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ASOR Podcast

ASOR Podcast

The ASOR Podcast is an opinionated series mainly covering Flames athletics. ASOR is not affiliated or endorsed by Liberty University in any way. Opinions are our own.
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Radio Westeros ASOIAF Podcast

Radio Westeros

George RR Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire (ASoIaF) novels are our focus: Analysis and theories, readings, adverts from Westeros, music from the fandom, guests, and more, with your hosts yolkboy and Lady Gwynhyfvar. Radio Westeros is the only radio station this side of Asshai... Spoilers all books! Support: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Join us, as we venture chapter-by-chapter through the books in the "A Song of Ice and Fire" (ASOIAF) series, by George R.R. Martin. We will discuss the details of a chapter, provide insights, give background information, and hit you with other tidbits that we find interesting. However, one thing we won't do is give spoilers! So come, let us be your guides on this epic journey. Follow us on Twitter at @GhostsHarrenhal, as well as on Facebook, Instagram, Discord, and YouTube!
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Sebuah praktek ke-terserah-an beropini. Konten mengandung unsur perspektif personal. Mari bersosial di instagram, follow @asosiasibebas dan akun pribadi gw @yoxgi . Enjoy!
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"Smoke Break" es un micro-podcast semanal diseñado específicamente para asociados de ventas de tiendas de conveniencia que buscan mejorar sus habilidades y avanzar en su carrera. En solo 5-10 minutos – el tiempo de un descanso típico – el anfitrión Mike Hernández comparte consejos prácticos y estrategias efectivas para destacar en el servicio al cliente y las operaciones de la tienda. Ya sea que seas nuevo en la industria o un profesional experimentado, cada episodio te proporciona herramien ...
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ASOA EyeTalks Radio

American Society of Ophthalmic Administrators (ASOA), A Strategic Partner o

A monthly show produced by the American Society of Ophthalmic Administrators (ASOA) featuring practice management solutions and discussions on topics of interest to those who run the business side of ophthalmology.
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Asociación AGOA

Asociación AGOA

Asociación de Amigos/as Gamers y Otakus del Aljarafe. Fundada en 2015 por un grupo de aficionados/as al anime y a los videojuegos. Hacemos competiciones, eventos frikis, sesión cinéfila, asistimos a eventos…
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Asoziale Elite

Asoziale Elite

Die asoziale Elite der deutschen Podcasts ist wieder zurück! Nach Gesellschaftsspastik und der längeren Auszeit gibt es endlich wieder den einzig wahren Podcast wie ihr ihn liebt und schätzt. Wer auf Humor ohne Grenzen und absurde Themen steht ist hier genau richtig!
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ASOTU CON Sessions

ASOTU | More Than Cars

The best operators, amazing stories from inside and outside of auto, and new perspectives. Join hosts Kyle Mountsier, Michael Cirillo, Paul J. Daly plus special guests as we just hit the record button for some quick and very candid conversations with some of the most amazing guests at ASOTU CON. YAll of it is live. All of it is unfiltered, and all of it is for you. These are the ASOTU CON Sessions by Effectv // ASOTU CON Sessions is produced by Automotive State of the Union (ASOTU). Learn mo ...
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11-12 by Asora

Ayiela Sora

11-12 ~ a saying in Indonesia when one is experiencing something similar, same thing happens, look alike, or feeling the same. 11-12 ~ istilah atau sebutan suatu insan jikala mereka mengalami insiden serupa, kemiripan, mengiyakan hal yang sama, ataupun setuju dengan sesuatu yang terjadi.
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In this dynamic and impromptu podcast, the ASOTU street team brings you real-world, real-time interviews and intel while on location with Dealers and Industry Leaders across the U.S. Meet the Automotive movers and shakers you’ve seen on the screen and some you’ve never heard of before as we have candid conversations around some of the biggest challenges in automotive. When team ASOTU is on the ground, you’re right there with us. In the Dirt with ASOTU is produced by Automotive State of the U ...
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The landscape in the automotive industry is constantly changing. And to be honest, we say that a lot. But it’s true. With new announcements and initiatives announced almost daily, it can be hard for dealers to know what’s next and how to respond. But Daniel Govaer and the team at the Wheelhouse is here to help. Let’s take the wheel!
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The ASO Review


We keep plugged into everything in the world of ASO so you don't have to. In The ASO Review your hosts guide you through the monthly tech news in brief. This podcast is a bitesize review of everything that’s been happening in the world of App Store optimisation, algorithm changes, tool updates and more.
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Asociaciones libres

