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show episodes

Digi FM

Digi FM

Podcasturile Digi FM sunt o colecție de emisiuni radio disponibile online, care acoperă o gamă largă de subiecte, de la știri și actualitate la divertisment și lifestyle: matinalul Digi FM, cu Oana Zamfir și Vlad Craioveanu, Florin Negruțiu, Radu Paraschivescu, Alice Tudor și Ramon Cotizo. Ascultă și celelalte emisiuni Digi FM de pe Spotify: ⁠Lucian Mîndruță, ⁠Audiență Națională, ⁠⁠⁠⁠Unguru Bulan, ⁠⁠⁠⁠Top 20 Digi FM⁠.
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Digitaliseringens podcast. Metoder, verktyg, teknik och exempel. För konsult, beställare och intressent som vill lyckas med digitalisering. Jonas Jaani guidar dig tillsammans med Micke Norbäck. Intervjuer med konsulter och experter. 20 min/avsnitt
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Jorge Remondes

Em DIGITALIDADE vou explorar os melhores insights sobre Marketing, Comércio Eletrónico, e Redes Sociais. Cada episódio será uma nova aventura que promete informar, inspirar e entreter. O meu objetivo é criar uma comunidade de ouvintes que partilhem a minha paixão por aprender e explorar temas que importam nos nossos dias para as organizações e pessoas.
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Healthcare Digital

Healthcare Digital

Willkommen bei Healthcare Digital. Hier podcastet das Redaktionsteam von Healthcare Digital, Susanne Ehneß, Stephan Augsten, Nicola Hauptmann und Johannes Kapfer, zur Digitalisierung im Gesundheitswesen.
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The Dig

Daniel Denvir

The Dig is a podcast from Jacobin magazine that discusses politics, criminal justice, immigration and class conflict with smart people. Please support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=4839800
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Era Digital Podcast

Historias, Aprendizajes y Tendencias del Mundo de Emprendimiento y Negocios a través de Conversaciones con Emprendedores, CEO´s y Expertos.
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I den här podden utforskar och diskuterar vi hur digitala verktyg och innovationer revolutionerar framtidens arbetsplatser och skapar värde för organisationen, dess medarbetare och chefer. Och även för HR förstås! Kontakt: hej@hrdigi.se
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The Digital Marketing Podcast

Ciaran Rogers, Daniel Rowles and Louise Crossley

A weekly digital marketing podcast with listeners in over 190 countries worldwide.The Digital Marketing Podcast combines interviews with global experts, together with the latest news, tools, strategies and techniques to give your digital marketing the edge. Perfect for your daily commute, the podcast aims to be both entertaining and informative. Produced by Target Internet and hosted by Daniel Rowles, Ciaran Rogers and Louise Crossley. Find out more at targetIniernet.com/podcasts
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Jens Christian Bang

Professorer, PHD-er, teknologer, politikere og ledere i privat og offentlig sektor er gjester som deler sin kunnskap i Digitaliseringspådden. Hver uke treffer du en ny gjest som gir deg ny kunnskap om digitalisering. Programlederne er Jens Christian Bang og Dag Rustad blander seg inn i samtalen og stiller de spørsmålene du ville stilt.Digitalseringspådden produseres av utviklingsselskapet Already On og distribueres av Computerworld Norge.
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Digital Foundry Direct Weekly

Digital Foundry & Geek Media

When it comes to video games and the hardware and tech we play them on, the team at Digital Foundry are unparalleled experts. Each week, DF Direct breaks down the latest breakthroughs in video game visuals, sound, and performance happening on PlayStation, Xbox, the most powerful PC setups, and more. If you’re a geek for graphics, GPUs, or just video games in general, DF Direct will help you get the most out of your gaming setup. DF Direct is a part of the Geek Media Podcast Network, an IGN E ...
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Caviar online es un podcast de Marficom con Carles Fité y Joan Martín. Cada viernes nos cuentan un tema de marketing y comunicación digital además de repasar todas las novedades de la semana en el mundo de las redes sociales. Lo hacen mezclado con música y con un estilo muy particular, siempre con buen humor y contenido de calidad.
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Let's Dig In

Matt & Omar

Let's Dig In, hosted by your's truly, Matt & Omar, brings you right to our dinner table so we can all yap together 'till the sun goes down. Pull up a chair and get ready for some stimulating convos and good laughs.
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Digital X Radio

Online Digital X

Digital X Radio Frankfurt from Germany. Straight Electronic Music, Techno, Minimal, EDM, EBM, Industrial, Dark Wave. Music 24/7, Podcast, Chillout sometimes. No politics. No news. No time announcements.
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Movies We Dig

