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show episodes

Piąte: Nie zabijaj

Justyna Mazur

Życia, które skończyły się zbyt wcześnie. Zaginięcia bez śladu. Sprawy, o których nie sposób zapomnieć. Twarze, które pamięta się na długo. Wybór najciekawszych spraw o tematyce kryminalnej w podcaście Justyny Mazur.
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Piano Puzzler

American Public Media

Every week on Performance Today™, Bruce Adolphe re-writes a familiar tune in the style of a classical composer. We get one of our listeners on the phone, and our caller listens to Bruce play his Piano Puzzler™. They then try to do two things: name the hidden tune, and name the composer whose style Bruce is mimicking. From American Public Media.
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Piątek - serial oryginalny

Video Brothers Music

Komedia z elementami dramatu prezentująca życie Grzegorza Kowalskiego (w tej roli Grzegorz "Dakann" Barański), 35-letniego kawalera z Warszawy, borykającego się z problemami psychicznymi, będącymi następstwem życia w dysfunkcyjnej rodzinie. Bohater w zderzeniu z polską rzeczywistością stara się przetrwać i do końca nie oszaleć. Podcast bazuje na narracji w formie przemyśleń Kowalskiego i nawiązuje do kultowej produkcji o tym samym tytule, podanej w dużo lepszej jakości. Zapraszamy do odsłuch ...
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Piano Music Room

Chair House

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Piano Finally is a podcast by an old bloke who is learning the piano, finally. I cover the process of learning the piano and music theory as an adult learner. I also review piano books, hardware and other materials from an adult learner's perspective.
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Welcome to Piano Meditations Podcast by Blake Rowe. For the past six years (with occasional breaks), Wednesday nights have been devoted to creating freely improvised music for about 45 minutes. Known melodies may come to mind and may be explored, but the pieces are primarily “spontaneously composed”. The music tends to follow an arc from introspective to energetic and back again. The first few notes become a motif to be explored; sometimes a piece is more structured and and other times more ...
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Join atWork Australia Brand Ambassador and Paralympian, Shaun Pianta, as he speaks with a range of guests with lived experience, as well as industry experts who can provide insight into services available to those who require additional support. These candid conversations will highlight a range of different life stories, experiences and how despite it all, work truly is for everyone.
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Pia og psyken

Bauer Media

Vi er alle mennesker som gjør så godt vi kan, men vi er også omgitt av strukturer og systemer som påvirker oss. Fungerer systemene som de skal? Og hvis ikke, hvordan kan de bli bedre? Pia og psyken starter opp igjen, med en liten vri: Nå rettes lyskasteren mot strukturene innen blant annet psykisk helsevern og skole. Design: Alexander Solbakken Musikk: Matias Grinde
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Piano Tech Radio Hour

Piano Technicians Masterclasses

"Inspiring the Future of the Piano Tech Community" Each Saturday at 2 pm ET we'll meet via video stream with a special guest. In continuing support of you as a quarantined piano technician, and in your life beyond, it's another free resource brought to you by Piano Technicians Masterclasses. For more information visit: http://www.pianotechradio.com
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Welcome to The Piano Pantry Podcast where together we live life as independent music teachers. Listen in with Amy Chaplin, your host, as we talk about everything from running and organizing a studio business to getting dinner on the table and all that comes between.
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Pia liest

Pia-Rhona Saxe

Hereinspaziert und durchgegruselt! :) Kleine Warnung: Hier werden zumeist gruselige Geschichten gelesen; sie können explizite Gewaltdarstellung und Horrorelemente enthalten. Ihr Lieben, schön, dass ihr hergefunden habt. Hier lese ich urheberrechtsfreie Kurzgeschichten vor oder solche, von denen der Rechteinhaber mir erlaubt hat, sie zu lesen. Jeden letzten Samstag im Monat gibt es dabei eine meist gruselige Geschichte, die ich inzwischen mit Geräuschen, Musik und Ambient-Sounds versehe, um e ...
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Calm Pills are ad-free, multi-artist ambient albums, seamlessly mixed to help with relaxation, meditation, reading or deep sleep. Mostly consisting of instrumental ambient sounds, natural soundscapes and soft piano music, these mixes will help you completely relax your mind and body. Also available as 24/7 online radio and through Alexa smart speakers: CalmRadio.UpliftingPills.com
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The Street Pianist