Asociaciones libres

Reflexiones sobre la existencia diaria. Cover art photo provided by Rangus Moiboi on Unsplash: Support this podcast:
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Join Mickey and Carlo for another episode of Tourney Ground! Time to spend a few hours listening to the mad ravings of Mickey and the sage wisdom of Carlo in all the latest News, Tournaments and Events happening in the world of ASOIAF: The Miniatures Game!
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The emergence of electrification and new technology has consumers leaning into the car business with a level of curiosity and enthusiasm we haven’t seen in decades. That’s why it is essential that top automotive executives, dealers, and industry partners collaborate like never before. It’s time to make the most innovative voices in retail automotive, louder.
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CEO Thuong Asoservice


CEO Thuong Asoservice is an entrepreneur and a prominent technology engineer. She is the author and CEO of ASOSERVICE MOBILE APPLICATION PROMOTION COMPANY LIMITED (Asoservice), a leading company in mobile application promotion. Asoservice is a distinguished technology company that propels Android, iOS, and macOS apps to the top of Google Play and the App Store.
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In My Bag with Nkwa Asonye

Nkwa Asonye

Sportscaster and musician Nkwa Asonye shares his thought-provoking opinions and engages in conversations with fascinating individuals. Join Nkwa as he dives deep into a wide range of topics, from current events and cultural trends to personal growth and everything in between. New episodes drop every Tuesday. | Full interviews from "The Crossover" segment drop every Friday. Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this podcast are solely those of Nkwa Asonye and his guests.
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AsOne Leadership Podcast

Follow Baptist Church

Luke Williams, Lead Pastor of Melbourne based Follow Baptist Church, interviews local and global leaders in the AsOne Leadership Podcast. Get excited for great sessions that will truly inspire you and assist you to grow and thrive as a leader. Guests will share their personal experiences with you and give insights on how to overcome challenges and inspire you to become a purpose-driven leader in your community.
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Asombrosa-mente (English)