Movies We Dig

Is it a movie podcast? Is it a history podcast? Is it an unholy union of the two? Short answer: yes! Each episode, hosts Colin MacCormack, Elijah Fleming and Christie Vogler break down a new movie about Greece, Rome or the wider ancient world and what works (or doesn’t work) about them. But this isn’t a podcast for nitpicking historical inaccuracies. Rather, it’s a chance to get hot takes on Hollywood films from professional nerds/academics and take a closer look at the relation between our ...
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Generaci digital

Catalunya Rdio

Albert Murillo presenta i dirigeix el veter programa de videojocs i d'entreteniment digital en totes les seves formes artstiques. Novetats, entrevistes, crtiques i tota l'actualitat del sector. "Generaci digital" t vida les 24 hores al podcast, Telegram, Twitter, YouTube, Twitch i Facebook.
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In de podcast 'Digital Brains' van Adwise praten we je iedere 2 weken bij over ontwikkelingen op het gebied van online marketing, digital, tech en strategy. Daarnaast bespreken we 1 keer per maand één specifiek thema in onze Deep Dive afleveringen. Reageren kan via podcast@adwise.nl. Hosts: Jeroen Roozendaal & Daan Loohuis
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Dig In

Dig Insights

Welcome to Dig In, the podcast brought to you by the minds at Dig Insights. We're interviewing some of the most inspiring brand professionals in marketing, innovation, and insights to discover the story behind the story of their most exciting innovations.
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In The Digital Accessibility Podcast, Accessibility Leaders are interviewed by Joe James about the importance of digital accessibility in business and society. Joe is a Digital Accessibility Recruiter at PCR Digital with an inquisitive mind and a passion for the space. Tune in for key insights, personal accounts, and takeaways about the importance of digital accessibility, told by experts. Contact: joe.james@pcrdigital.com PCR Digital: https://www.pcrdigital.com/
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show series
New Q&A! Give me an idea for a new feature to add in a Nether Update part 2! One Block Challenge! THEME: Sound! Email me your idea or leave it on the Discord. Only give me one idea. Provide the name of the block and any function it has. Keep your descriptions simple and to the point. The winners will be announced in a future episode. Links Discord:…
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Dig-A-Bit is a weekly mini Bible study with Cindy Colley. It supplements the Digging Deep Bible study for women. In this episode, Cindy discusses racism. For more information about the Digging Deep Bible Study for Women, visit TheColleyHouse.org. SCRIPTURE REFERENCES: Luke 10, John 8 LINKS: PDF Transcript for this Podcast Digging Deep in God’s Word…
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Today we're digging into the topic that every gay influencer on the planet is expected to cover at least once in their online lives - our coming out stories! follow us on IG: Let's Dig In: @letsdigin.podcast Matt Benfield: @mr.benfield Omar Ahmed: @omarahmed.co text us <3توسط Matt & Omar
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Featuring TrueAnon hosts Brace Belden and Liz Franczak on our freakish and reactionary tech oligarchy. Musk and friends built a technological infrastructure that has warped everyone’s minds, including their own. Now they’re seizing the state. The hideous AI “art” we discuss: https://bit.ly/4ksG1aM http://bit.ly/3DmDfTD Support The Dig at Patreon.co…
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On this week’s episode, host Jess Gaedeke is joined by Jorge Calvachi, Director of Insights at La-Z-Boy, to discuss how building a consumer-first insights function transformed the iconic brand. They explore how understanding the emotional meaning of comfort reshaped La-Z-Boy’s marketing and why insights leaders must proactively uncover growth oppor…
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Man's reach should forever exceed his podcast. Join us as we talk with super special guest, Flint Dibble, about James Gray's 2016 biopic on early 20th century British explorer Percy Fawcett, The Lost City of Z. We talk archaeology, colonialism and why this is a stealth prequel to the Twilight Saga. Is this a hagiography of an archaeological pioneer…
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Crime & Punishment Episode #4 of 4. In the late 1940s and 1950s, alongside the better known “Red Scare” that targeted alleged internal political enemies - American Communists - the US government led a crusade against gay men and women in the military and civil service. During the “Lavender Scare,” thousands of people were fired or forced from their…
