Denmark عمومی
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Last Week in Denmark (LWID) Podcast

Narcis George Matache, Katie Burns, Fionn O'Toole, Kalpita Bhosale, Arun Prakash & Golda Fania

We cover the weekly top news and happenings in Denmark, delivered bite-sized and in English to empower people with information. Curated by internationals, for internationals (and also Danes!).
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What are you doing in Denmark is the podcast that helps you make Denmark makes sense. The name is inspired by "hvad laver du i Danmark," one of the most-heard questions for foreigners living amongst the Danes. This show delivers a blend of education, entertainment, and virtual group therapy from your hosts Derek Hartman and Annie Samples. Derek and Annie have been living in Denmark for years, although it was never the plan for either of them. They both relocated with their families and have ...
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Design - Made In Denmark

DI Kreative Erhverv

Danmark er et design-land. Danske løsninger er måske nok dyrere end andre, men de er konkurrencedygtige, fordi de er veldesignede, brugervenlige, innovative og holdbare. Vi lever i en transformationstid, og vi er nødt til at ændre den måde, vi producerer, forbruger og arbejder på – og det kan vi ikke gøre uden design. Vores holdbare fremtid skal designes. Med Design podcasten her vil vi udbrede kendskabet til- og brugen af design gennem samtaler med nogle af Danmarks dygtigste designere og v ...
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How to Live in Denmark

Kay Xander Mellish

Life as an international in Denmark, one of the world's most homogenous countries, isn't always easy. In Denmark’s longest-running English-language podcast, Kay Xander Mellish, an American who has lived in Denmark for more than a decade, offers tips for enjoying your time in “the world’s happiest country” plus insights on Danish culture and how to build friendships with Danes. Whether you're living in Denmark, thinking about moving to Denmark, or interested in a job in Denmark and want to un ...
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Tips, tricks, and cultural observations about the Danes and life in Denmark. From Copenhagen on the island of Sjaelland to Aarhus, Alborg and the far reaches of Jutland. I aspire to explore Denmark and to report back on Denmark's wonderful people, rich traditions and subtle quirks.
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In this podcast, we’ll take you through the history as well as the future prospects of Urban Farming. The podcast is based upon the book “500 Years of Urban Farming in Denmark”, written by Dr. Paul Rye Kledal, who is educated as an agricultural economist. He has more than 20 years of professional experience as a researcher and governmental advisor within Urban Farming, recirculating aquaculture and aquaponics. Enjoy the history of Urban Farming in Denmark, a visit to the historical gardens o ...
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Danish culture can be pretty confusing, especially if you are not from Denmark. This podcast is on a mission to resolve cultural confusion in the country, and help anyone understand how people in this unique country think and behave. Co-hosts Sam Floy (British podcaster, "The Outsider") and Josefine Volqvartz (Danish TV journalist, "The Insider") speak to experts and members of the public to understand and explain why something so normal in Danish culture is confusing to outsiders. Rather th ...
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show series
In this episode, Derek sits down with Nathalie Goldstein, CEO of MyExpatTaxes and an IRS Enrolled Agent, to break down everything Americans living abroad need to know about filing their U.S. taxes. Whether you're in Denmark, Austria, or anywhere else in the world, Uncle Sam still wants his cut—and ignoring it isn’t an option. You'll find out: 💰 Do …
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Rearming defence forces is now an EU-wide focus to the tune of 6,000B DKK, volunteering is on the rise again in Denmark, and national mail delivery will change hands from PostNord to Dao in 2026. Golda continues at the helm this week, jointly with Kalpita to bring everyone bite sized news and upsized entertainment. Have questions, ideas or feedback…
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Mode er kommet for at blive. Men måske ikke i den form den har nu: Mange kollektioner om året slider på miljøet. Relativt billigt tøj i standardstørrelser der ikke rigtigt passer nogen, og i en kvalitet som, ja, sommetider kunne være bedre. Tøj der bliver designet et sted, stoffet produceret et andet sted, og syet sammen et tredje sted giver også u…
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Gækkebrev are a great Danish tradition, but like many other Danish traditions, they are fighting to survive amid the country’s ambitious digital agenda. What is a gækkebrev, or gække letter? A single piece of paper, cut into a lace-like design somewhat like a snowflake, sent anonymously in the days before Easter. A poem is handwritten on the letter…
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EU-forordningen for kunstig intelligens blev vedtaget for omkring et år siden, men er stadig på vej igennem systemet. Der er stadig dele af forordningen som ikke er trådt i kraft når det gælder virksomheder og organisationers pligt til at overholde kravene, men det kommer i løbet af det næste års tid. Rundt omkring i Europa er man nemlig igang med …
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This week​, Annie, Briana, and Derek discuss the science behind friendship and how living in close proximity to good friends impacts your mental and physical health. ​According to numerous multi-generational studies​, it's even ​the key to a longer life. ​W​hat does this mean for those of us who move to ​a​ new country and live ​a​way from our clos…