Mafe Parra

Do you know how you can easily take care of your brain? No? It's okey no problem! Here we talk about it! This is an space in which we will focus on what things can affect your brain and while doing that, I'll point out some of the things you can put in practice in order to optimize your mind. I'm aiming to help you have knowledge about your brain and ways to take care of it. We need to raise awareness on brain health! You may find this Podcast in Spanish as well. Actually the name is Spanish ...
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Educația financiară este despre viață, nu despre bani. Petrecem aproximativ 80% din timpul nostru treaz fie să producem, fie să cheltuim banii. Cu toate acestea nu ne învață nimeni, nici la scoală, nici acasă sau în societate, cum să folosim corect aceasta resursă importantă. Care sunt principiile corecte și sănătoase ale banilor? Care sunt greșelile de evitat? Cum economisim și investim corect? Te invit la o discuție sinceră despre viața și banii tăi.
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Este es el primer episodio de muchos, aunque está enfocado a Youtube, os aseguro que tiene muchísimo valor personal. Te guiaré en el futuro que quieras tener, siempre y cuando esté dentro del marketing digital, hablaremos de SEO, ASO, diseño web, diseño gráfico etc. Son 20 minutos, que te harán alejarte de los pensamientos negativos, ponerte a trabajar y empezar a crecer más.
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An A Song of Ice and Fire re-read podcast focused on the female pov chapters. Here we’ll discuss what it means to be female in the World of Ice and Fire, what that does to the individual psyche, and how that translates across class, age, and geographical location. The read will consist first of the female point-of-view chapters of each book, rounding each book off with a critical look at one central male character’s chapters, with the hopes of also examining how the strict gender roles of th ...
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show series
Nick Kirby, Will Matthews and Jon Manson discuss the past couple of weeks for Liberty basketball as the Flames win the outright CUSA regular season title and are the #1 seed in this week's CUSA Tournament. We are joined by Liberty play by play announcer Matt Warner to help preview the tournament. This episode is sponsored by Jason Porter Realty and…
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Descripción del Episodio 6: En este episodio de "Smoke Break," el anfitrión Mike Hernández explora cómo convertir el conocimiento de producto en ventas efectivas. Aprende estrategias prácticas para combinar tu conocimiento de inventario con habilidades sociales para crear experiencias excepcionales para los clientes. Notas del Programa: Segmento 1:…
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Send us a text Tyrion and Illyrio Mopatis are trapped in a closed palanquin, hidden from the world, with just each other’s voices for company. Mackelly and Simon try to imagine what that must be like. Chapter Review: Tyrion Lannister and Illyrio Mopatis leave Pentos in a closed palanquin. Nobody can know of Tyrion’s presence or destination. He thin…
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Hello and welcome to the NotACast, the one true chapter-by-chapter podcast going through A Song of Ice and Fire! In this episode, Arya arrives at Braavos, a city bustling with life...except for the death cult hiding in plain sight. Which is where she's headed, naturally. Next time: we return to King's Landing as Cersei names Gyles Rosby as the new …
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Descripción del Episodio: En este episodio de "Smoke Break," el anfitrión Mike Hernández comparte técnicas de venta inteligentes para asociados de tiendas de conveniencia. Aprende cómo transformar interacciones cotidianas en oportunidades de venta mientras ayudas a los clientes a encontrar exactamente lo que necesitan. Notas del Programa: Fundament…
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Nick Kirby, Will Mathews and Jon Manson discuss the latest around the Liberty University Men's Basketball team. The ASOR Podcast is also available on Apple Podcast, Spotify and Soundcloud. Be sure to check out for all the latest Liberty athletics news and analysis.توسط ASOR Podcast
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Send us a text Bran and company are north of the Wall. Things are bleak but Coldhands protects them from those who would do them harm, and brings back some meat to roast. Simon and Jenny throw up in the back of their throats. Chapter Review: Bran Stark rides on Hodor’s shoulders, Meera and an increasingly frail Jojen ride on Coldhands elk. Coldhand…
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Descripción del Episodio: En este episodio de "Smoke Break," el anfitrión Mike Hernández explora cómo dominar el conocimiento del producto puede mejorar el servicio al cliente y aumentar las ventas. Aprende estrategias prácticas para convertirte en un experto en los productos de tu tienda y utilizar ese conocimiento para crear experiencias positiva…
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Send us a text Jon has a wolf dream and wakes to face a trying day. He meets with Stannis and disappoints him by rejecting the king’s plan to assume control of the abandoned Night’s Watch castles. Afterward, he talks with Melisandre who gives him an ominous warning. Simon and Mackelly interpret her meaning. Chapter Review: Ghost races along the Wal…
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Hello and welcome to the NotACast, the one true chapter-by-chapter podcast going through A Song of Ice and Fire! In this episode, Sam is ready to take on the Others, but maybe not a mouse. Poor little guy (meaning both Sam and the mouse). Next time: we set sail for Braavos in A Feast for Crows, Arya I! Emmett's twitter: Manu…
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Send us a text Daenerys learns that the Sons of the Harpy are bold enough to murder her Unsullied and her dragons are wild enough to eat children. It’s not a great day. Mackelly and Simon consider the cost of ambition. Chapter Review: Daenerys Targaryen is roused before dawn to see the body of her Unsullied Stalwart Shield’s body. He’s been murdere…
