The Abdi Assadi Podcast is an investigation into the nature of our unconscious and its myriad of effects on our personal lives as well as culture at large. This podcast is an invitation into a deeper dialogue with ourselves - to offer a healing of our internal split and the resulting strife in our minds and hearts. You are invited to hear, so that you can fully be here.
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Awareness in the Body - Awareness in Life" is the third episode in the Posture series of Tools of Awakening, Abdi Assadi and Pernilla Burke, explore the simple yet powerful practice of body awareness and posture as a way to cultivate presence. We look at what happens when we shift our awareness from the mind into the body—specifically, grounding in…
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This episode of Tools of Awakening explores the subtle but powerful connection between posture and presence. Pernilla and Abdi discuss how something as simple as aligning the back of the head and chin can profoundly shift our state of being—bringing calm, clarity, and a sense of ease to both the body and mind. Posture, often overlooked, becomes a g…
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This Tools of Awakening class is the first class in series highlighting posture as a practical way to reconnect with the body and support the nervous system. Simple practices, like aligning the chin or bringing awareness to the feet, can help shift from a reactive state into calm presence. Building on previous breathwork teachings, these accessible…
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A brief meditation practice to help bring conscious awareness into your daily life.توسط Abdi Assadi
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A brief meditation practice to help bring conscious awareness into your daily life.توسط Abdi Assadi
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A brief meditation practice to help bring conscious awareness into your daily life.توسط Abdi Assadi
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Please join us in exploring the breath and its power. This 20 minute Breath Class: "Mastering the Breath: Simple Practices for Greater Awareness" features Pernilla Burke, the founder of Awakening 101, and Abdi Assadi, an acupuncturist, healer, and spiritual counselor. This class is part of the "Tools of Awakening" series and focuses on simple, ever…
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Please join us in exploring the breath and its power. This 20 minute Breath Class: "Grounding ourselves through the Breath" features Pernilla Burke, the founder of Awakening 101, and Abdi Assadi, an acupuncturist, healer, and spiritual counselor. This class is part of the "Tools of Awakening" series and focuses on simple, everyday practices to incr…
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Please join us in exploring the breath and its power. This 20 minute Breath Class: "How much is shallow breathing costing your overall well-being?" features Pernilla Burke, the founder of Awakening 101, and Abdi Assadi, an acupuncturist, healer, and spiritual counselor. This class is part of the "Tools of Awakening" series and focuses on simple, ev…
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Please join us in exploring the breath and its power. This 20 minute Breath Class: "An Appointment With Yourself" features Pernilla Burke, the founder of Awakening 101, and Abdi Assadi, an acupuncturist, healer, and spiritual counselor. This class is part of the "Tools of Awakening" series and focuses on simple, everyday practices to increase aware…
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Please join us in exploring the breath and its power. This 20 minute Breath Class: "Understanding the Power of Breath" features Pernilla Burke, the founder of Awakening 101, and Abdi Assadi, an acupuncturist, healer, and spiritual counselor. This class is part of the "Tools of Awakening" series and focuses on simple, everyday practices to increase …
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This is the eighth episode in a series of conversations between Abdi and Ian Ritter in Italy. Ian is a Brennan Counselor and healer with 18 years of experience. Ian has been on the spiritual path for the past 35 years. Join us as we discuss addiction as being the inability to tolerate the moment as a survival response to trauma. The nuances of addi…
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This is the seventh episode in a series of conversations between Abdi and Ian Ritter in Italy. Ian is a Brennan Counselor and healer with 18 years experience and has been on a spiritual path for the last 35 years. Join us as we discuss facing our mortality as a path to enriching our daily lives. The powerful cultural and hence personal denial of th…
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This is the sixth episode in a series of conversations between Abdi and Ian Ritter in Italy. Ian is a Brennan Counselor and healer with 18 years experience and has been on a spiritual path for the last 35 years. Join us in our follow up session as we discuss the difference between the unhealthy pattern of caretaking, its healthy counter part, careg…
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This is the fifth episode in a series of conversations between Abdi and Ian Ritter in Italy. Ian is a Brennan Counselor and healer with 18 years experience and has been on a spiritual path for the last 35 years. Join us as we discuss the roots of unhealthy emotional entanglements, feeling responsible for the emotional welfare of others, its destruc…
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This is the fourth episode in a series of conversations between Abdi and Ian Ritter in Italy. Ian is a Brennan Counselor and healer with 18 years experience and has been on a spiritual path for the last 35 years. Join us as we discuss the etheric topic of ancestral lineage healing and its effects in our daily lives. We investigate ways to interact …
