An indie TTRPG actual play podcast. We are friends and designers playing the latest indie hotness and our own games. All our shows are real roleplaying, improvised in real time and played using the game rules, then edited to take out the boring bits.
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talking dao governance with builders & investors.
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Sasquatch Armada is a comedy podcast about music, video games, and anything else nerd-worthy hosted by Caleb L'Etoile, Brian Christensen, Ryan McLaughlin, and Tim McCool.
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Star Wars Armada podcast discussing lists, the meta, and tournament reports plus general discussion about the game.
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Check out the Highlights of past shows, interviews and more on our podcast from our Live Shows and Station events. Streams Live 24 Hours a day LIVE from Atlanta Georgia, and Offers Live shows, Specialty shows, Live Remotes from some of the HotSpots in Atlanta, and more. you can also listen on your Iphone, Android, and Blackberry On the Go. Head On over to now and hear the Difference In HD Digital. is a Division of and Studio K Product ...
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Todo sábado mais uma pedrada sobre games, rpg, filmes, livros e quadrinhos. Com a apresentação de Tiago Ornelas e Hugo Forseti e seus infames convidados especialistas (ou não) em assuntos corriqueiros nerds. Pegue seu fone de ouvido, Kinder Ovo e visite seu psiquiatra antes de ouvir.
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The Earth Alliance prepares itself for a new war. Two old enemy's have allied themselves with Regal, the planet the Arwen saved two years earlier, to build a massive Armada assigned to destroy Earth. Vice Admiral Payton Cook must defend the planet against insurmountable odds while Captain Cook does battle to save Ulliam from a deadly surprise attack. The Arwen: Season 3 is the final chapter of the Gyssyc trilogy which started with the Parsec award winning novella, the Arwen: Season one Regal ...
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**WARNING EXPLICIT LANGUAGE** The Outer Rim Job is a Star Wars Armada podcast. We discuss all things Armada. In Dodonna's Schoolhouse, our tactics segment, each episode we focus on a different type of list, dissect it, and talk about what to do with it, and against it. In Momma Mothma's Glory Hole, we go over the latest news and releases, discussing the implications and our thoughts. Our recent games segment, How My Rim Taste?, is where we go over games we've played recently, typically tourn ...
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À Mão Armada é uma série original do Globoplay, uma produção do jornalismo da Globo com coprodução da Pipoca Sound. Em cinco episódios, a repórter Sônia Bridi investiga as motivações e as consequências da política armamentista implementada pelo Presidente Jair Bolsonaro. A série revisita a votação do Estatuto do Desarmamento e explora as origens do bolsonarismo e os possíveis riscos dessa política de liberação de armas para a segurança pública e para a democracia brasileira. À Mão Armada rel ...
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En agosto de 1519, 240 hombres embarcaban en la mayor hazaña náutica que ha conocido la humanidad. Durante 3 años y a lo largo de 15mil leguas, 18 navegantes completaron la primera vuelta al mundo, dejando una estela de avances científicos, descubrimientos geográficos y transformaciones políticas.
