Welcome to the NEW HOME of Mea Culpa – the ONLY place to find new episodes of Michael Cohen’s hit podcast. Cohen, the former attorney and personal “fixer” for Donald J. Trump, once vowed to take a bullet for the President. But that was before the country was brought to its knees by Trump’s lies and personal madness. While Cohen was imprisoned in his own home, with his life, reputation, and livelihood destroyed, he went on a mission to right the wrongs he perpetuated on behalf of his former b ...
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Explore unsettled true crime cases where culpability has yet to be established. Host Dennis Cooper covers new cases in Culpable: Case Review. In season one, Dennis explored the case of Christian Andreacchio, whose death in 2014 was ruled a suicide after a 45-minute investigation, despite substantial evidence that points to murder. Season two explored the 2013 death of a young mother, Brittany Stykes, who was shot and killed while driving on an Ohio Highway with her 1-year-old daughter seated ...
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Três portistas. Três bloggers. Um microfone reles. A loucura.
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Programa donde hablamos de lo último que hemos visto, leído o jugado de forma breve y, esperamos, amena. Cine de genero, series de televisión, libros, cómics, juegos de mesa y de PC...de todo, un poco.
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So lustig und unangemessen ehrlich, dass es manchmal wehtut. Die beiden BFFs Lilli Hollunder und Chris Gebert zeigen sich wie sie sind. Lilli, ein kleiner Eppendorfer Snob, und Chris fällt es oft schwer sein Schandmaul zu halten. Doch eins verbindet die beiden Schauspieler, die Dinge und sich selbst nicht zu ernst zu nehmen. Ob Trash oder Politik, Gossip, Sex oder Kultur, die Themen sind so vielfältig wie das Leben selbst. „Es ist als würden meine Freunde neben mir sitzen, man möchte am lieb ...
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Mediante la crítica y el debate, el staff de rocktambulos.com analiza los acontecimientos y problemáticas más relevantes del mundo del rock.
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O “Culpa do Cérebro” é o podcast que discute neurociência de forma simples e fácil. Ele é apresentado pelo professor doutor Andrei Mayer e no seu novo formato tem como objetivo trazer convidados da área acadêmica para que você consiga aplicar todo o conhecimento adquirido no seu dia a dia.
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Descubra mais sobre inteligência humana, ou a falta dela.
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A podcast where we sit and discuss topics surrounding the Christian's walk.
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Welcome to the official home of the Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen Archive. Over 400 episodes containing interviews with the most important people in news, politics and entertainment.
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Alô, alô, você sabe quem sou eu? O melhor podcast finalmente vai ao ar. Dois perdidos, sem qualquer futuro na vida tentando fazer o seu dia melhor, e de bônus fazer algo produtivo com nosso tempo. Meu amor agora não tem pra ninguém!!
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No podcast “A culpa é do Enem”, iremos debater, de forma descontraída e simples, truques e métodos para você alcançar o sonho da faculdade pública. Vamos contar como chegamos até onde chegamos, responder suas perguntas e te ensinar tudo o que sabemos! Seja muitíssimo bem-vindex ao podcast de redação mais descontraído das galáxias!
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Columna de Salvador García en el programa Colectivos que se emite los miércoles de 18:00 a 20:00 por Radio Pedal (radiopedal.uy). La música como excusa para hablar de otras cosas.
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Duarte Gomes põe os pontos nos is em relação aos lances maiores da jornada. À conversa com os jornalistas da Tribuna, o ex-árbitro internacional e comentador da SIC Notícias aborda a atualidade desportiva, com o pragmatismo de sempre. Todas as 3.ªˢ feiras.
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rinque com ele! Brinque com coisas simples. Jogue bola. Divirta-se com tudo o que for de mais simples. Pois para ele pouco importa se você está jogando o vídeo-game mais caro do mundo ou se você está jogando bola com uma bola que já tem 20 anos e foi sua quando jovem, o importante é estar com ele!