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Suscríbete a nuestro Youtube ☝️ para no perderte un capítulo y visita https://www.escalable.com para crecer tu marca tu ventas.Juan Fernando Correa ha sido Presidente de Directorio y Ejecutivo de múltiples empresas corporativas como: Falabella, Procter & Gamble, Tottus, Sodimac, Redondos, Mallplaza, Open Plaza, Falbella Retail y Banco Falabella.Hoy…
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🤝🏼 Afilie-se aos Treinamentos da Mind7 Digital e receba 💰 comissões em dinheiro: https://www.mind7digital.com.br/afiliados-mind7 LEIA O LIVRO "A FÓRMULA DO LANÇAMENTO" DE JEFF WALKER: https://amzn.to/41zforQ
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DMN466 ข้อมูลพฤติกรรมและความสนใจซื้อของออนไลน์ในประเทศไทย by Narongyod Mahittivanichaتوسط Narongyod Mahittivanicha
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CLIQUE NO 👇🏼 LINK E CONFIRA COMO CRIAR SUA LINHA EDITORIAL: https://institutodigitalbrasileiro.com.br/a-importancia-de-uma-linha-editorial-para-publicacoes-nas-redes-sociais
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Avui fem el programa nmero 1085 i estem molt contens perqu el dedicarem als jocs de taula. Jocs de taula amb un origen concret: els videojocs. Per parlar d'aix ens acompanyen els presentadors del programa de Rdio Arenys "Hora ldica". A ms, farem una retrospectiva d'aquests videojocs de taula i comprovarem que ja fa temps que se'n fan. Hi ha exemple…
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Joan y Carles nos cuentan uno de los secretos de Marficom: cómo publican en redes. No ofrecen cantidad, no prometen un número de posts, sino que lo hacen de otra manera que enamora a sus clientes. Además, como cada semana, nos cuentan las novedades del mundo digital y de las redes sociales. Y también nos recomiendan: Podcast: Sapiensantes Película:…
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🤝🏼 Afilie-se aos Treinamentos da Mind7 Digital e receba 💰 comissões em dinheiro: https://www.mind7digital.com.br/afiliados-mind7 Clique no LINK 👇🏼 e aproveite 7 DIAS GRÁTIS da Mentoria Mind7 Tools pelo ZOOM: https://pay.hotmart.com/N85790180K CLIQUE NO 👇🏼 LINK E CONFIRA A VAGA PUBLICADA HOJE NO PORTAL IDB: https://institutodigitalbrasileiro.com.br…
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Herzlich willkommen bei HEALTHCARE DIGITAL. In der 21. Folge unseres Podcast sprechen wir über KI-Assistenten für ausländische Fachkräfte, die Erfahrung mit der elektronischen Patientenakte in Bayern und über das Strukturieren medizinischer Daten via künstlicher Intelligenz. Zu Gast ist Dr. Anke Diehl. Sie ist Chief Transformation Officer an der Un…
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LaRiota som un podcast d'humor on analitzem l'actualitat i donem vida a seccions on a través de la ficció toquem temes trascendetals del dia a dia.També mensualment portem convidat per diseccionar-lo, fer-li seccions a mida i riure conjuntament. podcast recorded with enacast.com
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Ningú no és perfecte és un programa de cinema, còmics i sèries. Les últimes estrenes cinematogràfiques, les xafarderies de les celebritats, les novetats del mercat del còmic, els rodatges més esperats i les millors sèries de televisió internacionals. Dirigit per Ignasi Arbat i amb Jacint Casademont, Bernat Costa i Marta Sanz en l'equip de producció…
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“Nuestro señor Jesucristo no es como Dios, no es de Dios, sino que es Dios”, dice José Moreno Berrocal como resumen de la controversia que resolvió este concilio hace 1700 años. Exploramos además la historia, los principales actores, las implicaciones, y cómo la iglesia evangélica ha analizado históricamente, hasta el presente, este importante even…
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🤝🏼 Afilie-se aos Treinamentos da Mind7 Digital e receba 💰 comissões em dinheiro: https://www.mind7digital.com.br/afiliados-mind7 Clique no LINK 👇🏼 e aproveite 7 DIAS GRÁTIS da Mentoria Mind7 Tools pelo ZOOM: https://pay.hotmart.com/N85790180K CLIQUE NO 👇🏼 LINK E CONFIRA A VAGA PUBLICADA HOJE NO PORTAL IDB: https://institutodigitalbrasileiro.com.br…
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A La Nit Més Fosca, repassem els episodis més tenebrosos de la crònica negra.Els crims que més van sacsejar la societat en el seu moment analitzats en profunditat.Descobrirem com van tenir lloc, com van influir en el seu temps, quines repercussions varen generar i quines ombres encara avui en dia no s'han dissipat.Benvinguts a La Nit Més Fosca. pod…
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🤝🏼 Afilie-se aos Treinamentos da Mind7 Digital e receba 💰 comissões em dinheiro: https://www.mind7digital.com.br/afiliados-mind7 Clique no LINK 👇🏼 e aproveite 7 DIAS GRÁTIS da Mentoria Mind7 Tools pelo ZOOM: https://pay.hotmart.com/N85790180K CLIQUE NO 👇🏼 LINK E CONFIRA A VAGA PUBLICADA HOJE NO PORTAL IDB: https://institutodigitalbrasileiro.com.br…
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