Clare Sudbery

Welcome to The Street Pianist! A celebration of all the delightful musicians who play street piano, even when nobody’s listening. I'm Clare Sudbery (@ClareSudbery on Insta and, well, pretty much everywhere). I'm an amateur singer and pianist, and after appearing on season 2 of The Piano TV show in 2024, I discovered just how many street pianists there are with great stories to tell. On the second Monday of every month, I'll be sharing another interview with one of the many pianists I've enco ...
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Piath is us... https://www.patreon.com/piath Welcome to Piath Flaix Songs, the podcast where music transforms into a transcendent experience. This space is dedicated to those who seek to find the light of truth through musical vibrations, guided by Piath’s gift and destiny. Each episode of Piath Flaix Songs is a unique journey through sounds that resonate with the energy of the universe. Here, Piath shares a curated selection of songs that not only delight the ears but also inspire the soul. ...
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Du erfährst von mir, wie du mit den richtigen A-Mitarbeitern umsetzt, wächst und langfristig erfolgreich bist. Die große Frage ist, wie können Betriebe wie wir, die nicht mit Fremdkapital arbeiten, sondern ihr eigenes Geld ausgeben, wie können wir gesunde, erfolgreiche und menschenfreundliche Unternehmen aufbauen? Wie können wir wachsen und dabei profitabel bleiben. Das ist die Frage und dieser Podcast gibt dir die Antworten! 🚀 Abonniere meine Newsletter: https://www.coveto.de/newsletter 🚀 H ...
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Según el FBI, un asesino en serie es quien comete tres asesinatos o más, en un período extenso, con un intervalo entre cada crimen. Por el contrario, el llamado asesino en masa es aquel que mata a un grupo de personas en un mismo momento Sebastián Camelo @el__arracadas nos trae en este podcast en español las historias más terroríficas de los asesinos en serie, detalles y cosas nunca antes contadas de estos monstruos.
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It's November 2006 and piano player Derek Conlon is unwittingly sucked into one of the world’s most notorious assassinations when ex-KGB spy Alexander Litvinenko is attacked with the nuclear poison — Polonium 210, in London’s 5-Star Millennium Hotel. Witness, suspect and possibly a target of the Russia state, Derek Conlon’s fate hangs in the balance. From Sky News StoryCast.
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Podcast Piano Finanziario

Piano Finanziario Podcast

Il Podcast di Finanza Personale di Giorgio Pecorari. Idee, Libri e suggerimenti per investire meglio il proprio denaro e il proprio tempo. Prenota gratuitamente un appuntamento su www.pianofinanziario.it/informazioni
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Welcome to ‘Stories from Under the Piano’. In each episode, a guest shares a personal story, and Craig responds with a spontaneous piano piece that evokes the emotions and mood of their story. I’m Craig Addy, your host. I'm the Musician Who Listens to the Listener. This podcast offers a glimpse into the world of ‘Under the Piano’, an immersive musical experience I’ve been providing since 2009. Over 1,000 people have discovered comfort, connection, and healing through these sessions, featurin ...
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Conversazioni inclinate tra la Terra e Marte. Con Alexandra Nistor e l'Alieno Gentile, si parla di economia con un linguaggio chiaro e senza tecnicismi perché l'economia è di tutti. Newsletter del podcast disponibile qui: https://tinyletter.com/PianoInclinato Newsletter di Alieno Gentile: https://alienogentile.substack.com/ il nostro sito: http://www.pianoinclinato.it email: redazione@pianoinclinato.it
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Piano + Sounds

Elijah Bossenbroek

This podcast started in the Summer of '22 really as a way to encourage me to play through my old compositions and keep me sharp for when I perform live. The focus of these shows has sort of shifted as I started to get feedback and seeing that people are actually listening to them and connecting with them. Now I'm taking my time a little more with each episode and focusing more on the quality of the content in hopes that we can grow something special here. If you enjoy Piano + Sounds as much ...
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The Piano Sensei Way

