Eerstejaars college scheikunde en farmaceutische wetenschappen aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Van prof. Cees Gooijer, genaamd 'why chemical reactions happen'.
Chemical reactions, A podcast by Chemical Engineering students, for Chemical Engineering students in which different subjects will be discussed that might be exothermic for your thoughts and spark a reaction in your mind. In this podcast we will talk about subjects like activism amongst chemical engineering students, research done by our lecturers and other subjects that are related to the field of Chemical Science and Engineering. For these subjects we will invite fellow students, lecturers ...
As our first guest, we have Tim van Schagen. The podcast is about his time at this university and what he did during these years, such as being active at Alembic, doing a PhD and being a member of a fraternity.
Tijdens dit introductiecollege wordt aandacht besteed aan de opzet van de reeks colleges die volgen. In deze colleges wordt stilgestaan bij de vraagstelling: "waarom chemische reacties plaatsvinden", en dan vooral hoe dit gebeurd.توسط Prof. Cees Gooijer