Dans les "Questions du soir", un débat sur une question qui agite notre société. Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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Le grand retour du Débat éco le vendredi à 7h45 entre Thomas Porcher, l’un des plus grands économistes français et Dominique Seux, l’un des meilleurs journalistes éco. Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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The Debaters is the hit show where comedians go toe-to-toe in a battle of laughs and logic. Hosted by award-winning funnyman Steve Patterson, the program is a combustible combination of sharply crafted comedic rants and hilarious ad libs. The engaging format is part stand-up, part quiz show and part comedy competition, with the live audience picking the winners.
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The Munk Debates podcast is an extension of the main stage events - in subject, speaker selection, tone and format. It will introduce the iconic brand - and its engaging debates about significant issues of our time. Audiences will hear strong and passionate arguments from both sides of an issue so they will have enough information to make up their own minds about where they stand.
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A live debate on the topic of the day, with four guests. From Monday to Thursday at 7:10pm Paris time.
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Debate dos temas que marcaram a semana em África com coordenação de João Pereira da Silva e a participação de Sheila Khan, Tony Tcheka e Abílio Neto.Transmissão: 6ªfeira -19h10 com repetição domingo -11h10
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Vi giver plads til uenigheder og dilemmaer, til store følelser og stærke holdninger. Fra klokken 10-12 mandag til onsdag på Radio IIII.
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Tous les samedis et dimanches soir, Pierre de Vilno reçoit des invités pour deux débats d'actualités. Avis tranchés et arguments incisifs sont aux programmes à 19h30 et 19h44 pour décrypter l'actualité.
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Welcome to ‘That’s Debatable!’, the weekly podcast of the Free Speech Union. Hosts Tom Harris and Jan Macvarish – both staffers at the FSU – talk about the free speech controversies that have erupted in the past week and interview some of the main protagonists in those dramas. Edited by Jason Clift. Please like, subscribe and share. Thank you.
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A feed from the Slate podcast network featuring episodes with enlightening conversations, opposing views, and plenty of healthy disputes. You'll get a curated selection of episodes from programs like What Next, The Waves, and the Political Gabfest, with deep discussions that go beyond point-counterpoint and shed light on the issues that matter most.
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Smash Boom Best is a funny, smart debate show for kids and families from the makers of the award-winning podcast, Brains On! from APM Studios. Every episode takes two cool things, smashes them together and lets you decide which is best: Pikachu vs. Mario, Lollipops vs. Popcorn, Flamingos vs. Axolotls, Mermaids vs. Bigfoot, Cats vs. Dogs, Spiderman vs. Batman, Refrigerators vs. Toilets, Minecraft vs. Lego… the list goes on. Our star-studded line-up of debaters use facts and passion to make th ...
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Bringing together educators with opposing viewpoints to have a discussion and explore the arguments
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Tous les soirs, nos invités débattent du sujet principal à la une de l'actualité en France ou à l'international. Du lundi au jeudi, à 19 h 10.
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Lost Debate is a weekly podcast from The Branch that brings you news, ideas, and arguments from around the political spectrum. We engage in the good-faith discussions that too much of our society and media miss. It's hosted by Ravi Gupta, a former Obama staffer turned school principal.
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Que se passe-t-il en Afrique ? Que se passe-t-il dans le monde ? Chaque samedi, autour de Namouri Dosso, des journalistes et éditorialistes africains débattent de l’actualité vue du continent. Des experts et acteurs africains viennent aussi confronter leurs idées sur des sujets qui font bouger l’Afrique. Journaliste coordinatrice d’émission : Delphine Michaud. Réalisation : Taguy M’Fah Traoré. *** Diffusions le samedi à 08h10 TU vers l'Afrique & FM Paris et à 22h10 TU vers toutes cibles.
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A comedian discusses faith, politics, and dogma of all kinds--usually with people who disagree.
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Un débat de société où des experts reconnus abordent une question de société et confrontent leurs points de vue. Présenté par Romain Auzouy. Préparation : Florence Pons. *** Diffusions chaque semaine du lundi au jeudi à 17h30 TU vers toutes cibles. (Heure de Paris = TU + 1 en grille d'hiver)
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Welcome to our Channel! If you enjoy a good debate and some sass and humor, get ready for NO b.s. Discussions with drafts and brackets Feel free to jump into the discussion in the comments of our episodes. We’d love to know what you think. -Mass-Debaters
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O Troféu Debate é o programa produzido pela raça do Troféu Avaí.
