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show episodes

On Branding Podcast

Arek Dvornechuck

Want to know what it takes to brand a business? In the On Branding Podcast by Ebaqdesign, I find out by interviewing successful entrepreneurs and branding experts. Join my weekly discussions and interviews on branding, strategy and design.
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Zeig dich! – Soulful Branding mit Martina Rehberg

Martina Rehberg | Leidenschaftliche Gestalterin, Unternehmerin und Brand-Coach bei Delicious Design

Branding ist pure Energie und immer auch ein Stück Persönlichkeitsentwicklung. Zeig dich! ist der Podcast für Solounternehmer, die ihre Einzigartigkeit (wieder)entdecken und in ihrer persönlichen Marke zum Ausdruck bringen möchten. Du findest hier Motivation, Inspiration und Anstupser zu den Themen Mindset, Umsetzung, Entwicklung und Erfolg.
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Personal Branding ist der Weg, dich mit deiner Persönlichkeit sichtbar zu machen, um Menschen anzuziehen, die dich und deine Arbeit wertschätzen. Im "Branding Barista"-Podcast von Julian Heck bekommst du regelmäßige Impulse, Inspiration und Ermutigung, dich auf deine Art und Weise als authentische Marke zu etablieren. Julian, Personal-Branding- & LinkedIn-Stratege, zeigt dir in Form konkreter Tipps, inspirierender Geschichten und interessanten Einblicken, wie du eine klare Positionierung era ...
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Personal Branding Podcast for high achievers. Package Your Genius delves into personal branding, business, personal development, and career topics like overcoming imposter syndrome, pitching your brand to the media and speaking up at work to take credit for your accomplishments.
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The He Said, She Said, Razor Branding™ Podcast is hosted by Jaci and Michael Russo, covering topics like entrepreneurship, B2B marketing, messaging for your target audience, and of course, building your brand. Together, they provide branding insight, tips, and best practices from their combined 40+ years of experience. Special guests from various industries are welcomed to the podcast regularly to share their stories and how branding played a pivotal role in their success.
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Personal Branding Podcast

Bernard Kelvin Clive

Join my weekly discussions and interviews on Personal Branding | Personal Development | Publishing | Providing inspiration and teachings on branding, social media and authoring. I'm your host Bernard Kelvin Clive.
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Vi tror på at design kan være mere end bare smukt. Det kan få folk til at føle noget og det kan gøre en reel forskel. I podcasten udforsker vi alle aspekter ved det kæmpestore emne, som branding er. Vi dykker ned i idéer og projekter, taler med fagpersoner og virksomheder, og vi samler dem, som arbejder aktivt med design og branding hver dag, og som ikke mindst har stærke holdninger til emnet. Podcast host: Kristina May / CEO AM Copenhagen
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The LinkedIn™ Branding Show

Michelle B Griffin and Michelle J Raymond (#MichelleSquared)

The LinkedIn™ Branding Show empowers entrepreneurs, experts, and businesses on how to use personal and business branding on LinkedIn™ to win dream clients and land industry opportunities outside of the often talked about LinkedIn clichés. Join your hosts, Michelle B Griffin and Michelle J Raymond, aka #MichelleSquared, for real conversations plus actionable takeaways with a community of powerful and impactful professionals looking to grow with a "good together" approach to personal and busin ...
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Branding Matters

Branding Badass

In a world consumed by fierce competition and endless noise - THIS is the podcast that cuts through the clutter, revealing the secrets to success in the game of business. Join me, as I bring you exclusive interviews with visionaries, game-changers, and industry titans who discuss why branding matters. Branding Matters is ranked in the top Branding Podcasts worldwide. It's one of Goodpods Top 100 Indie Marketing Podcasts for Entrepreneurs. And it's the only podcast to ever be listed on PPAI's ...
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Be BOLD Branding