Clinton Pratt

The Piano Sensei Way is a podcast where I help piano teachers minimize stress and maximize success! I share my way of doing things, which in my opinion is the best way! It’s similar to Mr. Miyagi in the movie The Karate Kid where he tells Daniel to wax the car, sand the floor, and paint the fence. Daniel thought he was crazy just doing Mr. Miyagi’s chores for him. But Mr. Miyagi knew what he was doing! He was training Daniel’s muscle memory so he could defend himself! Similarly, I am so conf ...
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Piąte Okrążenie

Piąte Okrążenie

"Piąte Okrążenie" to podcast, w którym co tydzień omawiany minione dni w żużlu oraz zapowiadamy, co nas czeka w weekend! Słuchaj najlepszego audioshow o czarnym sporcie!
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Step by step educational piano lessons with PianoSecrets. We will explain and analyze in detail rhythm, melody and harmony providing you with a wealth of musical knowledge, giving you the tools to discover what playing the piano is all about.
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Welcome to The Prosperous Piano Teacher! I’m Ashlee Young, pianist, instructor, and business coach, and I’m here to help you dream big about what your studio COULD be if you are willing to open your mind and level up your business skills. I’m going to share the tangible strategies that I’ve learned for streamlining and scaling your studio so that you can align your business to work FOR your life instead of letting your business control your life. If you’re ready to increase your income WITHO ...
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show series
Empezamos esta nueva temporada con una historia de hace poco más de un siglo, que aunque algunos pudieran decir que eran otras épocas, y que no se puede juzgar con la mirada de hoy, en realidad da cuenta del origen de todas las desigualdades causadas por los mismos que hoy pontifican sobre el respeto a la vida y los derechos humanos. La historia de…
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Mystery von Oliver Kohl WARNUNGDie heutige Geschichte enthält sehr plastische Darstellung von Gewalt und Mord. 00:01 - 10:30 Min.: Begrüßung und Update10:31 Min. - Ende: Geschichte ,,Blutkerzen" Teil 1 von Oliver Kohl Liebe Hörerherzchen, heute gibt's den zweiten Teil von ,,Blutkerzen" von Oliver Kohl.Er ist Thrillerautor und wenn ihr mehr von ihm …
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🔦 Recruiter ins Rampenlicht - das ist die coveto Regel Nummer 1 und darum geht es heute in diesem Podcast. Wie werde ich auf Linkedin sichtbar? Die Key Learnings aus dem Gespräch mit Cornelia Werrnhart sind: 1. Der beste Zeitpunkt mit Linkedin zu starten war vor 10 Jahren, der zweitbeste Zeitpunkt ist jetzt - Lieber unperfekt starten, als völlig un…
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Hvis en rik person gir råtten mat til en fattig person, ville det være uhørt om den fattige nektet å ta imot «hjelpen»? Og kan denne problemstillingen overføres til vårt psykiske helsevern? Dette er et av temaene Erik Tresse og jeg diskuterer med filosof Lene Auestad.
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a cura di Maria Teresa Ferrante PROGRAMMA Fryderyk Chopin (1810 - 1849) Notturni in do diesis minore per pianoforte, op. 27 n. 1 - Larghetto Ballata n. 2 in fa minore per pianoforte, Op. 38 - Andantino Ferruccio Busoni (1866 - 1924) Elegie "All' Italia! (In modo napolitano) ", BV 249 n. 2 - Andante barcarolo Franz Liszt (1811 - 1886) Mephistowalzer…