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Debate Directo es un programa sobre política y mundo judicial en el que intentamos dar puntos de vista alternativos a los medios de comunicación tradicionales.
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Norges største debattprogram. Ny podkast tirsdag og torsdag. I podkasten forklarer programleder Fredrik Solvang hvordan episoden ble til og hvilke valg redaksjonen har gjort. På slutten oppsummerer han sendingen. Debatten kan ses på NRK1 kl. 21.15. Alle episodene ligger i NRK Radio. Hør alle episodene i appen NRK Radio
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This podcast discusses all things related to schools debating: setting up debate clubs, coaching, competitions, formats and more. Hosted by Michael Hepburn, a former competitive debater with 15 years coaching experience who is currently director of Debate Hub.
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Reason presents a libertarian-themed debate series recorded monthly before a live audience in New York City. Moderated by former Barron's Economics Editor Gene Epstein, the Soho Forum features Nobel prize winners, radical thinkers, and other public intellectuals facing off over the future of abortion, bitcoin, electric vehicles, government debt, illegal drugs, robotics, sex work, and other controversial topics.
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Bliv klogere og bliv udfordret på dine egne synspunkter, når P1 Debat tager store og små diskussioner op. Her er højt til loftet og plads til uenighed og nuancer, når argumenterne flyver gennem luften. Du kan blande dig i debatten ved at ringe ind tirsdag til fredag fra 12:15-13:30 på 7021 1919 eller send en sms til 1212.
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Being a pop culture fan naturally comes with a lot of opinions. You’ve got your favorites and you’re ready to defend your picks at a moment’s notice. But who’s right, and who’s just plain wrong? That’s what Pop Culture Debate Club is here to decide. Each week, two notable mega-fans square off, ready to convince host Ronald Young Jr. that their opinion on TV, movies, music, and more is the only one that matters. And after carefully considering all the arguments, Ronald picks a winner. Will yo ...
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America is more divided than ever—but it doesn’t have to be. Open to Debate offers an antidote to the chaos. We bring multiple perspectives together for real, nonpartisan debates. Debates that are structured, respectful, clever, provocative, and driven by the facts. Open to Debate is on a mission to restore balance to the public square through expert moderation, good-faith arguments, and reasoned analysis. We examine the issues of the day with the world’s most influential thinkers spanning s ...
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Emission de critique littéraire. Tous les mois nous analysons deux livres et une BD, choisis au hasard parmi l'ensemble de vos propositions. Envoyez-nous vos listes à [email protected]
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Du lundi au vendredi, dans Good Morning Business, le débat de Jean-Marc Daniel et Nicolas Doze. Ils débattent sur le sujet chaud de l'actualité économique, ses enjeux, ses problématiques, ses causes… Grâce à l'expertise unique de l'histoire de l'économie du professeur à l'ESCP Europe vous découvrez le dossier sous un nouvel angle. Retrouvez l’émission du lundi au vendredi et réécoutez la en podcast.
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If Kirby swallowed a boss from Metal Gear Solid, what absolutely bonkers power would he obtain? Which of the X-Men would be the biggest bummer of a roommate? Is King Bob-Omb’s rule officially recognized by the Mushroom Kingdom or is Bob-Omb Battlefield a sovereign nation? Debate This! asks the kind of bold and heroic questions about your favorite video games and comics that no other podcast would dare ask. Although, it’s probably because other people have better things to do than argue which ...
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Em É Ou Não É? - O Grande Debate é um espaço de debate onde se pretende promover a discussão e dissipar dúvidas, mas acima de tudo acrescentar conhecimento sobre os principais assuntos da atualidade, desde a Saúde, à Educação, à Justiça, mas também dos desafios com que o futuro nos interpela diariamente, designadamente ao nível tecnológico e ambiental. Carlos Daniel é o moderador deste espaço de debate que contará com a presença de personalidades da vida pública e especialistas para uma refl ...
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We believe debates should be moderated on an equal playing field and host live debates on controversial topics from science, religion, and politics several times a week.
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Ce lundi 17 février, la stratégie des Etats-Unis et le dossier des puces d'Intel ont été abordés par Jean-Marc Daniel et Nicolas Doze dans leur chronique, dans l'émission Good Morning Business, présentée par Laure Closier, sur BFM Business. Retrouvez l'émission du lundi au vendredi et réécoutez la en podcast.…
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durée : 00:38:00 - Questions du soir : le débat - par : Quentin Lafay, Stéphanie Villeneuve - La théorie de l'animal-machine de Descartes, formulée au XVIIe siècle, continue de nourrir les débats sur la sensibilité animale. Que nous apprend-elle sur notre façon de penser la relation entre l'homme et les autres espèces aujourd'hui ? - réalisation : …
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DR på glatis i Grønland?