Tonya Eberhart & Michael Carr (BrandFace) interview high level Coaches, Consultants & Experts who have a life-changing message and business to share based on their own BOLD journey. Their mission is to unveil the story and the star behind the business. They also share advice for building a profitable personal brand that helps you ”change how you’re seen & charge what you’re worth”.
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Personal Branding, Leadership, and Business Coaching tips every week! The Brands On Brands podcast with Brandon Birkmeyer is a top 10 branding podcast for executives, consultants, coaches, content creators & entrepreneurs! Learn how to build authority and position yourself as #1 in your industry from the world's top personal branding and content marketing experts. Want more? Get our personal branding and creator economy newsletter, Brands On Brands Weekly at: Y ...
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The Branding Laboratory

Deevo Tindall

Are you a CEO, entrepreneur, or solopreneur with a drive to build a distinctive brand that resonates with your audience? Are you an industry influencer who understands the importance of authenticity and compelling storytelling in shaping your digital footprint? The Business Branding Laboratory is the podcast for you! Every episode of The Branding Laboratory offers a blend of theory and practice, making complex branding strategies accessible and actionable. We delve into the essence of innova ...
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The branding deep dive podcast is a podcast where we have in-depth discussions with founders, marketers, and brand strategists on how to build a brand that people love. The host is Ahmed Cheema, a brand strategist. Check out our website for more branding and marketing content:
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Audio Branding

Jodi Krangle

Keeping a consistent sound in how you present your company really is the "hidden gem" of marketing. But audio or sonic branding influences us in many different ways and in many different places within our lives. Education is key! I'll be exploring that here, both with my own observations and by interviewing knowledgeable professionals in the field of advertising, marketing, music and science. Want to be a guest on Audio Branding? Do you contribute something unique to the world of sound? Send ...
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Employer Branding Podcast

Jorgen Sundberg

Learn practical talent attraction & employer branding strategies from the best. The Employer Branding Podcast is hosted out of London by Jörgen Sundberg, CEO Link Humans. In this weekly show, international employer brand leaders, rebels, and innovators share their favorite tactics and strategies. From challenger brands with momentum – to leading companies such as Google, Microsoft, Salesforce, GE, Walmart, L'Oréal, and, Unilever. Episodes are around 20 minutes long and in an easy to follow Q ...
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Ob ambitionierter Unternehmer, echter Geheim-Tipp, Undercover-Held & Champion, Consultant oder Dienstleister – hier startet Deine Reise zum begehrten Experten*In mit dem Status-Ziel: AUSGEBUCHT! Dein Guide auf dieser Reise: Bestsellerautorin, Marketing-Expertin & internationale Business-Mentorin Martina Fuchs. Sie ist seit über 25 Jahren in der Welt der Medien und des Marketings zuhause und mit der von ihr entwickelten „EXPERT-BRANDING-MATRIX™“ hat sie im Personal Branding neue Maßstäbe gese ...
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AI-Branding Podcast

Mark de Grasse

With a focus on Traditional Branding achieved through AI-Powered Application, our podcast is your go-to resource for staying ahead in the fast-paced world of AI-driven marketing. Whether you're a seasoned marketing professional or just starting out, you'll find actionable insights, cutting-edge strategies, and a dash of humor in every episode. Join us as we explore the latest trends, share thought leadership, and empower you to lead the charge in the marketing industry. With our energetic an ...
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The Power of Personal Branding & Manifestation is your go-to guide to driven content & entrepreneurs girlies ready to grow their income, community, clientele & start manifesting all the things. Breaking down everything you need to become the magnet in business to attract your dream clients & reality. If you're ready to take your mind, content & business to the next level, this is for you ! Don't forget to support the podcast: subscribe, rate & review !
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Branding Beyond Business