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Al escuchar este podcast podrás entender la diferencia entre el remordimiento y sentimiento de culpa una emoción que aniquila la autoestima de una persona
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PARA MAS INFORMACIÓN DE ESTE TEMA www.marcelarubioblazquez.org
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Sentas-te num café, enquanto sopras a bica que já te queimou a boca na primeira tentativa começas a ouvir a conversa da mesa do lado. Enquanto ouves os dois amigos percebes duas coisas: estão a falar de igualdade de género e embora se digam ambos feministas não estão em tudo de acordo. O que fazes? Continuas a ouvir. O A Culpa é Delas não é um podcast sobre feminismo. O A Culpa é Delas é o Feminismo. A visão plural. Saindo do bicho papão e das piras de soutiens para explorar de forma incauta ...
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Will The Guardrails Hold? + A Conversation With Tristan Snell
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Today on Mea Culpa, I’m joined by Tristan Snell, former Assistant NY Attorney General, legal commentator, and author of Taking Down Trump, to discuss Trump’s unprecedented return to the presidency and its implications for the rule of law. We explore the fate of Trump’s legal troubles due to presidential immunity, which undermines public trust in th…
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Hier geht's weiter zu Teil 2: https://www.patreon.com/posts/230-das-grauen-2-116529570?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_creator&utm_content=join_link Lilli: https://www.instagram.com/lilli Chris: https://www.instagram.com/chrizz_chrozz
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Em tempos de interlull, em que uma parte dos moços navega pelas suas selecções e outra parte fica a treinar no Olival, descobrimos dois temas de conversa para o entupimento de enchidos: como seria o ChatGPT na esquematização do ataque do FC Porto e como é que se convence um fulano a voltar a apoiar a seleção com a intensidade de outras eras? E como…
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El lunes 21 de octubre falleció Paul Andrews, mundialmente conocido como Paul Di'Anno, quién supo ser vocalista de Iron Maiden desde 1978 a 1981 y quién registró su voz en los primeros 2 discos de estudio de La Doncella: 'Iron Maiden' (1980) y 'Killers' (1981). Pero Di'Anno continúo con su carrera una vez fuera de la banda de Steve Harris, con sus …
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Christine Harron, a book-loving teenager from Hanover, Ontario, leaves for school in the spring of 1993 and is never seen again. A suspect emerges, confessing to her murder, but the case falls apart and Christine's family are left without answers. In Season 9 of the award winning podcast Someone Knows Something, David Ridgen, along with Christine's…
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While digging through an old memory box, host Thrasher Banks discovers forgotten VHS tapes, police reports, and faded letters regarding a 1995 murder in Dayton, Ohio. Drawn to the connection between this murder and the other seemingly innocuous contents of the box, Thrasher begins an investigation. As he follows the threads, he finds that a partici…
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Nix The Political Pix + a Conversation With Harry Litman
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Today on Mea Culpa, I’m joined by Harry Litman, former U.S. Attorney, Deputy Assistant Attorney General, law professor, and host of Talking Feds, to discuss the dire implications of a second Trump term. We explore Trump’s alarming cabinet picks, whose lack of qualifications and controversial histories could destabilize federal agencies and undermin…
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It’s Time We Protect Our Veterans + A Conversation With Fred Wellman
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Today on Mea Culpa, I’m joined by Fred Wellman, veteran, pro-democracy advocate, political strategist, and host of On Democracy, to discuss Trump’s authoritarian agenda and its impact on veterans. We explore the growing disillusionment among veterans with Trump, fueled by his disrespectful comments toward the military and his proposals to politiciz…
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Es gibt kein Weg mehr dran vorbei! Only Fans! Wir alle! Müssen! Wir! Machen! Wenn ihr erstmal hört mit welcher Summe man sich mit Mitte 20 in den Ruhestand verabschieden kann… Ob mit oder ohne Eintunken. Ob mit oder ohne Baum oder beim Klimmzug. Ähnlich seelisch entkernt geht es beim „Sommerhaus der Stars“ zu. Sex mit Oma und so. Dafür feiert eine …