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Denmark is looking into banning phones in schools, the Salling Group makes it easier for shoppers to identify European-made products amidst the US boycott movement, and a recent attempt to classify Danish adoptees born after 1968 as immigrants sparked backlash and a #ErJegStadigDansk movement. Katie and Golda are back to cover these hot topics of t…
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This week, Derek, Brooke, and Mike break down the most interesting headlines in Denmark. You'll learn why the Danish National Police are looking for an alternative to being on X aka Twitter and the beloved Dane that Elon Musk started a twitter fight with because his misinformation was corrected. On a lighter note, we discuss some of the recent zoo …
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Denmark is prioritising national security with a 50B DKK increase in defense spending, the government unveils a 36-point action plan to combat racism and Novo Nordisk continues to drive Denmark's GDP contributing to the majority of the 3.6% growth we experienced last year. Please welcome back Fionn and Kalpita as this week’s co-hosts discussing the…
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Der er 157 forskellige slags asfalt i Danmark. Opskriften der bliver brugt til at lave asfalt er ca 100 år gammel, og selve asfaltsvej-konceptet er 2000 år gammelt. Line Kloster Pedersen er 30 år gammel, iværksætter og svampenørd. Og så har hun på 2 år, med viden, nysgerrighed og et voldsomt gå-på-mod lykkes med at udfordre den måde vi bygger veje …
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In this episode, Derek, Conrad, and Brooke welcome back our resident royal expert, Anna Marie, for another fascinating look at Danish royalty. She kicks things off by quizzing us on some of Denmark’s most intriguing kings and queens before diving into the life and legacy of King Christian IX. How did a king from a relatively small nation manage to …
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Hot on the heels of the Greenland debate, the new DR documentary on cryolite extraction is adding fuel to an already raging fire. Danish intelligence is sounding the alarm on a potential Russian offensive with weakening NATO ties. Industry workers secured some wins in a new agreement that saw increase in wages, as well as more flexibility in leave …
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I denne episode handler det om hvordan man kan lave meget små og effektive generative sprogmodeller, som er trænet til at løse specifikke opgaver, og som derfor kræver meget lidt energi og kan køre i noget der ligner realtid. Det kan bruges til fx at skrive tekster og replikker i computerspil, men de små modeller har vist sig at have et meget størr…
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Fastelavn is one of the Danes’ favorite holidays. It takes place in February, when the light is finally beginning to come back after a long season of winter darkness. "Hitting the cat in the barrel" - which used to involve a real cat, but no longer does - and eating messy fastelavn buns full of custard are part of the holiday. What's no longer real…
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Controversial debates are rising on both the EU stage regarding wolf population control, and locally in Denmark as political parties are lobbying for an external investigation into the recent police scandal. Grassroots movement in an Aalborg organisation offering unlimited parental sick leave brings hope that we can have it all. Listen in as our fr…
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This week Derek, Annie, and Briana team up to discuss some of the headlines from around Denmark including recent polling from Greenland and some scary reports of bomb threats in Danish schools. You'll hear a discussion on the future of automobiles in Copenhagen, the history of pedestrianized streets in the city centre and Annie's hot take on what y…
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Say hello to Fionn, one of our new resident Irish co-hosts. This week, Fionn and Kalpita are joining forces to discuss both good news - interest rates continue to lower for aspiring homeowners and expansion of psychiatric support on the emergency hotline 112, and not so good news (i.e. increasing Denmark’s NATO contributions to 5%). In this episode…
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If you’re one of the bottom 80% of Danish earners, you’ll probably spend most of your dark January evenings and weekends at home, hoping your bank account can recover from Christmas excesses. Restaurants have a lot of empty tables this time of year. Shops mostly process the return of unwanted Christmas presents. Now, this can and often is packaged …
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Sundheds-startuppen Melatech laver mobil-baserede værktøjer som kan hjælpe praktiserende læger og hudlæger med at identificere potentielt problematiske hudforandringer – men nu er de også igang med at bruge sprogmodeller til at hjælpe med at strømline kommunikationen mellem lægerne. Det er ikke fancy AI-visioner om at revolutionere sundhedsvæsenet,…
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This week Derek is joined by Anders Morgenstierne, who has returned to WAYDID to discuss an obscure war from Danish history. Most Danes don't even know about this war - and that's because for most of history, no one in Denmark realized that it happened. During the period, Copenhagen was attacked twice and most of the Danish navy was destroyed. Desp…