John Mediana

Branding Beyond Business isn't about fitting into boxes – it's about breaking them open. Uncover the brilliance that sets you apart, and watch as your authentic self becomes your most potent asset. Your host, John Mediana believes that behind every brand and company there is a powerful personal brand leading the charge. Branding is more than just a logo or a tagline – it's a symphony of authenticity, passion, and purpose that resonates through every facet of your existence. In a landscape wh ...
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Award-winning image consultant, author and personal branding pioneer Jon Michail spent over 32 years helping executives, entrepreneurs and changemakers to build, grow and monetise their personal brands. As he helped them, now it's time to help YOU with this podcast. This platform will introduce leading-edge concepts and tools to maximize your career, business and personal life. The show has two types of episodes: one based on conversations with personalities that will share their stories and ...
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„Be your brand“ ist der Podcast, der sich mit dem Thema Personal Branding beschäftigt. Etwas, das in der heutigen Zeit immer mehr an Bedeutung gewinnt. Sichtbarkeit und das Sichtbarmachen der eigenen Stärken, Kenntnisse und Leidenschaften ist absolut essenziell. Denn wenn wir selber nicht wissen, für was wir stehen, welchen Mehrwert wir für Andere schaffen und wo wir hin wollen… Wie sollen es dann unsere Mitmenschen wissen? Beim Personal Branding geht es darum, deine Positionierung zu finden ...
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Management meets Mindfulness – wertvolles Management-Wissen mit einer Prise Achtsamkeit Jetzt den Podcast abonnieren. Für Kurzimpulse folge uns bei Instagram: Der Podcast "Management meets Mindfulness" liefert wertvolle Management-Tipps & Tricks für Selbständige, Fach- und Führungskräfte. Hacks, Grundlagen, Best Practices, motivierende und inspirierende Inhalte aus den Bereichen Management, Marketing, Führung und Employer Branding treffen auf die wissens ...
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TOP 1% GLOBALLY RANKED PODCAST - And with more than 15 years being a Marketing Strategist you’re going to experience the new way to promote your business with clear and unique messaging, By giving you actionable marketing & messaging strategies that get you interested leads, to transform the lives of your audiences, so that you build up your brand with continuous momentum. It's short, gutsy and packed with wittiness! Get ready because here is where we say NO to outdated marketing strategies ...
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The Unified Brand - Branding Podcast

Elements Brand Management

The Unified Brand, a branding podcast that touches on brand building and brand strategy to help directors, founders, owners, marketers and entrepreneurs to unlock their brand's potential so they can stand out from the competition and create impact. Discover and uncover your businesses often neglected superpower and how you can harness this and use it to create an impact in a way that delights and enriches your customers. The biggest and fastest-growing brands in the world understand branding ...
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Willkommen zu „Markenaufbau“ – deinem neuen Begleiter auf dem Weg zur erfolgreichen Marke. 🎙️ In meinem Podcast teile ich über 30 Jahre Erfahrung aus der Welt des Marketings und der Markenentwicklung mit dir. Ich bin Jens Schlangenotto, und ich lade dich ein, mit mir gemeinsam in die spannende Welt des Markenaufbaus einzutauchen. Hier erfährst du alles über Prinzipien, die dich in den Flow des Erfolgs bringen können, und bekommst handfeste Tipps und Impulse für den Aufbau von Personen- und U ...
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Greenleaf Book Group CEO Tanya Hall discusses all things book publishing, from how to write your book and build your author brand to getting your book into bookstores and making it a bestseller. Each episode features an interview with an expert guest, including editors, designers, publicists, and brand strategists.
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The Angry Designer - Graphic Design, Branding, Marketing, & Creative Business Operations to Get Paid What Your Worth and Avoid Burnout

A Graphic Design Podcast that cuts through industry bull to help frustrated Graphic Designers charge what they're worth and build creative careers

A No-Bull Graphic Design podcast that helps frustrated Graphic Designers crush the social & industry bull, learn to charge what they're worth, and build badass rewarding creative careers.
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JUST Branding

JUST Branding - by Jacob Cass & Matt Davies

The JUST Branding Podcast, hosted by Jacob Cass & Matt Davies, is the only podcast dedicated to helping designers & entrepreneurs grow brands. Each episode goes deep into the details of the brand building process, with professional insights, actionable tips and resources to help you build better brands. The focus is on helping designers & entrepreneurs bridge the gap between strategy and design. Branding professionals from around the world join Jacob & Matt in discussing the benefits of bran ...
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Gina Branding Lab

Gina Branding

歡迎收聽Gina branding, 跟著Gina一起, 穿梭於理性與感性間, 從個人品牌的建立與經營, 到生活融入美學的療癒體驗, 讓我們在忙碌動盪的時代中, 為自己儲備好精神的知識能量。 #Podcast/ FaceBook/ Instagram: Gina branding
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Branding. Done.