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In the second installment of LG and Friends, originally streamed live on YouTube, we welcome Maester Merry in conversation about Arya's second chapter in AFfC. Support us! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Our deep dive on the Free Folk includes a look at their origins and culture, a recounting of the history of Kings Beyond the Wall, getting to know their people including Mance Rayder, Tormund Giantsbane, Craster and more, and a discussion of their role in ASOIAF. Support us! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.…
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Send us a text Tyrion arrives in Pentos wallowing in self-pity. His plans for revenge against his family are dismissed by Illyrio Mopatis who has a much better idea for the Iron Throne - a three-headed dragon. Simon and Mackelly say hello to their little friend. Chapter Review: Tyrion Lannister drinks himself into oblivion while confined below deck…
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Nick Kirby, Will Matthews and Jon Manson discuss the past couple of weeks for Liberty basketball as the Flames are currently 17-5 overall and 5-4 in CUSA play. Former Liberty players Joel VanderPol also joins the crew this week to provide his takes on the Flames this season. This episode is sponsored by Jason Porter Realty and IronClad Coffee..Be s…
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Hello and welcome to the NotACast, the one true chapter-by-chapter podcast going through A Song of Ice and Fire! In this episode, Brienne of Tarth, truest of NotAKnights, sets out to find a princess who will always, always be in another castle. Next time: we're taking next week off, but the week after that, we'll be covering AFFC, Samwell I, in whi…
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Send us a text Varamyr Sixskins flies a bit too close to the sun and ends up dead. Just when his day looked like it couldn’t get any worse he possibly inadvertently creates an immortal enemy. Simon and Mackelly consider the state of the Free Folk. Chapter Review: The wildling army is in fragmented disarray. Rumors abound of where to go, who to foll…
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Nick Kirby, Will Mathews and Jon Manson discuss the latest around the Liberty University Men's Basketball team. The ASOR Podcast is also available on Apple Podcast, Spotify and Soundcloud. Be sure to check out for all the latest Liberty athletics news and analysis.توسط ASOR Podcast
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Send us a text A Feast for Crows comes to an end when Sam reaches Oldtown and the Citadel. He gives his news to Alleras, as well as Maester Marwyn who promptly departs for Essos. Simon, Jenny, and Mackelly review the murder’s banquet. Chapter Review: The Cinnamon Wind makes its way through the Redwyne Straits towards Oldtown. Signs of the trouble b…
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Hello and welcome to the NotACast, the one true chapter-by-chapter podcast going through A Song of Ice and Fire! In this episode, special guest Rohanne joins us to welcome the one true queen to the NotACast with AFFC, Cersei I. Next time: we head out on the road with the truest NotAKnight in AFFC, Brienne I! Rohanne's twitter:…
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Descripción del Episodio: En este tercer episodio de "Smoke Break," el anfitrión Mike Hernández profundiza en técnicas avanzadas de servicio al cliente para asociados de ventas de tiendas de conveniencia. Aprende estrategias prácticas para leer a los clientes, manejar situaciones difíciles y convertir experiencias negativas en positivas. Perfecto p…
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Send us a text Jaime won Riverrun but lost the Blackfish. He confirms that Jeyne Westerling is not pregnant with Robb Stark’s child and gives Sybell her rewards for her scheming as well as a piece of his mind. He learns that Ryman Frey is dead and that Cersei is in trouble. Neither concern him much, as he ignores Cersei’s plea for help. Simon and M…
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En este segundo episodio de "Smoke Break," el anfitrión Mike Hernández explora las oportunidades y ventajas únicas que ofrece una carrera en tiendas de conveniencia. Descubre cómo aprovechar los horarios flexibles, desarrollar habilidades valiosas y construir conexiones significativas con la comunidad. Perfecto para asociados de ventas que buscan c…
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Send us a text Cersei’s day goes from an extreme high to an extreme low. She airs the charges against Margaery to the entire court and knows the young queen is in hot water now. However, when Cersei visits the High Septon she discovers that she might’ve cooked her own goose as well. Mackelly and Simon take the temperature of the situation. Chapter …
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Hello and welcome to the NotACast, the one true chapter-by-chapter podcast going through A Song of Ice and Fire! In this episode, the Sand Snakes turn up one by one to ask their uncle, Prince Doran Martell, for permission to commit war, murder, mayhem, etc. Oh, and Areo Hotah is also there. Good for him! Next time: we're taking next week off, but t…
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En este episodio inaugural de "Smoke Break," el anfitrión Mike Hernández introduce los fundamentos de las operaciones en tiendas de conveniencia para asociados de ventas. Aprende estrategias esenciales para brindar un servicio al cliente excepcional, manejar situaciones comunes y crear experiencias positivas para los clientes. Perfecto para asociad…
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Send us a text Please enjoy some of the flubs, confusion, and mishaps that we suffered through this year and then compiled just for you. Thank you all for being part of this journey. Support the show Support us: Buy us a Cup of Arbor Gold, or become a sustainer and receive cool perks Donate to our cause Use our exclusive URL for a free 30-day trial…
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In our first in depth look at Bran Stark, we cover Bran's arc in A Game of Thrones, from the discovery of a pack of abandoned wolf pups in the summer snow, to the arrival of terrible news from King's Landing many months later. Along the way, Bran's life changes utterly and we trace the source and course of those changes, and much, much more. Suppor…
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Hello and welcome to the NotACast, the one true chapter-by-chapter podcast going through A Song of Ice and Fire! In this episode, we kick off the Ironborn storyline in A Feast for Crows with Aeron "Damphair" Greyjoy, the least likeable youth pastor in history, as he tries to get everyone together against the devil...who just happens to be his broth…