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These Picks Are Problematic + A Conversation with Joe Walsh
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Today on Mea Culpa, I’m joined by my good friend Joe Walsh, former Congressman, host of The Social Contract with Joe Walsh, and a Republican commentator who spoke out against the MAGA movement after running for president. Joe and I discuss the factors behind Trump’s unexpected victory, including his campaign's relentless focus on issues like immigr…
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Jornada 356 – Sem erecção, tudo descamba
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E o Anhá, carago? Ah puta de jogadorzaço! 2 golos em 10 minutos e empate em Paços. Isso sim, é futebol!! Melhor só mesmo as moças que devem de ter dado 114 a zero a alguém. Pumbas, é lidarem com o rolo compressor. E pronto, foi só isto o fim de semana que a tusa não chegou a Domingo…توسط Os Cavanis
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Relato da epopeia dos nossos meninos, do Porto a Bilbau, em 15 (ou 17) perigosas etapas, por mar, ar, rodovia e piso sintético. Mesmo quando acaba a autoestrada e começa o caminho de cabras. Oupa calçar as galochas!توسط Os Cavanis
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Facing Fear and Finding Joy + A Conversation with JoJo From Jerz
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Today on Mea Culpa, I’m joined by my good friend JoJo From Jerz, a popular Twitter personality known for her smart, hilarious, and sarcastic political commentary, and host of Are You F'ing Kidding Me? With JoJoFromJerz. JoJo and I dive into the impact of the recent election, focusing on how Trump’s campaign used grievance-driven messaging and conse…
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Na, würdest du deine innersten und dunkelsten Seiten ans Tageslicht holen? Was meinst du? Eine Hypnose gefällig? Lilli hat ein verlockendes Angebot erhalten. Chris bringt uns mal wieder seine Heidi mit. Im Schlepptau diesmal, ihre Mutter und Tochter. Zusammen standen sie für eine Kampagne vor der Kamera. Und die wird heiß diskutiert. Außerdem möcht…
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What’s Next Might Shock You + A Conversation With Wajahat Ali
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Today on Mea Culpa, I’m joined by Wajahat Ali, columnist, public speaker, author of Go Back to Where You Came From: And Other Helpful Recommendations on How to Become American, and co-host of the Democracy-Ish podcast, to discuss the recent Presidential election results. We examine the factors behind Trump’s unexpected victory, from the GOP’s power…
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lumhouse es, posiblemente, la productora de genero más importante de la actualidad, con franquicias como Paranormal Activity, Sinister, Insidious, La Purga o películas como Creep, Déjame Salir, Feliz día de tu muerte, Black Phone o M3GAN. Seleccionamos sus 15 films imprescindibles.
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Menus diversos com gostos bem diferentes. As senhoras foram ensanguentar os lábios de mais um adversário com vinte e oito golos no saco, a habituar muito mal as nossas hostes para quando chegarmos a um nível superior; os putos apanharam-se em vantagem e, também mal habituados a estas lides de estar à frente, logo se deixaram empatar em mais uma edi…
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The Calm Before The Blue Storm + A Conversation With Lev Parnas
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Today on Mea Culpa, I’m joined by my good friend Lev Parnas, a Soviet-born businessman and former associate of Rudy Giuliani who, like me, is determined to speak out against Trump and warn of the threat he poses to our country. With only one day until the election, we expose Trump’s tactics and cover the Republican Party’s reliance on conspiracies,…
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Chris ist verliebt. Es heißt Toni, wiegt 30kg und ist ein international gefeierter Star. Was gabs sonst noch? Eine Hochzeit in München inklusive einiger Filmrisse und ein verrückter Zauberer im ICE. Die Deutsche Bahn bietet halt immer was für sein Geld. Und Lilli hat heute ein wunderschönes Insta Stalking mitgebracht. Es ist so schön, dass einem sc…
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King Donald Is Going Down + A Conversation With Harry Litman
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Join me and Harry Litman on today’s episode of Mea Culpa. Litman, a former U.S. Attorney, Deputy Assistant Attorney General, law professor, and legal commentator, is also the creator and host of the Talking Feds podcast. We dive into Trump’s authoritarian tactics, his divisive rhetoric, and how these influence public opinion leading up to the elect…