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This is the third episode in a series of conversations between Abdi and Ian Ritter in Italy. Ian is a Brennan Counselor and healer with 18 years experience and has been on a spiritual path for the last 35 years. Join us as we discuss the concept of the Superego and how this inner critic can run aspects of our lives. The awareness of this phenomenon…
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1:09:13This is the first episode in a series of conversations between Abdi and Ian Ritter, a Brennan Counselor and healer based in Italy. Join us as we discuss the nuances of what our needs are and how they can be met in intimate relationships. Among the topics discussed are the nuances of needs, caretaking as a defense mechanism, behaviors when needs are…
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1:01:40This is the first episode in a series of conversations between Abdi and Ian Ritter, a Brennan Counselor and healer based in Italy. This podcast episode is a discussion on the aspect of spiritual awakening known as the “dark night of the soul.” It can be a painful and frightening process as the false self is dismantled to allow the true self to take…
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This podcast episode discusses the current state of world affairs and its relations to as well as effects on our spiritual path. www.AbdiAssadi.comتوسط Abdi Assadi
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This podcast episode is a compilation of "Ask Abdi" questions submitted via www.AbdiAssadi.comتوسط Abdi Assadi
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This podcast episode is a compilation of "Ask Abdi" questions submitted via www.AbdiAssadi.comتوسط Abdi Assadi
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This podcast episode was recorded in response to the many requests I’ve received on how to deal with the terror and anxiety surrounding the pandemic. We can navigate difficult times by simultaneously acknowledging our feelings of dread while practicing to stabilize our consciousness.…
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The first part of this podcast episode discusses some of the questions that were recently submitted regarding the difficulties that can arise in the awakening process. The second part covers the emerging communication with our inner voice in the spiritual process. We also delve into the difference between the survival instinct of the personality an…
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This podcast episode discusses the issues that can arise when we are faced with serious illness of another person. The importance of truly holding space in the face of such suffering is examined. Some specific do’s and don'ts are offered as well. www.AbdiAssadi.comتوسط Abdi Assadi
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This podcast episode discusses the issue of "fixing” others. This is a deeper level of unhealthy caretaking that negatively affects both parties. The inability to tolerate uncomfortable feelings in ourselves can lead to projecting those feelings onto others. The consequences of attempting to "fix" another (instead of healing ourselves) are examined…
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This podcast episode discusses the peddling of spiritual practices to prop up our idealized self-image. These masks that we all wear are tonified by things such as the promise of personal success. The counterpoint to such false paths is the variety of losses that we suffer in life. The gift of suffering is that it tears down the idealized self-imag…
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This podcast episode discusses some of the misunderstandings that one can have when dealing with the spiritual process as well as the teachers one encounters. As always, we must remember to keep our wits about us and listen internally as we enter into such relationships. www.AbdiAssadi.comتوسط Abdi Assadi
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This podcast episode discusses the concept of target fixation - a behavior in which one becomes so focused on an object that they head towards it unconsciously. This phenomenon, which can have dire consequences, is examined through the lens of emotional wounding and negative pleasure, as well as conscious awareness as a salve.…
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In this podcast episode, we discuss issues around food and diet in a body-obsessed culture. The topic of food is examined from a cultural and psychological perspective as well as through the lens of Chinese Medicine. Not only are we what we eat but also how we eat is a window into how we are. For an in-depth guide to Chinese Medicine for the layper…
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This podcast episode discusses the unconscious, automatic, and habitual programming that can exist in our psyche. These habits, which are due to our wounding, and the resultant masks we wear need to be made conscious. A simple awareness tool to become conscious of these habits and to retrain the conscious mind is presented.…
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This podcast episode continues the discussion of softening and surrendering the over-identification with “I” and the ego’s story. The possible pitfalls in this process and the continuation of hypnosis under the guise of awakening are examined. This episode was recorded in Upstate New York.…
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In this podcast episode, we discuss the anxiety and fear that invariably will arise as we delve into our spiritual path. Their full eruption, though never comfortable, is a sign of our progress. Our becoming conscious of the unconscious material is part and parcel of the work. All that needs to be done is for us to make room for and learn to tolera…
