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show episodes
Are you an exvangelical who still can’t get over Adventures in Odyssey? We can’t either! Join us — a queer married couple that met in Christian school and their gay ex-pastor friend — as we take a silly, irreverent, and sometimes thoughtful look at evangelicalism and LGBTQ identity through the lens of Focus on the Family’s long-running children’s radio show.
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show series
IT'S HOLLYWOOD, BABY! This week, the gals dump Percy and bring on Lauryn Carlton, aka Peach, from the Worthy of Note podcast to discuss THE FIFTH HOUSE ON THE LEFT, PART 1. The tea is hot today, ladies, because Eugene and Bernard get to talk about bimbos and tramps. Doesn't sound like content appropriate for Adventures in Odyssey? Well, Pauly Pocke…
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Ok you know the drill. We’re going to talk about an Adventures in Odyssey episode. This week, it’s IT HAPPENED AT FOUR CORNERS. Is there a reason you INSIST that I always write something in this podcast description box?!? Would you unsubscribe if I didn’t write something here? Would you still be able to look your loved ones in the eye? Are you blin…
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Look, mommy. This week’s episode, THIRD DEGREE, is the diversity episode of Adventures in Odyssey, and writer Marshall Younger pulls off a remarkable feat in that he only has white characters in his diversity episode. So I guess technically we spent two hours kinda cyberbullying him about it? But that’s not all. We also give driving advice that you…
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CONTENT WARNING FOR ALL THE DADDY ISSUES GIRLIES! We’re having second thoughts about discussing SECOND THOUGHTS, the Adventures in Odyssey episode chronicling the next leg of Eugene and Bernard’s homoerotic road trip (but Bernard might cheat on Eugene?). Hope you bitches love Pig Talk, and I don’t just mean chatting about fathers. Also, you’d bette…
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Fasten your seatbelts, ladies and gentlebirds, because today we’re starting an adventure OUT OF Odyssey as we discuss the Adventures in Odyssey episode FIRST HAND EXPERIENCE, the first leg (juxtaposed with first hand this is very funny ok) of Eugene and Bernard’s epic and deeply homoerotic cross-country road trip. This one’s for all the brave girli…
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It’s our one-year anniversary, and AJ Ditty from The Worst of All Possible Worlds podcast stops by to talk about how Phil Lollar has progressively smaller and gayer versions of himself hidden under progressively smaller and gayer hats on top of his head. Oh, and also the Adventures in Odyssey episode GREATER LOVE. Together, we answer the most impor…
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There is so much to gossip about this week! Eugene and Katrina’s situationship takes a TURN, and we NEED to gab with our girlies about it. So join us for IT ENDED WITH A HANDSHAKE, this week’s Adventures in Odyssey episode. Sorry about Percy’s audio. We’re a year into it, and we still suck at this.
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All right, witches. Get out your rabbit's feet and horoscopes and tarot cards and weird rocks to protect yourself from the self-congratulatory Christian evangelism porn that is the Adventures in Odyssey IT BEGAN WITH A RABBIT'S FOOT. Eugene and Katrina's relationship is heating up, but Katrina's relationship with Jesus is just beginning, and Eugene…
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'Ello, guvnah! We're back for anuvvah jaunt down to Odyssey, innit? And wot's this, then? A cheeky little dive into the luvvy-dovey shenanigans of Eugene an' Katrina, eh? Cor blimey, as if I wouldn't 'ave guessed, this 'ere episode, NATURALLY I ASSUMED, demands us to whip out our (spot-on, 100% bang-on proper) British accents, don' it now? 'Ave a b…
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LOVE AND LUST ARE IN THE AIR! That’s right, we’re starting the Eugene and Katrina story arc today, and it’s more erotic than you remember. Or at least our interpretation of it is. Join us for Adventures in Odyssey’s “Truth, Trivia, and ‘Trina!” Discussion topics include: -Orca audiobook high walk -What we considered strong language in our evangelic…
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We'd like to dedicate this episode to the gooner bros, because this week we're talking about Adventures in Odyssey's THE TWILIFE ZONE. Our good buddy Phil Lollar wanted this episode to be about drugs, but he made it completely about goonin' with your best pals, and WE ARE HERE FOR IT. Not only are we going to talk about this absurd eppy about choki…
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Get out your longjohns and warm socks, because we’re going skiing whether you like it or not. We’re going on a ski vacation with the Barclay family, AND LOOK OUT BECAUSE THEY’RE GOING TO COME ACROSS SOME HOTTIES ON THE SLOPES. Also, the level to which each of us enjoyed this episode seems to relate directly to our relationships with our families, s…