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Jornada 354 – Almoço às quatro da tarde
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Análises aprofundadas à vitória das cachopas por …errr… quinzazero e à derrota pela margem mínima, vezes três, dos cachopos. E ainda um overview muito rápido ao jogo dos graúdos que quase ninguém viu. Ou então é ao contrário, sabe-se lá.توسط Os Cavanis
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How To Stop The Authoritarian Playbook + A Conversation With Ruth Ben-Ghiat
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Today on Mea Culpa, I’m joined by Ruth Ben-Ghiat, a historian, educator, and commentator who specializes in fascism, authoritarianism, propaganda, and the defense of democracy—topics that are, unfortunately, central to this presidential election. Ruth draws striking parallels between Trump and other authoritarian leaders, explaining how his increas…
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Muss Thomas Gottschalk wirklich erzogen werden? War es richtig für die Engel der Victoria Secret Show zurückzukehren? Fragen über Fragen. Und in der Rubrik „Beauty Geflüster“: Sexy Sporthosen, die wirklich jeder trägt! Reizunterwäsche oder das neueste Must Have? Lilli versprüht außerdem derzeit heiße Sexvibes. Trotzdem oder genau deshalb war sie na…
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Relato da epopeia dos nossos meninos, do Porto a Bilbau, em 15 (ou 17) perigosas etapas, por mar, ar, rodovia e piso sintético. Desta vez, foi tempzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz boa miúdo mas não te partas todo antes de consegzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz MUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!! Foi mais ou menos isto,…
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Best Seat At Trump Rally Is the One Closest to the Door! + A Conversation With Joe Trippi
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In this episode of Mea Culpa, I’m joined by Joe Trippi, American political Democratic strategist, senior advisor at The Lincoln Project, the host of That Trippi Show podcast, and the founder of https://sez.us - a pro-democracy social network. We discuss the upcoming election, focusing on Trump’s erratic rallies, which only appeal to his MAGA base a…
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E bom que foi matar saudades? Do Sintrense e suas estupendas queijadas, da Amadora e da família Djaló, de um centro em condições do Borges, da substituição prematura do Wendell e até, pasme-se, do belo calção do Bruno. Sabem do que é que já se sente falta? De um golito do Samu. É já a seguir, contra os Heinekens ou lá que cerveja é aquilo, não é? P…
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Vote GOP Representatives Out Of Office + A Conversation With Tom Carle
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Today on Mea Culpa, I’m joined by Tom Carle, who’s running for Congress in New York’s 23rd District. Carle is focused on integrity and stewardship, viewing this election as one of the most important of our lifetime. He aims to protect his constituents from Donald Trump, who has endorsed his opponent, current congressman Nick Langworthy, who is know…
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Trump Attempts to Hide His Records, We Expose Them + A Conversation with Grant Stern
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Today on Mea Culpa, I’m joined by Grant Stern—author, journalist, radio host, and Executive Director of Occupy Democrats, a leading social media outlet for Democratic news. With the election less than three weeks away, we dive into Trump’s eroding support among key demographics, especially women, and the inconsistencies in public polling. We also c…
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Como ser Mais DISCIPLINADO e FOCADO nos Estudos (Segundo a Neurociência)
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Como ser Mais DISCIPLINADO e FOCADO nos Estudos (Segundo a Neurociência)Inscreva-se no meu canal: https://bit.ly/andreimayerDr. Andrei MayerINSTA: https://bit.ly/profandreiTIKTOK: https://bit.ly/profandreineur0 E-MAIL: profandrei.neuro@gmail.com00:00:00 Introdução00:06:14 O que é Foco e Constância00:09:37 O que determina nossa capacidade de Foco e …
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#225 MEA CULPA trifft... Raúl Richter
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„MEA CULPA trifft…“ endlich wieder. Und zum Auftakt dieses Dreiers ist Raúl Richter zu Gast. Der Mann mit dem vielleicht schönsten Po der TV Landschaft. Hörensagen... Neben der Vergänglichkeit des Lebens und dem Ruf der Natur, geht es mit ihm natürlich auch nochmal ins „Sommerhaus der Stars“. Wen von seinen Mitstreitern er sogar ein bisschen vermis…