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1:11:59Er Danmarks Radio på glatis med TV-dokumentaren "Grønlands hvide guld"?Flere politikere kræver konsekvenser i DR, for det, de kalder mis-information midt i en valgkamp.I TV-dokumentaren fremgår det, at Danmark skulle have omsat for 400 milliarder kroner ved minedrift i det sydlige Grønland. Et beløb som flere førende økonomer i ugens løb har kaldt …
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durée : 00:13:29 - Le débat économique - par : Dominique Seux, Thomas PORCHER - La méthode brutale du duo Donald Trump / Elon Musk peut-elle aboutir sur des résultats positifs ? C'est la question au centre du débat économique entre Thomas Porcher et Dominique Seux ce vendredi.توسط Dominique Seux, Thomas PORCHER
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Au sommaire : Renversé par la junte en juillet 2023, l’ancien chef de l’état nigérien Mohamed Bazoum est toujours séquestré avec son épouse par les militaires, privés de tout contact avec le monde extérieur. La demande de libération faite par l’ONU cette semaine a-t-elle des chances d’être entendue ? Les affrontements ont repris dans l’est de la RD…
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Après s’être entretenu par téléphone avec Vladimir Poutine, Donald Trump a annoncé sur son réseau Truth Social, qu’il allait commencer immédiatement à négocier en vue de mettre fin au conflit qui oppose l’Ukraine et la Russie. Le ministre allemand de la Défense Boris Pistorius juge "regrettable" que Trump ait fait des concessions à Poutine avant le…
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Demain c’est la Saint-Valentin ! Une fête des amoureux qui intervient alors que le nombre de célibataires n’a jamais été aussi nombreux dans le monde et que la démographie pose de sérieux problèmes, à tel point que le renouvellement générationnel n’est pas acquis dans les deux tiers de la planète. La faute à qui ? Internet dessert-il la rencontre a…
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Venstre vil have et forbud mod bederum på landets uddannelsesinstitutioner. Det siger regeringspartiets udlændinge- og integrationsordfører, Hans Andersen, til BT. Forslaget møder modstand i andre regeringspartier, mens DF bakker op. Vi tager debatten denne morgen om, hvorvidt der bør være et forbud mod bederum på landets uddannelsesinstitutioner? …
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Rom-Com fans unite! Join us as we dive into the "Rom-Com Bracket Chaos: The Ultimate Showdown!" where we rank 104 underappreciated romantic comedies in a wild, laughter-filled battle to find the best of the best. From forgotten gems like "Boomerang" and "50 First Dates" to guilty pleasures like "Never Been Kissed," we’re exploring the charm, humor,…
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Sp går ut av regjering. Hvordan endrer dette det politiske Norge? Hør partilederne debattere energipolitikk. Hør alle episodene i appen NRK Radioتوسط NRK
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HEATED DEBATE: Christianity or Secular Humanism, Which Is Best? Andrew Wilson Vs Craig/FTFE
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1:56:55HEATED DEBATE: Christianity or Secular Humanism, Which Is Best? Andrew Wilson Vs Craig/FTFE Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacyتوسط James Kunz
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DEBATE: Flat Vs Globe: The Final Chapter: Vince & Ross Vs @MCToon & Paul
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3:22:51DEBATE: Flat Vs Globe: The Final Chapter: Vince & Ross Vs @MCToon & Paul Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacyتوسط James Kunz
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DEBATE: RedeemedZoomer Vs MadeByJimBob | Does Evolution Fit with Christianity?
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2:52:37DEBATE: RedeemedZoomer Vs MadeByJimBob | Does Evolution Fit with Christianity? Links to our guests on YouTube: @madebyJimbob @redeemedzoomer6053 @redeemedzoomer6053 Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacyتوسط James Kunz
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We couldn't let the big SNL50 weekend pass without revisiting our debate pitting Saturday Night Live against In Living Color. So without further ado ... which sketch comedy show is better: Saturday Night Live or In Living Color? Writer and performer Carma Anderson says it’s SNL while storyteller and director Jameer Pond votes for In Living Color. C…
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DEBATE: @DiddlyASMR Vs Andrew Wilson | Should Pourn Be Banned?