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Merry Christmas, bitches! Join us for the official 2 Whits 1 Cup drinking game as we talk about an Adventures in Odyssey episode we all loved: A CHRISTMAS CONUNDRUM! Our girl Kathy Buchanan was FEELING. HER. SELF. as she wrote this one, and we love her for it. Oh, and if you decide to play the drinking game … look out. Discussion topics include: -B…
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This episode is brought to you by Covenant Eyes and XHamster, and it’s time for us to take a break after we fought so valiantly in the war on Christmas last week. That’s why we’re talking about PEACE ON EARTH, the story of John Avery Whittaker avoiding self-improvement by forcing himself on people he doesn’t think celebrate Christmas according to h…
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Be sure to silence the jingle bells on your weaponry, ladies, because we’re MARSHALing (pun) our forces to fight the war on Christmas today! Adventures in Odyssey unleashed the first strike in this unending struggle with the 1992 episode, THE LIVING NATIVITY. Our discussion of it has everything you’re looking for in a holiday special: readings Supr…
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Lace up those boots, it's time for war! Oh, and Christmas. Parsnip proudly --- and Percy and Pigeon reticently --- present SNOW DAY. In this episode, Pigeon gives us a rousing speech, Parsnip teaches us about root vegetables, and Percy tells a recent sex story that violently triggers Parsnip's asthma. There really is no time quite like Christmas! D…
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Y’all better be feeling f*ckin grateful today because this is the only Thanksgiving episode you’re getting from us this year. Today, we’ve got another face-first collision with Phil Lollar that hopefully makes us all go blind as we discuss THANK YOU, GOD. This eppy SUCKS, but as Phil Lollar teaches us, we should just be thankful it’s not worse. Dis…
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WOOOOOOO, girl! This eppy has it all. We’ve got our queen, Doris Rathbone! We’ve got a 9/11 (of 1993) release date! We’ve got alcoholic beverages! We’ve got shin guards for some reason! Today, we’re talking about FAMILY VALUES, the episode in which the Rathbones trying to act like a Christian family is boring and stupid. Percy shares too much about…
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We persist in our silliness, and today, we’ve got a Lollar! Let’s celebrate Veterans Day by discovering the true meaning of Memorial Day with a review of the Adventures in Odyssey episode THE PRICE OF FREEDOM. This one’s for the war girlies. Discussion topics include: -Phil Lollar puns -Queens/street Chris goes topless at a baseball game to support…
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No one asked for it, but we talked about KAREN, the twisted Adventures in Odyssey episode about child cancer and death. And we’re pretty damn funny about it. Well, except the part where Percy realizes his mortality and cries. But that’s just a bonus. Also, we play Pigeon and Parsnip Trivia! Get your own bottle of Barefoot Wine and join us as we wad…
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EEK! LOOK OUT! It’s time to wrap up our Halloween spooker with THE CASE OF THE SECRET ROOM, PART 2. In today’s episode, a bunch of characters stand around explaining things to each other, and we sit around explaining it to you. But we’re funny. And we get mad at the Adventures in Odyssey staff and Focus on the Family. Don’t you want to join us?! Di…
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Pull out your weighted blankets and comfort items because it’s time to get SPOOKY! This week, we’re leaping headfirst into THE CASE OF THE SECRET ROOM, PART 1, Adventures in Odyssey’s first scary episode. There’s a literal corpse in Whit’s End, and Whit is going to investigate no matter how much the police ask him not to. And, of course, we have to…
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YAR, MATEYS! In honor of Indigenous Peoples' Day, we’re tearing to shreds Adventures in Odyssey’s awful episode celebrating colonialism: COLUMBUS: THE GRAND VOYAGE. The historical inaccuracy is as offensive as it is hysterically stupid, and Pigeon — our resident history degree holder — has the receipts. Join us on our own grand voyage through all t…
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It’s our first episode post-Novacom! We go back in time about 400 episodes to scoop up the iconic Eugene/Bernard/Connie episode, SUSPICIOUS MINDS! Also, a new Whit just dropped, and he did a porno in drag one time. No, but like, really. It’s a true story. Listen to the episode to hear about it. Discussion topics include: -Evangelicals, Anglicans, a…
