Welcome to the Moms Can Relate Podcast by Debbie Bissoon, where we talk about all the things they did NOT tell us about motherhood.
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Basillia Barnaby Cuffe is a renown radio presenter turned social media content creator and comedian. She pulls back the curtain to let us in on her journey as a mom.
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To deaths door and back, Jodi-ann Gray is The Ultimate Survivor and Super Mom. After an attempt to take her life by the father of her child, Jodi-Ann has found the strength to move on and create the best life for and her daughter. #MomsCanRelate
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Felisha Lord is the epitome of strength and life. As she always reminds her social media community, "Smile... even if you don't feel like" Felisha has smiled through some of the darkest moments in her life, in many instances she didn't feel like she could. Now a mom to a beautiful daughter who was diagnosed with Autism at very young age, Felisha (F…
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Kemesha Swaby is a New Mommy! She can add the title to the already long list of accolades that includes, Wife, University lecturer and radio broadcaster. Kemesha talks let's us in on her journey to motherhood and offers valuable resources for new moms.
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Happy New Year! We have a Soul stirring session with Mother, Broadcaster and Master communicator, Simone Clarke Cooper. We explore her life as a mother, rising beyond personal challenges and accomplishing her dream for her own television show in the midst of a pandemic! Grab tissue!
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Debbie Bissoon talks with Rebecca Bissoon about becoming a mother at 20 and how the journey has impacted her life. The sister's get candid, open and honest.
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Dr. Renee Rattray is the CEO and Founder of TEACHGood LEADGood. She is mom of twins, an educator, former principle and this year's IWF Fellow. In this episode, Renee and Debbie Bissoon talks about the New norm of Motherhood and the eduction sector.
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Kalilah Reynolds is a Boss Mom! She is financial Journalist, Radio Host and a Mom of Three kids! The latest is less than a month old! How does she do it? She tells us how.
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This episode is part two (2) of the Serika Serling Story.
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Serika Sterling is a powerhouse of a woman, who had premature triplets and lost two of her babies. She subsequently started the Preemie Foundation to bring awareness and aid to premature babies and parents.
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If you are a first time mom, finding the right school can be a task and then adjusting to this new phase in life may also take some doing SO i tapped the principal of Sy's school, Rachel Mcdonald of Fundaciones for a sit down - break it down- things to consider- kinda talk. Enjoy! P.S- We want to hear from you! Send an email to momscanrelate@gmail.…
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SNAP BACK! It's become the popular phrase after pregnancy especially in the social spaces as mother's aspire to regain their pre-pregnancy body. Snap Back process, like many other parts of pregnancy, is not a 'one size fits all' formula but we admire the ladies who have found their formula! Jodi Jinx Henriques is now a mother of two. After having h…
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We missed you too!!! Moms Can Relate is back with a stripped down, vulnerable 'tell all" episode with founder Debbie Bissoon.
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She wears many hats already and now she has a new one. Krystal Tomlinson is a NEW MOM. In episode 16 of the Moms Can Relate Podcast, Krystal Tomlinson shares her experience on becoming a mom.
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Grab tissue! And it's not only for crying, it's mostly for laughing! In episode 15 of the Moms Can Relate Podcast, Stephanie Taylor talks raising adults.
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It's the episode that often seems like a never-ending documentary, that moment your toddler goes off on a tantrum, sometimes for reasons they themselves are not aware of and we are left to figure it out. In this 14th episode of the Moms Can Relate Podcast, Tami Chin talks Toddlers and Tantrums.
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Her first period is a life-changing event and many moms get nervous when it's time to have the conversation. Some us are still trying to figure out our own periods. Shelly-Ann Weeks shows us how.
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EP 12| Media Personality KiKi talks baby at 39, single parenting & healing the wounds of the past.
Four baby boys later and a two-year hiatus that produced a new book and a baby, this is the story in this new chapter of Kiki's life. She holds nothing back in this interview.
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EP 11| Kara Anderson gets real on handling 3 miscarriages and overcoming the fear to try again.
Having a miscarriage can be a devasting experience for a woman and even for a man. Being able to process the emotions of losing a child and even getting to a place where you can speak about it can be a long and sometimes lonely road. It's not your usual dinner table conversation but it's a conversation that has to be had. Enjoy.…
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EP10| JODI JINX HENRIQUES is more than a tv host and wife to Sean Paul. She is now 'LEVI'S MOM'
A child will come into your life and take it over. No longer will you be only associated with a skill you have carved out for your self or even associated with a partner who is an international Mega star, but you are now known as the mother to a social media loved son named LEVI. This is the life of Jodi 'Jinx' Henriques. Jodi and husband Sean Paul…
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Ep9| Jodianne Murdock talks entrepreneurship & being a mom to a 2 yr old with type 1 diabetes.
In episode 9 of Moms Can Relate, Debbie Bissoon interviews Jodianne Murdock founder of the Zedoj Group of companies and Zedoj Red Tie and Stilettos brand, BUT most importantly she is a mom to two beautiful girls. One, a 2-year-old living with type 1 diabetes.
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Jamaica's songbird the supergirl, Denyque describes motherhood as 'evolutionary'. She explains why it was important to set boundaries during her pregnancy, taking a step back from music and her new found joy in Connor.
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In Episode 7 of the Moms Can Relate Podcast, acclaimed author, entrepreneur, wife and mom, Nicole Mclaren Campbell talks 'WINNING' at motherhood, marriage & career and 'AIM-ing' for more!
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Welcome back to the Moms Can Relate Podcast. In this episode, I speak with TV host Janella Precius on managing postpartum depression, ZuZu’s heart and doing more for moms!We want to hear from you so send us your stories to momscanrelate@gmail.com and follow us on Instagram at @officialmomscanrelate and on Facebook at moms can relate. ENJOY…
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MUST LISTEN! My one on one with my mom, Ruth Bissoon. She talks Motherhood, losing her first child, being a wife, SEX after surgery, the traditional mom vs the modern mom and balancing it all. Don't forget to subscribe!
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Welcome back! In this episode, the moms speak the truth on adjusting to the new life of motherhood.
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Welcome back MOMs, soon to be MOMs, Want to be MOMs and MOM supporters! In episode 3 of "Hi I am MOM, the Moms speak only about their pregnancy journey. Watch the video on the Youtube platform "Moms Can Relate". ENJOY!
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Hi MOMs, soon to MOMs, want to be MOMs, MOM supporters, ALL :).This episode is really how we got started! with a conversation by a few of my favorite Moms and i. Enjoy
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Hi! Welcome to Moms Can Relate, the Podcast!
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