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We're back with a new format in season 3! Stay updated on the top issues that has happened in Denmark, and get to know our panel of co-hosts as they discuss them. This week Narcis sits with Kalpita, musing about petty crime punishments, rising prices of electric cars and the decline in passion for reading in Denmark. Dive right in: More about the n…
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'Jeg er lige så stolt af mange af de ting vi ikke har gjort, som af de ting vi har gjort' skulle salig Steve Jobs en gang have udtalt. Og i en verden hvor det meste kan lade sig gøre, er det vigtigt at kunne navigere og vælge rigtigt - og vælge fra. For bare fordi vi kan, skal vi så? Og det er temaet for denne episode, hvor vi har talt med designer…
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Derek, Brooke, and Conrad chime in on a recent viral post that claims Danes are overly defensive when it comes to your views on Denmark. The post of focus points out that Danish people are known to ask internationals living in Denmark what they think of their Danish lives, but aren't prepared to hear anything but a glowing review of the country. Ev…
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I denne episode er jeg taget ud på genbrugsstationen i Gentofte for at høre mere om udviklingen af en ny AI-guide, der skal hjælpe borgerne med at sortere ting til affald og genbrug. Prototypen bygger på RAG-princippet, hvor AI'en kombinerer sin viden med kommunens eksisterende sorteringsguide. På genbrugsstationen mødtes jeg med Tom Jørgensen, der…
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Have you ever heard the story of how Denmark could have had all the North Sea Oil reserves that Norway enjoys, if it wasn't for a sloppy negotiation by a drunken Danish diplomat? It's been recounted to Derek many times, ironically by intoxicated Danes who have a good laugh at their tipsy foreign policy - but how true is this story? Jeff Bond sits d…
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This week, we delve into a heated debate that's capturing attention across the nation: Should Denmark vet the democratic values of citizenship applicants through personal interviews? We explore the unprecedented case where three applicants were summoned for interviews based on their past social media posts, raising questions about legal principles,…
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Denmark, as Danes like to tell you, is a little country. But it used to be a much bigger country, a bit of an empire. Norway was once part of Denmark. Iceland was once part of Denmark. The southern half of Sweden and a bit of northern Germany used to be part of Denmark. What is now called the US Virgin Islands used to be part of Denmark. And Denmar…
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How can we keep growing the food we need while getting the planet back in balance? That’s a question many of us are asking when we hear about nutrient runoff into fragile freshwater and marine ecosystems and the climate impact of greenhouse gas emissions from farmers’ fields. In agricultural Denmark, the farmers have certainly been feeling the heat…
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This week, Brooke, Conrad, and Derek are joined by Anna Marie, host of the On Royals Podcast, for a chat about a monumental year for Denmark’s royal family! From Queen Margrethe II’s historic abdication on New Year's Eve to the coronation of King Frederik X in January, we dive into the highs and the lows of this transformative first year with Frede…
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I denne episode skal vi på besøg hos logistikvirksomheden H. Daugaard i Kolding, der med sine cirka 90 lastbiler og 300 anhængere hvert år transporterer massevis af gipsplader og papiruller og tanke med alle mulige kemiske væsker, og i størrelsesordenen 750.000 tons stål. Det er dog ikke en triviel udfordring at planlægge kørslen af så meget gods, …
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This week Steven Feraru is back with Annie, Brooke, Conrad, and Derek to discuss the culture shocks and fun new experiences that internationals encounter during the Danish Christmas season. You'll learn about the things that surprised us the most when we dove into our first Christmas in Denmark, how to navigate your own Jul traditions, and why we t…
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This week, we're talking about the news and you'll hear about the shockingly high number of Danish librarians reporting anti-social behavior at work. Derek is joined by Jefferson Bond and Adrian Mackinder to dig deep into the problems faced when visiting some of Denmark's institutions of knowledge sharing. You'll learn what could 2025 laws could ch…
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In this festive and fascinating episode, Adrian Mackinder will unravel 12 pre-Christian traditions and Norse influences that shaped our understanding of Christmas today. From the wild celebrations of Yule to the symbolism of evergreen trees and the mythological roots of Santa’s sleigh, Adrian explains how ancient festivals and Norse mythology found…
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After a hectic week of Romanian vote counting and office Christmas parties, Narcis and Arun got together on a late Tuesday evening to discuss this week's ongoings and the general geo-political landscape. Topics covered in today’s podcast: Narcis & Arun's updates on Romanian elections and Christmas parties (00:13) Thoughts on the Danish petition to …
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I denne episode besøger vi Universal Robots i Odense, for at se nærmere på hvordan AI kan bruges til at hjælpe robotter med blandt andet at forstå deres omverden bedre, selv i relativt dynamiske miljøer som pakke-lagre, hvor robotterne skal kunne genkende og flytte alt fra hobbysakse og kaffefiltre til mobilopladere og hockeystave… Jeg har talt med…