David O'Hearns

Dawn Creative goes through all elements of branding, from the basics through to the real nitty-gritty. Each episode, we host a new guest, to speak about how different areas of branding have impacted their role, their business, and the projects they have worked on. We'll speak to MD's, marketing managers, creatives, and people across various businesses to get a variety of viewpoints on why branding, and all the elements within it, are so important.
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As the founder of a coaching business, do you wish that you could just get quality leads like turning on a tap? Or perhaps you’re looking for some inspiration from other successful coaches who understand the challenges of scaling their business beyond 6-7 figures? Founders Go Naked is where we strip bare on two fronts for you. Our solo episodes where we reveal our agency’s behind-the-scenes strategies for successful webinars and events… And interviews where we talk with 7 to 8 figure busines ...
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Branding Notions


La logique d'adopter les codes sémiologiques et marketing permettrant de faire évoluer la marque vers un level universel, est une étape structurante et essentielle dans l'élargissement de l'impact de la marque national...
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Avec le Podcast du Marketing, Estelle Ballot aide des hommes et surtout des femmes à développer leur activité pour être maître de leurs choix et travailler où, quand, et comme elles le veulent. En plus de mini-cours de marketing et de stratégie détaillées étape par étape, chaque épisode est construit de façon à vous permettre de mettre en place des actions immédiatement, et obtenir des résultats concrets. Le Podcast du Marketing est dédié aux femmes entrepreneurs (aka entrepreneuses) qui sou ...
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Welcome to Branding For Success, your go-to podcast for navigating all things brand strategy, design, and marketing. Join us as we dive into insightful discussions, offering valuable insights and strategies to empower businesses across diverse industries. Discover how you can make intentional, outcome-driven decisions that elevate your brand and position it for success. The Branding For Success podcast is brought to you by Krative. For more information, visit us at
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The Real Personal Branding podcast is your behind-the-scenes look at how thought-leaders, speakers, authors, and coaches have built their businesses, elevated their personal brands, and created lives that truly make them happy. My name is Lauren V. Davis and I am not interested in the fluff, I want to know everything it took to get there. The highs and lows, the celebrations and the messy middle. which is why I believe in bringing you honest conversations with the people I interview and the ...
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show series
Click here to grab one of the limited February coaching spots →[Enroll Now] The current news cycle is so fast-paced and constantly changing, it makes it difficult to discern where to put your focus, especially when you need to stay informed about current events. The result can be a state of sensory overwhelm that can cloud your judgment and make it…
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In the episode of The Branding Laboratory, Deevo Tindall talks with the President of Blaze PR, Matt Kovacs. Matt discusses the evolving landscape of public relations and the importance of storytelling and relationship-building. Matt shares his journey from Pittsburgh to California, highlighting his experiences with various brands and the shift towa…
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Posting consistently but still not seeing leads? It’s not your consistency—it’s your content. In this episode, we’re uncovering the biggest content mistake service-based business owners make and how to fix it so your content actually attracts potential clients. ✦ Why posting more isn’t the answer—and what to focus on instead. ✦ How to create conten…
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In today’s crowded marketplace, how do you make your brand stand out? In this episode of The Unified Brand Podcast, we break down seven powerful differentiation strategies that help brands build an impactful presence. Learn how companies like Apple, Patagonia, Tesla, and GoPro successfully position themselves to attract loyal customers. We cover: ✅…
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Aujourd'hui on va parler de cette dépendance aux réseaux sociaux qui, soyons honnêtes, est un piège dans lequel tombent trop d’entrepreneurs et de créateurs de contenu. Pourquoi miser uniquement sur les réseaux sociaux pour faire grandir votre business est dangereux ? Et surtout, quelle est l’alternative pour sécuriser et garder le contrôle de votr…
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IN THIS EPISODE: Feeling off track on Linkedin and your personal brand? It's likely time for foundational clarity to "recalculate" your goals, positioning, messaging, visibility and more. In this episode, continuing in our "fresh start focus," we share the launch of Michelle B Griffin's new Amazon best-seller, Position Yourself and the first of her…