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Join us as we loosen our corsets and look back on the adventure that was the Novacom Saga! We play some Novacom trivia, retrace the steps that brought us to this horrible place, and talk about where we’re going next. Discussion topics include: -Walmart brand Imagination Stations -What would’ve made us have more compassion for Whit? -Parsnip yelled …
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Holy moly, we made it through the entire Novacom saga! Today, we’re wrapping it up with EXIT, and my god is Pigeon in a snit about this one. To be fair, not a single bit of the episode makes any sense, and it’s a very unsatisfying conclusion to a 28-episode saga. Enjoy, bitches! Discussion topics include: -Drag names -RuPaul’s connection to Androme…
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Oh, girl! We are so close to the end of Novacom. Today, we’ve got EXACTLY AS PLANNED, the penultimate episode of the saga! And if the plan was to piss us off, then the writers of Adventures in Odyssey achieved that goal. Discussion topics include: -9/11 -Prayer stats -Mrs. Bennet is the anxious queen we need -IHeart Radio is the new Andromeda -We a…
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ALL RISE! PODDY COURT IS NOW IN SESSION! Tom did a domestic terrorism, and there’s also election meddling and institutionalized misogyny, but the real crime on trial here is EXPECT THE WORST, this week’s eppy of Adventures in Odyssey. This is the third-to-last chapter of the Novacom saga, and … well … the title is appropriate. Discussion topics inc…
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Welcome back, Jellicle Cats. Glad you could join us for Part 2 of our discussion about the Adventures in Odyssey episode EXCEPTIONAL CIRCUMSTANCES. This week, the AIO writers get a little anti-vaxxy, and Parsnip can’t pronounce “Gethsemane.” So, pretty par for the course. Discussion topics include: -Is the Rum Tum Tugger asexual? -We learn about li…
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We’re in the home stretch of the Novacom saga! This week, we’ve got the first half of our conversation about EXCEPTIONAL CIRCUMSTANCES. We had a lot to say, so you’ll have to wait for Part 2 next week. In this eppy, Tom brings home his ace wife, we find out how Mitch is alive, and Jason says a big naughty. Discussion topics include: -Jesus’ many ho…
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Yank on those loose threads, poddypals, because this week, it’s time for THE UNRAVELING. Percy and Parsnip have been keeping a big secret from Pigeon, and it’s finally time to reveal it. That makes Pigeon a little grumpy, but to be fair, they were pretty upset through this whole thing. Mandy, Alex, and Cal derp around being useless for 75% of the e…
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Time to write another eppy description. OK. Today, it’s BOX OF MIRACLES! Whooooaaa! Whit might be a relatable queen for once? But also, there’s trouble stirring in his homosexual relationship with Tom? Find out all about it as we dip back into Adventures in Odyssey’s Novacom saga! Discussion topics include: -Nathan Hoobler’s big cameltoe -When God …
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We’re back from our poddy break with a very special musical/Olympics episode! This week, Adventures in Odyssey writer Marshall Younger must have been very horny, but who can blame him when he’s writing about Monica Stone and Jason Whittaker? Anyway, this week, we’re discussing SHEEP’S CLOTHING, Part 22 of the Novacom saga. Discussion topics include…
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It’s time to talk about TWISTING PATHWAY, and the meatloaf is HOT! Erica and Aubrey are back together, and Whit is criminally irresponsible. It's just feels so cozy and familiar. At some point, Parsnip dies of Adventures in Odyssey overdose, so this becomes the Percy-Pigeon Power Hour. You're going to love it. And remember, girlies: You're a prince…
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Drop trou, gooners. It’s time for THE BLACK VEIL, PART 2! This week, Adventures in Odyssey writer Marshall Younger wanders around and around in circles trying to find a plot, the Whittakers are being deeply irresponsible, Cal is a gossip queen, and Pigeon and Parsnip are wacky on DayQuil. It’s the perfect cocktail. Discussion topics include: -Fuck …
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Put in another panty liner, ladies, because Jason Whittaker is in the house for THE BLACK VEIL, PART 1. Well, actually, he’s in Alaska, and so are 1,000 new characters we have to meet because Adventures in Odyssey writers lack some storytelling ability. Back in Odyssey, the adults in Alex’s life might be starting to suspect his homosexuality, and E…
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It’s time for our Pride Month Extravaganza! This week, we celebrate the sin of Sodom by doing a table read of ONE IN TEN, the unreleased anti-homosexuality episode of Adventures in Odyssey. And oh yeah, girlie, it’s just as wild and offensive as you’d expect. But we have so much fun with it, and so will you! Discussion topics include: -How Percy kn…