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このブラウザでは再生できません。 再生できない場合、ダウンロードは🎵こちら I saw a cloud of palest hue onward to the moon it passed ★AIを活用してのアート制作を毎日行っていますが、最近は1日80枚程度の作品を創って、それをまとめて電子書籍のイラストブックを創っています。これは毎日創った多数のアートを書籍という資産として残して置けるという意味で最高の創作活動だと考えています。 最近120冊を超えまhしたので、それを記念して紹介動画を創りました。良ければ見てやって下さい。BGMのストリングス音楽は自作です。実はインスピレーションによるストリングス音楽創作も得意なのです… 120冊の表紙紹介ショート動画 https://youtube.c…
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In Episode 77 of Piano Tech Radio Hour, we continue our deep dive into the art of piano restoration in remote environments, focusing once again on the breathtaking Peruvian Andes. This episode features an in-depth conversation with piano technician Jonathan Cleghorn, who shares the next chapter of his journey restoring an antique Chickering piano a…
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Le crisi immobiliari hanno plasmato il mercato del real estate, e le prospettive per Stati Uniti ed Europa hanno tratti in comune e divergenze. Per comprendere l'economia, bisogna comprendere la natura umana. Puoi trovarci su tutte le piattaforme di podcast, inclusa la tua preferita. web: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠http://www.PianoInclinato.it⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠…
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Welcome to Jazz Piano Skills; it's time to discover, learn, and play Jazz Piano! Every Jazz Piano Skills weekly podcast episode introduces aspiring jazz pianists to essential Jazz Piano Skills. Each Podcast episode explores a specific Jazz Piano Skill in depth. Today, you will discover, learn, and play "Just Friends." In this Jazz Piano Lesson, you…
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このブラウザでは再生できません。 再生できない場合、ダウンロードは🎵こちら the moonlight gleam and the shadow of a star ★AIを活用してのアート制作を毎日行っていますが、最近は1日80枚程度の作品を創って、それをまとめて電子書籍のイラストブックを創っています。これは毎日創った多数のアートを書籍という資産として残して置けるという意味で最高の創作活動だと考えています。 最近120冊を超えまhしたので、それを記念して紹介動画を創りました。良ければ見てやって下さい。BGMのストリングス音楽は自作です。実はインスピレーションによるストリングス音楽創作も得意なのです… 120冊の表紙紹介ショート動画 https://youtube.com/shorts/rS…
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Do you want people to recognize your studio name around town? Have you thought about ways to get name recognition? Wouldn’t it be great if people searched for piano lessons in your area, and when they saw your website they immediately recognized it and said, “Oh, yea, let’s check them out!” In today’s very short episode, I share some fairly inexpen…
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Ti sei perso l'evento formativo gratuito "Strategie avanzate per moltiplicare il tuo patrimonio"? Guarda la replica su https://www.pianofinanziario.it/patrimonio 👈🏻 📽 In questo video, commentiamo i nuovi massimi dell'S&P500 e parliamo delle iniziative di stimolo dal mercato azionario cinese. Per approfondire, guarda il video "LA FED TAGLIA I TASSI!…
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Welcome to another episode of “Stories from Under the Piano”, where personal tales come to life through the magic of music. In this episode, I am joined by Alfred DePew, an award-winning author, painter, coach, and spiritual guide, as he takes us on a transformative journey into the Akashic Records — a mystical dimension of knowledge and wisdom tha…
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Elizabeth Davis-Everhart shares how she uses Google Classroom as a communication and assignment-delivery method in her independent studio. Subscribe Join Amy’s email list Support the Podcast https://pianopantry.com/patreon Transcript Find the full transcript and show notes (including any links mentioned) here: https://pianopantry.com/podcast/episod…