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We are playing The Between by Jason Cordova! The Between is a tabletop roleplaying game about a group of mysterious monster hunters in Victorian-era London. They are residents of a place called Hargrave House, and their job is to investigate and neutralize monstrous threats terrorizing the city—threats that Scotland Yard won’t or can’t handle thems…
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We are playing The Between by Jason Cordova! The Between is a tabletop roleplaying game about a group of mysterious monster hunters in Victorian-era London. They are residents of a place called Hargrave House, and their job is to investigate and neutralize monstrous threats terrorizing the city—threats that Scotland Yard won’t or can’t handle thems…
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Against Time And Death is on Kickstarter from 11 to 25 February. Back it here: We are playing The Between by Jason Cordova! The Between is a tabletop roleplaying game about a group of mysterious monster hunters in Victorian-era London. They are residents of a place called Hargrav…
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Against Time And Death is on Kickstarter from 11 to 25 February. Back it here: We are playing The Between by Jason Cordova! The Between is a tabletop roleplaying game about a group of mysterious monster hunters in Victorian-era London. They are residents of a place called Hargrave …
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Against Time And Death is on Kickstarter from 11 to 25 February. Back it here: We are playing The Between by Jason Cordova! The Between is a tabletop roleplaying game about a group of mysterious monster hunters in Victorian-era London. They are residents of a place called Hargrave Ho…
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We are playing Against Time And Death. Here's the blurb for the game: Two organisations fight to shape the multiverse in their own image. Their operatives weave their way through all of time and space, making changes throughout the vast swell of history, trying to tip the balance of probabilities in favour of their masters. If either side is victor…
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We are playing The Between by Jason Cordova! The Between is a tabletop roleplaying game about a group of mysterious monster hunters in Victorian-era London. They are residents of a place called Hargrave House, and their job is to investigate and neutralize monstrous threats terrorizing the city—threats that Scotland Yard won’t or can’t handle thems…
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We are playing Against Time And Death. Here's the blurb for the game: Two organisations fight to shape the multiverse in their own image. Their operatives weave their way through all of time and space, making changes throughout the vast swell of history, trying to tip the balance of probabilities in favour of their masters. If either side is victor…
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We are playing The Between by Jason Cordova! The Between is a tabletop roleplaying game about a group of mysterious monster hunters in Victorian-era London. They are residents of a place called Hargrave House, and their job is to investigate and neutralize monstrous threats terrorizing the city—threats that Scotland Yard won’t or can’t handle thems…
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We are playing The Between by Jason Cordova! The Between is a tabletop roleplaying game about a group of mysterious monster hunters in Victorian-era London. They are residents of a place called Hargrave House, and their job is to investigate and neutralize monstrous threats terrorizing the city—threats that Scotland Yard won’t or can’t handle thems…
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We're back from the hols! Happy new year! We are playing The Between by Jason Cordova! The Between is a tabletop roleplaying game about a group of mysterious monster hunters in Victorian-era London. They are residents of a place called Hargrave House, and their job is to investigate and neutralize monstrous threats terrorizing the city—threats that…
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Last episode before we take a break for Christmas! See you in the new year. We are playing The Between by Jason Cordova! The Between is a tabletop roleplaying game about a group of mysterious monster hunters in Victorian-era London. They are residents of a place called Hargrave House, and their job is to investigate and neutralize monstrous threats…
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We are playing The Between by Jason Cordova! The Between is a tabletop roleplaying game about a group of mysterious monster hunters in Victorian-era London. They are residents of a place called Hargrave House, and their job is to investigate and neutralize monstrous threats terrorizing the city—threats that Scotland Yard won’t or can’t handle thems…
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We are playing The Between by Jason Cordova! The Between is a tabletop roleplaying game about a group of mysterious monster hunters in Victorian-era London. They are residents of a place called Hargrave House, and their job is to investigate and neutralize monstrous threats terrorizing the city—threats that Scotland Yard won’t or can’t handle thems…
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**Due to an editing error, Sue's audio was cut from the middle of this episode in the first release. That has now been corrected. Apologies for the mistake!** We are playing The Between by Jason Cordova! The Between is a tabletop roleplaying game about a group of mysterious monster hunters in Victorian-era London. They are residents of a place call…
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We are playing The Between by Jason Cordova! The Between is a tabletop roleplaying game about a group of mysterious monster hunters in Victorian-era London. They are residents of a place called Hargrave House, and their job is to investigate and neutralize monstrous threats terrorizing the city—threats that Scotland Yard won’t or can’t handle thems…
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We are playing The Between by Jason Cordova! The Between is a tabletop roleplaying game about a group of mysterious monster hunters in Victorian-era London. They are residents of a place called Hargrave House, and their job is to investigate and neutralize monstrous threats terrorizing the city—threats that Scotland Yard won’t or can’t handle thems…