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In dieser Folge von „Be your Brand“ spricht Verena Bender mit Ayan Yuruk über Personal Branding, Sichtbarkeit und seinen Weg zur internationalen Bekanntheit. Bekannt aus „Queer Eye Germany“, zeigt Ayan, wie er seine Marke aufgebaut hat – von den Anfängen in Stuttgart bis zur Netflix-Show. Er gibt wertvolle Einblicke, wie authentische Präsenz und ei…
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Willkommen zur neuen Episode des Markenaufbau-Podcasts. In dieser Folge spreche ich mit Micha Fritz, einem der Co-Gründer von Viva con Agua. Micha erzählt, wie aus einer spontanen Idee auf St. Pauli eine weltweite Bewegung wurde, die heute Millionen von Menschen mit sauberem Trinkwasser versorgt. Wir sprechen darüber, warum Marke für ihn immer noch…
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303: Der Markt und die Spielregeln im Business haben sich massiv verändert – und klassische Positionierungsstrategien funktionieren nicht mehr. Doch einfach weitermachen wie bisher? Keine Option. In dieser Folge erfährst du: ✅ Warum alte Positionierungsmodelle nicht mehr greifen ✅ Wie du eine Positionierung entwickelst, die dir mehr Kunden und Umsa…
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In this episode, Jon delves into the captivating topic of staying original in the age of AI. As tools like ChatGPT and Gemini revolutionize content creation and branding, how do you maintain authenticity and ensure your personal brand stands out in a sea of AI-generated content? Discover now! Do you want Jon's help to elevate your personal brand? G…
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This week we discuss the challenges of starting a personal brand and how to overcome them. Get practical tips for expressing yourself and creating content. Learn how to break through the initial hurdles and strategically grow your personal brand. 00:00 Introduction and Overview 00:09 Challenges of Personal Branding 01:04 Finding Content Inspiration…
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In this episode of the AI-Branding Podcast, host Mark De Grasse chats with A'Tondra Jones from Perfect Flow Funnels about how AI and automation can radically enhance both business operations and personal well-being. A'Tondra shares her strategies for identifying and automating "robot work" to reclaim time and energy, saving over 75 hours each month…
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What if the path to extraordinary business success lies in serving others? Many entrepreneurs hit a ceiling in their growth because they're playing too small, stuck in the mindset of mere profit generation. That's why we invited Jim Hardwick to the show, a 25-year executive leadership veteran who's revolutionizing how we think about business impact…
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“What I did is also in the beginning with my prototypes, I did those science-fiction sounds. I watched all the science-fiction shows and I was like, yeah, let’s get those spaceships in there, I need to do spaceships. And it was fun, I’ll be honest. My wife hated it. When she was in the car with me, she was like, ‘Hey, everybody’s looking, please. N…
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Velkommen til 2. afsnit af vores nye episoderække "Tæt på". Vi udforsker essensen af det at være designer – det kreative, det menneskelige, følelserne, usikkerheden og alt det, der følger med. Værterne Kristina May og Tobias Røder deler deres personlige perspektiver på livet som designer, om tvivlens rolle i den kreative proces og glæden ved at ska…
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Was bedeutet Human Resource Management in der heutigen Arbeitswelt, und wie beeinflussen Trends wie mobiles Arbeiten und digitale Achtsamkeit unsere tägliche Arbeit? In dieser Folge von Management meets Mindfulness sprechen wir mit Prof. Dr. Lena Evertz, Professorin für Human Resource Management, über die Chancen und Herausforderungen moderner Arbe…
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No amount of strategies will matter UNLESS you start showing up as your most UNSTOPPABLE & UNAPOLOGETIC SELF. This is where your mindset & habits comes in, you are creating your life one decision at a time so let’s make sure you are creating YOUR DREAM LIFE. We’re talking grounded confidence, unstoppable mindset, dreaming bigger, getting back to th…
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Stress and burnout are among the greatest workplace challenges that workers and employers face. Leaders must deal with how to overcome them now more than ever if they want to foster a workplace where their employees feel valued and like their work matters. As an author and internationally recognized expert on burnout prevention, resilience, and lea…