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Sky News’ Yalda Hakim and NBC’s Richard Engel have covered world events for years. Now, they team up for a new podcast to share their experiences from the frontline. They debrief from global flashpoints and discuss their encounters with the biggest decision makers. They’ll also be joined by some of those key players to help make sense of world even…
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Ti sei perso il webinar gratuito ORO O MAI PIÚ? Guarda la replica su https://www.pianofinanziario.it/oro 👈🏻 📽 In questo video, approfondiamo i rendimenti incredibili che l'oro ha avuto dall'inizio dell'anno, il vero motivo per cui sta aumentando il suo prezzo e quali sono altri fenomeni macroeconomici che stanno influendo sull'andamento del prezzo …
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このブラウザでは再生できません。 再生できない場合、ダウンロードは🎵こちら I roved to forget the form I loved ★AIを活用してのアート制作を毎日行っていますが、最近は1日80枚程度の作品を創って、それをまとめて電子書籍のイラストブックを創っています。これは毎日創った多数のアートを書籍という資産として残して置けるという意味で最高の創作活動だと考えています。 最近120冊を超えまhしたので、それを記念して紹介動画を創りました。良ければ見てやって下さい。BGMのストリングス音楽は自作です。実はインスピレーションによるストリングス音楽創作も得意なのです… 120冊の表紙紹介ショート動画 https://youtube.com/shorts/rSQyk8u1tGI?…
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In Episode 76 of Piano Tech Radio Hour, we engage in a dynamic group discussion featuring some fine technicians in the PTRH community, including Jonathan Cleghorn as our featured guest. Additionally, hear insightful contributions from other astute technicians like Jon Ross, Phil Bondi, Robert Wilson, Nancy Salmon, and Diane Hofstetter. Join us as w…
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Ever wondered what it takes to judge a world-class piano competition from your living room? Join me, David Reidy, on the 18th episode of "Piano. Finally," where I recount my humorous attempt at playing judge for the Leeds International Piano Competition finals. I'll share my thoughts on the incredible winner, Jaeden Izik-Dzerko, and his breathtakin…
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このブラウザでは再生できません。 再生できない場合、ダウンロードは🎵こちら dew-drops are the gems of morning ★AIを活用してのアート制作を毎日行っていますが、最近は1日80枚程度の作品を創って、それをまとめて電子書籍のイラストブックを創っています。これは毎日創った多数のアートを書籍という資産として残して置けるという意味で最高の創作活動だと考えています。 最近120冊を超えまhしたので、それを記念して紹介動画を創りました。良ければ見てやって下さい。BGMのストリングス音楽は自作です。実はインスピレーションによるストリングス音楽創作も得意なのです… 120冊の表紙紹介ショート動画 https://youtube.com/shorts/rSQyk8u1tGI?s…
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このブラウザでは再生できません。 再生できない場合、ダウンロードは🎵こちら so think I will that Youth and I are house-mates still ★AIを活用してのアート制作を毎日行っていますが、最近は1日80枚程度の作品を創って、それをまとめて電子書籍のイラストブックを創っています。これは毎日創った多数のアートを書籍という資産として残して置けるという意味で最高の創作活動だと考えています。 最近120冊を超えまhしたので、それを記念して紹介動画を創りました。良ければ見てやって下さい。BGMのストリングス音楽は自作です。実はインスピレーションによるストリングス音楽創作も得意なのです… 120冊の表紙紹介ショート動画 https://youtube.com…
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このブラウザでは再生できません。 再生できない場合、ダウンロードは🎵こちら and tears take sunshine from thine eyes ★チェアハウスのピアノ音楽創作の原点を絵本として記述してみました。小さい頃ピアノの練習が嫌で嫌で放棄した子供が、柔らかくて美しい音楽(実はこれはドビュッシーの「月の光」でしたけど)に触れてピアノが好きになって、そして練習ではなくて、自分でピアノの鍵盤を探検して自分の音楽を創り上げるための世界を構築した経験を童話的に絵本にしてみたのです。まあ死ぬ前に残しておきたかったということです。 ◆電子書籍:199円 @ #amazon #kindle チェアハウス出版 https://amzn.asia/d/3UpuR4n ◆紙絵本(ペーパーバック)…
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*Podporte podcast Piatoček v aplikácii Toldo na ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠sme.sk/extrapiatocek⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ - Stav vládnej koalície pripomína Hry o tróny, Rudo Huliak prerazil nové dno a všetkým ukázal svoje pravé ja, o ktoré nemal nikto príčetný v tejto krajine záujem. Fico sa snažil hodiť zvyšovanie DPH na koalíciu, ale veľmi mu to nevyšlo. A tragédkou týždňa …