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We are playing The Between by Jason Cordova! The Between is a tabletop roleplaying game about a group of mysterious monster hunters in Victorian-era London. They are residents of a place called Hargrave House, and their job is to investigate and neutralize monstrous threats terrorizing the city—threats that Scotland Yard won’t or can’t handle thems…
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We are playing The Between by Jason Cordova! The Between is a tabletop roleplaying game about a group of mysterious monster hunters in Victorian-era London. They are residents of a place called Hargrave House, and their job is to investigate and neutralize monstrous threats terrorizing the city—threats that Scotland Yard won’t or can’t handle thems…
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“O Piloto” é a sétima temporada do Projeto Humanos. Estreia no dia 31 de Outubro. Na primeira semana, irão ao ar os dois primeiros episódios. A partir do terceiro episódio, será publicado um por semana. Apresentado por Ivan Mizanzuk Produção Estúdio 42توسط G1
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We are playing The Between by Jason Cordova! The Between is a tabletop roleplaying game about a group of mysterious monster hunters in Victorian-era London. They are residents of a place called Hargrave House, and their job is to investigate and neutralize monstrous threats terrorizing the city—threats that Scotland Yard won’t or can’t handle thems…
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We are playing The Between by Jason Cordova! The Between is a tabletop roleplaying game about a group of mysterious monster hunters in Victorian-era London. They are residents of a place called Hargrave House, and their job is to investigate and neutralize monstrous threats terrorizing the city—threats that Scotland Yard won’t or can’t handle thems…
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We are playing The Between by Jason Cordova! The Between is a tabletop roleplaying game about a group of mysterious monster hunters in Victorian-era London. They are residents of a place called Hargrave House, and their job is to investigate and neutralize monstrous threats terrorizing the city—threats that Scotland Yard won’t or can’t handle thems…
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We are playing The Between by Jason Cordova! The Between is a tabletop roleplaying game about a group of mysterious monster hunters in Victorian-era London. They are residents of a place called Hargrave House, and their job is to investigate and neutralize monstrous threats terrorizing the city—threats that Scotland Yard won’t or can’t handle thems…
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We are playing The Between by Jason Cordova! The Between is a tabletop roleplaying game about a group of mysterious monster hunters in Victorian-era London. They are residents of a place called Hargrave House, and their job is to investigate and neutralize monstrous threats terrorizing the city—threats that Scotland Yard won’t or can’t handle thems…
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We are playing The Between by Jason Cordova! The Between is a tabletop roleplaying game about a group of mysterious monster hunters in Victorian-era London. They are residents of a place called Hargrave House, and their job is to investigate and neutralize monstrous threats terrorizing the city—threats that Scotland Yard won’t or can’t handle thems…
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We are playing The Between by Jason Cordova! The Between is a tabletop roleplaying game about a group of mysterious monster hunters in Victorian-era London. They are residents of a place called Hargrave House, and their job is to investigate and neutralize monstrous threats terrorizing the city—threats that Scotland Yard won’t or can’t handle thems…
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We are playing The Between by Jason Cordova! The Between is a tabletop roleplaying game about a group of mysterious monster hunters in Victorian-era London. They are residents of a place called Hargrave House, and their job is to investigate and neutralize monstrous threats terrorizing the city—threats that Scotland Yard won’t or can’t handle thems…
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We are playing The Between by Jason Cordova! The Between is a tabletop roleplaying game about a group of mysterious monster hunters in Victorian-era London. They are residents of a place called Hargrave House, and their job is to investigate and neutralize monstrous threats terrorizing the city—threats that Scotland Yard won’t or can’t handle thems…
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We are playing The Between by Jason Cordova! The Between is a tabletop roleplaying game about a group of mysterious monster hunters in Victorian-era London. They are residents of a place called Hargrave House, and their job is to investigate and neutralize monstrous threats terrorizing the city—threats that Scotland Yard won’t or can’t handle thems…
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We are playing The Between by Jason Cordova! The Between is a tabletop roleplaying game about a group of mysterious monster hunters in Victorian-era London. They are residents of a place called Hargrave House, and their job is to investigate and neutralize monstrous threats terrorizing the city—threats that Scotland Yard won’t or can’t handle thems…
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We are playing The Between by Jason Cordova! The Between is a tabletop roleplaying game about a group of mysterious monster hunters in Victorian-era London. They are residents of a place called Hargrave House, and their job is to investigate and neutralize monstrous threats terrorizing the city—threats that Scotland Yard won’t or can’t handle thems…
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We are playing The Between by Jason Cordova! The Between is a tabletop roleplaying game about a group of mysterious monster hunters in Victorian-era London. They are residents of a place called Hargrave House, and their job is to investigate and neutralize monstrous threats terrorizing the city—threats that Scotland Yard won’t or can’t handle thems…