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3:05:26DEBATE: @DiddlyASMR Vs Andrew Wilson | Should Pourn Be Banned? Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacyتوسط James Kunz
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Travis Clyburn joins Michael Regilio to discuss the insanity that is Trump's 2nd term including, prosecutors resign rather than follow Trump's unethical orders, Some Republicans worried Trump will not respect the courts, co-president Musk, Pastor Paula White is now in the White House (possibly speaking in tongues) and much more. More at dogmadebate…
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Friday Focus provides listeners with a focused, half-hour masterclass on the big issues, events and trends driving the news and current events. The show features Janice Gross Stein, the founding director of the Munk School of Global Affairs and bestselling author, in conversation with Rudyard Griffiths, Chair and moderator of the Munk Debates. The …
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How’s your love life? With platforms like Tinder, Bumble, Hinge, and OkCupid offering endless opportunities to connect, many people searching for The One think signing up for a dating app should be a go-to for finding their match. However, new research is showing some users are signing off, including ninety percent of Gen Z users. Those staying on …
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Resistir al trumpismo - Debate Directo
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1:22:08Hoy hablamos con Orencio Osuna para analizar las primeras semanas de Donald Trump al frente de la Casa Blanca. Sumido en plena fiebre legislativa por la vía del decreto, sus órdenes ejecutivas parecen romper con varias de las tradiciones políticas, geopolíticas y diplomáticas de la política estadounidense de las últimas décadas. Mientras tanto, el …
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How about that phone call? The US president has gone over the heads of the Ukrainians and the Europeans by promising talks "immediately" with Vladimir Putin, this on the same day that his new defence secretary told NATO counterparts that returning to Ukraine's borders of 2014 was "unrealistic". Donald Trump may not have forced a sit-down on Day One…
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Valentine's Day Movie Countdown
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1:00:02In this Valentine's Day special episode, Diandre and Emily dive into a comprehensive ranking of romantic comedies, discussing their top picks and sharing personal anecdotes about each film. The conversation flows through a countdown of 39 movies, exploring themes of love, relationships, and the impact of these films on their lives. The hosts engage…
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Ce vendredi 14 février, Pierre Moscovici, le premier président de la Cour des comptes, qui dénonce des dépenses publiques considérables et très difficile à réduire, a été abordé par Jean-Marc Daniel et Nicolas Doze dans leur chronique, dans l'émission Good Morning Business, présentée par Laure Closier, sur BFM Business. Retrouvez l'émission du lund…
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Uma Nova Ordem Internacional
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durée : 00:36:59 - Questions du soir : le débat - par : Quentin Lafay, Stéphanie Villeneuve - En mai dernier, le Sénat a adopté une loi encadrant les transitions médicales des mineurs trans. Défendue comme une mesure de précaution, elle est dénoncée par la gauche et les associations, qui y voient une atteinte aux droits des enfants transgenre. - ré…
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Kyle Chayka joins Ravi to discuss his book, Filterworld, an exploration of how algorithms shape our world and influence culture. They dive into how algorithms dictate our tastes, homogenize cultural experiences, and replace human gatekeepers with digital ones. Using coffee shops as a case study, they unpack the concept of aesthetic memes and how al…
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Sikrer Trump freden?
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1:11:15Ukraine kan ikke vende tilbage til sine grænser fra før 2014, og et NATO-medlemskab kommer ikke på tale. Det siger USA's forsvarsminister, Pete Hegseth, ved et møde med forsvarsministrene fra andre NATO-lande. USA vil have Zelenskyj og Putin til forhandlingsbordet, og samtidig gør amerikanerne det klart, at USA ikke kommer til at sende soldater til…
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Today’s debate zooms out to the farthest reaches of space then back in to the tiniest details of life on Earth. It’s Telescope vs. Microscope! Astronomer Mark Popinchalk will leave you starry-eyed for Team Telescope, while writer and producer Menaka Wilhelm will fill you with marvel for Team Microscope. Who will reign supreme in this ultimate battl…
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Which fantasy series is better: Lord of the Rings or Game of Thrones? X-Ray Vision co-hosts Rosie Knight and Jason Concepcion are back to tackle today’s topic. Rosie says that J.R.R. Tolkien, as the father of modern fantasy literature, has created an entire universe that is enjoyed by people of all ages, and which provides an accessible entry point…
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