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このブラウザでは再生できません。 再生できない場合、ダウンロードは🎵こちら friendship is a sheltering tree ★チェアハウスのピアノ音楽創作の原点を絵本として記述してみました。小さい頃ピアノの練習が嫌で嫌で放棄した子供が、柔らかくて美しい音楽(実はこれはドビュッシーの「月の光」でしたけど)に触れてピアノが好きになって、そして練習ではなくて、自分でピアノの鍵盤を探検して自分の音楽を創り上げるための世界を構築した経験を童話的に絵本にしてみたのです。まあ死ぬ前に残しておきたかったということです。 ◆電子書籍:199円 @ #amazon #kindle チェアハウス出版 https://amzn.asia/d/3UpuR4n ◆紙絵本(ペーパーバック): 1078円 …
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Welcome back to another episode of Candid Conversations with Shaun Pianta. Today's guest, Shane, has made remarkable changes in his life. After experiencing some challenging times throughout his life, as a coping strategy Shane resorted to substance abuse, only making his situation worse. As Shane's life spiraled out of control, he wound up in pris…
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a cura di Maria Teresa Ferrante PROGRAMMA Dmitri Shostakovich (1906 - 1975) dai Ventiquattro preludi e fughe, op. 87, n. 21 - Si bemolle maggiore a tre voci (Allegro - Allegro non troppo) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756 - 1791) Rondò per pianoforte in re maggiore, K 485 - Rondò. Allegro Ferruccio Busoni (1866 - 1924) da Elegie, BV 249 - "All'Italia! …
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このブラウザでは再生できません。 再生できない場合、ダウンロードは🎵こちら friendship is a sheltering tree ★チェアハウスのピアノ音楽創作の原点を絵本として記述してみました。小さい頃ピアノの練習が嫌で嫌で放棄した子供が、柔らかくて美しい音楽(実はこれはドビュッシーの「月の光」でしたけど)に触れてピアノが好きになって、そして練習ではなくて、自分でピアノの鍵盤を探検して自分の音楽を創り上げるための世界を構築した経験を童話的に絵本にしてみたのです。まあ死ぬ前に残しておきたかったということです。 ◆電子書籍:199円 @ #amazon #kindle チェアハウス出版 https://amzn.asia/d/3UpuR4n ◆紙絵本(ペーパーバック): 1078円 …
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Bulgakov fa realizzare al diavolo le idee di Lenin, e a prendere spunto un insospettabile Hitler. Debasare il denaro può distruggere la stabilità di un paese. Per comprendere l'economia, bisogna comprendere la natura umana. Puoi trovarci su tutte le piattaforme di podcast, inclusa la tua preferita. web: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠http://www.PianoInclin…
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Welcome to Jazz Piano Skills; it's time to discover, learn, and play Jazz Piano! Every Jazz Piano Skills weekly podcast episode introduces aspiring jazz pianists to essential Jazz Piano Skills. Each Podcast episode explores a specific Jazz Piano Skill in depth. Today you will discover, learn, and play a jazz piano practice approach that will help y…
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Time to dig into improvisation! It's hard, it's mysterious... but it doesn't have to be. Follow these easy tips to make fast and substantial progress.Also...Have you been trying to learn jazz piano with youtube videos, dvds, teachers but feellike you're still constantly guessing, can't play any tunes without copying what someone else has played, an…
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Ti sei perso l'evento formativo gratuito "Strategie avanzate per moltiplicare il tuo patrimonio"? Guarda la replica su https://www.pianofinanziario.it/patrimonio 👈🏻 📽 In questo video, parliamo del taglio dei tassi d'interesse dello 0.5% da parte della FED e approfondiamo lo stato di salute e di inflazione dell'economia americana. Per approfondire. …
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Ti sei perso l'evento formativo gratuito "Strategie avanzate per moltiplicare il tuo patrimonio"? Guarda la replica su https://www.pianofinanziario.it/patrimonio 👈🏻 📽 In questo video, approfondiamo l'instabilità politica negli Stati Uniti, molto spesso trascurata dagli investitori. Per approfondire. guarda il video "Riuscirà DRAGHI a fermare la LEN…