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Graphic designers are taught to create, not sell—and that’s exactly why so many talented designers stay broke. The harsh reality? Talent alone won’t make you successful. The industry is full of insanely skilled designers who struggle to make ends meet while less talented ones cash in—because they get it: design is a business. And no one understood …
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Today, I’m continuing the discussion on the rise of silent brands, but this time, we’re focusing on personal brands. The rise of silent personal brands is incredibly important, especially in an aging system like ours. The Silent Brand in Action Sometime back, I was with my business consultant, John Armah, who specializes in helping MSMEs and busine…
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If you are looking to build a standout brand in a comoditised marketplace then this is the episode for you! 👉 Learn more: Cooper Parry is a UK accountancy firm like no other. They are famous for being "the rebels of accountancy" and zigging when everyone else is zagging. They epitomise many of the principles brand s…
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Burnt out from grinding for every client and doing 1-on-1 sales calls? That’s why most coaching businesses plateau at 6 figures – they can’t scale without going insane. But the biggest names in the business do it differently - from Marie Forleo to Tony Robbins. They have discovered a ‘flywheel’ that cranks out predictable, scalable results – EVERY …
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Send us a text Unlock the secrets to building wealth through real estate investment and property management with insights from Matt Moore, the president of Real Property Management Blue Sky. On this episode of the Branding Highway podcast, we discuss the fascinating world of long-term rentals, comparing them to the stability of bonds, in contrast t…
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Victoria Bennion is the founder of the Best Podcast Guest booking agency and co-host of the Best Guest podcast. She's on a mission to help entrepreneurs and authors leverage podcast interviews to amplify their message and grow their businesses. Victoria has a wealth of experience in this area and is here to share her insider tips and strategies. In…
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IHG is a huge global hospitality brand with over 500,000 employees worldwide. In this episode we learn how they developed a TVP, or Targeted Value Proposition, in order to reach talent with niche skillsets.Eunice Z. Clements-Tweedie is the Vice President of Global Talent Acquisition at IHG.Eunice Z. Clements-Tweedie on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedi…
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In this episode of the He Said, She Said: Razor Branding Podcast, Jaci and Michael Russo are joined by William Vanderbloemen, CEO of Vanderbloemen and author of Be the Unicorn. William shares his incredible journey from pastoral ministry to building a successful executive search firm for faith-based organizations. With humor and wisdom, he dives in…
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Today on the Published Podcast, we're joined by international bestselling fiction author J. D. Barker. J. D. is best known as a suspense thriller author and has collaborated with Dacre Stoker, Christine Daigle, E.J. Findorff, and most frequently, James Patterson. In this episode, we will discuss the magic of co-authoring — the advantages of partner…
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Luis nos habló sobre su enfoque en el branding, el diseño y la estrategia, y compartió valiosas anécdotas sobre su trayectoria en esta industria. A continuación, te cuento los momentos más destacados de nuestra conversación y te dejo el enlace al audio completo para que lo disfrutes. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit…
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Send us a text Today, I have a special guest who turned a late-night craving into a multimillion-dollar empire—Seth Berkowitz, the co-founder and CEO of Insomnia Cookies. Seth started his journey as a college student at the University of Pennsylvania, frustrated by the lack of late-night food options. With just a cell phone and a car, he began deli…
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Markenentwicklung durch Soulful Branding: Für ein Business, das nicht nur monetär erfolgreich ist, sondern auch die Seele satt macht. Genau darum geht es im Soulful Brand-Coaching: ein Business aufzubauen, das nicht nur deine Rechnungen bezahlt, sondern dich auch tief im Inneren erfüllt und dir jeden Tag auf’s Neue Energie gibt. Ein Business, das d…
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In our latest episode, "Is Short Form Content Hurting Your Brand?" we delved into the evolving landscape of content creation and its implications for brand strategy. Here's a sneak peek into what we covered and why it matters: 🔍 Exploring the Rise of Short Form Content With platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels leading the charge, everyone seem…
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