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We are playing The Between by Jason Cordova! The Between is a tabletop roleplaying game about a group of mysterious monster hunters in Victorian-era London. They are residents of a place called Hargrave House, and their job is to investigate and neutralize monstrous threats terrorizing the city—threats that Scotland Yard won’t or can’t handle thems…
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We are playing The Between by Jason Cordova! The Between is a tabletop roleplaying game about a group of mysterious monster hunters in Victorian-era London. They are residents of a place called Hargrave House, and their job is to investigate and neutralize monstrous threats terrorizing the city—threats that Scotland Yard won’t or can’t handle thems…
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We are playing Against Time And Death by Nick Bate! Against Time and Death is a two-player game of war, self-discovery, and connection across all of time and space. Designed to be played asynchronously, players take turns setting scenes across the breadth of the multiverse, taking dramatic (or subtle) action, and writing letters to each other as th…
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Black Armada Tales is a finalist in the Crit Awards, hurrah! The winners are decided by public vote so please make sure you vote for your favourite nominees. The list of nominees is here: The voting link is here:…
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Black Armada Tales is a finalist in the Crit Awards, hurrah! The winners are decided by public vote so please make sure you vote for your favourite nominees. The list of nominees is here: The voting link is here:…
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Black Armada Tales is a finalist in the Crit Awards, hurrah! The winners are decided by public vote so please make sure you vote for your favourite nominees. The list of nominees is here: The voting link is here:…
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We are playing Tentacle City by Willow Palacek! The people of Tentacle Garden City are going about their ordinary and, let's be honest, faintly ridiculous lives. Little do they realise that they are about to come under attack from hideous tentacles! We are going to find out who survives and who is dragged under by the horrid protuberances. In this …
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We are playing Tentacle City by Willow Palacek! The people of Tentacle Garden City are going about their ordinary and, let's be honest, faintly ridiculous lives. Little do they realise that they are about to come under attack from hideous tentacles! We are going to find out who survives and who is dragged under by the horrid protuberances. In this …
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We are playing Tentacle City by Willow Palacek! The people of Tentacle Garden City are going about their ordinary and, let's be honest, faintly ridiculous lives. Little do they realise that they are about to come under attack from hideous tentacles! We are going to find out who survives and who is dragged under by the horrid protuberances. In this …
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We are playing Tentacle City by Willow Palacek! The people of Tentacle Garden City are going about their ordinary and, let's be honest, faintly ridiculous lives. Little do they realise that they are about to come under attack from hideous tentacles! We are going to find out who survives and who is dragged under by the horrid protuberances. In this …
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We are playing Tentacle City by Willow Palacek! The people of Tentacle Garden City are going about their ordinary and, let's be honest, faintly ridiculous lives. Little do they realise that they are about to come under attack from hideous tentacles! We are going to find out who survives and who is dragged under by the horrid protuberances. In this …
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We are playing Tentacle City by Willow Palacek! The people of Tentacle Garden City are going about their ordinary and, let's be honest, faintly ridiculous lives. Little do they realise that they are about to come under attack from hideous tentacles! We are going to find out who survives and who is dragged under by the horrid protuberances. In this …
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We are playing Tentacle City by Willow Palacek! The people of Tentacle Garden City are going about their ordinary and, let's be honest, faintly ridiculous lives. Little do they realise that they are about to come under attack from hideous tentacles! We are going to find out who survives and who is dragged under by the horrid protuberances. In this …
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We are playing Tentacle City by Willow Palacek! The people of Tentacle Garden City are going about their ordinary and, let's be honest, faintly ridiculous lives. Little do they realise that they are about to come under attack from hideous tentacles! We are going to find out who survives and who is dragged under by the horrid protuberances. In this …
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We are playing Tentacle City by Willow Palacek! The people of Tentacle Garden City are going about their ordinary and, let's be honest, faintly ridiculous lives. Little do they realise that they are about to come under attack from hideous tentacles! We are going to find out who survives and who is dragged under by the horrid protuberances. In this …
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We are playing Tentacle City by Willow Palacek! The people of Tentacle Garden City are going about their ordinary and, let's be honest, faintly ridiculous lives. Little do they realise that they are about to come under attack from hideous tentacles! We are going to find out who survives and who is dragged under by the horrid protuberances. In this …
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We are playing Tentacle City by Willow Palacek! The people of Tentacle Garden City are going about their ordinary and, let's be honest, faintly ridiculous lives. Little do they realise that they are about to come under attack from hideous tentacles! We are going to find out who survives and who is dragged under by the horrid protuberances. This is …
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