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In this episode we're catching you up on the news around Denmark. Conrad Molden explains why members of Danish Parliament are wearing headsets and takes us into Christiansborg Slot. Ye, he visited Danish Parliament this week at the invitation of a member of Folketinget. Comedian, Anders Morgenstierne, joins the discussion with stories of his time r…
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In this episode, our two hosts finally met up in Aalborg to discuss the ongoings in Denmark in person, for some unscripted thoughts on Aalborg, updates on LWID and the political landscape of Europe and North America in general. Topics covered in today’s podcast: The future of Last Week in Denmark (01:10) The upcoming Trump presidency, and what that…
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In this episode, we discussed Denmark gearing up to celebrate Christmas, our thoughts around taxes, and an international perspective on Danish culture when it comes to sports. Thoughts about municipal income tax... and hikes (04:00) Arun as the next Gentofte city councilman? (13:43) The (sports) hooligan culture in Denmark (18:53) Competitiveness i…
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Denmark struggles to retain internationals, with 64% leaving within five years and only 28% of international graduates staying post-graduation. In this episode, Brooke Black, Conrad Molden, and Derek Hartman dive into why so many expats leave Denmark, the cultural and systemic barriers they face, and what it means for Denmark’s aging population and…
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I denne episode skal vi høre om hvordan forskere og eksperter forholder sig til kunstig intelligens, når de skriver videnskabelige papers om AI. Hvilke emner og problemstillinger bliver udforsket i de videnskabelige artikler, som dataloger, matematikere ingeniører, softwareudviklere og andre eksperter skriver om machine learning, neurale netværk og…
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This week you're getting the news in Denmark for week 47 with a full house and Steven Feraru at the table. We get to know Steven with a hilarious story of a doctor's visit gone wrong, Derek fills us in on the King of the Netherlands work visit to Denmark, Conrad explains the new skat previews. Brooke explains the new painting at Christianborg that'…
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In this episode of What Are You Doing in Denmark, Derek Hartman sits down with Kriti Prajapati, a comedian from India who’s making waves in the Danish comedy scene. Since moving to Denmark in 2017, Kriti has co-produced Almost Danes, a hit comedy show that humorously tackles the quirks of Danish culture through the eyes of an international. Kriti s…
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Denne gang skal vi dykke ned i hvordan man forholder sig til implementeringen af generativ AI i organisationer og virksomheder, og ikke mindst hvordan man i denne sammenhæng også bør reflektere kritisk over hvilken værdi, teknologien giver – både når det handler om effektivitet og optimering, og måske især når det handler om trivsel og mening med a…
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Apologies to our listeners for the slight delay in podcast episodes as we are still finding our footing to make this a weekly affair as we aspire it to be. In this episode, we discuss the holiday season and festivals like Halloween, Christmas and traditions from Arun's homeland India, the Danish government's increased investment into promoting Denm…
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We are breaking down all the weeks news and not mentioning the US Election at all! Conrad has a technology report about a Danish super computer that nobody really understands and Brooke has updates that influencers and marketing teams in Denmark need to be aware of, all from a little issue with Lily in Copenhagen. Derek has some important informati…
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Derek is joined by comedian and actor, Jeff Bond to talk about the history of Halloween and how it's taken shape in Denmark and around the world. Throughout the discussion, Jeff decides what Halloween creature he would hire as an assistant and he assigns Derek a gangster name. You'll learn about the origins of the spooky holiday and what the future…
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In this episode, Conrad explains the story of a 1960s cult-classic, creature feature, Danish-American Godzilla knock off film that will blow you mind. He recently reviewed the film with Derek on YouTube and shares all the history and details with Annie and Kriti. You'll learn all about the epic cinematic masterpiece of the movie that is so so bad i…
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Selvom talen hurtigt falder på dræber-robotter, så finder den militære brug af AI finder sted i et bredt spektrum. Det handler også “bare” om at bruge ChatGPT til at skrive breve eller lidt mere alvorligt om at bruge avancerede algoritmer til at analysere luftfotos for potentielle trusler. Men det handler altså også om mere eller mindre autonome vå…
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This week Derek is brining you the news in Denmark with comedian, actor, and friend of the show - Jeff Bond! You'll learn about the species of bird that Denmark is calling a conservation success story and the region of Europe that gave Danish pigeons their sexy looks. Jeff will offer incredible marriage advice directly from Folketinget - spoiler, t…
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