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The Movie Donald Doesn’t Want You to See + A Conversation with Gabriel Sherman
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Today on Mea Culpa, I’m joined by an exciting guest - journalist and screenwriter Gabriel Sherman. His new film The Apprentice, released on Friday, examines Donald Trump’s rise and his relationship with mentor Roy Cohn. I had the privilege of attending the premiere and wanted to unpack the film with Gabriel. We explore how Roy Cohn’s ruthless strat…
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Hier geht's weiter zu Teil 2: https://www.patreon.com/posts/113797761?utm_campaign=postshare_creator&utm_content=android_share Lilli: https://www.instagram.com/lilli Chris: https://www.instagram.com/chrizz_chrozz
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Trump Losing Latinos As Well + A Conversation with Maria Cardona
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Today on Mea Culpa, I’m joined by Maria Cardona, a Colombian-American political strategist and Principal at the Dewey Square Group. With the election less than a month away, we dive into the challenges facing VP Kamala Harris's campaign as it aims to connect with key demographics like Latino voters. Maria emphasizes the urgency of countering Trump’…
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Pois vai que temos mais uma vez sortes bastante distintas nas três equipas do FC Porto que alinharam com três equipamentos diferentes durante o fim-de-semana. Os muninos da B foram jogar uma espécie de jogo da bola sem fazerem grande coisa com ela e levaram mais uma lição de “oh isto é competitivo e a malta joga a sério” na Madeira e trouxeram o az…
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Ignore Mr. Crazy, Vote for the Lady! + A Conversation With David Corn
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Joining me today on Mea Culpa is David Corn, Washington, DC bureau chief of Mother Jones and a New York Times bestselling author. His latest book, “American Psychosis: A Historical Investigation of How the Republican Party Went Crazy,” is essential for understanding the current state of our republic. David and I explore the chaos surrounding Donald…
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Vorab: Chris hat heute Sitzfleisch! Der öffentliche Teil ist also eher ein doppelter Privado Teil. Er redet und redet und redet. Über die Paulita und den schönsten Tag in ihrem Leben. Über den P. Diddy Skandal. Über Blümchen und ihre neue große Liebe: Die Edeka Supermärkte. Über den Weihnachtsmann in der DB Lounge. Über den Berlin Marathon. Über Ar…
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Relato da epopeia dos nossos meninos, do Porto a Bilbau, em 15 (ou 17) perigosas etapas, por mar, ar, rodovia e piso sintético. Desta vez, a épica batalha dos baldes de água gelada, em que, às portas da vitória, a nossa infantaria foi vítima de um desarranjo intestinal e se borrou toda. Ah, mas grandes vitórias se perfilavam no horizonte. Fiquem at…
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Donald Is an International Disaster! + A Conversation With Malcolm Nance
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Today on Mea Culpa, I am joined by Malcolm Nance, a retired U.S. Navy Senior Chief, New York Times bestselling author, and expert on terrorism, extremism, and insurgency. We discuss global and domestic political issues, with a focus on Middle East conflicts and U.S. foreign policy. Nance explains Iran's long-term strategy to become a regional super…
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00:00:00 Introdução 00:07:53 Como funciona a Formação de Memórias 00:18:24 Curva do Esquecimento 00:23:57 Como lembrar do que estudou? 00:34:20 A melhor forma de Revisão Ativa (Efeito-teste) 00:42:54 Benefícios de fazer estudar fazendo Testes 00:46:28 Quando fazer Revisões? (Revisão Espaçada) 00:52:27 Como Botar em Prática as técnicas de Estudo 00:…
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Jornada 351 – Valhalla
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Três jogos, três diferentes abordagens e narrativas. Começa a ser difícil manter o rastreio da coisa, mas deixa ver se apanhamos isto tudo em rima rápida: Felgueiras de rosinha ganharam com sortinha, contra uma táctica esquisitinha e um Marcus na ruinha; um Marco sem Pólo para as meninas que deixou o Vassalo entusiasmado com as potenciais dezanove …
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Tool en Lolla ¿Por qué no tocan solos? ¿Vale la pena?