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In this podcast episode, we discuss the loneliness that can occur on the spiritual path as we progress and release outgrown relationships. The concurrent sense of loss or lack of purpose is also examined. Lastly, the often overlooked idea of inviting in and holding joy while deepening into spiritual serenity is discussed. This episode was recorded …
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In this podcast episode, we discuss the current state of affairs. We all have a part to play in the social healing that needs to take place. This can only occur if we mobilize from center and internally access our truth. www.AbdiAssadi.comتوسط Abdi Assadi
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In this podcast episode, we discuss the topic of judgment. An unexamined and reflexive behavior, judgment of others has tangible negative consequences. We are all being asked to up our game and clean our backyard. Examining the act of judgment and healing its root causes is a powerful step towards that end. The act of judging as well as dealing wit…
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In this podcast episode, we discuss some pointers on the issue of helplessness. There are points in our spiritual evolution when we are overcome by deep feelings of helplessness. We can feel paralyzed and face tremendous anxiety, fear as well as confusion. The old ways do not work, and the new has not revealed itself. Here is a gentle reminder that…
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In this podcast episode, we discuss the seismic shift that is affecting all aspects of our lives. Look within to know what can stay, what has to be released, and what needs to enter your life. This energy requires nothing less than total surrender. Wake up and live. To read the transcription of this episode, please click here.…
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In this podcast episode, we discuss spiritual bypass and the use of spiritual practice as a substitute for doing psychological work. The history of the split between spirituality and psychology is discussed as well as the disconnection between intellect and emotions. This is followed by examples in our lives. The three books discussed are: Psychoth…
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In this podcast episode, Kayte Ringer and Abdi discuss the ways and places we hold emotional and physical stress, the ways we can release them, and inhabiting our body as a direct spiritual path. Kayte has been a bodyworker for over 35 years, trained in dance, Rolfing, and ideokinesis, she imparts her knowledge in a profound poetic language. Break …
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This podcast episode offers an intimate view of one woman’s healing journey over a decade and a half. It examines the work and process involved in identifying and moving from an unconscious and dissociated space into a conscious and embodied life. www.AbdiAssadi.comتوسط Abdi Assadi
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In this podcast episode, we discuss the masks we wear and the psychic toll they exact from us. The confusion of these masks with our true self (and the stories they entail) steals much life force. The servicing of these stories lead to more pain than is visible at first glance. www.AbdiAssadi.comتوسط Abdi Assadi
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In this podcast episode, we discuss the method of being present with ourselves as a way of processing uncomfortable emotional states. www.AbdiAssadi.comتوسط Abdi Assadi
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This lecture was recorded on January 12, 2014, at The Shala Yoga House in NYC. www.AbdiAssadi.comتوسط Abdi Assadi
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In this podcast episode, we discuss dealing with loss. “Invest in loss” was a term the late Cheng Man-ch'ing used to describe the benefits of surrender as a learning tool when practicing the art of T'ai Chi Ch'uan. Ego softening can come out of loss if it is approached from this perspective, which is outside of our normal reactive self. www.AbdiAss…
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This podcast episode was recorded in Upstate New York during a beautiful rainstorm. It starts out as a torrential downpour, but quiets to a soothing shower in the background. In keeping with the spirit of the last several episodes, use the sounds of nature to connect with your Self. Allow consciousness to expand beyond the hypnotic identification w…
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The theme of this podcast episode centers around the title: how to make friends with ourselves and step out of our egocentric prisons. Common issues around rapid awakening are also discussed. www.AbdiAssadi.comتوسط Abdi Assadi
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In this podcast episode, we discuss observations on the nature of souls and personalities, the concept of awakening, leaving the body instead of being embodied, relationships, how to stay centered in the midst of chaos, and the importance of self-care in times of rapid growth. This episode was recorded in Upstate New York on June 23, 2013. www.Abdi…
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1:19:51In this podcast episode, the main topic of discussion is our idealized self-image and our profound suffering around its unconscious service. This lecture and Q&A session was recorded on February 18, 2013, at Norma Kamali's Wellness Cafe in NYC. www.AbdiAssadi.comتوسط Abdi Assadi
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In this podcast episode, Tanja Andrejasic Wechsler and Abdi discuss the state of modern society and its effects on our consciousness. Specifically, the roles of advertising and media in informing our relationship to Self are examined. Our relationship to the divine feminine as well as the state of education and food is also discussed. This episode …
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