCP and the Executive Order, of the EEOC and the Pregnancy Regs, of the NLRB, now anticipating a Republican majo…
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Interview mit Jutta dos Santos Miquelino Teil 2 - über 5D-Leadership, neue Herausforderungen in der Führung und Juttas "The Glass Elevator"
Im zweiten Teil des Interviews mit Jutta dos Santos Miquelino geht es noch einmal etwas spezifischer um ihr neues Buch. Sie erklärt uns, was genau eigentlich hinter 5D-Leadership steckt. Philipp und Jutta sprechen darüber hinaus auch über die neuen Herausforderungen von Führung, aber auch darüber, wie man zu innerer Zufriedenheit kommt. Achtung Gew…
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Building a New Employer Brand at a Well Known Consumer-Facing Business, with Tara Orlando of Verizon
Verizon is well-known as a consumer-facing brand, but not so much as a place to work. There was a clear need for employer branding, and we find out how they worked to establish their EVP.Tara Orlando is the Senior Director of Talent Attraction & Emerging Talent Pipeline at Verizon.Tara Orlando on LinkedIn:…
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In this episode of The Employer Defense Podcast, Kevin Rosenquist and attorney Clifton Smith dive into effective defense strategies for wrongful termination claims. They explore what constitutes wrongful termination, common legal frameworks such as California's Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA), and the importance of proper documentation and w…
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In this episode, the creators of Next Gen Employer talk about why they wanted to set up a platform for early careers specialists or anyone with a vested interest in attracting and retaining the next generation workforce. Attracting and retaining the next generation of talent entering the workforce isn't easy. Gen Z are influenced by technology and …
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In this episode of the Entrepreneur to Employer podcast, Brian Montes guides you through one of the most challenging decisions business owners face: letting go of an underperforming employee. If you've been struggling with whether to fire someone now or wait, this episode provides a clear, step-by-step framework to make the process less daunting an…
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Interview mit Jutta dos Santos Miquelino Teil 1 - über die Chancen der Kollektiven Intelligenz und den Weg in ihre Selbstständigkeit
In dieser Folge ist Jutta dos Santos Miquelino zu Gast. Sie hat vor kurzem ihr Buch "The Glass Elevator" herausgebracht und erzählt uns von den Chancen und der Anwendung der Kollektiven Intelligenz. Dabei erklärt sie, was es damit eigentlich genau auf sich hat und lässt uns zudem hinter die Kulissen ihres Werdegangs und ihrer Selbstständigkeit blic…
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Gen Z: The Key to Solving the Healthcare Talent Crisis | Next Gen Employer x Engage Care Talent
The healthcare and social care sectors are facing a talent crisis. In this special collaboration episode, we explore how Gen Z could be the answer to meeting the nation's growing health and social care demands. Chris Le'cand-Harwood is co-host and founder of Engage Care Talent. Conor Cotton is MD of Not Going To Uni. Join Chris and Conor as they br…
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Efficient business operations are the cornerstone of growth and profitability, yet many business owners resist implementing systems. Why? In this episode of the Entrepreneur to Employer podcast, we explore the four biggest reasons entrepreneurs avoid creating operational systems and how overcoming these challenges can transform your business. If yo…
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In this episode I was really pleased to chat to Rosie Sweetman co-founder of Sweetmans and Partners based in Cardiff. We chatted about what it means to be purpose led business, the benefits of being clear about company values and what we mean when we talk about the culture of an organisation. We also pondered o…
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How Mitgo’s 90 ambassadors have made employer branding magic – with Veronika Batmanova Ready to take your employer branding to the next level? 🤔 This episode is your ultimate guide! Join me and Veronika Batmanova, the leader behind Mitgo’s wildly successful employee ambassador program, as we uncover the exact steps that made it thrive. 🔥 Key topics…
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An Employer Branding Strategy to Reach Passive Candidates, with Mercedez Lockett-Hart of Adyen
Adyen is a financial technology platform that simplifies payment processing for businesses worldwide. But how do they reach candidates that aren’t necessarily looking for a job, and are definitely not aware of Adyen? We talk strategy for how to reach passive candidates with your employer brand.Mercedez Lockett-Hart is the Employer Brand Manager at …
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Finding the right talent to join your organisation is a big priority, but the right talent can be hard to find. So what do you do?توسط Next Gen Employer
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Colleagues provide an introduction to the old structures, and the practicalities of what they were like to navigate in practice.توسط NHS Employers
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Colleagues reflect on the important equal pay case that was a turning point in the NHS, including the challenges and complexities the Whitley Council structures brought.توسط NHS Employers
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Reflections on the improvements made when the NHS moved over to the agenda for change systemتوسط NHS Employers
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Colleagues talk about the implementation of agenda for change and it brought about improved relationships with trade unions.توسط NHS Employers
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Interview mit Mirjam Saeger Teil 2 - übers Netzwerken, über Storytelling und die IDEAL-Formel und Social-Media-Botschaften
Im zweiten Teil des Interviews erzählt Mirjam aus ihrer Vergangenheit und von ihrem Netzwerkprozess und hat dazu einige Tipps auf Lager. Außerdem verrät sie im Podcast im Hinblick auf Storytelling auf Social Media, was es mit ihrer praktischen IDEAL-Formel auf sich hat und wie sehr man sich von seinem Perfektionismus und seinen Ansprüchen lösen sol…
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President-elect Trump and his appointees planned radical reformation of the Federal government is expected to impact the workplace enforcement agencies. Join David, Nita, and Burt as they review the likely actions to install new leadership and to dramatically revise the policies of the EEOC, the NLRB, the DOL (OFCCP and Wage Hour), and others. Don’…
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In this episode of the Employer Defense Podcast, host Kevin Rosenquist sits down with experienced attorney Clifton Smith to discuss critical strategies for defending against wage and hour disputes, particularly in California, where labor laws are among the most stringent in the nation. Clifton explains the complexities of California’s wage and hour…
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Brian Montes discusses the challenges of managing underperforming employees in this episode of the Entrepreneur to Employer podcast. He shares personal experiences and emphasizes the importance of addressing performance issues to maintain workplace morale and culture. Brian introduces a three-part test to help business owners evaluate underperformi…
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Our guest this week is Sally-Anne Airey. Sally-Anne is a leadership coach and a former Royal Navy officer. She's also the creator of the Evolving Leadership Program. Sally-Anne brings a unique blend of leadership experience and mindfulness to her coaching practice. She's also the author of Mindful Command, a book that provides a framework for skill…
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In the Entrepreneur to Employer Podcast episode, Brian Montes dives into employee retention by uncovering the seven signs your top performers are about to quit. Losing your best employees can devastate your business, especially when you’re a first-time founder or small business owner trying to scale. But how can you spot the early warning signs bef…
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Interview mit Mirjam Saeger Teil 1 - über Social Media, Authentizität, Sichtbarkeit und Rucola-Pizza
Nach vier Jahren ist erneut Ghostwriterin Mirjam Saeger zu Gast im Podcast. Sie erzählt ein bisschen, was sich in der Zwischenzeit bei ihr getan hat. Hauptsächlich sprechen Philipp und Mirjam allerdings über das Thema Social Media und darüber, wie wichtig für Mirjam in dem Zusammenhang Authentizität ist. Es geht ums Posten, Kontakte knüpfen und dar…
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