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La noticia del año para los fans de Tool es que la banda hará su debut en Sudamérica en 2025, pero al mismo tiempo la mala noticia fue que no vendrán solos sino en el marco del festival Lollapalooza. En este nuevo episodio de La Culpa Es Del Rock nos preguntamos si vale la pena ir a un Lolla por Tool, analizamos la relación que tiene la banda con e…
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For Donald, Sanity Is a Cozy Lie! + A Conversation with Ron Filipkowski
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Joining me today is my Meidas colleague, Ron Filipkowski, the editor-in-chief of MeidasTouch.com and co-host of “Uncovered.” A former Republican, Ron brings valuable experience as both a federal and state prosecutor. Like me, he is dedicated to educating and informing the American public about the threats to our democracy. Today, we discussed sever…
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Lilli berichtet von ihrer Erfahrung mit dem Hamburger Filmfest. Chris vom Sommerhaus. Ja ja, so scheiden sich die Geister. Außerdem hat er schon wieder einen Ozempic Verdacht und eine absolut schtunning Reiseempfehlung. Lilli dagegen nimmt uns mit auf eine Reise in ihren Darm. Ich sag ja, die Geister scheiden sich hier heute… Hier geht's weiter mit…
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Trump’s Finances Are as Worthless as His $100,000 Watch + A Conversation with Dan Alexander
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Today, we’re pleased to welcome Dan Alexander to Mea Culpa. As a senior editor at Forbes, he oversees money-in-politics coverage and is widely recognized for his reporting on Donald Trump. Dan has investigated numerous public figures, including Trump, and his work has played a significant role in various investigations, particularly Trump’s fraud t…
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Relato da epopeia dos nossos meninos, do Porto a Bilbau, em 15 (ou 17) perigosas etapas, por mar, ar, rodovia e piso sintético. Esta semana, a conquista dos bravos guerreiros no gelo imponente! Só que não havia gelo, foi pouco imponente e a conquista foi do nosso belo rabiosque.توسط Os Cavanis
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Jornada 350 – A relva do vizinho
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As cachopas pra Viseu, os catraios pra Guimarães e a gente aqui em cuidados. Felizmente, correu tudo lindamente. Mas agora já vão pro Polo Norte! Apre, nunca mais acabam as visitas de estudo!توسط Os Cavanis
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Women Will Be the END of Trump + A Conversation with Tara Setmayer
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Today on Mea Culpa, I had the pleasure of welcoming our good friend Tara Setmayer to discuss the upcoming presidential election. Tara is a prominent political commentator and the co-founder and CEO of The Seneca Project, a bipartisan super PAC led by women that aims to rally women voters in swing states to support Kamala Harris by highlighting wome…
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Es ist ganz schön was los in Deutschlands Flimmerkisten. Der Raab ist zurück, im Sommerhaus wird geweint, eine neue Staffel „Notruf Hafenkante“ steht an. Und live gab es die vielen Promis auch zu sehen. Zumindest für Chris auf dem RTL Event. Wer ihn dort besonders positiv überrascht hat? Darauf kommt ihr nie! Und Lilli, die legt hier und heute ihre…
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We Are All Sick And Tired Of Your Perpetual Lying + A Conversation with Harry Sisson
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Today on Mea Culpa, I’m joined by Harry Sisson, a 21-year-old Gen-Z political content creator who has amassed over a million followers on TikTok. Harry has interviewed prominent political figures, including President Joe Biden and Barack Obama. Like me, he has faced targeted attacks from Donald Trump’s campaign for his outspoken views on the threat…
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Como Apostas Online VICIAM e Podem Virar uma Epidemia no Brasil (Neurocientista Explica)
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Como Apostas Online VICIAM e Podem Virar uma Epidemia no Brasil (Neurocientista Explica)00:00:00 Trailer00:00:40 Introdução00:05:15 História da Legalização dos Jogos de Azar 00:13:17 Sistema de Recompensa00:17:18 O Grande Problema do Vício00:20:22 Transtorno do Jogo (Diagnóstico)00:25:43 Consequências dos Jogos de Azar00:30:24 Por que Jogos de Azar…
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