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This week on the ASOR Podcast, we are joined by special guests Liberty AD Ian McCaw and head coach Jamey Chadwell. We preview Liberty's trip to the Bahamas Bowl against Buffalo as well as discuss the team's preparation, the bowl selection process, and the transfer portal. This episode is sponsored by Jason Porter Realty and Ironclad Coffee. Be sure…
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Send us a text Brienne is held captive by the Brotherhood without Banners, as she battles the infection caused by her wounds. When she recovers, she’s brought before Lady Stoneheart - who is Catelyn Stark. Brienne stands accused of oath-breaking and must deliver Jamie Lannister or die. Simon and Mackelly weigh the possibilities. Chapter Review: Bri…
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Hello and welcome to the NotACast, the one true chapter-by-chapter podcast going through A Song of Ice and Fire...but not here! In this episode, we cover everything we loved in 2024, from Furiosa to X-Men '97 to Shogun. Next time: we return to A Feast for Crows with "The Prophet," in which Aeron Greyjoy gets everyone together to resist the temptati…
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Send us a text Alayne coaxes Lord Robert down the mountain, while Petyr Baelish arranges a betrothal for his daughter to a ward of Lady Waynwood. The angle? Oh he just happens to be the heir to the Vale. Mackelly and Simon try to find the romance. Chapter Review: With winter coming it is time to mothball the Eyrie and for the Arryn court to move to…
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Hello and welcome to the NotACast, the one true chapter-by-chapter podcast going through A Song of Ice and Fire! In this episode, we begin A Feast for Crows with Pate's Prologue down in Oldtown, a bunch of slackers sit around debating Daenerys' destiny (sound familiar?) before Pate gets himself killed by a semi-familiar face. Next time: we set sail…
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Nick Kirby, Will Matthews and Jon Manson discuss the great start to the season for Liberty Basketball, including the Paradise Jam Tournament. The ASOR Podcast is also available on Apple Podcast, Spotify and Soundcloud. Be sure to check out for all the latest Liberty athletics news and analysis.…
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This week on the ASOR Podcast, we talk about Liberty's loss to Sam Houston, recap the 2024 season, and also talk about what's next for Liberty football in the transfer portal, the coaching rumors, and for 2025. Is Jamey Chadwell headed to UCF? This episode is sponsored by Jason Porter Realty and Ironclad Coffee. Former Liberty wide receiver and cur…
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Send us a text Princess Arianne Martell is confined to a tower room by her father. She wonders about the fate of her co-conspirators and Princess Myrcella, and laments the death of Ser Arys Oakheart. After what feels like an eternity, her father calls for her and reveals important family secrets. Mackelly and Simon raise an eyebrow. Chapter Review:…
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Surprise! We've been covering Star Wars for all our $5+ patrons on Patreon, and we decided to make our very last episode (featuring Luke from We're Not So Different as a guest host) available for everyone. In this episode, we wrap up Return of the Jedi, aka Episode VI, in which the Skywalkers bring both trilogies to a close by defeating the Emperor…
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This week on the ASOR Podcast, we talk about Liberty's win over Western Kentucky. We also discuss the upcoming game at Sam Houston, a play-in game for the Flames for the CUSA Championship. This episode is sponsored by Jason Porter Realty and Ironclad Coffee.Be sure to subscribe, give us a 5-star rating, and share with your friends no matter where y…
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Send us a text Cersei gets a confession of Margaery’s wantonness from the Blue Bard. She will get the same from Ser Osney Kettleblack. The noose tightens around the young queen. Simon and Mackelly feel their throats constrict. Chapter Review: Queen Cersei Lannister blames Grand Maester Pycelle for the death of Ser Gyles Rosby. But leverages this an…
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Hello and welcome to the NotACast, the one true chapter-by-chapter podcast going through A Song of Ice and Fire! In this special episode, we talk about how Season 4 of Game of Thrones wrapped up the ASOS material and talk about how we would have adapted A Feast for Crows and A Dance with Dragons. Thanks for listening to our episodes on A Storm of S…
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ASOR Basketball Podcast hosts Nick Kirby and Will Matthews are joined by Liberty University Men's Basketball color analyst Paul Nazigan to talk about the strong start to the season for the Liberty Flames. They will also preview the upcoming Paradise Jam tournament starting on Friday.توسط ASOR Podcast
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It's the first installment of a new livestream series, in which LG welcomes guests from the fandom to talk about their favorite chapters. In this episode, originally streamed live on YouTube, we welcome Joe Magician in deep conversation about the AGoT Prologue. Support us! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.…
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This week on the ASOR Podcast, we talk about Liberty's overtime win against UMass. We also discuss the upcoming game for Senior Day against Western Kentucky as well as the Flames chances and path to a CUSA Title game appearance. This episode is sponsored by Jason Porter Realty and Ironclad Coffee.Be sure to subscribe, give us a 5-star rating, and s…
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Send us a text Jaime takes control of the debacle that is the siege of Riverrun. He gets only scorn from the Blackfish, but he makes Edmure Tully an offer that would be hard to refuse. Simon and Mackelly consider the intestinal fortitude of the tormented Lord of Riverrun. Chapter Review: Jaime parlays with Brynden Blackfish Tully. He makes zero pro…
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