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Did you know about this huge music video collection? Music theory, holiday, expressive movement, and more. Use for groups, music labs, or online lessons. Subscribe Join Amy’s email list Support the Podcast https://pianopantry.com/patreon Transcript Find the full transcript and show notes (including any links mentioned) here:https://pianopantry.com/…
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このブラウザでは再生できません。 再生できない場合、ダウンロードは🎵こちら flowers are lovely love is flower-like ★チェアハウスのピアノ音楽創作の原点を絵本として記述してみました。小さい頃ピアノの練習が嫌で嫌で放棄した子供が、柔らかくて美しい音楽(実はこれはドビュッシーの「月の光」でしたけど)に触れてピアノが好きになって、そして練習ではなくて、自分でピアノの鍵盤を探検して自分の音楽を創り上げるための世界を構築した経験を童話的に絵本にしてみたのです。まあ死ぬ前に残しておきたかったということです。 ◆電子書籍:199円 @ #amazon #kindle チェアハウス出版 https://amzn.asia/d/3UpuR4n ◆紙絵本(ペーパーバック):…
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Jakie predyspozycje ma kandydat na zawodowego oficera wywiadu lub zawodowego szpiega? Kim jest najlepszy agent? Jak nim zostać? Jak pomóc ochronić kraj w trudnej sytuacji? Jak ze szpiega stać się pisarzem sprzedającym miliony książek? Wysłuchaj rewelacyjnego słuchowiska na podstawie powieści Vincenta V. Severskiego „Plac Senacki. Godzina osiemnasta…
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Katarzyna i Marek wchodzą w dorosłe życie pełne miłości, szczęścia i dobrobytu. Po kilku latach życie tych dwojga, zamienia się w piekło. Jak to możliwe, że do dzisiaj nie znamy odpowiedzi na pytanie co stało się z jednym z nich? Wysłuchaj tego odcinka PRZEDPREMIEROWO już teraz, tylko w Storytel: https://www.storytel.com/pl/c/justynamazur30days Res…
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Unlock the secrets to mastering your piano scales and refining your practice routines with me, David Reidy! This episode promises to elevate your piano journey as I recount my own progress with all 12 major scales and introduce an innovative practice organisation software tool. You'll also discover Matthew Carwood's YouTube channel, a treasure trov…
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このブラウザでは再生できません。 再生できない場合、ダウンロードは🎵こちら all melodies the echoes of that voice ★チェアハウスのピアノ音楽創作の原点を絵本として記述してみました。小さい頃ピアノの練習が嫌で嫌で放棄した子供が、柔らかくて美しい音楽(実はこれはドビュッシーの「月の光」でしたけど)に触れてピアノが好きになって、そして練習ではなくて、自分でピアノの鍵盤を探検して自分の音楽を創り上げるための世界を構築した経験を童話的に絵本にしてみたのです。まあ死ぬ前に残しておきたかったということです。 ◆電子書籍:199円 @ #amazon #kindle チェアハウス出版 https://amzn.asia/d/3UpuR4n ◆紙絵本(ペーパーバック): …
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このブラウザでは再生できません。 再生できない場合、ダウンロードは🎵こちら a new Earth and new Heaven ★チェアハウスのピアノ音楽創作の原点を絵本として記述してみました。小さい頃ピアノの練習が嫌で嫌で放棄した子供が、柔らかくて美しい音楽(実はこれはドビュッシーの「月の光」でしたけど)に触れてピアノが好きになって、そして練習ではなくて、自分でピアノの鍵盤を探検して自分の音楽を創り上げるための世界を構築した経験を童話的に絵本にしてみたのです。まあ死ぬ前に残しておきたかったということです。 ◆電子書籍:199円 @ #amazon #kindle チェアハウス出版 https://amzn.asia/d/3UpuR4n ◆紙絵本(ペーパーバック): 1078円 @ #am…
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このブラウザでは再生できません。 再生できない場合、ダウンロードは🎵こちら life and life's effluence cloud at once and shower ★チェアハウスのピアノ音楽創作の原点を絵本として記述してみました。小さい頃ピアノの練習が嫌で嫌で放棄した子供が、柔らかくて美しい音楽(実はこれはドビュッシーの「月の光」でしたけど)に触れてピアノが好きになって、そして練習ではなくて、自分でピアノの鍵盤を探検して自分の音楽を創り上げるための世界を構築した経験を童話的に絵本にしてみたのです。まあ死ぬ前に残しておきたかったということです。 ◆電子書籍:199円 @ #amazon #kindle チェアハウス出版 https://amzn.asia/d/3UpuR4n ◆紙…
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*Podporte podcast Piatoček v aplikácii Toldo na ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠sme.sk/extrapiatocek⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ - Keďže vládni predstavitelia sa ešte pár mesiacov dozadu zavzdušňovali nad tým, že nepripustia zdražovanie, teraz zvýšili dane. Logicky. No a keďže od toho bolo treba odpútať pozornosť, v parlamente odvolávali Šimečku a síce sa im to podarilo, ale aspoň mal…
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