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We’ve got new friends on the poddy this week! Porcupine and Porridge join us to talk about UNDER THE INFLUENCE, PART 2. Adventures in Odyssey converts another heathen to Christianity, but not until Aubrey’s life hits ROCK BOTTOM after she does … normal teenage things? Anyway, happy Pride, ladies. Let’s win another soul for Christ! Discussion topics…
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Spiders. Skipping school. Rock music. Hairstyles. Those are just a few of the horrors that come up this week as we discuss UNDER THE INFLUENCE, PART 1, one of the worst episodes we’ve covered so far! Aubrey is clearly a lesbian, and her friend Erica is rich, so please pray for them! Anyway, let’s have some gay fun talking about a boring episode of …
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Since Pride Month persists, so do we. This week, we’re wrapping up PLAN B, PART 4: RESISTANCE. Look, sometimes, life is hard; sometimes, our dicks are hard. And on this eppy, we’re talking about things that make life and our dicks hard. Connie is still sad, but Wooton is amazing. Whit is an entitled white man who isn't respecting his gay boyfriend,…
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It’s Pride Month, so that means it’s time to discuss Adventures in Odyssey! This week, the G in LGBTQ stands for glamorous grief girlies because we’re spending a lot of time with our queen, Connie Kendall, as she continues to process the loss of Mitch in PLAN B, PART 4: RESISTANCE. But like, we’re going to be funny and insightful. This is the first…
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Get out your best going-out pantsuits, gaywads, because this week it’s time for the Odyssey Gay Bar Wingman Challenge! Pigeon is out of commission, so Percy and Parsnip take center stage to ask the question that haunts every Adventures in Odyssey fan: Which character would make the best wingman at a gay bar? Discussion topics include:-WTF is porrid…
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It’s ladies night this week because we’re obsessed with Connie Kendall and Monica Stone, who take center stage in PLAN B, PART 3: CROSSFIRE, episode 15 of Adventures in Odyssey’s Novacom story arc. Oh, but also, this episode is very sad because Mitch … Mitch is dead. So, we’re going to talk a lot about grief, but we’ll make many, many sillies along…
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Pigeon finally liked an episode of Adventures in Odyssey! That’s because we’re covering Plan B, Part 2: Collision Course, the 14th episode (and halfway point!) of the Novacom story arc. Hold onto your jockstraps, girlies, because this one is where it gets dark and devastating. Discussion topics include: -Our experience representing Team USA in socc…
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Wait, what’s that? Can you hear it in the distance? They’re wedding bells! Eugene and Katrina get married in PLAN B, PART 1: MISSING IN ACTION, the 13th episode of Adventures in Odyssey’s Novacom saga! And we are FREAKING OUT ABOUT IT! Discussion topics include: -We will NEVER forget Marshall Younger -Our dream Adventures in Odyssey tattoos -Eugene…
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This week, it’s all about Mitch’s smokin' hot feet as we dive into SECRETS, the 12th episode of Adventures in Odyssey’s Novacom Saga. Oh, also, Connie is trying to figure out if she can trust Mitch. We talk a bit about tennis, so naturally, Percy gets us super sidetracked multiple times (though not necessarily about tennis). Discussion topics inclu…
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In GRAND OPENING, PART 2, Snip and Pigeon SWOON over Mitch, and Percy and Snip FREAK OUT over Mr. Charles. Pigeon spends most of the episode judging Snip and Percy. Discussion topics include: -Laura and Barbara Bush scissoring together -Horse dinner? -How to have fun while bowling without losing your self-respect -Mitch plans the best dates -There …
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Whit and Mary scissor — er, I mean, they share a pair of scissors to cut the ribbon at Whit’s End Connellsville in the opening scene of GRAND OPENING, PART 1. AREM comes back (also, he's a Latino musician!), we find Mitch's first-ever flaw, and we get to meet Larry (the human, not the cucumber). Discussion topics include: -9/11 -The Ceaucescu dicta…
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We’re back from our unannounced, unexpected, and unnoticed mental health hiatus (we got sad). It’s time to get into album 37 with STRANGE BOY IN A STRANGE LAND! Mandy and Sarah are on a camping trip, but their trip gets interrupted when they stumble upon the previously missing Jared, Odyssey’s gay Alex Jones. We learn a bit about Andromeda — and as…
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